193 special operations wing commander

Kostenlos fr kommerzielle Nutzung, keine Namensnennung erforderlich. The 193rd Special Operations Wing of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard provides the only _____ platform in the Department of Defense with the EC-130 Commando Solo. The aircraft is the first to arrive to the 193rd Special Operations Wing, marking a symbolic beginning to its new primary mission as the first, and currently only Air National Guard unit to operate the Commando II. The agencies working directly for the wing commander, vice wing commander and the command chief include: the Comptroller Flight, Wing Administration, Public Affairs, Wing Plans, the Inspector General, Staff Judge Advocate, Wing Safety, Equal Opportunity, Chaplain, Command Post and Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection. As 193rd SOW commander, Fink will lead about 2,000 combat-ready Airmen. In 2010, the unit and its aircraft, participated in Operation Unified Response, contributing to the relief efforts in Haiti after it the southern reign of the country was struck by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake. Workload includes: combat restoration, repair, installation, removal or relocation of communications-electronics equipment. Workload includes: combat restoration, repair, installation, removal or relocation of communications-electronics equipment. We will make deliberate investments in our Airmen through mentoring, feedback and growth opportunities to allow you to achieve your goals.. The squadron was equipped with F-51 Mustangs and was assigned to the 112th Fighter Group at Pittsburgh Airport as a Geographically Separated Unit (GSU). Phase I added an information warfare station and air refueling capability, while Phase II called for the removal of mission equipment from the EC-130s and its installation in the EC-130Js. 193 rd SPECIAL OPERATIONS WING. The 193rd now offers something the U.S. military didnt have before, Frankenfield said. As a command pilot, Col. Fink has more than 3,900 hours of military flight time in the T-37, T-38, A/OA-10, C-130J, EC-130J and MQ-9 and is a veteran of operations Southern Watch, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom with 506 hours of combat flight time. Robert Smith assumed responsibilities as 193rd SOW command chief. However, the unit's aircraft contained two difference suites of electronics. In 2001, the Commando Solo aircraft broadcast messages to the local Afghan population and Taliban soldiers during Operation Enduring Freedom. He commissioned in 1993 as an A/OA-10 pilot where he eventually upgraded to evaluator pilot. Lt. Col. Kristian Post assumed command of the 193rd RSG during an assumption of command ceremony held at the Shambach Hall. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was featured in these broadcasts, which contributed to the orderly transition from military rule to democracy. Activated on 1 October 1942 at RAF Duxford, England as the 347th Fighter Squadron. An MC-130J Commando II arrives at the 193rd Special Operations Wing Feb. 2, 2023 at Middletown, Pennsylvania. The modification of C-130Js would be done in two phases. The 193 SOW is the first, and currently the only, Air National Guard unit to receive the Commando II mission, a flagship mission of Air Force Special Operations Command. When these aircraft were not performing "Senior" missions they were used to transport cargo and passengers. In his first address as commander, Fink laid out his top priorities of mission, people and relationships. Several years later in 1989, Volant Solo was instrumental in the success of coordinated psychological operations in Operation Just Cause. [11], In 1992, the 193rd received its first EC-130E upgraded to Commando Solo II configuration. Spezialeinsatzgeschwaders der US-Luftwaffe, beobachtet das Taxi der Air Force Two auf der Fluglinie am 4. The 193rd Special Operations Wing became the first Air National Guard unit to receive an MC-130J Commando II aircraft recently as part of its mission Devin Robinson on LinkedIn: 193rd Special Operations Wing Welcomes New Aircraft, Mission The 148th ASOS provides combat-ready Tactical Air Control Parties for combat maneuver units of the 28th Infantry Division including the 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team. 1. Previously, Fink commanded the 111th Maintenance Group, 193rd SOW Detachment 1, Bollen Air-to-Ground Range and 193rd Special Operations Group. The squadron was re-equipped with F-84C Thunderjets to perform air defense over the Delmarva Peninsula. The MC-130J Commando II is a flagship mission for Air Force Special Operations Command. Following the Arab-Israeli War of June 1967, psychological warfare once again became a U.S. military priority. van Geffan, p. 6. van Geffen indicates that the Commando Solo name change occurred later, when the unit's EC-130Es were modified with Worldwide Color Television and Horizontal Trailing Wire Antennas, in 1997. van Gellen, p. 12. The Commando Solo was again sent into action in 1999 in support of Operation Allied Force. These cool-headed professionals provide essential . Col. Scott Harron and family, welcome to Happy Valley! Alexander Farver), Col. Edward Fink Jr., 193rd Special Operations Wing commander, delivers remarks to attendees during a 193 SOW assumption of command ceremony Oct. 28, 2022, Middletown, Pennsylvania. He has commanded special operations forces at the squadron, group, wing and theater special operations command levels. Oberst Mike Cason, Kommandeur des 193. Robert Smith, 193rd Special Operations Wing command chief, delivers remarks to attendees during an assumption of responsibilities ceremony Oct. 28, 2022, Middletown, Pennsylvania. Threatened by the closure of Olmsted Air Force Base and by the downsizing of all conventionally powered transport aircraft, the National Guard Bureau volunteered the unit for a psychological warfare capability named "Coronet Solo." Its an exciting time to be a part of this team, and I have the utmost confidence we have the right culture and people to continue with a successful mission conversion.. Resiliency, Risk Reduction & Suicide Prevention, 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. 203rd Weather Flight, Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. The ceremony also marked the beginning of another wing leadership tenure as Chief Master Sgt. Commander: Colonel Caleb Nimmo Command Chief: Chief Master Sgt. The Commando II flies clandestine or low visibility single or multi-ship, low-level infiltration, exfiltration and resupply of special operations forces, by airdrop or airland and air refueling missions for special operations helicopters and tiltrotor aircraft, intruding politically sensitive or hostile territories. However, the National Guard Bureau's and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's desire to retain the unit brought a new mission and a numeric designation to the organization, the 140th Aeromedical Transport Squadron which was allotted to the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, and activated on 1 July 1956 using propeller-driven aircraft. The commander of the 111th Operations Group here, who was recently selected to command the 193 Special Operations Wing based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; enjoyed a final farewell from his fellow wingmen at the 111th Attack Wing during a fini-flight celebration September 28, 2022. Then known as Volant Solo, the aircraft acted as an airborne radio station, keeping the citizens of Grenada informed about the U.S. military action. Remained under ADC control after return Reading, was re-designated as a Fighter-Interceptor Squadron. Gen. Michael Regan, Jr., Pennsylvania Air National Guard commander, during an assumption of command ceremony here today. Fact Sheets; AFSOC Senior Leaders; AFSOC Heritage; Commentaries; Features; Photos; Art; About Us. With the end of the line for the Mustang in USAF service, the United States Air Force, in an effort to upgrade to an all jet fighter force, required Air National Guard Air Defense Command units to upgrade to jet-powered aircraft. The 148th ASOS provides combat-ready Tactical Air Control Parties for combat maneuver units of the 28th Infantry Division including the 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team. The MC-130J Commando II is a flagship mission for Air Force Special Operations Command. 919th Special Operations Wing, at Duke Field, Florida, is the command's Reserve special operations wing. We were ready to maintain the Commando II well before it arrived, all while never losing a step in maintaining and launching EC-130s. Ramirez said. Alexander Farver). The Wing is gained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as well as by the United States Air Force and Air Force Special Operations Command. Gen. Michael Regan, Pennsylvania Air National Guard commander (left) and Col. Edward Fink Jr., 193rd Special Operations Wing commander (right) exchange the guidon at an assumption of command ceremony Oct. 28, 2022, Middletown, Pennsylvania. I also know that without competent Airmen who are motivated to serve, we cannot and will not be successful. The Air National Guard Band of the Mid-Atlantic is assigned to the dual missions of supporting regional Air National Guard units through performances in ceremonies, activities and recruiting tours; and public relations concert tours for the Air National Guard and the Total Air Force., Bollen Air-to-Ground Weapons Range, Detachment 1. , Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. You will have to cast a net very far and wide to find a more dedicated and professional Airman, said Regan. In his first speech as commander, Fink outlined his three priorities: mission, people and relationships. The aircraft was tasked to broadcast radio and television into Kosovo to prevent ethnic cleansing and assist in the expulsion of the Serbs from the region. The 271st CBCS is to deploy, operate and maintain tactical communications packages in support of Air Force missions worldwide or civil and disaster-relief missions within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In 1990-91, Commando Solo was deployed to Saudi Arabia and Turkey in support of Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Features Many modifications were made to the basic C-130J to create the EC-130, including enhanced navigation systems, self-protection equipment and air refueling. Tony Harp 193rd Special Operations Wing MIDDLETOWN, Pa. - MIDDLETOWN, Pa. A new commander was appointed to the 193rd Regional Support Group Sept. 21 at Fort Indiantown Gap. The 1st Special Operations Wing (1st SOW) at Hurlburt Field, Fla. is one of five Air Force active duty special operations wings and falls under the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Center, "Why Special Ops Prefer C-130s for Many Missions", "193rd SOW prepares to take on new MC-130J mission", "EC-130J Psychological Warfare Aircraft Performs Final Broadcast", "193rd Special Operations Wing welcomes new aircraft, mission", "Air Force Personnel Services: Unit Awards", "Joint Task Force Proven Force and the Gulf War (part 2)", 193rd Special Operations Wing Association, I.G. The 193 SOW is the first, and currently the only, Air National Guard unit to receive the Commando II mission, a flagship mission of Air Force Special Operations Command. In his first address as commander, Fink laid out his top priorities of mission, people and relationships. Ronald C. Anderson (Mitte), Oberfeldwebel der Air National Guard, spricht am 10. [4] In February, the group was partially mobilized, with 44 officers and 222 enlisted personnel being called to active duty. Fortunately the planes were scared off by U.S. The EC-130J are flown by the 193rd Special Operations Wing, a Pennsylvania Air National Guard unit, gained by Air Force Special Operations Command. Previously, Fink commanded the 111th Maintenance Group, 193rd SOW Detachment 1, Bollen Air-to-Ground Range and 193rd Special Operations Group. In 2003, the Commando Solo II was deployed to the Middle East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The unit was re-equipped, flying the C-46 Commando and in 1958 the C-119 Flying Boxcar. 1 provides specially trained medical personnel as part of a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Task Force and provides critical command and control and life-saving capabilities during major or catastrophic CBRN incidents. Alexander Farver), Chief Master Sgt. In the Spring of 1964, the 140th Aeromedical Transport Squadron's mission and designation changed to 140th Air Transport Squadron and the Air National Guard operation at Olmsted Air Force Base expanded to a group, with the formation of the 168th Air Transport Group. This article incorporates public domain material from the Air Force Historical Research Agency. The members of the 211th EIS are Above All Others in providing C41 communications capabilities to our nation, state, and community. A typical mission consists of a single-ship orbit offset from the desired target audience - either military or civilian personnel. The unit is expected to transition to the MC-130J Commando II over a period of 2 years.[13][14]. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Gen. Michael ReganJr., Pennsylvania Air National Guard commander, during an assumption of command ceremony here Oct. 28. Courses of instruction include power production, engineering, electrical, HVAC, water and fuel systems maintenance, structures, operations and services. Col . Plan. The unit was called to active federal service on 1 February 1951 for duty in the Korean War. , Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. Fink and Smith take charge at a critical time and will oversee the wing aircraft re-missioning from the EC-130J to the MC-130J. Photo By Master Sgt. [10] Its missions included broadcasting the "Voice of the Gulf" and other highly successful programs intended to convince Iraqi soldiers to surrender. Ronald C. Anderson herunterladen. 6 Oct 1980; 193d Special Operations Group, 15 Nov 1983; 193d Special Operations Wing, 1 Jun 1995-. Prior to his current position, Fink served as commander of the 111th Operations Group atBiddle Air National Guard Base, Pa. As 193rd SOW commander, Fink will lead about 2,000 combat-ready Airmen. Full-time federal technicians are the nucleus of the wing. The Airmen of the 193rd are our competitive advantage, Fink said. While the 193rd SOMXG is prepared to maintain the aircraft, the 193rd Special Operations Group is postured to fly them immediately. I can assure you that I and the rest of your leadership team are laser-focused on developing you as the future leaders of this organization. 211th Engineering Installation Squadron The Lightning Force Academy is committed to developing the level of knowledge and skill needed to train personnel to support the Engineering Installation mission, both active-duty and ANG. The 140th Aeromedical Transport Squadron was bestowed the lineage and history of the inactivated Pennsylvania ANG 148th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. which is a temporary joint special operations forces command formed to conduct special operations in a specific joint operations area. Gen. Michael Regan, Jr., Pennsylvania Air National Guard commander, during an assumption of command ceremony here today. SOW in Middletown, Pennsylvania. An official website of the United States government. AFOMO Letter 777n, 13 September 1967, Subject: Constitution and Allotment of Air National Guard Units. The 193rd Air Operations Group in State College officially welcomed its new commander yesterday. 193rd Special Operations Force Support Squadron, 193rd Special Operations Medical Group The Commando II is the special operations workhorse, in that it performs many different types of missions, and performs them well, Ramirez said. In his first speech as commander, Fink outlined his three priorities: mission, people and relationships. Full story and photos here: https://www.193sow.ang.af.mil//new-commander-appointed-at/ #193AOG #PANG #AirNationalGuard #HappyValley #193SOW The aircraft is the first to arrive to the 193rd Special Operations Wing, marking a symbolic beginning to its new primary mission as the first, and currently only Air National Guard unit to operate the Commando II. Soon after the 193rd SOW received EC-130s, the Air National Guard unit participated in the rescue of American citizens in Operation Urgent Fury in 1983. The first MC-130J Commando II aircraft arrived at Middletown, on February 2, 2023, achieving a major milestone in the 193rd Special Operations Wing's mission conversion. In 1996, Commando Solo was dispatched on short notice to the Balkans in order to broadcast information that ultimately led to the successful implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina. Frankenfield sees the Commando IIs arrival to Pennsylvania as an important strategic move both domestically and abroad. I vow to be consistent and transparent while providing you with the why.. The REOTS mission is to provide additional readiness training for upgrading proficiency levels of civil engineer heavy equipment operators, throughout the Department of Defense. In 1994, Commando Solo was used to broadcast radio and TV messages to the citizens and leaders of Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy. The members of the 211th EIS are Above All Others in providing C41 communications capabilities to our nation, state, and community. In 1966 the group became the 168th Military Airlift Group. Bild von Obermeister Sgt. Nick Kurpier ( Hurlburt Field, Fla.) Air National Guard & Air Force Reserve Units 137th Special Operations Wing (Will Rogers ANG Base, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) 193rd Special Operations Wing (Harrisburg International Airport, Middletown, Penn.) Smith entered the U.S. Air Force in 1987 as an aerospace ground equipment apprentice and has deployed in support of numerous operations to include operations Provide Comfort, Northern Watch, Southern Watch, Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom and Unified Protector. As the only airborne Military Information Support Operations broadcasting unit, the 193rd SOW maintains a very high operations tempo and deploys in numerous contingencies throughout the world. The 193rd deployed guardsmen on temporary duty for periods of thirty to sixty days to support this mission. In 1994, Commando Solo was used to broadcast radio and TV messages to the citizens and leaders of Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy. On 17 September 2022, the wing made its last broadcast with an EC-130J during an airshow at Lancaster Airport, Pennsylvania. Definition. You will have to cast a net very far and wide to find a more dedicated and professional Airman, said Regan. Smith entered the U.S. Air Force in 1987 as an Aerospace Ground Equipment Apprentice and has deployed in support of numerous operations to include operations Provide Comfort, Northern Watch, Southern Watch, Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom and Unified Protector. The 193rd Special Operations Wing at Harrisburg International Airport, Pennsylvania . The wing was organized as a group, the 193rd Tactical Electronic Warfare Group. As a Pennsylvania Air National Guard unit, these Airmen essentially wear two hats. The 193rd Special Operations Wing of the Air National Guard (ANG) has received its first MC-130J Commando II aircraft as part of its mission conversion to a flagship mission of the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). The ceremonial passing of the guidon to Fink marks the beginning of his command of the 193rd SOW. There could be no more perfect time for Colonel Ed Fink to return to the 193rd as your commander, said Regan. On 26 March, the unit demobilized and returned to Harrisburg. Sgt Aaron Garner, 193rd Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, marshalls an MC-130J Commando II Feb. 2, 2023 at Middletown, Pennsylvania. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Ramon Colon-Lopez when he assumed the billet of Command Chief. The 193rd Special Operations Wing of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard provides the only _____ platform in the Department of Defense with the EC-130 Commando Solo. New aircraft and a new mission are on the horizon. Full-time federal technicians are the nucleus of the wing. They were hung there by a PJ, Chief Master Sgt. More than 450 technicians support the wing in day-to-day operations. The 193rd SOW is the first - and currently the only - wing in the Air National Guard to take on this mission, which helps guarantee relevancy for the wing for years to come. Alexander Farver), Chief Master Sgt. 193rd Special Operations Security Forces Squadron [6] Throughout the 1970s, the wing earned a reputation as being the most deployed Air National Guard unit, sometimes deploying 10 times in a single year.[4]. airborne psychological operations The Air Forces Battlefield Airmen or ________ Teams frequently operate with Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, and Special Forces in direct action, airfield seizure, and personnel recovery missions in . In peacetime, the unit serves under the governor of Pennsylvania, bolstering missions such as support to civilian authorities during natural disaster or homeland security. In response, Tactical Air Command began to test a tactical electronic warfare support system that would be installed on C-121s, named Coronet Solo. Their primary job is to provide mission planning of direct combat air support and operate and supervise communications nets to support Air Force air resources and Army ground maneuver units. The Reading Airport Commission and National Guard authorities found themselves in a conflict over the use of Reading Municipal Airport for tactical jet operations. 193rd Air Intelligence Squadron In 2003, the Commando Solo was deployed to the Middle East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Five Airmen from the 193rd Special Operations Wing (SOW) were recognized as Outstanding Airmen of the Year at the 193rd SOW Aug. 6 in Middletown,. , Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. In that role, Smith advised on all issues relating to mission effectiveness, health, morale, readiness, enlisted development and mentoring of 520 Airmen. Air Force Special Operations Command was established May 22, 1990, with headquarters at Hurlburt Field, Florida. Throughout the Global War on Terror, the Commando Solo was deployed to the Middle East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The 353rd Special Operations Wing is the United States Air Force special forces contribution to the U.S. Special Operations Command, Pacific, a subcommand of the United States Pacific Command. They provide management continuity to keep the units combat ready. In 2002, it was announced that the unit would replace three of its EC-130Es with EC-130Js. I have known Ed Fink for over 30 years, and feel very qualified to provide you with this assessment. . Special Operations Maintenance Group, Pennsylvania Air National Guard, spricht whrend seiner Pensionierungszeremonie am 19. Col. Edward Fink Jr., 193rd Special Operations Wing commander, delivers remarks to attendees during a 193 SOW assumption of command ceremony Oct. 28, 2022, Middletown, Pennsylvania. Provide a quality, realistic, tactical range environment for air-to-ground, airdrop and Joint Terminal Attack Controller training to ensure the combat readiness of flying units throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region.

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193 special operations wing commander

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