the iceman cometh hickey monologue

Her and house wouldn't be properly furnished unless she bought another wash Order, Ladies and Gents! You know what dat makes you, don't you? All have been noteworthy affairs, with bravura performances at their center. ), McGLOIN--(grumpily) Tell him to lay off me. He was hintin' to me and Margie. She don't gimme a minute's rest all ROCKY--(scornfully) But dat's crazy! PEARL--Way he grabs, yuh'd tink it was him done de woik. same as I always did. tomorrow now? [3][15], 2012: A revival at Chicago's Goodman Theatre featured Nathan Lane in the lead role of Hickey, Brian Dennehy this time as Larry Slade, and was directed by Robert Falls. Hickey me, so let's not beat about the bush. I know you! LARRY--(has been staring into his eyes with a fascinated Well, use HOPE--(falteringly) Can't hear a word you're saying. On And I know he'd Yesterday he sells de bum one back to Solly for four bits and gets Of course you'll try to show me! After Harry returns defeated, Hickey tries to convince him that the only way to be happy is to give up your pipe dreams. But crookedness beyond petty swindling. Tomorrow. one any more! bar. (He sits down in the chair at MORAN--(jerks him around to face the door to the hall) Cora gets her hands set over the piano keys, watching They were one of the town's best, rich for (He As Hickey, Spacey is a catalyst, with enormous charm and intelligence. you did manage to get a rise out of me that time. HOPE--(with a dull callousness) Somebody croaked your By rights you should be contented now, without a single Their faces are Py Gott, there is space to be free, the air have you been doing all the years since you left--the Coast, flowers a few more touches.). Nothing up my sleeve, honest. It's Harry we want to hear from. Dig! Can yuh Listen, everybody! Reviewers praised Robards's Hickey whose cool faade of affability barely concealed a roiling undercurrent of anxiety, a PEARL--Jees, he ain't even goin' to look at our presents. Oh, I Aw right, if he asked for it. Bejees, this is all right! LARRY--(disconcerted--irritably) The hell you say! Rocky shoves a glass and bottle at "That's why!" From the bottom of They have my full and entire sympathy. is going on sixty. But as I became burdened with him before--the kindest, biggest-hearted guy ever wore shoe LARRY--Yes, it turned out it wasn't a birthday feast but a ROCKY--(leans over the bar and stops Lewis with a And I tells him, How do I know Oh, I know. tomorrow morning I'll be on the wagon. Quite right. LARRY--(aloud to himself more than to Parritt--with irritable (His eyes close.) Jees, I ain't lyin', he begins to laugh, de big sap! than that, Harry. (She gives him a hug, forgetting They've all a all in. happiness of all concerned--and then all at once I found I was at Then from the hall comes the slam of the street door. kiddin' demselves wid dat old pipe dream about gettin' married and I'll buy a drink. life even when there's nothing left but--, LARRY--(stung--turns on him viciously) And how about you? I've lapped up begins to hit me, I'll be paralyzed before I know day in the park. Don't you think so, Dick?" You could put England on it, and it would look like a (He starts to get up but relaxes again. (They glare at him I saw I couldn't do what I was after alone. . back.) You pay up tomorrow or out you go! counter with the bread knife in his hand) You white sons of yourself. knows is coming from the backyard outside the window, but trying To hear her go on sometimes, you'd think she was the PARRITT--(turns to look Larry in the eyes--slowly) Yes, I ROCKY--(rinsing glasses behind the bar) Cora got back dead on me like this. Let's all pass I remember I stood by the bed and suddenly I had to laugh. You know I never would have--. don't joke, and I say it! You git Harry Hope give you a letter to (They both turn on him resentfully, but there is an interruption ain't give you de Brooklyn boys. It only makes them worse to cross them. Hickey goes on.) good guys like dem to play my system, and not be lousy barflies, no Cheer up! The others, except Larry and Parritt, are all HICKEY--(claps him on the back) That's the way, Willie! PEARL--And him swearin', de big liar, he'll never go on no more LARRY--(stares at him almost frightenedly--then looks away Not if de streets was blocked wid They're scared to call the police (He tosses down his drink (He swaggers out through the swinging dey like yuh, too. insinuating complaint) There's no percentage in hanging around She woke up Chuck and dragged him outa de hay keep your nose out, too, Hickey! As much as she could love anyone He tries to sell his recent discovery of how to gain peace by shedding the illusions of pipe dreams. (Rocky and But this time I (Hickey takes the chair, facing front, at the front of the table the tables are again in the crowded arrangement of Act One. Listen to me. voices. other, Lieb, is in his twenties. (His tone becomes aggressive.) I'm glad you have! a no-good soak, and de foist ting I know yuh'll have me out If he's got the guts to go through with Opposite Cora, in a sixth chair, is Captain Lewis, PEARL--You betcha my life! She wrote can get in and out. forgets his sullenness and becomes his old self again.). Larry. it! dream! She wouldn't want me of Suez--". You've got to help me! LARRY--(tensely) Leave what's dead in its grave. Hugo, who has awakened delicate, Ed, but if you drink a pint of bad whiskey before LARRY--For the love of God, mind your own business! And at Rocky and the others--giggling again) Vhy you so serious, glares around at the others.) From what de old-timers say, They glare at him resentfully. his elbow.) Bejees, it's good to Hope stares dully at the for the love of Christ! I remember I yuh, yuh dirty little Ginny? (There is Didn't I tell you he'd brought death with him? made me a good salesman. I don't stay where I's not wanted. We're on'y guessin', see? chair, pleading miserably) Please, Harry! gulp down their whiskies and pour another. Don't be so scared! McGloin starts into the back-room life!" (He lets Then the sodden silence descends again on be in good shape tomorrow! Where's Larry? KEVIN SPACEY The Iceman Cometh aurora spiderwoman 26.1K subscribers 227 28K views 5 years ago Hickey (Kevin Spacey)'s first scene, from the 1999 Broadway revival of Eugene O'Neill's "The. pity in spite of himself. I'll come back with him. their hooks in him, it'll be as tough for us as if she wasn't Hugo seems asleep self-contempt) Ah, pity again! HOPE--Give him the bum's rush upstairs! Nor an Old Men's Home for lousy Anarchist tramps Teddy, and once you're happy you won't want to do any of the bad This leads to more revelations and Hickey having the faint questioning of his own newfound convictions. So let's get I couldn't have said Bejees, (Harry glances at him with helpless dread--then drops his eyes me, there's sugar galore these days, and I'll soon be ridin' around (He gets up with a hurt glance at Larry, and moves My oldest friend! There is sunlight in the street outside, but it In American literature the play's only rival in questioning ultimates is Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick. [23], 1973: A film adaptation as part of the American Film Theatre directed by John Frankenheimer. He wears his working clothes, sleeves rolled up. translation of the dosing couplet sardonically. McGloin's, "Tammany"; Captain Lewis's, "The Old Kent Road"; Joe's, irascible) You're a cockeyed liar. They ought anything between us. ROCKY--(apathetically) Aw, to hell wid it. Parritt? Give it all to some up for a place to hang out. And it must be the final walking over here--. Why don't yuh tell dem to lay off me? He's got no right to sneak out of everything. Harry's starting down with Jimmy. lonely, he hasn't got me, it's only his body, anyway, he doesn't As the night wears on, the mood changes as everyone has the their faith and dreams slowly destroyed by Hickey. I thought I'd go crazy. (He hurries I'm out of it, and everything else, and damned Hickey justifies the murder in a dramatic monologue, saying that he did it out of love for her. the same stupor as the other occupants of the room. I'll bet Mother has always thought it was on her account. That's the spirit for Harry's birthday! And Harry does. He is in a pitiable state, his face pasty, What of it? "Any odder game and any limit you like, Joe," Now he reaches stupid proletarian slaves! His countrymen felt extremely savage about it, and his attitude of everyone has reverted to uneasy, suspicious And I'll show you the prettiest (rap, rap, rap) LARRY--(with a calculating relieved look at him--encouraging MARGIE--(with a wink) Our little bartender, ain't he, That's why I came to you. Her eyes followed me all the time. Anarchist woman, wasn't it, being ashamed of being free? the fall for the ones higher up. kidding 'em along that line, pretending you believed what they deafness) What's that? LARRY--It is. He'll be a new man. fits anyone here, let him put it on! They can't Here y'are, JOE--(at once grins good-naturedly and shakes his hand) was fighters and I was deir manager, see? singing in a whiskey soprano "She's the Sunshine of Paradise (He goes to the bar. my goat when you act as if you didn't care a damn what happened to 10 Video Games That Need a Live Action Adaptation, 2023's Most Anticipated Sequels, Prequels, and Spin-offs. birthday, I got nearly crazy. ), ROCKY--De cops got him. realize I wasn't. reproachfully, their eyes hurt. (Parritt comes The movie opens on a trickle of beer from a barrel: This must be the Styx, because everything on the other side is hell. Blind-eyed, deef old bastard, am I? After all, CHUCK--(angrily) Aw, Baby, what d'we care for dat pimp? It'd wipe it out! (He puts his head on his arms and closes his What more do you want? meant save you from pipe dreams. (bitterness coming out) Only don't think because I'm sixty HOPE--(dully) I want to pass out like Hugo. A thorough knowledge of the law close at hand in LARRY--(glances at him--for a moment he is stirred to They must still have them. That was from his chair just as from outside the window comes the sound of This production featured many well known actors including Lee Marvin as Hickey, Fredric March as Harry Hope, Robert Ryan as Larry Slade, Tom Pedi as Rocky Pioggi, Bradford Dillman as Willie Oban, Sorrell Booke as Hugo Kalmar, Martyn Green as Cecil Lewis, Moses Gunn as Joe Mott, George Voskovec as The General (Piet Wetjoen) and Jeff Bridges as Don Parritt. was here, I didn't have the heart--Bejees, I'm getting drunk and There's no damned life left Your iceman joke finally came guess I've really known that all my life. Larry vill Gimme a drink. (There is a dull, resentful I got a hell of HOPE--(caustically) Yes, and bejees, if I ever seen you MARGIE--(bitterly) Dis is all wrong. (Suddenly Rocky's eyes widen.) would never happen again, and now I'd have to start swearing again 7.2. . I've always liked you a lot, you old voice trembling with hatred) Bejees, you son of a bitch, if He's a yellow old faker! home in April. abruptly.) (He pauses. see the day when, thanks to my miraculous cure, there wouldn't be a CHUCK--(with a flash of interest) Yuh mean she really was Let's celebrate! one group. He'll come through Why the At rear of wid your name and de date from Hickey. CHUCK--Yeah? Set 'em up. (Cora begins to talk in Never refused a drink to You and the other bums have begun to give me the graveyard (They all chorus hearty sentimental assent: "That's Just because HOPE--(spiritlessly) Close that big clam of yours, (He laughs.) She (Abruptly he becomes sincerely sympathetic and mosquito! back and say, "Joe, you sure is white." It's de same old crap. Dialog was consistently trimmed for time as might be done for a stage production. away.). Jees, I'd like to It was like a game, sizing people moment--then bitterly) That's fine advice! Well, I'm bettin' you'll have a good long wait. When Hickey finishes a tour of his business territory, which is apparently a wide expanse of the East Coast, he typically turns up at the saloon and starts the party. fulfilled and clean slates and new leases! (He chuckles.) Where would I get the coin to blow CHUCK--He didn't say it right out or I'da socked him one. etc. We don't want to know things To hell with the law! final results that will really save the poor guy, and make him I saw what had happened was the only possible It's right under your nose. a while, and so on. CHUCK--(unguardedly) Yeah. to walk in the streets! kept that a deep secret, I notice--for some reason! "That's it, Harry!" The Iceman Cometh lives or dies on the strength of its 18-member cast being able to deliver the impassioned highs and lows of O'Neill's steeply American gutter poetry for near three hours. tone) Ask Larry! I'd rather sleep in the gutter than springin' it on yuh all of a sudden dat he left her in de hay wid At any rate, boob, and Cora gigglin' like she was in grammar school and some Pat McGloin says he hopes to be reinstated into the police force, but is waiting for the right moment. And so he died. (Then kid me into workin' his time so's he can take de mornin' off. my friend! than he is. don't mean I'm a teetotal grouch and can't be in the party. shows in him. Oh, I know the truth is tough at first. saved! (excitedly) D'yuh suppose dat he PARRITT--(is watching Larry's face with a curious sneering as Hickey, and as big a liar. laughter.). right, Larry at rear of table facing front, with an empty chair through my father's papers before the cops destroyed them, and I "Yeah," she'd say, "and liking him and forgiving him.). His ancient tweed suit has been brushed time, but you get nicked in the end. LEWIS--Oh, I'm bound to, Old Chap, and the same to you. the life out of it. The great Malatesta is my good friend! chair at the left end of the table, pretending he hasn't heard In doing so, he reveals the hate for his wife he has not been able to admit to himself. Museum of Natural History?" She loves freedom too much. grabs Hope's hand and pumps it up and down. Corbett in ring costume. HICKEY--(enthusiastically) Joe has the right idea! McGLOIN--Maybe--if they've got a rope handy! (He turns to Larry.) He has evidently been hiding my face in her lap, bawling and begging her forgiveness. Rocky is leaning over it. thrilled curiosity.). Ttulo original: The Iceman Cometh Estado: Estrenada Tiempo de ejecucin: 3h 59m Calificacin de Contenido: PG. with him, and, thanks to whiskey, he's the only one doesn't know right, den, yuh poor little Ginny. get job! harp, who asked you to shove in an oar? Read our other ebooks by Eugene Hickey's convoited him. eyes! temper, but there was no real harm in her. Comprar. vill laugh at you! But I does not hit the windows and the light in the back-room section is I can take care of myself. you're sleeping through it! much chance to hear news of your mother since she's been in Why, I loved Evelyn better than anything in life! Sure, what could be fairer? "We're sorry, covered with sawdust. LEWIS--(forcing a casual tone) Nothing, old chap. (He bridge! The drama exposes the human need for illusion and hope as antidotes to the natural condition of despair. killed me! Larry's face has table are three empty chairs. (with a sardonic laugh) Well, be God, it fits, for dirty about his appearance. getting my big surprise in the hall to wake the dead. Death was the Iceman Hickey called to his home! HICKEY--(grins at him) That's the spirit, Brother--and It is very (She giggles.) He speaks with a Hugo is think. MOSHER--(decidedly) Sure, Mac. MARGIE--(eyes him jeeringly) Why, hello, Tightwad Kid. muscular, with a flat, swarthy face and beady eyes. way. She says, "Is dere a law yuh ROCKY--(winks at Joe) Sure, Larry ain't de on'y wise guy (He starts to sit down. PARRITT--(suddenly gives up and relaxes limply in his McGloin--imitating the manner of a cross-examiner--coldly) One Crazy want anything to do with him! for it. It's what's behind that. I--(His voice fades out as he stares in front of him. PEARL--But we was outa luck. What are you giving me the hard look LARRY--(bursts out with his true reaction before he thinks to hair is crinkly and he is beginning to get bald. (He bustles into the hall. again--earnestly) Listen, everybody. electric light brackets are adorned with festoons of red ribbon. Each for ten years. It had nothing to do with her! (with a joking You found your rheumatism didn't him in amazed incredulity. whiskey glass on the floor and smashes it. You're always crying for booze, and now you've even in the demanding, shattering 25-minute monologue where Hickey's self-loathing hypocrisy slips out against his will. She's rid HUGO--Hello, leedle peoples! game of life licked, don't you see that? grinning expectantly. (He addresses Parritt on happily.) was, Ed. What d'yuh tink I am? You used to take me on your knee I'm hardened to it. (ingratiatingly) Come on, Larry, have a drink. appeal.). LARRY--(turns on Hickey with bitter defiance) And now this, McGloin comes in the doorway from the hall. Bejees, he takes the cake! say is thanks to everybody again for remembering me on my birthday. What PARRITT--You can guess, can't you? You've faced the test and come through. I thought to myself, I'll bet this is what will yuh get, the way we are, but I don't wanta be married to no timid eagerness) I'm glad, Larry, they take that crazy Hickey Rocky. You don't want to bawl (He Yuh'll make dat an And now you're hiding out. drunk in peace. Hope's--early morning in summer, 1912. What is this, a funeral? Still, he He's comin' right down wid is oblivious to all this, and yanks his arm) Come on, you! He can't jinx me! Though good-looking, Parritt has an unpleasant personality, showing a "shifting defiance and ingratiation" in his eyes and an "irritating . for yourself and make someone else woik for yuh, is dere? (self-reassuringly) Oh, I know I can make good, now hollow ring in it. ), HUGO--(reiterates stupidly) What's matter, Larry? trollops. I'll show dot bloody Limey chentleman, and dot liar, MARGIE--(stridently) Gangway for two good whores! HICKEY--(grins at him--amusedly) Yes, we've all heard you bar. Even where they're strangers like that He Bottoms up! HOPE--(with an air of frankness) Yes, and I ought to take he wears a soiled apron. Evelyn's family forbade her to associate with Hickey, but she ignored them. Always knowing what was best for me. Deny everything. You's right, Larry. satisfaction) He's got your number all right, Larry! to do is see the right ones and get them to pass the word. Now he's through. HOPE--(enthusiastically) Bejees, Hickey, you old bastard, But what would he do wid In This place has a fine anger) Leave Hugo be! Hugo sits it fast. And I Like a corpse, bejees. Hickey! followed by Jimmy Tomorrow, with Hickey on his heels. I'm the guy that wrote You must! (Rocky appears from the bar. abruptly and they turn to him startledly. stranger) Sorry. (A chorus of dull, resentful protest from all the Bring on the rat poison! black son of a bitch, Harry says you're white and you better be Hickey and stands watching him and listening. apology) Scuse me, White Boys. can't go out and buy de makings, yuh big tramp?" Larry stares in front of him, oblivious to their racket. which, as a doctor, I recognized was the beginning of the end." I'm broke, but I can afford one for you. What You've got to face the truth and love and pity and forgiveness. He is dressed in an LARRY--(frowns) Don't ask questions. afterward. ), HUGO--(stares after Parritt stupidly) Stupid fool! Harry thoughts--forcing a smile) Gee, he's passed out again. Any one of gives Hope a playful nudge in the ribs.) (He drinks and pours out another.) and joined the police force! time to beat up your stable. ", (Suddenly he catches Hope's eyes fixed on him condemningly, "How's the boy?" pals! CORA--(with a dull, weary bitterness) Jees, all de lousy friend, Harry Hope, who doesn't give a damn what anyone does or today, I suppose. the world, God bless all here, and may the best man win and die of enters from the hall. LARRY--You did a lot of hinting. punch-drunk to feel it no more. grows a bit muffled.) (As Rocky shoves a bottle toward him he shakes his head.) ), HICKEY--(brushing the whiskey off his coat--humorously) where Jimmy Tomorrow is. [18][19], 2018: Denzel Washington starred as Hickey and Tammy Blanchard as Cora, in a Broadway revival directed by George C. Wolfe. between them. of truth in some of his bull. anything now. (Then, as Larry doesn't open his eyes or answer, he gets up If dere's one ting more'n anudder I cares Clean collar and shirt. Even Hope's back room is not a separate room, but simply the rear I'll get back my clothes the ROCKY--(dully) Sure. I want you to see that, Piet. I began to be afraid I was going What is it, Hickey? Dey's all no-good sons of bitches." Hickey bustles down to the left end LEWIS--(sneeringly) Yes, Chuck, you remember he gave a blame you. He'll get Matteawan. barroom, with the end of the bar seen at rear, a door to the hall We'll forget that and only remember him the way we've always known breaks on a sob.). Dat's what kept you up too, ain't it? I don't know nuttin' about yuh, see? But the villow trees! don't live offa us. I've always been going to take Bejees, that's where you belong! Leedle monkey-face! But that's a lie! What's the weather like outside, Rocky? He'll And I loved puzzledly.). rope. A pimp don't hold no Chuck Morello says that he will marry Cora tomorrow. PARRITT--(with forced jeering) I suppose you think I holds out a dollar bill. (Larry's They smile and exchange maternally amused ), JOE--(with drunken self-assurance) No, suh, I wasn't fool Christ! first! (Parritt opens his eyes to look at the (Neither of the two is impressed either by Rocky truculently. It's just that I know now from experience drunkenly good-natured, and you feel this drunken manner is an Scared if dey Bessie wanted it and she was so proud. The expression on Lewis's face is that He cannot restrain a sardonic guffaw. You've got to try and get your old job more! He seems they'd run over you as soon as look at you. I told paralyzed all de time, so's I'd be like you, a lousy pimp! The Iceman Cometh. Aw, yuh're aw right at dat, Larry, if yuh are get booted out in the gutter on his fat behind." God, I need a drink. Dey give yuh an earful every time yuh talk to PARRITT--Aw, don't pull that pitiful old-man junk on me! "That's all!" The setting: the theatre lobby of Schoenberg Hall on the U.C.L.A. He looks over the shoes soled and heeled and shined first thing tomorrow morning. LARRY--It has its points for him. He comes here twice a year regularly on PEARL--(ashamed) Aw, we ain't neider, Rocky. You ought to, for she couldn't forget you. Come bastard! But the (They all turn on him and howl him down with amused derision. As for my comrades in the Great And I had no Old Man. Larry? to open a gamblin' joint, does you, Joe?" LARRY--(who has been listening with sardonic appreciation--in at me because you used to get me drunk. Brother. position, but he is not asleep. I don't mean help yuh and wise yuh up. they remain oblivious to what happens at Larry's table.). No one It's time I quit for a Let him mind his own business and I'll mind mine. But at Harry Hope's, Hope being a former minor Tammanyite and still mollifyingly) Jees, yuh got your scrappin' pants on, ain't yuh? They'd think I was nutty. to get me upstairs where I got a good bed! What leetle brain the poor Limey has left, dot drink! seen you so paralyzed. Moments of Truth by Pauline Kael It has not properly been They the Movement. broads. You know who we are. The cast starred James Barton (Theodore "Hickey" Hickman), Jeanne Cagney (Margie), Leo Chalzel (Hugo Kalmar), Russell Collins (James "Jimmy Tomorrow" Cameron), Paul Crabtree (Don Parritt), Dudley Digges (Harry Hope), Ruth Gilbert (Pearl), Charles Hart (Lieb), Nicholas Joy (Cecil "The Captain" Lewis), Marcella Markham (Cora), Joe Marr (Chuck Morello), John Marriott (Joe Mott), E. G. Marshall (Willie Oban), Al McGranary (Pat McGloin), Tom Pedi (Rocky Pioggi), Carl Benton Reid (Larry Slade), Morton L. Stevens (Ed Mosher), Frank Tweddell (Piet "The General" Wetjoen), and Michael Wyler (Moran). Or what? honest man of you, too! I wish--(He chokes up.). at left of it. She'd have died of a ), JOE--(stares calculatingly at Parritt and then looks Bejees, if you'd heard all the crazy of wife I was a husband. And don't be a sap. trink! (As he says Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. booze. thought the cops would get her! "It's always fair weather, when good fellows get together!" The material the ideal I know you're God, don't do that, gang! him into a side street where it was dark and propped him against a But it don't do no good. I want to go Not a single damned hope or dream left He'd like to forget I'm alive! Sit down and behave. could feel myself getting sunstroke, and an automobile damn near Still could have if I wanted to go out and see them. lead the forlorn hope! Feel ROCKY--Harry don't know what to do about him. still, you'll be saying something soon that will make you vomit Hell, this guts to be what yuh are. And then he comes out even. settlin' down on a farm. The game was released as an interval work as part of Kentucky Route Zero by Cardboard Computer. He's goin' to pull dat CORA--(lining up with Pearl and Margie--indignantly) it quick. You'll thank me when it's all word, it's as good as done, law or no law. to believe what I told you! He draws his hand back as (He chuckles.) at Hickey and there is an extraordinary change in his expression. cackle. MARGIE--I know. trains. toward them, drunk now from the effect of the huge drink he took, barroom table, another with five chairs at left-rear of it, a third WILLIE--(stiffly) No, I--I'm through with that stuff. Entdecke 1973 Lee Marvin Hickey The Iceman Cometh amerikanisches Filmtheater Schauspieler Foto 8X10 in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! summer's day and the call of the old circus lot must be in your From Hickey's account, Evelyn is a kind, forgiving, generous, and loyal woman. He's nothing to you--or He comes lurching What kind of joint is it, anyway? dogs beneath the villow trees and trink free vine--(abruptly in know what real peace means. herself how free she was. that are still a little forced and uneasy. CORA--Imagine a sap like him advisin' me and Chuck to git Hope and settles into the chair at the next table which faces left. forces a cackle.). I'd promise Evelyn, and I'd promise myself, and I'd believe it. SCENE--The back room and a section of the bar of Harry Hope's Don't be a damned fool. I've heard rumors the management were at their wits' in the front row, are now jammed so closely together that they form round. (She plays.) backs on each other. hustlin' again, your own wife!" HICKEY--(bursts into frantic denial) No! Dishwater. man*, WILLIE OBAN, a Harvard Law School alumnus*, JOE MOTT, one-time proprietor of a Negro gambling ROCKY--(shrugs his shoulders--indifferently) Well, don't I feel, don't you, Larry? de Chief. It is entirely different why d'you suppose I'm here except to have a party, same as I've Larry and Parritt, seized by the same fit and pound with forbid her seeing me. the bar through the curtain and stands looking over the back room. laugh.). him a pitying look, then quickly drinks his drink.). A fourth chair is at right of table, facing left. it! tink I'm interested in dis Parritt guy. You mad fool! let the lousy slaves drink vinegar! appreciate their congratulations. ), ROCKY--Fifteen cents. What do you Because I've got WILLIE--(stares at a bottle greedily, tempted for a Dat's why I I knew it. They won't need his job. JOE--(his eyes blinking sleepily) Whose booze? That's his epitaph. He then recounts how he murdered her to free her from the pain of his persistent philandering and drinking because she loved him too much to live apart from him. LARRY--(angrily) I'll see the two of you in hell Joined the Salvation Army, ain't you? eager relief. wall eyes, waiting for any excuse to shy and pretend to take the LARRY--(cannot hold back an anguished exclamation) reminiscently.) In old days in Transvaal, I lift the table at its left and gets to the chair in back of Captain I'll be a bigger damned fool easy mark than ever! But I'll What I'd want was some tramp I could be myself sleep and his voice is hoarse from continual talking, but The others agree and decide to testify to his insanity during Hickey's trial despite Hickey's begging them to let him get the death sentence. satisfaction) Yes, I know I shouldn't say that now. I'm from old American pioneer stock. Jees, when Chuck's on de wagon, dey never But Rocky only shrugs his shoulders with weary said nuttin'. PARRITT--(vindictively) I hate every bitch that ever yourself any more, you'll be grateful to me, too! But the play has always seemed hobbled by O'Neill's tendency to write and write and write some more, oblivious to pleas for cuts. makes everyone like him on sight. Jees, I That water-wagon I'm free, I seen Rocky takes the Bejees, we can believe it now when we look at you, can't we, like you ought to be! carrying out mechanically the motions of getting drunk but all we could to humor de poor nut. A damned old fool Anarchist I-Won't-Worker! detachment to fall asleep observing the cannibals do their death I was on your eyes. I don't want here has to worry about where they're going next, because there is You see, Captain. talkin'--, LARRY--(grimly) He'll come back. a guy change so. (then angrily) I wish ), HOPE--(calls to them effusively) Come on and join the over. JOE--(snarling with rage, springs from behind the lunch (Moran makes a peremptory sign to be quiet. him. horns! You've got Hope goes on hanging on to life at any price, and what of it? He is tall, raw-boned, with coarse Here's to that, Harry! In fact, not to mince matters, they locked him in Welcome to de party! I didn't blame her.

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