unexplained bruising on hands

Hello, its been happening for as long as I can remember, sometimes in my sleep, unexplainable itching that wont go away and I cant stop scratching, only on my upper thighs and behind my knees. Im concerned because one first randomly appeared on the back of my thigh about 2 days ago, and this morning I woke up with another. 26th ed. Even if we could, we wouldn't have enough information about your medical history, current conditions or medications to do so responsibly. My 15 year old daughter has been getting unexplained bruises on her stems, legs, and torso for 2 months. I believe Im slightly anemic from what I remember. You're wasting people's time and should feel ashamed. Rheumatoid Arthritis She suggests bringing this to the attention of your primary care provider who knows your current medication use, medication history and conditions. The comment section is a place to engage in conversation with fellow readers. In: Goldman-Cecil Medicine. Hi! The bruise is multicolored, with purple, blue, green, gray and yellow areas as if its trying to heal but somehow the bleeding that causes it keeps happening. Hello Heather We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. Usually, bruises or hematomas appear after a blow or injury in a particular area. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. It was weird that something so minor and didn't really hurt all that much would cause such bruising when I never bruised easily before, but it seemed to be the cause. Copyright 2023 Marshfield Clinic Health System. We recommend contacting your doctor as soon as you can. Should i worry about it? He/she can best answer your question. Goldman L, et al., eds. -https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/. Accessed March 14, 2022. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. We cannot give individualized medical advice on this forum. I'm very lean, so stuff hurts my bones easily. I don't want to bring cushions everywhere. Ive been seeing 5 different specialty doctors for the last 3 years and still no answers just more problems newer symptoms and more medications. So also allergic reactions to certain medicines could be the cause of easy bruising. WebBruising on the back of the hands and arms is common. If you do not have an appointment coming up and you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can reach out to your care team through messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. There were 2 very small punctures. I know I didnt bump anything. We strongly recommend talking to your doctor as soon as you can about the bruising that you are experiencing. Where did the new bruises come from? Your doctor who understand your medical history, current conditions and medications is your best resource when you have concerns about your health. When she asked the physical therapist at work what he thought it may be he gave her a quizical looked and asked if her periods were regular. Bruising Or Discoloration, Cold Hands, Color Change And Make Shine365 part of your daily routine. I'm 31 why would I bruise for no reason? He/she will be most familiar with your medical history and current conditions. Bruising accompanied by frequent. If youve recently overdone it at t So I have been experiencing some bruising on my lower legs, upper thighs, inner thighs, outer thighs, my back, my neck, and the sides of my abdominal region. Hi, Ashley. However, we cannot provide medical advice on this platform. WebBruising: Summary. If you're worried, your parents can help you make an appointment with your doctor, or you can ask about the bruises at your next regular appointment. Your doctor is the best resource!! I have got a lot of bruises all wrong my wrist tummy and back, I also get a lot of pain in my elbow bones, I'm a bit worried as I have had large hemorrhage when I had my son! Thank you for reaching out. Now i wear TED hoses daily and (knock on wood), no edema,(swelling) leg pain, and NO MORE weird appearing bruisesi do not know what nephropathy is..but im truly sorry and i hope this helps. Same type of bruises appear on legs and arms of my 21 year old daughter. Due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. I had 5 bruises on my left mid back. We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog but always recommend you see your doctor when you are concerned about symptoms or your health. National Institute on Aging. I recommend either a hematologist or rheumatologist consult for this young patient. We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. Sometimes it gets lighter but it doesn't want to go away. If you're waiting to see your doctor, you can try online resources like WebMD: https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm, Hi i am 26 and i keep getting bruises all over my legs including my upper thighs. I hope I have helped you to know why. I have same thing. Unfortunately it's difficult for us to know why your bruises might have developed without knowing your current medications, medical history or conditions, and we cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. I keep getting a big bruise on my right side abdomen I noticed the first one after chemotherapy I received a neulasta shot its been over a year since I got that shot but I still keep getting these bruises. I asked Candy about your concerns and symptoms. If you are concerned, please talk to your doctor. It caused such bright multicolored bruising : purple, blue, yellow, red, just a mess looked like I was in a car accident or something. If not, we suggest expressing your concerns at your next primary care appointment with your provider. A bruise, or contusion, appears on the skin due to trauma. At any time you are worried about symptoms, we recommend you visit your doctor who knows your medical history and current conditions. I went to the doctor right when I noticed it, and they thought it was a bug bite and prescribed me some anti-inflammatory cream, but it hasn't been working. Any ideas why? I notice a black and blue bruise around my knee out of nowhere I have lupus and a f factor v that cause blood clots should i see my doctor. The bruise is about the size of my hand. Antidepressants It hurts to sit down on a hard surface (toilet seat), to get in and out of a vehicle because of the weight distribution. Shortness of breath (breathlessness) Drenching night sweats. I just noticed I have 3 round bruises on my stomach theyre in a perfect triangle with another spot appearing on the other side? Hi, Destiny If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911. They can ask you questions about your conditions, medications and medical history, which helps them give you the most accurate answer and guidance. Anyone with a family member who has a bleeding disorder who also bleeds or bruises easily should discuss this with his or her health care provider.. I have 2 very large very dark red looks like bruises on my lower abdomen. Find out about the side effects of medications you take. Not Big though,Ive had them mainly on my hands and wrist.. a few times I smacked my kid.. not that hard but thats when its happened and it happened to my fingers. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide individualized medical advice on this forum. It appeared about 4/5 days ago and is getting larger. Has anyone experienced this? I do tend to bruise easily, but I at least typically know what a bruise is from. We suggest you call your doctor or the lab where you received your blood work. I have about 11 bruises; all around the same size, in a circle shape on the back of my left lower leg. I have frequent green bruises on my stomach and abdomen areasit has never happened before and I am a bit concerned about this happening. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can contact your provider through messaging via My Marshfield Clinic: marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. And its like once I start scratching I literally cant stop and my legs get hot. I've developed bruises on both arms, both in the same place. Please connect me to the patient as I would like to know her experience. Treatments include applying an ice pack and pressure to the area by hand. Have you been to see a doctor regarding yours? That are about 2 inches apart and they dont hurt when I touch them They are just there What could that mean, Hi, Faith. Were you able to find out regarding the bruises.. Kyle, this used to happen to me and it lasted for some years. Lumps or swellings. We strongly recommend that you call your doctor as soon as possible or if this is a medical emergency, you call 911. Should I go to my doctor about this? It never hurts to bring your concerns to your provider. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. Im rly curious bc my sister has the same thing on the front of her legs. Infections that are persistent, recurrent or severe. We recommend reaching out to your provider regarding your bruises. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press, NEW Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press, FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press, Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press. Blood clot or bruise: Differences, symptoms, and contacting a doctor I experience extreme leg pain. Any help. If you'd like to start the appointment process, you can request an appointment here: https://marshfieldclinic.org/appointments. My legs get really hot and feel very heavy accompanied with extreme pain. We strongly recommend contacting your doctor who knows your medical history. Common Causes of Unexplained Bruising | Buoy I'm only 36 I'm in great health no problems at all. Left a large bruise on the top of my foot.purple looking. I've never had a bruise this bad in my life and never after getting blood work i've shown a few family members and everytime i show someone they freak and can't believe how bad it is. Hi there, I have a very large bruise covering my lower back. I have 15 bruises on my legs including on my arms. We suggest you call your doctor or the location where you received your shot. Noticed that I had the same large bruise that is spread across my lower back and I dont remember hitting anything either did you ever go to the doctor? He is the best man in the world. Aided me a lot, just what I was searching for : D. Hi, could you help me with this ? In: Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice. Since that my brother had his wisdom teeth taken out, he has a night guard brace to stop him grinding his teeth in his sleep but his bruise is still on his cheek an it looks bigger. I'm not finding exactly what this could be signs of. We appreciate your comment. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. It is best to contact your doctor or care team when you are concerned. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. Its about an inch long. Your doctor has all that information or can obtain it from talking with you personally to give you the best answers to your questions. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. A person may notice them before they receive a diagnosis. What if we do not have a medical provider? Bruises look like tiny dots. My name is Jashetta and for the past month Ive been having bruises pop up all over my legs. Unexplained bruising is common for a certain type of anemia, known as aplastic anemia. And do u even parent haha sometimes once in a blue moon its needed, now I was on here asking about bruising that concerned me, not asking for parenting advice. In my case, so far it has been found I have a rare platelet condition & now I have a low platelets count. He or she knows you best. ", so it's not a big deal for me to stand. What could this be caused by? As the article mentions, it's not uncommon for unexplained bruising to appear on the arms. I have a 4 year old with 3 round bruises on his lower back, he says they don't hurt at all, I have touched them and he feels no pain. As far as I can tell its spontaneous ecchymoses. The swelling started before the meds and the bruising a few weeks now. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). Thanks Jake, I have one on my forearm too. WebThere are several medication forms which can cause bruises on arms and other body parts by thinning the blood down. I said smacked, not slapped. What is is about fish oil or vitamin E that can cause this? Generally speaking, if your bruises show any of the following signs, we suggest you see your doctor: 5. I also experience internal pain down to the pit of my stomach and down the left side of my ribs sometimes. Certain medications may contribute to easy bruising by decreasing the blood's ability to clot. We talk about this more in our comment policy: "Content produced on this website by Marshfield Clinic is only for educational purposes and should not be used for treatment or diagnosis of any medical conditions." We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruises you experience. However, in the last week, bruising keep appearing on his leg and after a couple of days, they go down and more appear. She's 17. If you live near a Marshfield Clinic location and would like to reach out to a doctor in regards to getting a second opinion, you can find them here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/doctors. WebI have been getting random unexplained bruises on my legs/thighs for the last year or so. I often will add vinegar (a cup or so of white vinegar) to the first rinse, then the second rinse to rinse out the vinegar. i'm 28 and just realized the same thing happen out of nowhere (two weird bruises.) I did ice it Saturday and Sunday. It's on my legs near where my sensitive part. Low Blood Platelets. As always, we do suggest bringing these concerns to your provider during your next appointment. Thank you, your suggestion worked for me. It started about size and shape of an sideways almond, and now about a small egg. Your doctor knows your medical history and current conditions best. I noticed the bruising got worse the more I sat on hard chairs (not even that hard, chairs with firm really flat cushioning bothered me too) and continued the longer I didn't stay away from sitting on hard surfaces. We recommend reaching out to your provider as soon as you can about your bruise. She ended up going to the ER at night and they noticed bruising on her upper groin area. include protected health information. Unexplained Bruising: Causes, Diabetes - Doctors Health Press Now I am left with these massive bruises on only my shins. What can this be? Hi, Elizabeth. Some people especially women are more prone to bruising than others. I called my doctor this morning and left a message with a nurse. Good going, just have yourself a terrible rating to deter patients from going there. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. Sue I apologize; we cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. You expect them to diagnose/advise you based on a few words in the reply section? We strongly recommend talking directly with your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. Any ideas? Massaging it don't help much. I experienced something similar when we moved into a different house. Also, tell your provider about any supplements you're taking especially if you're taking them while on a blood-thinning drug. My name is Melody and Im 51. This content does not have an English version. Required fields are marked *. It looks like Ive sniffed something and left a dirty mark. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. All of these can play into where your bruises might be coming from and if you should be concerned. -Kirstie. Are you a Marshfield Clinic patient? did you ever figure out the cause of bruising ? American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. About 4-5 weeks ago I noticed a bruise on my abdomen, above and to the right of my navel. If you cant give even a hint why do you even exist ? Then I asked her show me her arms and back, bruises as well but not like her legs. Sorry for my explanation. We cannot give medical advice specific to you on our blog. It might mean low blood levels (low hemoglobin) which can be caused by disease, internal bleeding or anemia, look up ITP. Candida is very serious and can grow to magnitude proportions in the body when it reaches a certain levelso avoid all yeasts and molds in fermented foods. https://www.nacd.org/what-parents-need-to-know-about-the-side-effects-of-adhd-drugs/, https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/MyMarshfieldClinic, https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/heart-care/sock-marks-high-blood-pressure/, https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/heart-care/pulmonary-embolism/, https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/wellness/scars/, https://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/qa/can-drinking-alcohol-cause-bruising, https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/why-do-i-bruise-so-easily, https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/appointments, https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/bruises-article, https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/, https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/Specialties/primary-care, https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/, https://marshfieldclinic.org/appointments, https://marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/Search?k=Pediatrics, https://marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/Search?k=Rheumatology, https://marshfieldclinic.org/doctors/search/?k=%22Pediatrics-Oncology/Hematology%22&ek=Pediatrics-Oncology/Hematology, https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/doctors/, Anemia: A surprising side effect of ulcers and heavy periods. Hi, Im an 18 year old girl and Ive got a scar on my foot from my childhood but there is purple bruising round the scar, it doesnt hurt but it has been like this for years is this normal? I have a regular bruise on my elbow, and bruise on the back of my knee right on my muscle, a bruise on my right hand, and a bruise on the inside of my arm opposite from my elbow that looks like tiny pink purple smudged dots. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. Hi, i'm currently pregnant and got blood work done 8 days ago once the lady placed the needle in my arm she said it wasn't releasing blood she missed the vein and instead of pulling it out to try again she started to wiggle the needle left to right and finally said okay i found the vein but it is coming really slow its gonna take awhile after leaving i got a huge bruise on the top of my arm where she placed the needle it's at least 2 inches long and hasn't gotten better; it started off not that dark and as days go on its like dark purple almost as if blood in under my arm leaking and its black and green.

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unexplained bruising on hands

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