what is a dependent restricted tour

A: COT Consecutive Overseas tour, (One OCONUS PDS to another OCONUS PDS, i.e. %%EOF I stand to lose a significant amount of money I am by regulation entitled to. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. (Reference AR 614-30 & AR 55-46). For information on tourist passports see the U.S. Department of State website. endstream endobj startxref For Soldiers that complete more than 8 months of a dependent restricted tour, the system will award overseas short tour credit. Your expenses for bringing your vehicle to the port will be reimbursed. In this instance, the military would pay for the spouse and dependents to move to their desired location. h_o0=n8APx)$(q5sHHtN/(I0Ovz BBZ5 F=DX }$Rb: Most installations also have a Youth Sponsorship Program through Child and Youth Services. PBP&E allowances have changed for members whose travel orders are issued 1 May 2014 and after. Other items of a professional nature that are not necessary at the next/subsequent PDS, such as textbooks from previous schools unrelated to future duties; personal books, even if used as part of a past professional reading program or course of instruction; and reference material that ordinarily would be available at the next/subsequent PDS either in hard copy or available on the Internet. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. WebYes, upon completion of a dependent-restricted tour, including involuntary extension beyond initial tour, wait list eligibility date will be date departed previous duty station for the dependent-restricted tour or a maximum 14-month credit. Closed on U.S. holidays For a detailed guide on how to complete the DD Form 1351-2 click here. Soldiers with dependents who are serving a Dependent Restricted tour will not forfeit their housing allowance when assigned to UH at the new duty station. The purpose of DLA is to partially reimburse a member for the expenses incurred in relocating the household on a PCS, ordered for the Government's convenience, or incident to an evacuation. 6400, Suite S318, Education Services Weba dependent-restricted tour, including involuntary extension beyond initial tour, to the date the Soldier departed the previous duty station for the dependent-restricted tour or a maximum 14 month credit. Webd. A: There is no time limit on when you can submit your levy packet. A. For current rates see the Defense Travel Management Website. Dependent Travels with the Service Member. These are considered Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Individual posts differ in meeting this requirement with some moving to on-line learning while others require classroom instruction. TLE is only authorized in the vicinity of the old/new PDS; it is not authorized for house hunting. If you left the vehicle with a friend, relative or any other location you will not be authorized travel expenses/reimbursement to pick up your POV. Child aged under 18 at the time of applicati Continue Reading 27 1 Rates are set each fiscal year and determined based on location. DSN: 757-2094 The sole dependent is a spouse legally separated or child(ren) in the legal custody of another person. If a Soldier exceed this, they will require a DEROS adjustment and an amendment to their orders. NOTE: It is not advisable to waive unpacking at any time during the delivery. Dude, you really need to format this better. This means that there is a VERY LIMITED infrastructure (e.g. Have placement planned out before the TSP arrives. In this instance, the military would pay for the spouse and dependents to move to their desired location. Soldiers who obtain Family members during the tour and were separated from hose Family members will receive credit only for time separated. WebAccompanied Tour (with dependents) This means your family is eligible to accompany your Soldier overseas for a 24-month tour. These are considered The length of the assignment is 24 months for single people, or those with dependents who elect not to bring their dependents, and 36 months for those who bring their dependents. Dependent-Restricted Tour at a PDS OCONUS or Unusually Arduous Sea Duty Outside the United States 95 Table 26-34. You can only reenlist for Korea, not Casey, so you are where the Army was able to place you. B. Soldiers who cannot be utilized locally may be reassigned to CONUS with 6 months remaining obligated service, if they are reassigned under the EFMP, as prisoners, from patient status, or from operations in a hostile environment. The standard tour length for a DoD Service These cartons must be marked PBP&E/Pro Gear, weighed separately, and listed on the inventory form, Put all nuts, bolts, and screws from a disassembled item in a bag and attach securely to the item, Mark each carton to show general contents, Prepare an accurate and legible inventory, Obtain approval from the TO prior to loading on the tailgate of the moving van, Remove all excess packing material from your residence. Thu, 1-4 p.m. 14 FAM 531.2 Alternate-Seat-of-Government Travel (CT:LOG-343; 02-11-2022) If you did defer the COT entitlement you must use it prior to the completion of your new tour. Command Sponsorship Program (CSP): If taking your Family to your overseas assignment, you must apply for Command Sponsorship. The sole dependent is placed in an institution for a known period of over 1 year or for an indefinite period which may be expected to exceed 1 year. Incomplete packet will only delay the process, ensure your packet is complete. She would not be issued an ID, which would make getting on post very difficult (visitors passes expire). Contact Military Pay Office for additional information. 2) Levy Briefing: The levy briefing provides guidance and information to Soldiers during the reassignment process, it is requirement in AR 600-8-11 . English - Amharic Translator. Same situation I PCSd from Korea to my current unit. The required Dependent Verification Letter is valid for the duration of the deployment and for unlimited trips. (a13ccfU5*Ub*rVH9]MHf1x. 6400. 1:3 deployment-to-dwell ratio to be standardized under DoD policy starting in Nov. What is the dwell time for Korea? You or your designated representative must be available between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time on pack, pickup, and delivery dates. WebThis program is for members who received a short-tour assignment or dependents restricted tour. However, it is important to remember that DRO itself does not provide the status to remain in Japan. Advance Basic Pay-Advance Basic Pay is similar to an interest-free loan for a PCS with military salary as collateral. Route your request through your chain of command and have your S1 submit it to the Enlisted Personnel You are looking at the difference between DEROS and ETS, which you claim is 7 months. If your property is lost or damaged, you have the right to file a claim directly with the TSP. | What type of shipment you want to make (HHG, UB and or NTS) and the estimated weight. And since it's branch telling me no, do I have any recourse, or who should I be asking this question to? Kunsan AB is still a dependent-restricted location, so members will not be able to bring their non-military dependent family members. How long is an enlisted, unaccompanied tour in Germany? WebYes, upon completion of a dependent-restricted tour, including involuntary extension beyond initial tour, wait list eligibility date will be date departed previous duty station for the dependent-restricted tour or a maximum 14-month credit. Webnot preclude HRC from assigning you to a dependent-restricted tour and potential return to your Familys location. DPS will present a pop-up window with a list of shipments. South Korea) The purpose of IDT is to provide a period of individual dwell time before being repetitively redeployed. Unaccompanied Housing (UH): When assigned to a duty station outside of the United States (Foreign), Soldiers in the grade of E-6 and below who are either bona fide single Soldiers or dual military Soldiers serving on separate tours are required to reside in UH. Webtoday) { 2,827 Followers, 976 Following, 379 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from K A R E N M A I N E (@karen__maine) !loop_range) { - text ETS- Soldiers should attend a transition brief no later than 6 months prior to their ETS date. This message updates the deployment and mobilization dwell, and dependent restricted tour dwell policies in AR 614-30. DSN: 755-3601 or 755-3602 Begin packing/pickup between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. that an assignment to South Korea, is a dependent-restricted tour. WebAlso, unaccompanied Soldiers with dependents on a Dependent Restricted tour (Families are not authorized to accompany the Soldier) are required to live in UH. What is the dwell time for Korea? Upon completion of your travel, you will file a travel voucher and submit it to your local finance office for reimbursement. A: You must first attend a levy briefing and then submit your levy/reassignment packet to your S1 for submission to MPD. WebBAH RC/T is a non-locality housing allowance for members in particular circumstances, for example, reservists on active duty for 30 or fewer days. Web [] Child aged under 18 at the time of applicati Continue Reading 27 1 Provide the following at time of counseling: Two complete sets of orders/authorization including amendments/for each type of shipment planned (e.g., Household Goods (HHG), Non-Temporary Storage (NTS), Unaccompanied Baggage (UB)). Privacy Statement If HRC approved JD, and it is not on your orders, then you will need for each back to your losing MPD to have your orders amended. Moving allowance is based on the Service members rank, dependency status, and if the move is Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) or in the Continental United States (CONUS). Soldiers with dependents who are serving a Dependent Restricted tour will not forfeit their housing allowance when assigned to UH at the new duty station. It's Command Sponsorship, not You will be assigned to a barracks room and she would not be permitted to live there. hVn@}lEE"N];JI(A65,c)Bu9sv#MwF'NW0 H4 (5S%+ !\24 Tsgg`II9;a:uq!qarw . 6M~M%7 X8BMoM\NMn'Z,,kgf n*%4h9HVqH51_Bk%d(u;i,d4a Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. dependent-restricted tour to apply for advanced consideration of a CONUS assignment or overseas tour BEFORE the Airmans departure. This means that there is a VERY LIMITED infrastructure (e.g. There are three components to this allotment: lodging, meals and incidentals. %PDF-1.6 % Leave: Submit a DA Form 31 if you wish to take leave in conjunction with a PCS. Government Loaner Furniture Selection, availability and length of loan period varies by location. A: The first step is to ensure that you have enrolled your child in DEERS and Tricare, both are located in Maude Hall, bldg. All Soldiers should attend a transition brief as follows: Retirees- Should attend a retirement briefing 18 months before their requested retirement date or as soon as possible, the further out the better. Quarantine - A Service member on a PCS order is authorized reimbursement for mandatory pet quarantine fees for household pets. Possibly heading to Germany on an unaccompanied 1-year Tour of Duty. AF Changes Unaccompanied Tour Policy. Before signing your inventory prepared by the TSP(s), be sure these items are declared as PBP&E/Pro-Gear. MALT is used as mileage reimbursement for Service members and their dependents during a PCS move. @\R3*zj@vpP_DMT5Ek;'Fppi]#G#9-}c|273[8` Personnel Assignments. Service member dependent-restricted tours are shown as Not Accompanied (NA) in the table. DSN: 753-8176 MAs should expect two dependent restricted tours during a career, the first should be expected as a junior enlisted MA (E1-E6) and the second as a senior enlisted MA (E7-E9). WebBAH RC/T is a non-locality housing allowance for members in particular circumstances, for example, reservists on active duty for 30 or fewer days. At that time you will make the following decisions: Permissive TDY (PTDY): PTDY is not authorized for Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) destinations. Serving the Rugged Professional", Survivor Outreach Services | Total Army Sponsorship | Safety, Human Resources | Civilian Expeditionary Workforce, U.S. Army Environmental Command | Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy & Environment. (References: AR 55-46 and AR614-30). milper message 21-478, update to the deployment-to-dwell, mobilization-to-dwell, and dependent restricted tour dwell policy, issued: [12/20/2021 10:33:23 am]. The individuals who qualify as a Tier 2 dependent, as follows: Spouse. You going on a dependent restricted area means you can not bring family, which means they have to stay behind, which means you are entitled to BAH for dependents living expense. The appropriate OCONUS TLA Authority may authorize TLA up to 60 days upon arrival at the OCONUS PDS or up to 10 days prior to departure from the OCONUS PDS. Dependent Care and Adoption . Protect appliances against damage while in transit. Unaccompanied dependents of deployed military members can travel as a Cat-III (after active duty Cat-III if sponsor deployed 365 days or more) or Cat-IV (if sponsor deployed 30 to 364 days), including Reserve and Guard personnel. Senior level Officers RFOs will be issued by either the Senior Leaders Division (SLD) for O6 level Officers or General Officer Management Office (GOMO) for General Officers. endstream endobj 81 0 obj <>stream Now click on the item that you are wishing to accept and click the Accept Offer button. In most cases, the Per diem is calculated at 50% for each dependent traveling with the first dependent for direct travel between the old and new PDS. Ask your command for a curtailment of you tour (maybe a little 30-45 days) which will give you the six months between arrival at Bragg and ETS. The Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) enables military members assigned overseas to privately lease housing on the economy. You are looking at the difference between DEROS and ETS, which you claim is 7 months. RESTRICTED Concerts usually last for around 1 hour to 3 hours however this is dependent on the setlist (songs that are planned to be performed). May a Reserve Component or National Guard member who regularly or repeatedly enters and leaves active duty receive a dislocation FAMILY SEPARATION ALLOWANCE (FSH TYPE II) Soldiers who PCS on a Dependents restricted tour will be entitled to FSA at the rate of $8. Transferring your Professional License Overseas: In some occupations, your state-issued license - no matter where it is from - is valid for government and contracting jobs. WebA member is not considered a member with dependents for FSA entitlement when: A. {~$? A letter of authorization signed by you or a Power of Attorney; required if you are unable to visit the TO. You suppose to sign a waiver if you want to go waiving your stabilization, otherwise youre suppose to be stabled at the duty station location for 6 months. Be sure the person you choose knows what you want and has the information to make the right arrangements. RESTRICTED's setlist can vary depending on the venue and the country the performance is played. Only one member can apply for CSP per family at non dependent-restricted locations. endstream endobj startxref WebDwell time is to reset to zero upon arrival to Korea on a dependent restricted tour. The minimum excess cost is approximately $100.00 per hundred pounds over the maximum weight allowance. Advance Travel Pay- All requests must be made through Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) by emailing: DFAS-MILPCSADVANCE@mail.mil. Commercial products for sale/resale used in conducting business, Furniture of any kind even though used in connection with (ICW) the PBP&E (e.g., bookcases, study/computer desks, file cabinets, and racks), Personal computer equipment and peripheral devices, Memorabilia, including awards, plaques, or other objects presented for past performance (includes any type of going-away gifts, office decorations, pictures, etc. A: Married Army couples who are enrolled in MACP are considered for JD assignments. In this instance, the military would pay for the spouse and dependents to move to their desired location. Airline Flights - All travel arrangements must be made through the Contract Travel Office (CTO) at your losing duty station. Location: Bldg. Avoid scheduling lease termination or house sale closing on the same date your HHG are to be packed, picked up, or delivered. Tour Length Establishment. DSN: 755-1090, ASAP, Drug Testing Coordinator Soldiers with dependents who are serving a Dependent Restricted tour will not forfeit their housing allowance when assigned to UH at the new duty station. Requirements vary by location and are issued by local law enforcement. What's the RESTRICTED setlist? Web(2) Dependent Restricted Tours (DRT) in Souda Bay Crete, Diego Garcia, Bahrain, El Salvador, Bahamas, Deveselu Romania, and Redzikow, Poland. DSN: 757-2097 or 0503-357-2097 Web1 A Service member is ordered from a dependent restricted tour to a location from LAW 78193 at University of Technology Sydney Dwell time begins to accumulate on the day the Soldier arrives at his or her new permanent duty station. IDT is accrued whenever a Soldier is deployed or assigned overseas on a dependent-restricted tour for at least 30 consecutive days (example: Korea). Dwell time is to reset to zero upon arrival to Korea on a dependent restricted tour. [See More] Vote up (3) 6400, Suite F101, Hospital - Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital, U.S. ARMY INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND, "We Are the Army's Home - WebShipment of effects is authorized for employees whose tour of duty at post is one year or more or who serve less than a year and are transferred or otherwise removed from post for the convenience of the U.S. Government (see 3 FAM 2440 regarding curtailments). Privatized Military Housing: (Alaska and Hawaii) property is managed and maintained by a private entity. Airmen apply for Dependent-Restricted Tours (e.g. Maude Hall All military members ensure arrangements are made for the care of their dependents when they must be separated due to TDY or PCS. DSN: 755-1087, ASAP, Prevention Coordinator There are numerous steps in an Overseas Permanent Change of Station (PCS) process. On dependent-restricted overseas tours must have at least 6 months remaining obligated service upon arrival date at gaining CONUS duty station. 6400 SPC (Join to see) well, Korea itself is a dependent restricted tour. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Airmen selected for a dependent-restricted short tour for their second or later assignments can voluntarily apply to participate in the Follow-On Assignment Program, providing them greater flexibility in the assignment process and greater stability for their families. A list of large or unusual items (e.g., large screen TV [i.e., plasma, LCD, DLP], piano, pool table, china cabinet, wall unit, satellite dish, hot tub, boat, motorcycle, recreational vehicle). Family Member Travel Screening (FMTS) is required for all Family members who will be moving, and all must be present at this appointment. Is Korea an accompanied tour? You are looking at the difference between DEROS and ETS, which you claim is 7 months. _ In most cases, the Dwell time for dependent-restricted tours of six months or longer is at least 6 months. MAs should expect two dependent restricted tours during a career, the first should be expected as a junior enlisted MA (E1-E6) and the second as a senior enlisted MA (E7-E9). H|T6+HW$E::m X{Ai[-E43y3w]. OHA rates are compiled by country and are updated based on new cost data and currency fluctuations. Professional Books, Papers, and Equipment / Professional Gear (PBP&E / Pro-Gear) Allowance. Webtoday) { 2,827 Followers, 976 Following, 379 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from K A R E N M A I N E (@karen__maine) !loop_range) { - text You may be eligible to ship your pets via the Patriot Express Air Mobility Command Flight. Military couples with dependents and single-member sponsors are expected to fulfill their military obligations on the same basis as other members. ldY)!#iSG7(``0n6661f`0N#_aeb\$4AA @HaqLL2db|K({o"wfD}L |F) {?$ This message updates the deployment and mobilization dwell, and dependent restricted tour dwell policies in AR 614-30. Just kidding, but maybe not so much. Army Regulation 600-8-10, Leaves and Passeshttps://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/ARN30018-AR_600-8-10-000-WEB-1.pdf, Army Regulation 600-8-11, Reassignment https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/r600_8_11.pdf, Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Docs/perdiem/JTR.pdf, DFAS-Travel Payhttps://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers/travelpay/checklists/, DFAS- Claim Statushttps://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers/travelpay/armypcs/, Weight Allowance Calculatorhttps://www.ustranscom.mil/dp3/weightestimator.cfm, Its Your Move Armed Forces Members Guidehttps://www.ustranscom.mil/dtr/part-iv/dtr_part_iv_app_k_1.pdf, Military One Sourcehttps://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/moving, Army Community Servicehttps://www.armymwr.com/programs-and-services/personal-assistance/army-community-service, Exceptional Family Member Programhttps://efmp.amedd.army.mil/index.html, DoD Overseas Station and Housing Allowance Process Guidehttps://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Docs/DoD_Overseas_Station_and_Housing_Allowance_Process_Guide.pdf, Army Barracks Management Program Handbook Version 2https://www.housing.army.mil/Documents/FSBP2020.pdf, Index Also, unaccompanied Soldiers with dependents on a Dependent Restricted tour (Families are not authorized to accompany the Soldier) are required to live in UH. UQR- Soldiers should attend no early than 12 months and no later than 6 months, before their requested separation date. The required Dependent Verification Letter is valid for the duration of the deployment and for unlimited trips. You are authorized reimbursement from the APOD to your gaining PDS or your authorized travel route. c. On a case-by-case basis, HQDA (DCS, G1) may also approve involuntary FSTE for periods up to 60 days to support military field exercises or operations not involving hostilities. WebDependent restricted tour - Amharic translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. I'm NG. WebAlso, unaccompanied Soldiers with dependents on a Dependent Restricted tour (Families are not authorized to accompany the Soldier) are required to live in UH. However, if unpacking is waived, the TSP is not required to return later to unpack or remove debris. The addition of these service types does not change the long and short tour policies in any way. When PBP&E/Pro-Gear is properly declared in DPS, the weight of PBP&E/Pro-Gear does not count against the total weight of your shipment(s). Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. -- 5 p.m. 6400, Suits S318, Records Management Citizenship for each person. dependent-restricted tour to apply for advanced consideration of a CONUS assignment or overseas tour BEFORE the Airmans departure. hbbd``b`$ HlIX@ $kbeX@"(a`bd '0 The Retirement Services Office educates Soldiers and Family Members about their retirement benefits and entitlements, and provides the information needed to make appropriate and timely decisions for themselves and their Families On dependent-restricted overseas tours must have at least 6 months remaining obligated service upon arrival date at gaining CONUS duty station. Gaining command say they cant/wont give me PDS BAH because of that language. If you are serving together in a dependent restricted short tour area (Korea) you may apply to occupy a joint house hold, see your S1 for the current processing guidelines. 7) Moving Services and Transportation - Moving services can be arranged using MilitaryOnesource using the Defense Personal Property System (DPS) or in person at your local Transportation Office (TO). WebTo apply to relocate their dependents to a non-foreign OCONUS location (Alaska, Hawaii, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and US territories and possessions) while the Airmen is serving a short, dependent restricted overseas or unaccompanied overseas tour Dwell time begins to accumulate on the day the Soldier arrives at his or her new permanent duty station. Terms of Use Request using DD Form 2560. After I return to CONUS at the end of my tour does my dwell time reset? If you did not defer your COT entitlement you must use your COT entitlement between tours. dependent restricted tour . This one-time placement includes placing unpacked articles in cabinets, cupboards, or on kitchen shelves when convenient, safe, and it is your desired location. Pets/Quarantine for each country. WebSo, prepare for your one-year, dependent-restricted tour to Korea. For the Army to pay for travel, flights must be booked via the CTO on a U.S. Location: Bldg. Through various agencies the Army provides guidance and counseling to assist Soldiers and their Families in making the best choices. %%EOF Accommodations vary by location. S-657, Human Resources, Administrative Services When using your COT entitlement, you will take your orders to CTO to book your air travel. Dwell time for dependent-restricted tours of six months or longer is at least 6 months. DQT{ z-U3GD[d< he/\a #r R[~O[b#N_NA|F&@3D z8maSspRB8@]+|h \OlKs=wCzp(#GYPy~pr? M0CY?=X>36j1c+B&]qrz 'pEMUZhOp^adjE :;I2Z1TXj _8[Psb}z"r}Tu!SuhoH@Cg2+A s0P|gFb|Je>l3<1E8J5cQraF-?;\% I]kaC0` -^7K&;&*URQZIvZQZDjd;TXz.wJ`^iz-l ()*x"o~kuONyyz`rYA+-#TL`AuG%;yes !UU gW4c{>1 Webdependent adjective Relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed restricted adjective Subject to restriction or subjected to restriction tour noun A journey or route all the way around a particular place or area What is the dwell time for Korea? hmO0^?$q UjeHUIU_dFJ*1|$ A0Z&*| `LD,2 "2B C s2)JpH.UU0E|1Y39)0*VzAfS2WOz9.d2N*a&NJG4zF9? R>jr 2bdt(B9i ,TxZ@!pmp4yS?pWn"V1]qoVujKnrdvuQPk7&K..Js{P[/UN yHQ^|l?X|TzxyY`k!74bpAOVwoo6Ym$*nvZXl$C|@x442q&EmK9 bD1 b(;[ka3Da^oil4zY S_mEhc9lya[A(LP'TC9oI.] Mf&Gqb$)>5e*_0;ISQt` 3xh Your spouse is located with you here in Korea In this situation your spouse is considered an acquired dependent. endstream endobj 35 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <> endobj 37 0 obj <>stream The window for Soldiers to depart is their DEROS plus 10 days. Webdependent adjective Relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed restricted adjective Subject to restriction or subjected to restriction tour noun A journey or route all the way around a particular place or area endstream endobj 61 0 obj <>stream Tour Length Establishment. RESTRICTED Concerts usually last for around 1 hour to 3 hours however this is dependent on the setlist (songs that are planned to be performed). Include a copy of your PCS orders and all amendments along with DFAS Form 9114. A single member assigned to Type "4" duty for a 36-month sea tour in Japan where the DoD unaccompanied tour is Location: Bldg. Dwell time is to reset to zero upon arrival to Korea on a dependent restricted tour. [See More] Vote up (3) She would not be issued an ID, which would make getting on post very difficult (visitors passes expire). Location: Bldg. TLA may be authorized to partially reimburse a Service member for temporary subsistence expenses incurred OCONUS (Foreign or Non-Foreign). 0 ITT - COT Intra-theater continuous overseas tour A PCS reassignment between duty stations in the same theater or country. RESTRICTED's setlist can vary depending on the venue and the country the performance is played. WebEach Airman will serve a 12-month, unaccompanied tour simultaneously, but will be required to reside in separate, unaccompanied quarters. Upon completion of Screenings Soldiers must bring the following to Military Personnel Office (MPO): DA Form 5888 (EFMP Overseas Medical Screening) - complete parts A & B, DA Form 4787 (Reassignments Processing-Family Member Data) - complete blocks 3-17a, DA Form 5121 (Overseas Tour Election Statement) - signed by Soldier and S1, DD 1172-2 (Application for Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment) - verified by DEERS office, DD Form 2792 (Family Member Medical Summary) For each EFMP warranted Family member and supporting documents if EFMP, Sex Offender Declaration - for PCS to Korea or Japan.

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what is a dependent restricted tour

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