sisters of st francis obituaries

Sister Rebecca was preceded in death by her parents Aloysius Endres and Monica Schwab Endres; her brothers Leo, Aloysius, Matthias and John Endres; her sisters Cyrilla Dahmen, Rutilla Paar, Sister Yvonne Endres, CSA, Dolores Ganser, Monica Statz, Lillian Archer, and Sister Marie Endres, CSA. Give a donation in honorofSister Grace Ann Feldbruegge. Mary Jean Mollison was born November 2, 1946, in Niles, Michigan, the fourth child and only daughter of Andrew R. and Eva Blatz Mollison. She was admitted to St. Francis Home with hospice care on Friday, September 17, 2021, following hospitalization for a serious illness. In 2018, a serious illness caused Sister Donna to resign her position. Sister Dolorita spent a year in a hermitage before, at age 70, she asked to serve her beloved Lithuania as a missionary which she did for the next fifteen years. Memorials may be directed to the CSA Mission Advancement Office, 320 County Road K, Fond du Lac, WI, 54937. Cremation has taken place. Born February 20, 1932 inBridgeport, CT, she was preceded in death by her parents and three brothers, Joseph, Raymond, and Albert. During her elementary and high school years, Mary was educated and inspired by women religious from four different religious congregations serving in her neighborhood, Sisters of the Divine Savior, Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi, School Sisters of Notre Dame and the Sisters of St. Agnes. Obituaries for many members of the School Sisters of St. Francis are available online through this listing, but it does not include all Sisters who have been part of our community over more than a century of service in the United States. In addition to her professional engagement, she also shared her faith and gifts through volunteering as a parish catechist and Eucharistic minister for years at St. Joseph Parish, Hays, KS; St. Paul Parish, San Antonio, TX; and St. Florian Parish, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In this setting, she received the care and support she needed to face the effects of her failing health until the time of her death. We, Rochester Franciscan Sisters and Cojourners, commit ourselves to be a compassionate presence for peace in our world, striving for justice and reverence for all creation.. A private Mass of Christian Burial for Sister Bertha Ann will be held on April 7, 2021, in the Nazareth Center Chapel, 375 Gillett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, with Father Ken Smits, Capuchin, presiding. She enjoyed visiting with people. Sister was preceded in death by her parents Francis and Annie Reynolds; her brothers John, Joseph, James, Thomas, Harry, William, and Francis; and her sister Katherine Reynolds. Please check-in for the Visitation at the 375 Gillett Street entrance only. She was food supervisor for one year at St. Johns Rest Home, Victoria, Kansas. Give a donation in honorofSister Mary Jane Wipperfurth. Visitation will be held at Nazareth Court and Center, 375 Gillett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and from 12:00-1:30 p.m. on October 18, 2021. The Bernet sisters are identical twins who are celebrating 70 years of religious life. Sister Martina Kuhn, CSA, formerly Sister Frederick, died peacefully May 20, 2019, at St. Francis Home in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Sister Colane, daughter of the late Edward and Gertrude (Hansen) Recker, was born May 19, 1940 in Alton, IA. Francis Home for their care of Sister Vivian in her last years and to the staff of St. Agnes Hospital. Sister Margaretta Ehrlich, CSA, baptized Mary Ehrlich, died peacefully on November 23, 2017, at St. Francis Home with her sister at her side. A prayer service will take place at 11:00 a.m. in the chapel at Nazareth Center. In her final eight years at Holy Family School, Bronx, Sister was a fulltime tutor for students in need of special help. Burial will follow at St. Joseph Springs Cemetery. She was an assistant administrator and teacher at Beloit Catholic High School from 1967-1971. Her mother died when she was four years old. Sister delighted many with her flair for creating the beautiful whether she was decorating cakes, designing her own delicate greeting cards, setting a festive table, or preparing attractive dishes for daily meals or special occasions./p>, Sister Mary Catherine was preceded in death by her parents Leo Younger and Christine Gerber Younger; two infant brothers John Younger and Clarence Younger; her brothers Walter Younger, Henry Younger, Leo Younger and Butchie Younger; her sisters Helen Kreutzer (Dan) and Viola Miller (Bob)./p>, Sister is survived by her sisters Josephine Dreiling, Lambertine Miller, Lucille Peeples (Billy); brothers Clarence Younger (Dian) and Derell Younger (Caroline); sisters-in-law Viola Younger and Theresa Younger; numerous nieces and nephews; and the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed and ministered./p>, A Mass of Christian Burial with the cremains present will be on January 21, 2017, at 2:00 p.m., in St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, WI. Descarga en espaol. A Prayer Service will be held at 11:00 a.m. in the Nazareth Center Chapel. Her BS in Nursing from Marian College in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (1960), her MA in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology (1983) and her study of Spanish paved the way for Sister Caryl to engage in ministries of healing, advocacy, and peaceful protest for the poor, the innocent, and the vulnerable, including Mother Earth, throughout her life. She was generous in offering her skill and experiences, together with other Sisters, to prepare festive meals for special occasions often baking and creating fabulously decorated cakes. DownloadSister Marie Wagner's obituaryas a PDF. Download Sister Vivian Schmidtberger's obituary. Her assignments included elementary schools in Pittsburgh, West Mifflin, Mahanoy City, and Moon Run, PA, as well as Rochester, NY, Elizabeth, NJ, Detroit, MI, Kenosha, WI, and Coopersville, MI. The Liturgy of Christian Burial for Sister Donna will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. in St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street. In September of 1951, Mary Louise entered St. Agnes Convent in Fond du Lac, WI, and attended St. Agnes High School. Mary Louise was born in Hays, KS, on September 20, 1937, the daughter of Theodore L. Pfannenstiel and Basilia Wittman Pfannenstiel. Burial will follow at St. Joseph Springs Cemetery, Fond du Lac, WI. She also enjoyed gardening and offering hospitality at her home in Cudahy, located close to the parish. Because of current COVID-19 restrictions, a Liturgy of Christian Burial will be held in private services at Nazareth Court and Center, Fond du Lac, WI, with Father Ken Smits, Capuchin, presiding. Sister received a B.S. Father Ken Smits, Capuchin, will be the presider. Sister Kathleen Schmitz, CSA, formerly known as Sister David Gerard, died peacefully on November 22, 2018, at Nazareth Court and Center Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Rita entered St. Agnes Convent in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, in 1945 and graduated from St. Agnes High School, Fond du Lac, in 1947. July 17, 2021. in Fond du Lac and a Baking Certificate from New York Restaurant School where she took classes in culinary arts. Descarga la obituario en espaol, Give a donation in honorofSister Bertha Bumann. Sister Vivian Schmidtberger, CSA, formerly Sister Catherine Siena, died peacefully July 5, 2018, at St. Agnes Hospital, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Now 89 years old, they were born in Brooklyn 15 minutes apart. A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for Sister Mary at 2:00 pm on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Caryl began playing piano and violin in 4th grade. After nursing several years at Good Samaritan Hospital in Mt. Sister Rose received a BS in Education from Marian College of Fond du Lac, WI; earned her MS in Education at Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS; and was certified in Pastoral Ministry and Clinical Pastoral Education by St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO. She became a Religious Education Director and a Pastoral Minister for 19 years in Arizona, California, and New Mexico, especially cherishing her time on the Gila River Reservation. She was born December 15, 1 Please check in for the Visitation and Prayer Service at the 375 Gillett Street entrance only. In 1951, Agnese entered St. Agnes Convent, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. She served in Campus Ministry at Kansas State University for six years. She also did post graduate study at Fordham University, Bronx, NY; St. Francis College, Fort Wayne, IN; and Mount Mary College, Milwaukee, WI. In November of 2017, Sister Ruth Ann was presented with the Vatican II Award for Service in Education by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, a truly fitting tribute to her life of service to children, immigrants, and the poor. She is survived by her nieces and nephews and by the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed, and ministered. She was teacher and principal at St. Ignatius School, Houghton, Michigan; St. Zachary School, Des Plaines, Illinois; and St. Patricks School, Hudson, Wisconsin. In those settings, she worked as part of a team of other sisters to provide dietary services not only for the sisters there but also for students, patients and residents of the respective institutions a demanding challenge which she accepted in a spirit of loving service. Descargar la obituario en espaol, Give a donation in honor ofSister Beata Reiser. in Education from Marian College of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Sister Annette was an active member in professional societies and was elected to several leadership positions by her peers in those organizations. Francis has said countless times that a synod is not a parliament. Sister Michaela was preceded in death by her parents James H. OBrien and Estelle Stack OBrien; her brothers Thomas OBrien and James OBrien; and her sisters Florence Flood, Helen Gellings, and Alice Michels. Burial will follow at St. Joseph Springs Cemetery. At that time, Jesse was placed under the care of a state appointed guardian; however, Sister Nancy remained close to Jesse. Beginning in 1972, she served as principal and administrator of schools in Wisconsin, including the Consolidated Parochial Elementary School (CPES), Marytown area, now known as Holyland Catholic School, and in rural Kansas. They thrived there, and the girls grew up as one close-knit family. Download Sister Rose's bio. In 1984, she joined the staff of The Newburgh Ministry, Newburgh, New York, a drop-in center for street people. Farming was the family business. In 1981-82 she served as principal at Sacred Heart School, Fond du Lac. Sister Vivian received a BS in Education from Marian College of Fond du Lac and earned a Masters in Christian Spirituality from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. Pittsburgh, PA 15236 (412) 882-9911. Sister Margaretta was preceded in death by her parents Louis and Henrietta Ehrlich; her brothers Raymond, Leon, Richard and Robert Ehrlich and her sister Marjorie Harty; and also by three sisters-in-law and two brothers-in-law. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center/St. Burial will follow at St. Joseph Springs Cemetery. She was an only child whose mother died when Victoria was very young. She also spoke of the tragic accident, a fire, that took the life of her older sister, Virginia, at the age of seven and of the loss of her younger sister, Ann, who died shortly after birth. Descarga en espaol. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center, St. Francis Home, and Hospice Hope for their care of Sister Beata during her final years. However, one of the sisters in the nursing school recognized the letters Carol was receiving from other religious congregations and arranged an interview for her with the general superior of the Sisters of St. Agnes. In 1989, Sister Caryl moved to Navajo, New Mexico, serving the Native American community at St. Bernard Parish. Brazil. Together they had two sons, Jeff and Jason, and owned an air-conditioning and appliance business in Garber, Oklahoma. In view of health precautions currently in place, a Prayer Service and Mass will be held privately July 1, 2021, with limited attendance. Visitation will be held on Monday, June 27, 2022, from 9:00 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 1:30 p.m. at Nazareth Court and Center, 375 Gillett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

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