stefan salvatore kill count

Stefan, a vampire, ironically completed the Brotherhood of the Five's mission by killing Silas. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Tripp wakes up only to see Enzo and Stefan towering over him. While Stefan hangs around a student art exhibit, Caroline learns there's really nothing more the doctors can do. In Growing Pains, Stefan and Damon are with Elena when she first wakes up in her bedroom. But Damon decides to kill Qetsiyah, but she is able to knock him out. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. As Katherine see that her daughter is gone for good, she tries to escape but Damon stops her. Stefan just gets up and walks away. Damon says that he knows that but he's hoping that Elena will be so wasted on booze and blood that she won't even think about it but his little brother disagrees and advises him not to underestimate her. Stefan returns to the Gilbert house the next day to talk to Elena. During the graduation Stefan talks to Alaric about Damon not having much time left until the werewolf venom kills him and Damon doesn't want the cure, he wants it for Elena. Stefan is the narrator of the series. When Stefan is about to bury Silas he find only rocks in the sack that Silas' body was inside. However, on the show, Stefan and Damon were best friends since their human lives and became rivals later on. Stefan ask if won't they kill her for helping them out, but Maria is doing that for Julian, her husband, she ask for him, Elena says that he's permanently passengered into one of their best friends so yes, they know about him. The Gilberts' car had submerged deep into the water under the bridge, where Elena and her parents were facing death by drowning. Suddenly, something barrels against the wall, shattering a window in the house Stefan is leaning on while making his phone call, Stefan tells to Damon that the Travelers drained their blood, so they are having to do a little hunting. The last shot of Stefan shows him sitting over her dead body as tears fill his eyes and he mourns the loss of her human life. Eye color After he tells him, Stefan sets the timer on the bomb to 1 minute. Stefan asks what, Elena smiling? While they're talking, she's looking at her hands and asks him if her hand looks wrinkled to him. In The Originals, Damon is talking to Stefan saying that Elena is calmest desiccating vampire that he has ever and said he remembered when Stefan starved there and he would've wept at his feet for an orange peel, Stefan says that she's not going to beg for blood and begging means desperation, emotion and Elena was still in no-humanity zone Damon asks how hungrier that she has to be before they can torture some feelings into her, Stefan says a lot hungrier than she is now and Damon asks what were they supposed to do in the mean time and Katherine appears and says that she might provide a little excitement, Stefan says Katherine and she says "the one and only, sort of" and asks when is the welcome home party and Damon is surprised at Katherine's boldness considering that Klaus was plotting her eternal demise, Katherine says that it doesn't matter because Klaus is gone and Stefan asks her what does she mean by he's gone and she says that werewolf girl Hayley turned out to be just the thing they needed to get Klaus out of their lives for good. Although Stefan was initially optimistic and happy that he and Damon were going to spend eternity together, Damon had shattered Stefan's optimism and hopes when Damon told Stefan he promised him a lifetime of misery. In the novels, Stefan is born in during the Renaissance period in the fifteenth century in Florence, Italy. They come upon another cabin and find Luke barely alive inside. They are hoping that Damon will carry out a plan to kill Silas because Qetsiyah has threatened the life of Elena. Stefan arrives to his home, where Damon is alone, they talk about the Damon's time with Enzo when they were in the cell, Damon tells him that he will find a way to help Enzo, Stefan says that it is not worth doing it, but Damon tells him that when they were both in the lab, it was Enzo who convinced him to not hate Stefan, Damon tells Stefan that he also has to be thankful to Enzo for that, unaware that Enzo at the moment is already dead. After it is revealed that Alaric is going to let himself die, Stefan watches Elena break down and asks her to come with him. He suggest they wait to talk just because she has a lot on today. Stefan Salvatore | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom She's trying to play them but Damon says that they're not falling for her trap. Matt then tells Stefan that he wishes that he would stop saving him, that Stefan should have let him drown and saved Elena. His best friend Lexi often brought out the more fun, light-hearted, playful side of Stefan's personality. Klaus takes him to Chicago about their memories (who was erased by Klaus) and their days and Rebekah is now dead, waiting for her resurrection. Lily tells him that he is severely underestimating them and that he should run. After many years away, Stefan returned to his hometown of Mystic Falls to visit his distant nephew, Zach. Stefan had a pale complexion, broad forehead, strong bone structure (angular jawline), deep-set, forest green eyes, a straight nose and a well-formed mouth. She is very fragile in that moment and she breaks down because it's really hard to accept that her only living relative is dead. Stefan tells Connor to run and pins Damon to the wall, but Damon quickly overpowers him and plunges his fist into Stefan's chest, refusing to relent until Stefan reveals what he's up to with Klaus. All of a sudden Katherine starts gasping and falls. Damon doesn't believe this and mentions that he has taken notice that Stefan has not been drinking human blood lately. Stefan tells Elena that he wishes that he could promise that everything would be okay, that he could save her from craving blood and a heightened sense of pain, but unfortunately, being a vampire will be all those things. Stefan responds that he knows that but he doesn't want to be the one to break it to her, at least not until Bonnie is safe and Damon comes back to use the sire bond and convince her that everything is going to be okay. Later, Stefan and Damon arrive in New Orleans and Stefan says he hasn't been back since 1942. Some time later Caroline and Stefan are still 'hostages' in the Lockwood Cellar and Stefan answers the phone, it's Damon who tells him something unheard. Stefan and Elena are away from sunlight and they are bleeding from a cut into their wrists and the wounds aren't healed immediately. Caroline starts overthinking about Valerie, but Stefan tells Caroline he has no feelings for Valerie anymore, only for her. Rebekah interrupts to say that it was not just any weapon, but Klaus tells her to not get ahead of the story. I want to rip into your skin, and then I want to feed on your blood. She also brought along Stefan to help with the dorm decorating and Caroline is surprised but still lets him in. In The Last Dance, Stefan attends the 60s Decade Dance with Elena after Klaus starts to send his disturbing messages. "Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?". Julian startles them and tells her they must leave. Elena tells Stefan she needs to talk to him and she asks for his help in getting her into the room with Esther alone. This is evident in Stefan when he very quickly and easily became infatuated and fell in love with Katherine Pierce, which is evidence of his youthfulness, naivety and simplicity as a regular teenage human. Elena was screaming through the phone telling Stefan not to do it, however, Stefan responded with "bring me back" and closed his eyes, turning off his humanity. Elena finally agrees to skip the rest of the school day and have fun, and leaves to go home and change. [7] This was a sharp difference from the Stefan who had his memories since he maintained his morals despite Elena choosing Damon and did not want to stop being good for even a moment. During the eighth season, Stefan worked for Cade, the Devil. His deep, strong love for Elena Gilbert has highlighted how his values and outlook on life have significantly changed since he was human and how deep, affectionate, understanding and loving he can truly be. His parents died that night, but Blake and his sister survived. Stefan had also briefly displayed much more dismissive and almost callous behavior towards the victims he had supposedly murdered in the past since he was unable to feel sorry for things he couldn't remember. Despite the semi big age difference between the two brothers, Stefan grew up to be the best of friends with Damon and had even said that Damon was his best companion, despite having other friends growing up since his childhood. Forbes comes back to life. As Stefan is leaving the house, Elena calls him and tells him her plan to kill Kol. In another flashback to the fair, Valerie is throwing food into air for Stefan to catch with his mouth. and Klaus tells him to let her go as he will sacrifice everything good with her for his brother. Damon is later taken by Rebekah and tortured. The witches did. Stefan starts to object, but Damon stops him, reminding him that they're not in a fight. Stefan reminds that the last time a witch linked to him to his doppelgnger, she fried his brain and he lost his memory, Sloan replied that they will be careful. He tells her he had to move on after two months of searching. He has now started drinking vervain to build up tolerance to it. Not long after, the heretic problem seems to be forgotten as Stefan and Caroline go to Matt's deputy graduation, where the Heretics cause a massacre, killing everyone at the graduation. In the evening, the gang is playing charade and team Stefan and Elena are beating team Damon and Caroline. He also shares the new information about Shane's involvement with Pastor Young, and supposes they might get more information out of the professor. She tells him everyone needs him, including her. Klaus then asks how can they stop him and Stefan says that Silas has to complete the third massacre so that Bonnie could do the spell and if he's here that's what he's doing so they need to find him and stop him. In seconds the rapist was dead on the ground, eyes staring lifelessly at her. He offers Elena and Jeremy help with painting Alaric's old bedroom. He looks at her longingly and says, "That's just in case there is no later," and then finally leaves. She ran away and went to the Halloween Party at school, but when Vicki was threatening. Damon wants to see Elena, but Stefan refuses to fulfill his wish as the sire bond still exists and the elder Salvatore could use it to get free. Despite reservations from Damon, Stefan tells her to do it anyway. ", In Heart of Darkness, it is revealed that Elena is going on a trip to Denver with Damon due to Stefan's idea that she figure out her feelings for Damon. So the brothers took off to find the girls in a small town in Pennsylvania called Willoughby. One point for Matt. Later, Rebekah re-enters the library and compels them into playing 'truth or dare', where she dares Elena into telling Stefan the truth about Damon. Answers will be shown at the end of the quiz! Later on, Klaus tells Stefan he is still waiting for his "old friend to come back," after Stefan notes that Klaus won't kill him. Stefan alerts Elena to the growing pool of blood on the ground. The Vampire Diaries: 15 Worst Things Damon Has Ever Done - ScreenRant Both Damon and Elena are happy to see him awake, but Stefan reveals that he has no idea who they are, having lost all his memories of them. They stop at a warehouse and Stefan and Valerie bicker as Damon moves all the planks away from the door. Stefan continues the sensual description, explaining that everything is heightened, including emotions, sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. He then becomes concerned when Damon reveals that he undaggered one of the Originals. Katherine playing Elena, asks him to help her save Jeremy and tells him where he is. Stefan remembers that the hunter had werewolf venom, and Elena must have been poisoned with it. Stefan tried to get Katherine to spill why she was there, ignoring her flirting. She brings Elena and shows her how to get him to feel something, by torturing him. Later, He witnesses how Katherine (in Elena's body) breaks up with Damon, and tries to be there for him but he turns him down. Terrified, she sobs that Stefan has compelled her and she can't move. In another Elena's vision Stefan was cooking her dinner for their anniversary. At the end of the fourth season, Stefan ends up heartbroken when the sire bond is broken and Elena still decided to choose Damon over him. Furthermore, during his time working for Arcadius, he was temporarily granted the ability to return from death, even matters regarding a stake to the heart. Stefan lunges toward him to protect Caroline and tries to pin him to the car, but Julian has the upper hand. Stefan finally stands up, but he soon crumples back to the floor. After it is revealed that everyone is in danger from Alaric, Stefan prepares to take off and help keep everyone safe. Throughout the fifth season, Stefan loses his memories due to Qetsiyah's attempt at incapacitating Silas and suffering effects due to Silas' confrontation, he slowly finds closure with Katherine as she helps him overcome his demons. Elena, Katherine, and Amara gather up and Qetsiyah starts preforming the spell but Silas interrupts them and because of his magic the lights in the house go down. Stefan killed an entire village and not to mention that an whole school had to close down in Chicago during his ripper binge in the '20s due to attendance so I assume it was Stefan with the highest (tho they usually occurred in huge surges) whereas Damon probably had the most consistent kill count across his vampire life. Stefan said it was like this because his emotions were off and Klaus says that this is the reason why he was more fun. Bonnie says that she knows how to bring Jeremy back-she has to complete the third massacre for Silas so that she could drop the veil between this side and the other side. Rebekah takes the cure and Damon does nothing to stop her. Stefan tries to assuage her fears, suggesting that the witches might just be messing with Bonnie's head to teach her a lesson. Stefan helps Elena and later takes her home.

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