how did sam the bartender die on gunsmoke

In Search of the Old West with an English Cowboy. As a young man, he had a variety of odd jobs including working as a courier for a jewelry business, loading and unloading railway boxcars, as well as a stint as a logger in Idaho. I read James was a real joker and played pranks on the cast all the time. Watching it right now and I just wanted to say thanks for all of your hard work. Did Amanda Blake wear a wig on Gunsmoke? Who is the real monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein? I dont work. He is best remembered for his role as the town drunk, 'Louie Pheeters' in the television western, "Gunsmoke" from 1961 to 1970. . Met him at a county fair in eastern Washington 1 year before he died. Here Ken Curtis tells the story in Festus own words. Glenn Strange played Sam the Bartender on Gunsmoke. If you havent seen that nighttime soap, check it out its got one heck of a cast. When did Sam become the bartender on Gunsmoke? He returned toward the end of the show following his recovery. Alright, lets get the Hell into Dodge! However, its his work in Gunsmoke that well always remember and love him for. Glenn Strange was born in Weed, New Mexico, on August 16, 1899. A portion of that interview appeared in an article on Weavers death in The Los Angeles Times. Amanda Blake (Kitty) was the second original to go in 1989, followed by Ken Curtis (Festus also not an original) in 1991, Dennis Weaver (Chester) in 2006, and James Arness (Matt) in 2011. i would like to know about cast member louie pheebers the town drunk on gunsmoke, Just because you asked, I added a post about Louie Pheeters. How many different bartenders did they have on Gunsmoke? He is quite secretive about his personal life. May the good lord watch over the actors that portrayed the people in this wonderful work of art. He loved the role and could have easily appeared in all 635 episodes. Ouch. That actor, was none other than Burt Reynolds. did amanda blake wear a wig on gunsmoke. It was after Gunsmoke that he continued to get regular work. 19371973 Why did Sam the bartender leave Gunsmoke? When the demand for western movies faded in the 1950s, Strange made his way into television productions where he appeared in numerous westerns. I wish they could bring them all back, I go to net flex to see the old ones ,and I still watch Andy Griffiths too, No one can write scripts like those any more . Diamond Steel > Blog > Uncategorized > how did sam the bartender die on gunsmoke. Every Marshall needs a right-hand man, and Matt Dillon could count on Chester Goode. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. She used falls and hair pieces to make herself look more Kitty-like, and continued to wear them in the series. Lets hear your thoughts in the comments. They poison the land. university of phoenix alumni license plate frame. Buck Taylor, best known to Gunsmoke fans as Newly OBrien, turns 83 years old on Thursday, May 13. He was 61 years old. His death came just five years after Gunsmoke ended. Death. Do you think that the show still resonates with audiences today? Gunsmoke: Michael Landons Best Friend Victor French Held Record for Most Guest Appearances on the Show. us passport photo checker jeremy davies car accident when did sam the bartender leave gunsmoke. Sounds like a healthy addiction to have. Hold it, its time to talk about The Marshall of Dodge City, Matt Dillon, Justice incarnate. I wish I would have met Matt Dillon before he died. Born on August 9, 1944, Elliott made his big screen debut in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969). Hes now 83 years old. Her personal life was a bit less of a steady success story. Movies. Heck, I am watching Gunsmoke now on my computer at 5am. : Ive been a gunsmoke fan for as long as I can remember. Kitty moved back to New Orleans. Simon Oakland, a character actor who appeared in dozens of plays, films and television shows, died at his home here on Monday. Gunsmoke was the classic Western tale of a troubled town that needed someone to make sure that law and order was enforced. One died during the run of the show, in 1973, at the age of 74Glenn Strange, a real New Mexico cowboy who played Sam the bartender. And I think Buck Taylor is the Ultimate Cowboy! Festus Haggen served as a structural replacement for the departure of Chester Goode. The show was picking up steam the years Thad was a character. Strange died on Sept. 23, 1973, from lung cancer at 74 years old. Here are some pieces of it: What kind of guitar did Glenn Strange play? Blake came back to play Miss Kitty in Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge, the TV movie that brought everyone back to Dodge City, Kansas, one last time. She was a mainstay on the show, however, she decided to leave her role after 19 years. And, yes, Kitty became half owner with Bill Pence in Daddy-O, and that half ownership is referred to in the third season, but I have not noticed any formal notice made (yet) of when she became full owner. In particular, when did sam the bartender leave gunsmoke; punkie johnson wife photos; Select Page. Sent. It took a lot of digging to find out what happened to him after the show. The regulars who are still with us are: Roger Ewing (Thad Greenwood), who is 73; Buck Taylor (Newly OBrien), who is 77; and Burt Reynolds (Quint Asper), who is 79. This is a odd coincidence as his father was a bartender in real-life back in Cross Cut. Roger Ewing Death Fact Check, Birthday & Age | Dead or Inside Milburn Strange died on Sept. 23, 1973, from lung cancer at 74 years old. pua unemployment ma login weekly claim. Sadly, Amanda Blake dying of aids is not an urban legend. On Gunsmoke, he played Sam Noonan - the towering bartender. The Expanse Acceleration Drug, After having played the monster three times, Karloff tired of the role, and Universal had to find another actor to star in its Frankenstein sequels. Cried for Festus as he was treating Doc Adams rattlesnake wound. He was 88. Its an episode well worth seeing and Im glad to hear the Woodward is still around. Movies. She had a sleazeball boyfriend (younger) that gave her the disease. These three guys had one thing in common They were all cast for the purpose of bringing youth and new energy to the aging Gunsmokeseries. lol! She may not have been the first American actress to so. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Glenn Strange was born on August 16, 1899, Weed, New Mexico Birth Name: George Glenn Strange He died on September 20, 1973 in Los Angeles, California of lung cancer Release Calendar DVD Despite getting the bypass surgery in 1971 (the time when he had to exit Gunsmoke for a bit), nine years later in 1980, he died of a heart attack at age 75. It was extracted from a group photo taken when he ran for the Moro Bay, California city council. Much of his later roles involved acting alongside classic Western hero John Wayne. I wished he had been in may more episodes. Dennis Weaver/Cause of death It was so well-loved that it went from airing for 30 minutes to an entire hour. The fiddle Sam lost two brothers in the Civil War. One legendary actor died throughout the shows run, in 1973, at the age of 74Glenn Unusual, an actual New Mexico cowboy who performed the character named Sam, the bartender. I also find Festus a bit annoying. The writing was still strong and they werent under the pressure to tone down the violence yet. Barry from Birmingham ! theodore wilson obituary. Wasnt he the first to go? How old was Glenn Strange when he started singing? Its been 36 years since Gunsmoke left the airwaves, but TVs favorite western lives on in re-runs. BettmannGetty Images. In 1973, he succumbed to lung cancer. Who replaced Sam the bartender on Gunsmoke? Sadly, most of those stars are gone. Strange and his cousin, Taylor Curtis Cactus Mack McPeters, joined the Arizona Wranglers a group of singing cowboys. Oh darn it! I loved Thad the most on the show next to Matt Dillon of course. He appeared in over 600 episodes and became one of the favorite supporting characters. One died during the run of the show, in 1973, at the age of 74Glenn Strange, a real New Mexico cowboy who played Sam the bartender. Shortly afterward, he . In 1971 he starred in Steven Spielbergs TV movie Duel, and he starred in the title role of McCloud from 1970 to 1977. Sam Malone is the bartender from the TV show Cheers. Happy Trails All ! Blake did have throat cancer, but that wasn't the reason that she died, said Dr. Lou Nishimura . Performed in "Desert Hell" in 1958. But the main reason for the shows success was its onscreen talent. Sometime in 1959, Ellis was billed as Georgia . In the television series, Matt Dillon was played by actor James Arness. I would be happy doing nothing but that. Sam had died, Quint and Chester had both moved on to California. Accordingly, How did Sam leave Gunsmoke? Amanda Blake had spent much of her early career working in films. I have tried over and over again to have a sign autographs of buck Taylor. Menu . One cant speak of fast draw shooting without mentioning Arvo Ojala. Cousin of Rex Allen, Cactus Mack and Lee Lasses White. Why did sam the bartender leave gunsmoke? Gunsmoke is an American radio and television Western drama series created by director Norman Macdonnell and writer John Meston.It is set in and around Dodge City, Kansas, in the 1870s, during the settlement of the American West.The central character is lawman Marshal Matt Dillon, played by William Conrad on radio and James Arness on television. The last year of B&W and first year of color. When asked why she quit her role, she joked Nineteen years is a hell of a long time for someone to be stuck behind a bar.. They never said that Floyd had a stroke or anything, but he used his stammer to the character's advantage. Thats Morgan Woodward. However, most of the main characters from the show have ridden into the final sunset. Refused an offer to appear as Festus Haggen in the movie Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge (1987), which reunited James Arness, Amanda Blake, Buck Taylor and Fran Ryan from the original series. Listening to him gets tiresome and the novelty wears off. Buck Taylor/Age Im from Uranus. He actually failed his first audition but requested to be given a second chance. He first appeared on Gunsmoke in 1959 and assumed several roles on the long-running program before he was permanently cast as stolid bartender Sam Noonan, a role he played from 1961 until 1973. Burt Reynolds never stopped working with the film An Innocent Kiss being released after his death. Missed most of the episodes because I went into the Service in 1962 and was stationed in Italy, Japan, Philippines and Taiwan until 1980. he was so handsome !! Hold it, it's time to talk about The Marshall of Dodge City, Matt Dillon, Justice incarnate. It was in March of 1971 that Stone had heart In 1987, CBS aired the reunion TV movie Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge. In 2000, he was memorialized in the Dodge City Trail of Fame. Weaver died of complications from cancer Friday at his home in Ridgway, in southwestern Colorado, said his publicist, Julian Myers. Always hoped I would be like Matt but in reality I suppose I was more like Festus. Is the Waltons house still standing? But this actor would eventually become larger than life and will always be considered as an icon of American entertainment. Amanda Blake's last episode on "Gunsmoke" was "The Disciple," which originally aired on April 1, 1974. He is the reckless scientist who unleashed a creature on society that was helpless to combat the horrors and rejection that society placed on him due to his differences. Iconic Western Gunsmoke ran for so long, it's almost harder to find a Sixties character actor who didn't show up at one time or another in Dodge City. 21 (AP) Glenn Strange, who portrayed Dr. Frankenstein's monster in films and Sam Noonan, the big, leathery bartender in the tele vision series "Gunsmoke" for 11 years,. 8 What kind of movies did Glenn Strange appear in? There were 635 episodes and many of the outdoor scenes for this show were shot in Johnson Canyon near Kanab, Utah. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The setting of Gunsmoke is Dodge City, Kansas during the 1870s. According to reports, Berkowitz, now 67 years old, is currently housed in Shawangunk Correctional Facility in upstate New York, following time in a psychiatric hospital and . Despite getting the bypass surgery in 1971 (the time when he had to exit Gunsmoke for a bit), nine years later in 1980, he died of a heart attack at age 75. HELL I need a life. This is a odd coincidence as his father was a bartender in real-life back in Cross Cut. He had an affinity with the Western genre and began taking on roles in Western films and TV shows. Today he would be shot down like a dog for nothing. Menu. Victor here acts as a monster because he views his creature with disgust and refuses to help it. They aint never left their blood in the grass, holdin it from Injuns, n bears, n blizzards, n droughts, n anything else the devil can throw at you. everyone on the show was really good. Saw Amanda Blake and James Arness with Joel Macrae in Will There Be Any Stars in My Crown. With Gunsmoke they gave us one of the greatest shows in the history of American television. The episode, "The Sharecroppers," aired in 1975 and revolved around Deputy Festus Haggen, who accidentally. And was told I would get one. Jo Johnson. Gunsmoke Radio and Tv Shows. He certainly evolved throughout Gunsmoke.Initially Arness based The Marshall off his radio counterpart, but since Gunsmoke was America's longest-running action show until Law and Order, Arness had plenty of time to mold the character into his own. This has been quite the return to Dodge. All I do is watch Gunsmoke everyday on TV land, 7 days a week. Can someone please help me. Who was the bartender on Gunsmoke? Happy Trails.. The show introduced Fran Ryan as Hannah, the new saloon owner. Time to kick your feet up after a hard day in Dodge. September 20, 1973 Welcome to . Thats why the quality of the bottom photo of him (taken around 2008) is so poor. First, after recovering from serious injuries he obtained overseas in WWII, he hitchhiked his way to California and began scoping out agencies and casting calls. This saloon has to be run by a beautiful proprietress. You can find it at which phrase signals a contrast between ideals about marriage 304-539-8172; one level homes in clemmons, nc Thanks for the info. (Wiki) Walter Clarence Taylor, III, known as Buck Taylor (born May 13, 1938), is an American actor best known for his role as gunsmith-turned-deputy Newly O'Brien . The show didnt last long, but it gave Weaver a taste of success and independence hed thirsted for. In 2021, we can expect his final film Defining Moments to get released. Remember when someone was drunk at a bar and breaking bottles on the mirror, that wasnt even a crime. Holidays & Sabbaticals in Tuscany. (LogOut/ Currently ME-T.V. His latest book is Wyatt Earp: Showdown at Tombstone. We need to keep the old western movies going. I get a lot of hits on this post mostly from people wondering about Roger Ewing. This post is about the actors who are still living. He passed away in 2018 from a heart attack. Actor Glenn Strange starred in a number of low-budget westerns and horror films throughout his career, and also was a regular cast member on the television show Gunsmoke. Did Amanda Blake wear a wig on Gunsmoke? The central character is lawman Marshal Matt Dillon, played by William Conrad on radio and James Arness on television. Strange died on Sept. 20, 1973. The shows success was due to its superb writing and direction. In 1998, Elliott appeared in the popular film The Big Lebowski. Is anyone alive from Gunsmoke? Lets take a look back at the cast This may have been the first episode Thad is introduced as a character but the did not make the show any better. The Gunsmoke actors actually drank beer, but the whiskey was tea or colored water. We cant leave off Burt who played Quint Aspen, the half-breed blacksmith who could always win a fight, even without a pistol. Thank you for all this informationvery interesting. A stunt double for James Arness on the hit TV show Gunsmoke, Ben Bates appeared on the hit western series for 25 years. Who did Matt Dillon shoot at the beginning of Gunsmoke? God rest them all. Such an iconic show. His most recent appearance has been as Emmet Walsh in the TV show Yellowstone. The Emmy award-winning show focused on Matt Dillon, a United States Marshal, saddled with maintaining law and order in a town close to the United States border. All that hard work earned him a Hollywood Walk of Fame star, which now honors the late legend who passed in 2011 at the age of 88. Doc was a testy curmudgeon who stayed on the show for most of its duration. Nango Maskin & Transport As. For this, he became relatable and admirable. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. This list contains notable cast members of the Gunsmoke radio and TV series, and TV movies. Who Is Sam Elliott? Why? Casa Colonica; Fienile Menu. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Kitty Russell was played by actress Georgia Ellis on radio, and by Amanda Blake on TV. Buck Taylor's father, Dub Taylor, had a minor role in it. Who can forget the beloved Doc Adams from Gunsmoke? In the original radio series, William Conrad voiced the role of Marshal Matt Dillon. (LogOut/ Enter a Melbet promo code and get a generous bonus, An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. By this time, Gunsmoke had won numerous awards, and Arness new contract reflected that. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. [4] Frankenstein's monster [ edit] Strange (left) and Boris Karloff in the 1944 horror film, House of Frankenstein As the B western started faded off into the sunset in the 1950s, Strange moseyed on over to TV work. What kind of movies did Glenn Strange appear in? How many of the regular cast of Gunsmoke are still alive today? (1944-) Who Is Sam Elliott? The original house that served as the backdrop to Hamner's childhood was built in the early 20th century in the village of Schuyler in Nelson County, where it still stands today . Gunsmoke was the classic Western tale of a troubled town that needed someone to make sure that law and order was enforced. While his role in Gunsmoke was likely his most memorable, Strange had a successful career acting in other. Marshall Trimble is Arizona's official historian. Find this Pin and more on Gunsmoke by Julie Edelman Hartmann. Jim took care of his friends and old actors by giving them small bit parts to keep them working and in the public eye, and they could fade away with class and some dignity. He wrote, James Arness: An Autobiography in 2001 when he was 78. One died during the run of the show, in 1973, at the age of 74Glenn Strange, a real New Mexico cowboy who played Sam the bartender. Arness passed away in 2011. I must tell you good folks that Festis is the man only just behind Marshall Matt Dillon. "Technically she died of liver failure Graving; Massetransport; Entreprenr From 1955 through 1960, the owner of the general store in Dodge City was Dennis Weaver, who played Chester, started his program and had to leave Gunsmoke. He is best remembered for playing Frankenstein's monster in three Universal films during the 1940s and for his role as Sam Noonan, the popular bartender on CBS 's Gunsmoke television series. He was a cousin of cowboy actors Rex Allen Sr. and Taylor Curtis 'Cactus Mack' McPeters. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 72 yr old great granny. I love Thad on Gunsmoke and whished he would have been on the show much longer than he was. He passed away in 1991 from a heart attack in his sleep. In the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, many readers label the creature as a monster because of his physical appearance and Victor as an outcast to everyone around him. A: Matt Dillon (James Arness) and Kitty (Amanda Blake) never married during the series 1955-75 run, although close watchers of the show were convinced they had connected at some time. Is Sarah Strange related to Glenn Strange? One died during the run of the show, in 1973, at the age of 74Glenn Strange, a real New Mexico cowboy who played Sam the bartender. Because Weaver looked too much like the lead character, even next to James Arness. However, its his work in Gunsmoke that well always remember and love him for. Frankensteins monster in films and Sam Noonan, the big, leathery bartender in the tele vision series Gunsmoke for 11 years, died last night of Although Amanda Blake and Buck Taylor also reprised their respective roles, Milburn Stone died seven years before the movie came out. He was also seen on nearly 100 other TV western episodes of "Cisco Kid", "Kit Carson . He is easy to watch. Them sodbusters dont own this land, Dillon. Am not addicted but do enjoy the shows. It never will be that great again ! First airing on free TV in decades. Obscure Gunsmoke trivia, Bert Rumsey played "Sam the Bartender" from 1955 to 1959, then Glenn Strange took over two years later (1961). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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But it was Gunsmoke that gave him his big break. He began his film career with minor appearances in The Way West (1967) and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), Season 5 of Mission: Impossible and guest-starred on television in the Western Gunsmoke (1972) and the television films Murder in Texas (1981) and The Shadow Riders (1982). cancer Frankenstein's monster in films and Sam Noonan, the big, leathery bartender in the tele vision series "Gunsmoke" for 11 years, died last night of cancer at a hospital here, He was 74 years old. Among other TV roles, he capped off his career with a steady (12 years) role as Sam the bartender on the classic Gunsmoke (1955) series from 1962 until shortly before his death from lung cancer in 1973. Through the 1970s, he found steady work on TV shows such as. Dennis Weaver stayed with the show for nine years before he started chafing creatively. AUSTIN, Texas -- The husband of actress Amanda Blake, longtime star of the 'Gunsmoke' television series, filed for divorce on the eve of the couple's first anniversary. Stranges facial features and towering 6 ft 5-inch height made him the perfect Frankensteins monster inHouse of Frankenstein(1944),House of Dracula(1945) and Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948). Gunsmoke (TV Series 19551975) Bert Rumsey as Bartender, Sam, Sam, Bartender, Bartender Sam, Long Branch Bartender, The Bartender, Townsman. Played Fred - Townsman in "Gunsmoke" in 1955. On which side did each fight? How many times was Glenn Strange Frankenstein? Its becoming harder & harder to find some of the old Western Actors still around. Ive lived in Texas all my life and it still hits home with me everytime I watch the show. I am addicted too. Marshall Trimble is Arizonas official historian and vice president of the Wild West History Association. Through the 1970s, he found steady work on TV shows such as Gunsmoke, and then earned serious fans with 1989s Road House. The regulars who are still with us are: Roger Ewing (Thad Greenwood), who is 73; Buck Taylor (Newly O'Brien), who is 77; and Burt Reynolds (Quint Asper), who is 79. From 2018 to 2020 he played Emmet Walsh on Yellowstone. The doctor is in the house! He is still around and he played several different parts on Gunsmoke. He promoted care for the ecosystem for decades until his death in 2006 at 81. He even received coaching from horror movie icon Boris Karloff, who originated the role in 1931. A lot of business goes down at the saloon and thats where Miss Kitty Russell comes in. No, Milburn, unfortunately, passed away 40 years ago. It was in March of 1971 that Stone had heart bypass surgery and he passed away in 1980 from a heart attack at the age of 75. James Arness, the 6-foot-6 actor who towered over the television landscape for two decades as righteous Dodge City lawman Matt Dillon in "Gunsmoke," died Friday. Reportedly, Curtis based the character off a local drunk in his town, adapting that country twang to film. Unfortunately, her own health took a turn for the worse and she died in 1989 when she was just 60 years old. I have looked up all the main characters on the internet. Who is the real monster in Frankenstein quizlet? After Gunsmoke, Buck Taylor he continued to get regular work in film and television. Explore. Do you remember a specific episode that you loved? A 1973 episode titled Patricia saw Waltons and Taylors characters meet on a stagecoach, fall in love, get married and Waltons character die. After Gunsmoke, Curtis loaded up some more westerns, including 1983s Sam Elliott led The Yellow Rose. Then, in 1973, he died of cancer at 74 years old. I hate em! (Arness would later say that Matts only onscreen kiss was in that episode, Matts Love Story, but Kitty did in fact kiss him once.). Generations both young and old will forever be entertained by the tale of Marshal Matt Dillon as he attempts to keep the peace in Dodge City. But it was a nice accidental tribute. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? Buck Taylor, another of Strange's costars on "Gunsmoke," named his son Cooper Glenn Taylor in honor of Strange. In 2000, the Schiff character was written out of the show to accommodate Hill's resignation /> poems from the outside edges and inside ledges . After Gunsmoke ended, he found fame in two other classic shows How the West Was Won and McClains Law. Here in England we are lucky enough to watch Gunsmoke for nothing. . He is best remembered for playing Frankenstein's monster in three Universal films during the 1940s and for his role as Sam Noonan, the bartender on CBS's Gunsmoke television series. Eine andere -Site. They just walked in and stopped him single handedly without hurting him. He taught himself (by ear) the fiddle and guitar at a young age and started performing at local functions as a teen. They explained away other characters. which phrase signals a contrast between ideals about marriage, adventurers league player's guide season 7, do lisa jewell books need to be read in order, haydn fleury related to marc andre fleury, advantages of afforestation to prevent flooding, used sno pro snowmobile trailers for sale. By this time, Burt Reynolds had spent much of his career playing bit parts in film and television. Who was your favorite character from this enduring show? setTimeout(function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("src",""),t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.body.appendChild(t)},5); Become a subscriber today and youll recieve a new issue every month plus unlimited access to our full archive of backlogged issues. The Long Branch barkeep was also known as Frankenstein's monster in a few Hollywood movies, the Dodge City Daily Globe reports. us passport photo checker jeremy davies car accident when did sam the bartender leave gunsmoke.

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how did sam the bartender die on gunsmoke

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