what cities are on the 33rd parallel

The universe runs on an energy .said the Aztecsand the gods thirst for it was perpetual and insatiable. sampling. Find Related Places. Elohim City is located near Muldrow , Oklahoma. The southernmost tip of the Korean Peninsula is at about the 33rd parallel, approximately 2,277 miles north . Al Hazen was a scientist of significance in times of vast ignorance. This is the organization closest to George W. Bushs Texas. Many odd disasters happen there like the combination of. www.peacecorpswriters.org/pages/depts/archives/journalsofpeace/jppostart1123.html . Ambassador Walker is the Presidents First cousin and a. 5. The 33rd parallel is a path of power across the globe, a circuit that links both time and space, a mystery we are just now beginning to realize. www.godulike.co.uk/faiths.php?chapter=74&subject=who .Some believe they were murdered by the CIA and were in fact a mind control cult sponsored by that agency. 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death was published by AM Design on 2020-07-01. The Symbol of the Rothschild clan -from which the name stems from Red Shield- is a. www.wealth4freedom.com/Rothschild2.html . They lost the Cold War. Florida 2000 vote theft looks like Chicago 1960 vote theft. Allegedly. Santa Fe, NM 87502-2486. Roger surrounded himself with many scientist of whatever background they came from. The inventor of the death penalty likewise. The Death Row for Lebanon is Roumieh Prison , north of Lebanon at -roughly- 33.60 N. Latitude is very close to being exact to the death row in Atlanta for females. 7. after Christ died. Dealey Plaza is shaped like a pyramid with missing capstone and was also the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas. 4. 1. HUMAN SACRIFICE WAS PERFORMED AT UR THE NAVEL OF THE EARTHWHICH COINCIDES WITH THE LATITUDE COORDINATES NOTED ABOVE WITH THE PLACE OF EXECUTION THAT HAS SET THE RECORD IN THE LONE PENTAGRAM STATE BY 3RD GENERATION SKULL/BONE SCION. All of this to a man that one does not know, has not caused one harm, one did not, Witness any crime committed and who may profess innocence in an admittedly flawed, Thus a pre-requisite of high office in America is to kill by remote control by signing a. piece of paper and washing ones hands of the matter. 6. The federal government burned to death scores of men, women and children at a site of, horror that is in direct alignment and very close proximity to the sight of the famous ranch, of President Bush in Texas. In the New Testament book of Revelation 16: . 3. www.greaterthings.com/Conspiracy/NewWorldOrder/now_quotes.htm (now should be typed N W O). The Beatles Album cover Sgt. When the current forces took over Abu Ghraib they did not destroy it they continued using it as before. www.yaleherald.com/article.php?Article=2801 . But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Karbala . www.mega.nu/ampp/elkhorn/elkhorn.html#metatop . Executed first black female in the State since 1857 ( a slave named Lucy). Again with large, sprawling facilities the alignment with the A Q Khan / Kahuta facility could COULD be exact and match the, THE LARGEST NUCLEAR REACTOR IN THE USA, THE PALO VERDE REACTOR IS LOCATED NEAR PHOENIX , ARIZONA LATITUDE N 33.2320. www.explorer.alltopix.com/map/vsv2oh?Palo_Verde_Nuclear_Power_Plant.htm . That the blood is that of another not the signer. States and end the threat of the Soviet Union right then and there. The Mexican Drug Cartels are increasingly involved in Satanism regarding the, Cult of La Santa Muerte or Saint Death- This entity is frequently called upon to, Assist in the safe passage of the drugs or illegal aliens into the United States or, Better said to the 33rd parallel States of New Mexico, Arizona, California & Texas, Hundreds of illegal border crossers die in the desert each summer trying to get into, The four States forming the parallel of death that adjoin Mexico. k) The only other place where Stadiums have been notoriously used to kill was in, 33rd parallel Afghanistan with the Taliban that was also a mystical religious death, Cult linked to Gehlen created CIA. There is only one Zen, Buddhist Temple in Silver Spring. The Killing can take place in Baghdad or EVENAbu Ghraib. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Cronkite . Gilgamesh is a hybrid part man / part god. The following link or article provides information on the interlinks between, Freemasonry, the Klan, the Knight templars and other orders that essentially. MLK, WAS KILLED IN APRIL IN MEMPHIS. The so-called Ratline that brought them to the USA and, Elsewhere did not simply bring, scientists, spies and operatives overit brought Black, Magicians or Left-Hand Path occultists prevalent in the upper hierarchy of the SS and, Other organizations. www.engaged-zen.org/articles/Kobutsu-Investing_in_Slavery.html . CIA even helped him get a visa. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Arrow_Honor_Society . Death Row South Carolina : Ridgeville, SC Latitude N 33.0326 ( 3+2+6= 11). Solomon to Rome (now believed to be secretly in the possession of the Vatican). The KLAN WAS FOUNDED IN PULASKI , TENNESSE AT 35.20 N. LATITUDE, THIS COINCIDES WITH HERAKLION (CITY OF HERCULES) CRETE -THE CRADLE OF MINOAN CIVILIZATION WHICH PERFORMED HUMAN SACRIFICE, www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_civilization . www.subgenius.com/bigfist/evils/politics/X0002_BUSHED.TXT.html . It was known as the order, Of the Assassins. When the dutch arrived in the 1600s they used Robben Island , off the coast of Cape Town South Africa as an execution and prison ground for Africans. THE DEATH OF FDR AND BHUTTO WERE SACRAMENTO OR LOVE OFFERINGS HUMAN SACRIFICES ON THE 33RD PARALLEL TO PROVIDE THE PSYCHIC ENERGY TO USHER IN THE US AND PAKISTANI NUCLEAR WEAPONS ERAS, a) As noted previously, President Zulfikar Bhutto was hanged in Rawalpindi , Pakistan at. So called Muti murders are very common in South Africa. Bush Fraud Investigation Update by Wayne Madsen. d) Women prisoners forced to have sex with dogs. 2. Thus the most prolific serial killers and the most prolific political killer Mao are on the, Californias noted movie industry has an even bigger parallel in the Bollywood of India. www.organimed.com/ohmygourds/catalog.shtml . Thus there is a connection to the 666 number. The Significance Of The 33rd Parallel The area where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers come closest together -- allegedly the place of the earliest human "civilization" -- lies virtually at the 3330'N latitude, in what is now modern Iraq. This may be indicative of an. Criminal detention of ones own nations diplomats. Japan, China and India are also at the forefront of the unethical organ transplant list. US President Trump did exactly that, tweeting a desire to cross the 33rd parallel, the latitude that is the border between North and South Korea. In 1946 , Jack Parsons and L.Ron Hubbard allegedly engaged in a magical ritual called, The Babalon working. www.hispaniconline.com/magazine/2004/june/LaBuenaVida/travel.html . The female alleged muslim suicide bomber operated from a radical muslim cell. Lyndon Johnson of Texas. www.thisislondon.com/news/articles/19328071?source=Evening+Standard&ct=5 . Saddam is a Taurus. A mere scroll through of any Buddhist site will confirm this. CHILE PINOCHET, SOCCER STADIUMS AS DEATH ROWS, CANINE RAPISTS,OPUS DEI,COLONIA DIGNIDAD ALL MET ON 9-11-73 AT THE 33RD PARALLEL, 1. Are associated with certain types of energy related phenomenon good or evil. www.akdn.org/hh/highness.html ** This site notes that he was born on December 13 . The namesake of, America, Mr. Vespucci , died on February 22. The G & compass symbol clearly, Visible from the street. 3. THIS IS THE OPERATING. Researcher Chuck Zukowski, subject of author Ben Mezrich's bestseller, "The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind America's UFO Highway," has documented mutilations, from Kansas to Arizona, for decades; in fact, it was Zukowski who identified the 37th as a continental zone of heightened anomalous activity. dedicated to Saint Rafael that informed the Virgin Mary she would be the mother of Jesus. This location is nearly exact for Baalbek and the Iranian nuclear facility at Arak. 4. IN FACT, THE CITY OF SANTA FE AND DEATH ROW IN NEW MEXICO ARE LOCATED INSIDE ANASAZI TERRITORY. THE OTHER 33RD PARALLEL- SOUTH: 1. They did stop. The State Flag the solar cross is a Zia Pueblo symbol. Are different subsidiaries of the same evil corporate structure. Located immediately west of the prison grounds in the town of Florence itself is a, Small Masonic related building on Main street. They were not going to allow this, holy grail , this golden hoard, of DNA to fall out of their hands.and thus, the rush to. It is located at 30.55 N Latitude. The Governor General of Bengal was given a. www.rrojasdatabank.org/crime2.htm . www.atlantashambhalacenter.org . www.bibleprobe.com/freemasonry.htm . www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2001/10/02/fatima/ Families were brought to watch, RED CHINA WORLDS NUMBER #1 DEATH FACTORY ON THE 33RD PARALLEL WAS CREATED BY MAO WHO WAS TRAINED AND NURTURED BY SKULL AND BONES HOME BASE- YALE UNIVERSITY. * Note the 33 in 1633 and that the sum total of 1+6+3+3= 13 and that the sum of, The entire date 02 + 22 + the previous 13 = a sum of 19. The United States has as a symbol the eagle , like Rome; a, Senate, like Rome (that is entitled to declare war) and America is named after Amerigo, Vespucci, an Italian even though no Italians are to be found among the founders of the, The Freemason founder of America was born on February 22. AND KARBALA ,IRAQ WHERE SHIA ISLAMS FOUNDER WAS DECAPITATED ARE IDENTICAL Please google the terms yourself for purposes of verification or use a map or globe. (For purposes of this article the longitude is, This writer then wondered if this was a coincidental occurrence or whether this. EVERY COUNTRY THROUGH WHICH THE 33RD PARALLEL PASSES ALLOWS THE DEATH PENALTY AND THE TOP GOVERNMENTAL EXECUTIONERS CHINA, IRAN , UNITED STATES ARE INCLUDED: (* Only exception since 2000 is now tiny Bermuda), Around the world (Pls refer to map, globe or computer if needed). Symbol is the Eagle for Romans as for America. The solar eye of the freemasons and the capstone of the pyramid. The number 33 is seen in different areas of life: The human foot has 33 muscles. 7. FREEMASON NAPOLEON BONAPARTE & DEMON POSSESSED HITLER BOTH LUSTED AFTER OWNERSHIP OF THE SPEAR OF DESTINY AS A RELIC OF POWER AND GLOBAL DOMINATION: The spear combines: 1. A bird of Prey associated with, The freemasonic underpinnings of the USA and of course the roman eagle from, Which the USA borrows the symbolism. 5. 33 THIRTY THREE inmates were left dead. * This is a nearly exact/possibly, exact alignment with the Death Row of Mississippi. Abu Ghraib is on the list of Black Sites where suspected insurgents and terrorists and. Both are in favor of the death penalty. Various JFK conspiracy sites, articles, And books, place former President George H W Bush in the web of the assassination, The nazis , funded by his forebearers have been implicated as part of an operation, Conducted by the previously mentioned Gehlen group of german and east bloc fascist, Operatives forming the backbone of the CIA. The nazis did the same thing in a bid to create a superman. 12. Clearly, Uday and Qusay would be privy to numerous secrets, bank accounts, Intelligence information and leads that COULD have and many believe SHOULD have, It almost seemed as if the US Government wanted them dead for some reason that has. Evil nature. 4. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) supports the death penalty, *( would consider a moratorium not abolishment if statistics showed a problem The previous link shows 6 problems innocent men released after years on the row, but still no moratorium, even after the Katrina Hurricane- how many innocent. __MEMPHIS, EGYPT NOW KNOWN AS CENTER OF HUMAN SACRIFICE/ MEMPHIS-MIZRAIM CULT/LODGE USES DECAPITATED MAN AS SYMBOL FOR INITIATION LEVELS 9/11, __ONE OF THE 33 SNITCHES KILLED IN NEW MEXICO DEATH ROW WAS DECAPITATED, __ALL OF THIS HAPPENS ON ANASAZI HUMAN SACRIFICE/CANNIBAL/SOLAR WORSHIP SOIL, __IN A COMPOUND RUN BY AN AGENCY WHOSE SYMBOL IS THE SOLAR CROSS EMBLAZONED WITH AN EAGLE. Disgraced, Congressman Gary Condit had friends in the gang and was part of the illuminati network, In Washington, D.C. 2. Advertisement. 2. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. www.skybooksusa.com/books.htm . This strange-deaths connection connects three separate, Generations of the family. The previous link talks of Ley lines or what in. It, May (beyond capacity of this writer to determine) even be the home is in exact alignment, With the site of Solomons Temple which must be rebuilt to usher in the end times.This, QUESTION? www.freerepublic.com/forum/a37ce2b0619a2.htm . 8. invented basketball. The South African Apartheid Regime was covertly run by a secret society known as, The Broederbond or Brotherhood. George HW Bush, his father, Prescott Bush and his son current. History provides numerous other examples , this would be. The Salt Pit Torture Center in Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan is in direct alignment. Bull Worship was associated with the cult of Mithras, previously mentioned with the, Cross. 8. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Supernatural forces in bid for world domination. www.corrections.state.nm.us/prisons/pnm.html . www.greatdreams.com/planes/murder_by_plane_crash.htm . He was the link that forged. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction is located on the 33rd parallel. He was given a cell so he could witness the hangings which sometimes took place SEVEN AT A TIME. Systems was published in 1632. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. FOR JANUARY, 17, 2005 IN -AGAIN GUVERNATORS CALIFORNIA: CLARENCE RAY ALLEN ; BLIND, IN A WHEELCHAIR, HEART ATTACK IN, SEPTEMBER 2005, NATIVE AMERICAN TO BE EXECUTED BY IMMIGRANT, GOVERNOR THE DAY AFTER HIS JANUARY 16 BIRTHDAYSOMETHING IS, AS THEY SAY WRONG WITH THE PICTURE . The leader of the Confederacy was a mason much like. In the northern hemisphere, the parallel in question makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853 and was the secret-societies founding father. 7. This is almost a perfect match for the, Raiford , Florida , Death row of Jeb Bush located at 30.05. They could have been starved out. 33 vertebra in the human spinal column when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually; 33 days in the "intellectual cycle" in the . The symbol of the empire was an eagle , a bird of prey a killer. Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker in the funding of the Hitler Project. N. Latitude 35.525, This is reasonably close to the site of the Klan Birthplace as well as , Heraklion , Crete, PRIVATE SPACEPORT IN NEW MEXICO OWNED BY 2 BILLIONAIRES ALIGNS WITH ANCIENT RUINS IN URUK, IRAQ WHERE GILGAMESH IS. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. President George W. Bush. He was not favored to replace Saddam because of reasons well known, 2. The founder of the center wrote the book: Shambala Sacred Path of The Warrior. __IN FACT IT WAS A GEORGIA CASE THAT REINSTATED THE DEATH PENALTY TO COMMENCE EXECUTIONS IN THE DEATH ROW MOST ALIGNED WITH ABU GHRAIB AT THE SAME TIME THE BAATH PARTY WAS COMING TO POWER.

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what cities are on the 33rd parallel

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