why is normal saline used with blood transfusions

1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). /StructParents 0 Being isotonic means the fluids have the same osmotic pressure as blood. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Other clinical applications include acting as a solution for intravenous medication delivery, delivering maintenance fluid in patients with limited or no enteral nutrition, blood pressure management, and increasing diuresis to avoid nephrotoxic drug or toxin-mediated end-organ damage. Colloids contain larger insoluble molecules, such as gelatin; blood itself is a colloid. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Patients with congestive heart failure are at anincreasedrisk for detrimental effects of normal saline administration. Can J Anaesth. One fact is clear; normal saline should be prescribed, just like all other medications, taking into account individual patient factors, disease processes, and other treatments. Must know information about Blood Transfusions! There are a variety of signs and symptoms of blood transfusion reaction for both hemolytic and non-hemolytic reactions. endobj >> Hypotonic solutions are also contraindicated in patients with or at risk of developing cerebral edema. You're curious, because the patient is. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/bt. Osmotic pressure is a measurement of the balance of solutes (such as sodium, calcium, and chloride) to solvents (for example, water). Holliday MA, Ray PE, Friedman AL. /Length 4456 If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. MeSH What is a blood transfusion? Also, lactated Ringers contains the additive sodium lactate. >> Administered by the RN Normal Saline is the *only* compatible solution to hang with the blood or blood Blood IV tubing - one tubing for the blood and one for the saline. bone marrow can result in a low red blood cell count - called anaemia. Christine Kessler; Priming Blood Transfusion Tubing: A Critical Review of the Blood Transfusion Process. Such monitoring canalso help identify worsening neurologic function as a potential indicator of cerebral edema or central pontine myelinolysis. Saline is more likely to cause renal blood flow disturbances. "Normal" saline is a hypertonic, acidotic fluid. [Level 5]. /GS8 10 0 R 2009 May;56(5):352-6. doi: 10.1007/s12630-009-9070-5. We also use the saline to flush through the blood in the tubing before changing tubings betweeen blood units. There are two main types of volume expanders: crystalloids and colloids. Hypotonic concentrations of sodium chloride (0.45%) are best for parenteral maintenance fluids rather than aggressive intravascular volume repletion. Mar 16, 2007 The main reason you cannot utilize LR because the calcium in the LR will bind to the citrate in the blood and cause clumping of the RBCs this is also why you give 1gram of calcium after every 4 transfusions, becuase the citrate that is infused will bind to calcium in the body. First resuscitation of critical burn patients: progresses and problems. r0MCP+fg~FsFrxV9mzB Qrh{"Y99I##Z9zUx*}4iAZf+tkRB/KawI"lmFUQQQ'0kUZJbB-Aje&IN?BQZi:S{O3"yQR*V)2lQNjOlV>=ZAL>z#ON9 Effect of hydroxyethyl starch on blood glucose levels. You are not required to obtain permission to distribute this article, provided that you credit the author and journal. In most clinical settings, crystalloids are the choice of fluid for many indications forfluid resuscitation, maintenance, or as a solvent for medication delivery. endobj S- Initiate blood transfusion therapy per protocol Learning Objective 3: Demonstrate effective communication when caring for the patient receiving blood transfusion therapy a. . A blood transfusion also can help if an illness prevents your body from making blood or some of your . The dose for lactated Ringers depends on the circumstances. There is no physiologic rationale for its use as a resuscitative fluid. doi: https://doi.org/10.4037/ccn2013417. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 4 Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is only compatible with D5W. !%#(,$ #'e75'7`dz[ J]TZZZQ ]wh1a|}=>azC^HbGbHkUR~sl|[HXFc2&t7un,u. Lactate and gluconate are hepatically metabolized to bicarbonate, while acetate is predominantly metabolized peripherally by skeletal muscle. Normal saline and lactated Ringers are two IV fluids commonly used in hospital and healthcare settings. Can Ringer's lactate be used safely with blood transfusions? Within each 100 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride Injection USP, there is 15.4 mEq of sodium ions and 15.4 mEq of chloride ions. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our, Copyright 2023 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. This activity reviews the mechanism of action, adverse event profile, toxicity, dosing, pharmacodynamics, and monitoring of crystalloid fluids pertinent for interprofessional team members for treating hypovolemia and other indications. The risk of this complication becomes particularly elevated in patients with impaired kidney function (acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, etc. Primes blood administration set with normal saline without letting fluid drip from the end This potentially increases the risk of blood clots. #A(sl JeO}J7Op=}8Dc 4d`DLh-#3s*}::`FG(-,)|RVkt/!1-+#7Xar&g U~i \\0)&G&&bM Significant deviations from normal concentrations may require tailoring of the electrolyte pattern in these or alternative solutions. Blood bank guidelines should be revised to allow the use of LR in the rapid transfusion of PRBC. Clinicians should avoid using crystalloids containing dextrose (D5%W, D10%W, D5% 0.45% NS, etc.) Normal saline is a cornerstone of intravenous solutions commonly used in the clinical setting. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? INTRAVENOUS SOLUTIONS Of the various intravenous solutions, only isotonic saline (0.9%) is recommended for use with blood components. Colloids contain larger insoluble molecules, such as gelatin; blood itself is a colloid. Flush the Y-type blood administration set or appropriate administration set with 0.9% normal saline after the unit of blood has infused. Explain the importance of improving care coordination among the interprofessional team to enhance care delivery for patients when administering crystalloid fluids. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] These solutions were designed to sustain a normal physiologic plasma pH. 3 See agency policy for using EID for the administration of blood products. The body metabolizes this component to something called bicarbonate. Lactate is a metabolically active compound that isutilized during gluconeogenesis to produce glucose. Pharmacies instead mix normal saline with the following IV solutions: Because lactated Ringers has calcium in it, some doctors dont recommend using it when a person gets a blood transfusion. As a result, the hydrogen ion concentration in the serum would increase to maintain electrochemical neutrality. Access free multiple choice questions on this topic. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Rapid correction of hyponatremiamay cause central pontine myelinolysis, a devastating neurologic condition. These soundsmay indicate pulmonary edema secondary to volume overload. Raghunathan K, Shaw AD, Bagshaw SM. Therefore, monitoring should focus on laboratory results and clinical evaluation (see Monitoring section). This effect usually isnt a concern unless a person gets a large amount of normal saline solution. Paediatric administration Blood administration sets containing an integral 170-200 micron filter should always be used. Snchez-Snchez M, Garca-de-Lorenzo A, Asensio MJ. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. 8*k> Other commercially available crystalloid fluids include: A crystalloid fluid is an aqueous solution of mineral salts and other small, water-soluble molecules. Signs and symptoms of fluid overload can undergo an evaluation with a comprehensive physical exam. Fluid resuscitation: Ringer lactate versus normal saline - a clinical study. All rights reserved. StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island (FL). The site is secure. /Kids [5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R] With hypotonic fluid (eg, 0.45% saline), even less remains in the vasculature, and, thus, this fluid is not used for resuscitation. This is the practice at my hospital, let me know if you have seen different and why. In: StatPearls [Internet]. These ions are primarily under the regulation of the kidneys, which control homeostasis by absorption or excretion within the tubules. A transfusion of whole blood or packed red blood cells may be needed to treat acute blood loss or anaemia. Therefore, if an adverse effect does occur, discontinuation of the infusion is strongly suggested. Giving large amounts of pure water directly into a vein would cause your blood cells to become hypotonic, possibly leading to death. 2017 Mar 16;18(1):129. doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-1871-1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Allergic reactions may occur in people who have corn allergies. [10]Although additional prospective studies are still needed. { N7:&`J>9-9%\M* g:{7_r" Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Bhaskaran K, Arumugam G, Vinay Kumar PV. So how long can you go without water before the effects of dehydration kick in? Certainly normal saline can be used to flush the line after blood transfusion finishes. Paediatric blood administration sets are appropriate for small volume transfusions. Hypertonic solutions such as 3% saline solutions contain higher concentrations of solutesthan thosefound in human serum. Blood transfusions usually occur without complications. endobj In an acute setting, the clinical situation may indicate a rapid infusion of crystalloid fluids. /F2 12 0 R Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. /F1 13 0 R Additionally, water plays an equally important role. Crystalloid solutions and medications may cause agglutination and/or hemolysis of the blood or blood components. To monitor for fluid overload, patients at high risk of developing this complication shouldreceive frequent re-evaluation. 5 0 obj [6], Unlike acetate buffered solutions, lactated crystalloid fluidshave the potential to induce hyperglycemia. The three commonly used molecules are lactate, acetate, and gluconate. However, they do notmake recommendationsregardingwhich fluid should is the best choice. Eisenhut M. Causes and effects of hyperchloremic acidosis. Providers shouldassess fornew or worsening crackles. Would you like email updates of new search results? Saline versus balanced crystalloids for intravenous fluid therapy in the emergency department: study protocol for a cluster-randomized, multiple-crossover trial. You are not required to obtain permission to distribute this article, provided that you credit the author and journal. Choice of Fluid Therapy in the Initial Management of Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock. Hang the bag on the IV pole, and prime the tubing. "Normal" saline is a hypertonic, acidotic fluid. ( [1], An isotonic concentration of sodium chloride is best suited for the parenteral replacement of chloride losses that exceed or equal the sodium loss. This book is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. In addition to fluid overload, too much lactated Ringers solution could affect your electrolyte levels. Disclaimer. Read this article to learn about the different types of blood transfusions and why a person might need one. 2021 Mar 31;8:639848. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.639848. Medical uses of lactated Ringers to treat dehydration. Which IV fluid is compatible with blood products? In most clinical settings,normal saline isthe choice of fluid for many indications forfluid resuscitation, maintenance, or as a solvent for medication delivery. 5 0 obj Results: Patients with elevated lactate and creatinine concentration are signs that they may not be receiving an adequate amount of volume. Transfus Apher Sci. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Blood banks screen donors and test donated blood to reduce the risk of transfusion-related infections, so infections, such as HIV or hepatitis B or C, are extremely rare. [11][9] [Level 2], Established guidelines for crystalloid fluidunder various clinicalconditions are not yet extant. In comparison, normal saline (NS) has an osmolarity of about 286 mOsm/L. Learn what this procedure involves. Patients with congestive heart failure are at elevated risk for serious adverse effects of crystalloid fluid administration. stream Normal saline (0.9% Saline) Normal saline has a higher concentration of chloride ions (154 mmol/L) than in human serum (98 to 106 mmol/L). Hyperchloremia was significantly associated with increased mortality. All rights reserved. While saline and lactated Ringers solution have a few similarities, they also have differences. C. Open the Y-tubing blood administration set for a single unit of blood. Ideally, a urine output target of 0.5 mL/kg/hrindicates adequate hydration butmay not be useful to determine volume status inpatients with renal impairment. Background: Blood bank recommendations specify that Ringers lactate solution (LR) should be avoided while transfusing blood. Special care is prudent when administering fluids to patients with congestive heart failure or those with significant renal impairment (e.g., CKD-V dialysis-dependent patients). Its only meant for irrigation or IV use. Some people have medical conditions that mean their body cant handle the extra fluid well. Also, normal saline has a higher chloride content. 2 0 obj In 2012, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines recommended Early Goal-directed Therapy (EGDT) as the standard of care in managing patients in septic shock. Some research suggests that lactated Ringers may be preferred over normal saline for replacing lost fluid in trauma patients. Whole blood (WB, n = 25) and packed red blood cells (PRBC, n = 26) were rapidly admixed with normal saline (NS), Lactate solution and LR with 1 g (LR-1), 2 g (LR-2), and 5 g (LR-5) CaCl2/L solutions for assessment of infusion time, filter weight, and clot formation. Only normal saline should be used to prime the intravenous line, with no other solutions or medications used. If the doc wants lasix after/inbetween it will be ordered. endobj in patients with hyperglycemia. Only solution that can EVER hang with blood is 0.9% normal saline, will need at least a 250ml bag. This site uses cookies. [2] Normal salinecontains electrolytes (sodium and chloride ions) which dissociate in solution. There is no physiologic rationale for its use as a resuscitative fluid. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Water freely travels outside the vasculature, so as little as 10% of isotonic fluid remains in the intravascular space. Background: Boyd JH, Forbes J, Nakada TA, Walley KR, Russell JA. Contraindications for the use of normal saline are evaluated clinically from patient to patient. http://www.pathology.med.umich.edu/bloodbank/manual/bbch_6/index.html. Because of this discrepancy in concentration, these fluids are osmotically active and will cause fluid shifts. Being isotonic also means that when you get IV lactated Ringers, the solution wont cause cells to shrink or get bigger. Excessive renal bicarbonate excretion can occur, resulting in metabolic acidosis. % Universal blood donor type: Is there such a thing? An ideal urine output target of 0.5 mL/kg/hrindicates adequate hydration butmay not be useful to assess volume status inpatients with renal impairment. Other commonly used intravenous solutions will cause varying degrees of difficulty when mixed with red cells. Use a multi-set administration set if multiple units are to be transfused. Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. Balanced crystalloids versus saline in the intensive care unit: study protocol for a cluster-randomized, multiple-crossover trial. The process. Normal saline is the IV fluid used alongside the administration of blood products. Normal salineis a crystalloid fluid. Theurine output also requires monitoring. endobj ), and these patients should, therefore, receive treatment withjudicious useof intravenous fluids. Is lactated Ringers compatible with blood products? They decrease osmotic pressure by diluting the blood. This potentially life-saving procedure can help replace blood lost due to surgery or injury. Specifically, one must observe any changes in electrolyte concentrations, volume status, and acid-base disturbances. Semler MW, Self WH, Wang L, Byrne DW, Wanderer JP, Ehrenfeld JM, Stollings JL, Kumar AB, Hernandez A, Guillamondegui OD, May AK, Siew ED, Shaw AD, Bernard GR, Rice TW., Isotonic Solutions and Major Adverse Renal Events Trial (SMART) Investigators. Choice of Fluid Therapy in the Initial Management of Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock. We also use the saline to flush through the blood in the tubing before changing tubings betweeen blood units. When the solution goes into the vein, it goes inside cells as well as outside. Researchers are working on developing artificial blood. Saline is more likely to cause interstitial lung edema. Infusion rates depend on the clinicalpresentation and indication for administration. 6 0 obj /F4 17 0 R The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The distribution of water depends mainly on the concentration of these electrolytes within various compartments. This helps to wash away bacteria or make a surgical site easier to see. Fluid therapy for children: facts, fashions and questions. If fluid is not dripping: Check that all clamps are open. There are many potential problems related to saline. Hypertonic saline is contraindicated in all clinical settings except in patients with severe hyponatremiaand neurologic sequelae. 2017 Apr 13;18(1):178. doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-1923-6. Theyre both isotonic fluids. Normal saline can aslo be used as a flush -- to clean out an intravenous (IV) catheter. << Fluid Stewardship During Critical Illness: A Call to Action. 7 0 obj Ideally, the solution helps to maintain or achieve fluid balance in your body. Which is the best saline solution for blood transfusion? The Impact of Pre-Hospital Administration of Lactated Ringer's Solution versus Normal Saline in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Due to normal saline's well-known side effects, there have been concerns regarding its use in critically ill patients. The blood typically comes from donors. Therefore, we prefer balanced salt solutions for most intraoperative uses. Identify the mechanism of action of crystalloid fluids. Which fluid is used to flush IV line after blood transfusion? Lactated Ringers solution, or LR, is an intravenous (IV) fluid you may receive if youre dehydrated, having surgery, or receiving IV medications. It has high levels of sodium and chloride, levels that are higher than the blood. Trials. https://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/treatment-types/blood-transfusion-and-donation/how-blood-transfusions-are-done.html. 3 What are the disadvantages of normal saline? Giving too much lactated Ringers can cause swelling and edema. Tonicity plays a role but a minor role as upposed to calcium. Crystalloid fluidsare the first choice for fluid resuscitationin thepresence of hypovolemia, hemorrhage, sepsis, and dehydration. Matjovi M, Hork J, Harazim M, Karvuni T, Radj J, Novk I. Red blood cell transfusion is used to replace the blood removed rather than saline solution as discussed above. Saline is more likely to cause metabolic acidosis. endobj Epub 2009 Apr 2. Crystalloid fluids are a subset of intravenous solutions that are frequently used in the clinical setting. Normal Saline. ), which permits others to distribute the work, provided that the article is not altered or used commercially. It is a crystalloid fluid administered via an intravenous solution. Intravenous fluids arecommonly administered during resuscitation. Epstein EM, Waseem M. Crystalloid Fluids. These effects include febrile response, infection at the site of injection, venous thrombosis or phlebitis extending from the site of injection, extravasation, and hypervolemia. Study design and methods: A pool-and-split design was used to allow conditions to be tested on each pool within 2 hours of irradiation. in the donors blood This is a base that can help make the body less acidic. Search for other works by this author on: You do not currently have access to this content. It is used for replacing fluids and electrolytes in those who have low blood volume or low blood pressure. J Neurotrauma. In patientswho require a blood transfusion, blood products should utilize aseparate IV setup. Do a google search and you'll likely come up with your information. /Font 2 Which IV fluid is compatible with blood products? When to use saline flush or blood general allnurse? These include causing hyperchloremic acidosis, hyperkalemia, hemodynamic instability, renal malperfusion, systemic inflammation, and hypotension. The osmolarity is 154 mOsmol/liter and a pH range similar to the 0.9% concentration.[1][2]. The following are objective findings that the provider and nursing staff must review: The management of normal saline requires evaluation alongside the patients clinical status. This stands for keep vein open, and is usually about 30 milliliters per hour. A: Christine Kessler, RN, MN, CNS, ANP, BC-ADM, replies: Many hospital transfusion protocols and related nursing practices have been based more on tradition and assumptions than on scientific evidence. Intravenous fluid therapy in acutely ill patients for non-intensivists. Normal saline is a cornerstone of intravenous solutions commonly used in the clinical setting. \1CPr=uE.6hPFhz`[`nQx"s#8*}UWcA3S^%cjz}hI8hmS1J[y` x2@'cXYNexWo2rDrS$)2868"dyG\WP|H+1/sJ,$+i=I'ukro9WzG+/! Its indications include both adult and pediatric populations as sources of hydration and electrolyte disturbances. Within each 100 mL of 0.45% sodium chloride Injection USP, there is 7.7 mEq of sodium ions and 7.7 mEq of chloride ions. Broadly,intravenous fluids can fall into two separate categories: crystalloids and colloids. Calcium can induce coagulation of the blood products in the IV tubing and therefore inhibit their effective delivery. American Red Cross. 1 Why is normal saline used for blood transfusions? It used for acute blood loss . The donated blood that's been stored in a plastic bag enters your bloodstream through the IV. The maintenance need for water in parenteral fluid therapy, by Malcolm A. Holliday, MD, and William E. Segar, MD, Pediatrics, 1957;19:823-832. [2]It is vital for the clinician to monitor these patients carefully and to administer the minimum required volume to maintain homeostasis. If you do receive it, youll be monitored to make sure that you dont get too much through your IV. Jung KT, et al. Because there is less sodium in lactated Ringers than there is in the blood, your sodium levels could become too low if you get too much. /Outlines 2 0 R Various estimates indicate that between 15% and 45% of patients require transfusions during their intensive care unit (ICU) stay, depending on their length of stay.1,2 The Joint Commission mandates that hospitals have Christine Kessler is a nurse practitioner in the department of endocrinology at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. You might develop a bruise around the needle site, but this should go away in a few days. These conditions include: If people with these medical conditions are getting lactated Ringers (or any other IV fluid), a medical professional should closely monitor them to ensure they arent getting too much fluid. Lactated Ringers solution has a lot of the same electrolytes that blood naturally does. When monitoring the use of normal saline, there must be periodic assessments of the patients clinical and laboratory findings. Neyra JA, Canepa-Escaro F, Li X, Manllo J, Adams-Huet B, Yee J, Yessayan L., Acute Kidney Injury in Critical Illness Study Group. These fluids approximate concentrations of various solutes found in plasma anddo not exert an osmotic effect in vivo. White blood cells White Blood Cells help fight infection, bacteria and other substances that enter the body. >> Which type of IV administration set should be used for blood transfusion? Lactated Ringer's/Hartman's solution (lactate buffered solution). Epub 2019 Jun 30. n = 25) and packed red blood cells (PRBC, n = 26) were rapidly admixed with normal saline (NS), Lactate solution and LR with 1 g (LR-1), 2 g (LR-2), and 5 g (LR . Front Vet Sci. Saline Shortage (0.9% NaCl Solution) Background: It is standard practice at many hospitals to follow blood component transfusions with a normal saline (0.9% NaCl) flush. >> to restore fluid balance after significant blood loss or burns. While the overuse of 0.45% sodium chloride can cause hyponatremia and cerebral edema, this is due to its hypotonic nature, creating a migration of water molecules into areas of higher sodium concentration. Chang R, Holcomb JB. Common practices utilize the formulas created by Drs. While normal saline (0.9% NaCl solution) is the most frequently usedcrystalloid fluid, many other formulations can provide improved clinical outcomes in specific patient populations. Phlebotomy can also be used in people with sickle cell anemia who require lifelong blood transfusion to prevent strokes. Studies performed on dogs have shown that even small volumes of acetate-containingcrystalloids cansignificantly increase the serum concentration of acetate to 10to 40 times the physiologic level. dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=d3d29c8f-c326-4097-814a-7f4e08c67068, ijcmr.com/uploads/7/7/4/6/77464738/ijcmr_1756_v1.pdf, Everything You Need to Know About Making and Using Homemade Saline Solution, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, 9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds, Glycemic Index: What It Is and How to Use It. Ringer's lactate is largely used in aggressive volume resuscitation from blood loss or burn injuries; however, Ringer's lactate is a great fluid for aggressive fluid replacement in many clinical situations, including sepsis and acute pancreatitis. endobj Blood transfusions are generally considered safe, but there is some risk of complications. 1 0 obj Thanks. The Y-set must not be used for maintenance IV solutions or antibiotics. Some suggest that acetate may potentiate hemodynamic instability by decreasing bothmyocardial contractility and blood pressure. xXKoF#@+;[@6 Hence, excessive administration of lactated crystalloids may be of concern in patients with diabetes.[6]. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Food and water consumption are essential components to life. What Are the Benefits of Drinking Hot Water? Ringer's lactate solution contains calcium ions. FOIA You receive lactated Ringers solution in an IV. According to B. Braun Medical, one of the companies that manufactures lactated Ringers, every 100 milliliters of their solution includes the following: These components can vary slightly by manufacturer. /Lang (en-US) "Normal" saline is a hypertonic, acidotic fluid. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. This book is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Careers.

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why is normal saline used with blood transfusions

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