should i bring the star to azura or nelacar

Youll have to take care of some more Conjurers and Skeletons, which again will give you trouble if youre not adequately leveled and geared up for fighting magic users. Shell tell you that your meeting is faith and that Azura has chosen you as her Champion. Bring the Azura star to Aranea or Nelacar? : r/skyrim - reddit Lastly, you can just head to Nelacar directly. . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Id never sleep with anyone besides my good wife, Drifa . You must pass an average-level Speech check to persuade him. . These souls can be used for enchanting or recharging. Copyright 2019 Popler Sorular Gizlilik & Kullanm Koullar At the end of the dungeon, youll find Malyn Varen looking a bit worse-for-wear. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Should i bring the star to aranea or nelacar? Azuras Star only traps white souls. Needless to say, this is incredibly powerful. Head to the Shrine of Azura. Maybe this is my chance to make things right. What is the most powerful potion in Skyrim? Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. There are two different paths for this quest, and depending on the one you choose, you can get a slightly different reward. For Azura's Star, a refillable grand soul gem, take the Star to Aranea Ienith, forcing the Dragonborn to enter the star by Azura and enter into combat with Malyn after a short dialogue. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? If the Dragonborn brings Azuras Star to Aranea, however, Nelacar stops offering merchant services and instead berates them for serving Azura if spoken to. Weapons with Soul Trap enchantments, such as Umbra, are particularly useful when carrying Azura's Star. I'll be back later. What is the best thing to do with Azuras Star? So, thats exactly where youre going. It can only be visited during the Daedric quest The Black Star.. Ya, a very missed opportunity imo, screw with a prince but no repercussions. Like regular soul gems, Azuras Star has the ability to trap white souls, or those of creatures. She can be found at the Shrine of Azura, on top of the tallest mountain slightly south of Winterhold, and becomes available for marriage / follower when you complete Azuras quest. The gold and intimidation options are not affected. The Black Star traps any soul. "My days at the College are long behind me, but I prefer to stay close by. It allows you to, more or less, maintain 100% uptime on all of your enchantments. Black Star always. For Azura's Star, a refillable grand soul gem, take the Star to Aranea Ienith , forcing the Dragonborn to enter the star by Azura and enter into combat with Malyn after a short dialogue. What did you do?" What did you choose to do with Azura's star? : V - Skyrim Skyrim who should I return Azura's Star to: Aranea or Nelacar? Function. Oblivion Walker achievement in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Nelacar gives you the Black Star which can contain both white and black souls, whereas Aranea gives you Azura's star that can only contain white souls, but she becomes available as a powerful follower. While giving the Star to Nelacar does not provide a companion option, the Black Star has the advantage of a much more abundant source of grand souls, as all black souls are of the grand level. Shes pretty competent in combat, so that might be a deal-maker for you. Will uninstalling Chrome remove passwords? I've personally found plenty of grand and black soul gems, so I don't need either of those. To get this quest, you need to travel to a crc stronghold named Largashbur. I aso like being able to get human souls and making powerful enchantments or recharging more energy for weps. The Black Star - p. 2 TES V: Skyrim Guide - Game Guides UESP Forums View topic - Who'd you give Azura's Star to? Upon returning with the Broken Azura's Star: "Stendarr's Mercy. ( A girl said this after she killed a demon and saved MC). If you give it to Aranea , she can become a follower. The difference is the Star's use afterwards. The Black Star - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Walkthrough Although there are 18 Daedric artifacts in the game, four are technically mutually exclusive (The Ring of Hircine/Saviors Hide, and Azuras Star/The Black Star), and one does not count towards the achievement (The Skeleton Key). For the Black Star, a refillable black soul gem, take the star to Nelacar, where he will place the Dragonborn inside the star where Malyn will have to be defeated. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each version of Azura's Star? Its easy to find, too, being located at the Shrine of Azura just south of Winterhold. You're probably the only 'mortal' who could teach Azura a lesson in humbleness and get away with it. Possible Duplicate: Azura's Star accepts all other souls, with their varying levels. The citys steward, Malur Seloth will ask you to steal it for him. Speak to Nelacar. On his word alone you're going to tee off a goddess and let him basically render you "mostly dead" and under his complete thralldom. Might as well take the one that can capture human souls too after that fight. After finding the Shrine of Azura and speaking with Aranea Ienith, the sole priestess found there, the Dragonborn can either go to the Inn directly and ask Nelacar about his involvement with the artifact, or ask Faralda at the College of Winterhold if she has heard of the "elven mage who studies the stars." 360 NX Even if the Speech skill is boosted to over 100 (via jewelry and/or potions), the persuasion option will not work to convince Nelacar to talk about the Star. What's the difference between Black Star and Azura Star??? - GameFAQs Like regular soul gems, Azura's Star has the ability to trap white souls , or those of creatures. Black Souls are a special type of soul in Skyrim commonly associated with humans. After acquiring the broken Azura's Star, the Dragonborn can bring it to either Aranea Ienith or Nelacar, both of whom will task them with evicting Malyn Varen's soul from the artifact. For the Black Star, a refillable black soul gem, take the star to Nelacar, where he will place the Dragonborn inside the star where Malyn will have to be defeated. I go with Aranea, more to please Azura than anything else. Some Light Theft Malur Seloth desires to keep up his appearance as a mage for the Jarl of Winterhold, and asks the Dragonborn to steal Nelacar's Staff of Arcane Authority . The citys steward, Malur Seloth will ask you to steal it for him. With regular Soul Gems, you only get one use before the gem breaks. Azuras Stars big selling point is that it acts as a reusable Grand Soul Gem. Answer: Ultimately, the choice depends on your approach to playing Skyrim. After leaving college, he has returned to this out of the way place, the reason being that he still has research to do, and that being close to his former colleagues is convenient. Azuras Star is capable of doing the same, except it can Trap any souls BUT Black ones, so if it cant be trapped by the Black Star, Azuras Star can hold it. These souls are always Grand-level and are much more common than White Grand Souls. Talk to her, and she will speak of a prophecy about a fortress and an elven mage. I left Winterhold for some time, and returned to stay here at the inn.Nelacar. What is the best thing to do with Azura's Star. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? You can say: Here. These sources tend to be plentiful and easier to kill, compared with common grand level white soul sources, such as mammoths. The innkeepers are Haran and Dagur. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. Brace yourself. Having an infinite Soul Gem from the start of the game is extremely valuable and can save you a lot of time, and money when it comes to getting a head start on your Enchantment skill. If your character is a divine worshipping Paladin that hates the Daedra, then creating the Black Star and keeping it away from the Daedra could be seen as good. What is the difference between the black star and Azuras Star? Why is the black star filled with a human soul so expensive? Just don't strain yourself. Black Star lets you capture Human and Elf souls and can be used more than once. Should I return the star to Azura or Nelacar? This place is filled with powerful necromancers. I have looked up what the advantages of both giving the star to Aranea or Nelacar are, and it seems that Nelacar is the way to go. Both options count towards the Oblivion Walker achievement. Malyn managed to transfer his soul into the star and has gone a little bit nutty as a result. If you bring it to Nelacar, you will be able to trap all souls, including black, though Nelacar tells you that it can only trap black souls (see bugs section). Azura is known to be one of the three Good Daedra in Morrowind, along with Boethiah and Mephala. If you bring it to Azura, you will be able to use it to trap any sized soul except for black souls (i.e., souls from NPCs). Should I bring the star to Nelacar or Azura? - Unit's Questions And Answers Answer: Ultimately, the choice depends on your approach to playing Skyrim. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Can Azuras Star hold human souls oblivion? They were worshipped by the Chimer prior to the apotheosis of the Tribunal and their becoming the Dunmer. Is it better to give Azura's Star to aranea or Nelacar? I'd get 20-30 grand gems in one rotation. It would mean cutting the Star off from Azura. After recovering the star, he can transform the Broken Azura's Star into The Black Star, an unlimited Black Soul Gem. But she is a daedra. Once there, speak with the priestess, Aranea Ienith. Has two beds on the main level, and another two in the cellar where Eirid and her parents sleep. However! He can be found at The Frozen Hearth where he runs a small shop. Re: Who'd you give Azura's Star to? Youll have much better access to Grand-level souls with The Black Star, but the choice is ultimately up to you. All black souls are of the grand level. Eventually, the quest will take you to Ilinalta's Deep, a partially-flooded and ruined former Imperial fort. When you kill an enemy with a Soul Trap weapon or cast a Soul Trap spell on them, their soul will fill Azuras Star upon their death. As soon as hes dead, youll be pulled out of the star regardless of what state the Dremora are in. However, using a soul trapped in Azuras Star empties it rather than breaking it, allowing you to refill it indefinitely. Nelacar. This version of the star is capable of capturing Black Souls. Take it. He will be accompanied by three Dremora during the fight. These sources tend to be plentiful and easier to kill, compared with common grand level white soul sources, such as mammoths. I wouldnt lose sleep (or significant game progress) as a result of your choice soul gems are reasonably common, even black ones, so Azuras Star is not particularly essential in either form. Then, in the enchantment menu, you can use it to either enchant a new piece of gear or refill a currently enchanted weapon. If you bring it to Nelacar, you will be able to trap all souls, including black, though Nelacar tells you that it can only trap black souls (see bugs section, FormID. The mod is now compatible with patch 1.5 which tweaked marriage rules. The main benefit of a black soul gem is that it can capture grand leveled souls from humanoids, whereas those souls cannot normally be captured. 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Azuras Black Star counterpart, on the other hand, is capable of storing Black Souls, making it the superior version of the star. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Since the difference isn't so big to me (I buy/horde soul gems,) I go with whatever decision suits my RP style. What does the number 7 represent in numerology? Slightly shocked that the Dragonborn came to this knowledge, she directs them to the The Frozen Hearth where an Altmer named Nelacar is encountered. Skyrim: Every Daedric Quest, Ranked From Worst To Best - TheGamer Alternatively, you can head to the Inn first and speak to the innkeeper. It is, perhaps, one of the most mysterious Daedric artifacts for this reason. Neither of them are necessarily good or bad. 2) Aela the Huntress. Well i guess it depends on your playstyle. Should I bring the star to Azura or Nelacar? They are as powerful as Grand Soul Gems, and can also capture lesser souls. Should I bring Azura's Star to Nelacar? depends on what type of character you're playing or if you are being good or evil or even rping for that matter but imo it doesn't really matter, grand soul gems are easy to get >.> but if you're playing a mage getting the black soul gem would be good for enchanting purposes because all black souls are grand and white is usually only gotten by rpers playing good characters. If you retrieve Broken Azuras Star before starting the quest, you can give it to Nelacar but not Aranea Ienith. Skyrim Walkthrough: The Black Star Quest (Azura's Star) - Rarity Guide So, what does Azuras Star actually do? Azura's Star Guide - Scrolls Guided The Black Star Skyrim Guide - Scrolls Guided At first glance The Black Star sounds much better as there are a lot of humans, like bandits, available to full it with. In Oblivion the Black Soul Gems are the Equivenent of the Black Azuras Star and therefore Hold Human Souls. Aranea tells you to hand over the Star so that she can ask Azura to restore it to its original purity. Nelacar will explain that a Dunmer named . In fact he's horrified and it's one reason he left the college and wants to put it behind him. After that, it's really just a matter of personal preference which artifact you're willing to part with. Function. You can either bring the Broken Star back to Nelacar in the Frozen Hearth Inn or to Aranea at the Shine of Azura. The Black Star is Better as Black/Human Souls are More Powerful than Normal White Souls Such as Animals etc.. What gives grand white souls in this game anyway, dragons? This means that your only source of Grand Souls will be high-level animals like Mammoths. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. All we really know about it is that its the artifact of the Daedric Prince Azura and that it returns to Azura in Oblivion every few hundred years or so. It cannot hold Non-Player Character (NPC) souls; Black Soul Gems are necessary for that. Skyrim Daedric Quests Guide (with Video) | GAMERS DECIDE

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should i bring the star to azura or nelacar

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