security hill lackland afb address

256 Relocation Assistance: The Relocation Assistance Center offers classes and individual relocation assessment and referral. IiLHwJd32r+Yh3rJtQUJ+4cs9ejwxAU+iuSjgN7hjPUCtilxJYlj33zJApxSbNs0/Kg/87SwpX/R 1 0 obj <>/OCGs[17 0 R]>>/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream When dialing a DSN number from a United States installation to another United States installation, it is unnecessary to dial the DSN 312 area code. D4zt0zY4daABx2SPIcv7d3XZtESTw0Affzv9V/Nhemf840edF1GwbV77TrzTbZkSWBbi5r9XMnOV JBSA-Lackland History Page Fact Sheets 4ixxVUAk6VH3H/mrFXfvNviH3H/mrFVjQc25ljX2ZwPDoHAxVTZLqOYuHMkJFBEijkGr9rnJJ09q 2012-10-30T11:30:39-05:00 TrueType 343rd Training Squadron > 37th Training Wing > Display JBSA-Lackland: 210-671-2018 Closed:Walters VCC, Jadwin Commercial, BAMC Beach, BAMC/I-35 commercial, New Braunfels,Winans,Quadrangle Pedestrian Portal, ARMY TRAINING DAYS Medical support and services may vary by location. 2012-11-30T13:26:38-06:00 73UdpGpxYd5hb8ojpFzeaHFqJ1fUOP1fTZ2AhsCHBkJl6zAj4U9vtb5kQ8a6lVD7XGyeBw3G7P2M EmbedByReference 2012-11-30T13:27:49-06:00 KIzj8VzTu4YVf/mF5ms/M+t2yaE17oOjKGluYK+v8MMUsigElS/GUuqnjyUbNXbCqb+Y9Rsbn9Eh xlP/ACafFVfFXYqlNldmNJ7WFRJc/WZ/TSu1GkLl38FHOnviqY20LRR0eRpZGPJ3buT4D9keAGKr xmp.iid:10CEBC704924E2118077851DD07A88DB AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK Lackland AFB (Joint Base San Antonio) Directory - Security Forces VdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVf/Z 50.000000 u/EYqt8qX7/4hudOtLp7yx+r854m9Zvql1GyxvGrXKqwV9yAf4YqzGRXLK8Z3XYqSQCCd+ncdsVV pozHgD1A3O3vmyx44GI2DrsmSfEdyqCztP8AfEf/AAC/0yfhQ7gw8WfeXfU7T/fEf/AL/TB4UO4L After the Air Force became a separate service on September 18, 1947, Randolph Field was officially named Randolph Air Force Base on January 14, 1948. f3UWnH/eyTf1H/34/wD0mJ/TKq/FORf4tRmvfQIDNM1d/guQ3/EVOShi4v7GvJlEP7VP9Jr43P8A xmp.iid:5202E76F7F23E2118077851DD07A88DB EDQbV5vQKV+I1qDvmTLtKFGgb+H63Gh2bOxxEV+PJE3X5A/mXLpUGlLf6QtpbxxJHSW4DVQXBfkf KG/4/U5WonQ68+nv9/VjOreZvIKPHdaR5ega5A9CSzuYp1tgvIt6y0u5HMlOK/FtQnbYE3xx5OUp GOzD3zKDhkODdPfEhQX2H+QP/kpdC/6O/wDqNmzn9d/en4fc9DoP7kfH7yzXUVuGa0WBgjtMQZCK EkTHcgtDj1Fba102eyaLT2tCZGmcNKJS5/dn7O3Hf7Ap9FMEABDzZ6iROY93eyGvSvfFg3irHPzA Security Forces Drill Pad Museum Dunn Dental ~ Bldg 6418 Reid Clinic ~ Bldg 6612 Bob Hope ~ Bldg 5408 Arnold Hall ~ Bldg 5506 Warhawk Gym 9225 MTIS Drill Pad Bowling Alley 323 TRS Band Hall Drill Pad Drill Pad 7037 Golf Course. The primary mission at Fort Sam Houston is medical training support, with more than 16,500 graduates a year from the Medical Education and Training Campus. saved JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, TX, United States 78234. Winans Gate:6 a.m. - 9 p.m., Monday - Friday RhULbjiAszVFQo+Lg0bUFRsaVGKoy/qLWPkQW9a3qQKAn1k7VOKvPP8AnIwV/K+8+Gp+sW1D4fvB f/k9BmmdyE6kjSSN43FUcFWHsRQ4oSXy55d0jT9GgsIrdJY7QyQRySqjSMscjKCzcRU0GKou30DT You are about to leave the Military INSTALLATIONS site. zL0upljGzVmwifNEKmparCYtOikkkVl5CKp6hqD/AIXJ5dXInnTHHphHzUP0ff6exjv4vRdqUU8Q /H5sh2lk7h+Pi9G/JH82PNnnPzBf2OsC1+r21p68foRmN+fqIndmqKMcw9ZpoY4gi+bmaTUyyE3T PANTONE 534 C 0.000000 Water Restriction Documents Water Notices Kievit-MediumSC mQdCB44qjMVdirsVdirsVULn++tf+Mp/5NPiqviqHubplcQQKJLlhUKfsoP53Ph7dTiqV2d1YaZq 1 Violators who speed 15 mph over the speed limit will receive an automatic 30-day suspension of base driving privileges. ID Card Section/DEERS - Lackland - Base Directory Vehicle drivers may use these devices once the car has stopped and is in park. RRtN6/okiv7ImatKeBqcygfNxSL6LfqjKfj0zpzSiynYgCvcmo5j/MHHi80GO/JcbB3ZFi0p14hj n6baR2WnWsNnZxV9K2t41iiXkxZuKIAoqxJO3XK5SJNnctkYgChsG7n++tf+Mp/5NPgSr4qhLzTd Wounded Warriors and their families have priority for lodging at Fort Sam Houston. West Gate: Inbound,6 a.m. - 2p.m.; Outbound, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.,Monday -Friday The wing, headquartered at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, consists of three flying groups and a maintenance directorate spanning more than 1,600 miles. Gkv8h4O+X2fqZv5L1+88x6XLfXyRRyR3DQgQhgvEJG/7bvv8eW45GQdV2jpYabIIx7r3eD6MEMEI Members electing the accompanied tour will not be permitted to out-process without requiring passports/visas for themselves (if applicable) or dependents. 2017 2 - Duke's Cafeteria Bldg. saved SXe0STud8PJBNs1/Kj/lKH/5hZP+JR5j6v6G/SfW9mzAc92KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV QkkyxfGnppxYgOenauSgbNNeowiEeId9IiS/e5DW5hBglUlpGqQUMpiZWWgI+Df/AGt58NOLxWh1 HQWHx2rtxjEaD00U7GWhLI67/EjE03px6b48UV8LMOv42dJqXl5+ZFgVJSVU4qAAWWAJUep2Kyb+ True Visitor Center - Vandenberg Space Force Base JPSck1LhlY8+1BUbClMBNZCGPOFqMmlWl3YPLcoVmmvI0Ev2CEb0lr2qB6hyd7D8dSwIAKXaZb+l Joint Base San Antonio (Lackland, Randolph, Sam Houston) | Base 2014-05-22T10:51:18-05:00 aDxC/PvjpJcVtesHCQy+HzpapFFHJbXTG3QIhW9nXkV3XlxcdGpTwoPDJnAb5/Y0+MAOX2rpPOWl PKLAAA+KievitPro Medium Version 2.062;PS 2.000;hotconv 1.0.57;makeotf.lib2.0.21895 xDJzfrxpTiPn8sRKzyUgAPVPyi/5Ru5/5jpP+TVvmDrfrHuczR/Qfe8i0NWaKEKGJ9BfsxrKei/s Adobe InDesign 7.0 TrueType Technical school students are the primary customer base, but others can ride on a space available basis. If it will be more than 30 days before you arrive, ask your sponsor to take a copy of your orders to the appropriate location. obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp ***All 24/7 gates except JBSA-Fort Sam Houston SAMMC/I-35 gate can issue visitorpasses when all Visitor Control Centers are closed***, JBSA-Camp Bullis, Harry Wurzbach East, SAMMC/I-35, Schofield, Walters Gates:24/7 Medium (U.S. Air Force photo by William Belcher), The Premier Installation In The Department Of Defense, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - SM0aMgp+6WtVLftYAN2RncQK5Kt5Ifq91xYxmOIn1AGbiaMa8VoTTrQYnkiAuQSPSYL2e2ttYuLs saved Defense Service NetworkDialing Instructions: The DSN is the provider of long-distance communications services for the Department of Defense. 2012-10-15T15:57:19-05:00 Closed: Walters VCC,Jadwin Commercial, New Braunfels, Quadrangle Pedestrian Portal, BAMC/I-35 commercial, BAMC Beach gate, Walters VCC, Winans, Quadrangle Pedestrian Gate, FEDERAL HOLIDAYS & AETC FAMILY DAYS Find out what may be available to you. Schedules are available in billeting, base libraries, and Bldg 5008 on Gary Avenue. PANTONE 188 C 10.508097 Adobe Illustrator CS5 PANTONE 541 C Kievit kohQUHbqB3zHymIOwcjGchjvIpprFpqmlNbLcwRK9y/poY0VwCwqQeQyWEb0Qwy5J8xIpNpPqN5g Approved on Sept. 16, 1976; modified on July 20, 1995. JBSA-Lackland Gate Hours Chapman Annex, Luke East, Valley Hi Gates : 24/7 Luke West Gate: CLOSED Security Hill Gate : Monday - Friday 6 6 p.m. Selfridge East Gate: CLOSED Selfridge West Gate : Monday - Friday 6-9 a.m. & 3-6 p.m. (outbound only) Wednesday only: 6 6 p.m. (inbound and outbound) Sbzx5yuUaO41y+mjdZVdHuZWUrOCJRQtT4wx5eOZngQHQOH+YyH+ItXHnvzpcJ6Uuu38kXovbGNr Adobe PDF library 9.90 drAMG9lmQU/4bMLtIegHzczsz6pB9CeYmYWSKn25nMKEbENNG8an72zTO4TCWBHt3gHwIyFBQdAR It is home to numerous Department of Defense units, including Headquarters Air Education and Training Command, Air Force Personnel Center and the host unit, the 12th Flying Training Wing. Version 004.460 saved Security Hill, located in the Kelly AFB, is also occupied by Lackland. Oct. 20, 2022. +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9U4q7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7 Driving On Base: Vehicle drivers will not use hand-held devices such as cell phones, two-way radios, or electronic devices, such as personal data assistants (PDAs) while driving a vehicle. Lackland Air Force Base - History - Modern Era VR8gI8VQn+G4v0t+lBf3i3RUI4EqiJlUMByi4+macj+z13xVWvbMCKN5ZZJnWeDiXIAH75P2UCIf Version 2.062;PS 2.000;hotconv 1.0.57;makeotf.lib2.0.21895 Yellow (210) 221-0936. Lackland AFB is part of Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) located in San Antonio, Texas. False USA. Version 7.504; 2005 We also operate computer-based information on other military installations and demographics world-wide. 210-927-4462. gd+MiSRyB1AUCihfiK/7LMioiPC0ePkJuyhNa1VnmmseMaoXjZSrIhULxFN1XqFPfIDEObL8zPlZ Title: Lackland Air Force Base Map Author: USAF Created Date: The "Hospital Route" services most clinics, the Finance Office, the Military Police Station, and the Military & Family Readiness Center. A9ce9K4vOH5y8f0rHrumqwaaUsZNHjlDgCOXlEwV+ZWIbcakdMt8LDy4T/smvxM/MSH+xQ155x/N Lackland AFB is located on the western side of San Antonio off Highway 90. application/pdf wfLuapYeqI21mfgXJLhHIH93JWhcVPqMf+Brjt3r66vwwue6iuGYy6tJHFbx26wrHGVZlFJGXijB and our partners across the globe! Visit the Air Force Housing website to find your new home with the Air Force. Open Type s7YFRKxohqqhT7ADFV2KuxVJdR1PULTUfTt4TPbogeRQrE/3dy5oVU/tRoK+9KbikSSC5WHDjnjs PANTONE 188 C 9BfsIsh6J2fbLp14UWrH/eyTnhN/JN/0jxf1yjby+1yN/wAU7hN/JN/0jxf1x28vtXf8Ugrm1to2 Provide modern technical training in security and law enforcement, military working-dog handling, combat arms, recruiting, supply, transportation, services, food preparation, and social actions. r2Zzl8H0jPcxQlQ/Is1eKorO1B1NEDGm+ad26n+kbf8Akm/5ETf80Yq79I2/8k3/ACIm/wCaMVd+ Emergency Medical Care: Brooke Army Medical Centerprovides 24-hour emergency care for military health care beneficiaries and severely traumatized patients from the local civilian community. 6s0DRQvAIFKD1JpJiV+HiKys1KU7ZZjhwsJ5LL0z8ov+Ubuf+Y6T/k1b5ha36x7nN0n0fF4xZ/7y Unknown CACs can be registered at BDOC. AETC's mission begins with the Air Force recruiting service. Travis Air Force Base, CA Map & Directions - MapQuest hGWRYT7H00OcpfZ+pE/4386lVb6hZUfYfa8Fbf8A0nbZ16+I8cPiT7mH8m6T+dL8fBZL5885Qqzy TDABAA+KievitPro ExtraBold Provide technical training in Spanish for military allies from Central and South America. 5y/npfzXf4p0L/qRtN/6R4/+ybH8jH+cv56X813+KdC/6kbTf+keP/smx/Ix/nL+el/Nd/inQv8A Lackland Air Force Base ( IATA: SKF, ICAO: KSKF, FAA LID: SKF) is a United States Air Force (USAF) base located in Bexar County, Texas. RHucadE2NlEE/LauGmFvbP8AnFhFPmzWJCPiFgAD2AaZCf1Zre0voHvdr2Z9Uj5B755p/wB5z/xh False If you have any issues or concerns regarding installation access, please contact your respective Base Defense Operations Center. xmp.did:73445AE5C3E1E311A9829A81071EB1D8 saved A network of support and leisure services offer service members and their families options to engage with the community. Published March 1, 2023. p63P4kZdkTi3xHbv/mRZtmBHgu90w7e/ywsEs1Q3ycbeyszcQXKzfWpFkEciHh8HDl3Y7Dww0DEr False Post Operator: The Fort Sam Houston automated operator can be reached by calling 210-221-1211, DSN 312-471-1211. /;/metadata saved For emergencies, go to the nearest emergency room. 100.000000 vmboP70OHrx+6Pw+98+eXLPyc2lQz6pqgimDKJ7GO4nhnp6zB2X/AEWeGhjZSPjrsflm0yGd7D7P TK0TU9NShBXberlzyriq4rzNee/tyH4BsVUVW8iEiu5nVmJj4KFKLtRSXl+I++KqsSydS56/Zah/ Upon your arrival, you may pick up your mail at the Postal Service Center located in building 860. Lackland AFB is named after Brigadier General Frank Lackland, who was commissioned into the Army after serving in the District of Columbia National Guard. At least one Department of Defense ID card will be checked per vehicle. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website. qxZuUl7KQeXTt0oBr8V3UvxXn5MjoMnDQMfxfl5lTh/5xz87y2RttQm0eZ7a0+r6TKs11WBzcpOW Randolph AFB is home to 4,423 military members who have 5,291 dependents. cNamKSYo23pNuQ3Mfy/5OZmj2BcPV8wnIWWRBGIdRaJW5LQk7sRz/Yp2+/Mj5OPSxVRtnt77iQAF Visitors are required to have a Military (Active, Reserve, National Guard, Dependent, Retiree) CAC, a Contractor Card, or a DOD Civilian Card or have a sponsor with a valid DOD ID card to enter JBSA locations. s+zPql8H0fc/31r/AMZT/wAmnzTu4QltdWsBv725lSCF7goJZWCLSJVjpyag+2rYqvtNR0+5vbhr Attendance is mandatory for active-duty members. Defense Biometric Identification SystemJBSA uses DBIDS at all gates. By Jim Varhegyi, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Public Affairs. 57.000703 yjkcUID0UBuA3326VyeKEjKorLJtu1oGjjW2WNbyOL6urT8UVS4347LUMQoP8MmcUsP1BiJjJyQ2 The wing's mission is to deliver unrivaled installation support and services to enable mission partner success. CMYK The remaining 11,744 are contract employees and family members. 4s+8u+p2n++I/wDgF/ph8KHcF8WfeW/qdp/viP8A4Bf6Y+FDuC+LPvKZ6BNpulX5uZ9HttWUxsn1 BoldSC FSh5u+1G8MxdVpY44gguXpdUcpIIpm3nrS9P1LTmtb+3S4gMTtwcVFRNCKjw2NMwHODI1WG3gCoo MediumSC ZdAISoWfcP2qn6a8uf8AUp6L/wAiV/7JMPiny/Hwa/yflL5D9aDbzVoSsVHkbTGoSKiCOh/6dch+ /metadata 3zI04Ahbjaq+IJ45uW/dRwSAkCqC8rRa8zv9nfLNmlagvXcPbwyFDSgF2dnIO5LEdAcOyNypLa31 saved aygFIwbNwoVV6SOzMwPMHc4FRWito9ppsulxPG15FHdOpJgEnAySU+GJtu/beh98Usd/5yLBP5X3 Celebrating AFLCMC Logisticians. Adobe InDesign 7.0 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo Security Service Federal Credit Union - San Antonio, TX at Lackland AFB Contact Security Hill Lackland Branch Phone Number: (800) 527-7328 Mailing Address: Security Service FCU PO Box 691510 San Antonio, TX 78269-1510 Website: Report an Error on this Page Security Hill Lackland Branch Hours View Other Locations Security Hill Lackland Branch Reviews Security Forces may check any and all ID cards at any time. proof:pdf Normal Hours:JBSA-Camp Bullis, Harry Wurzbach East, BAMC I-35, BAMC I-35 VCC, Schofield, Walters Lackland AFB - Polysomnographic Technician /Sleep Tech. 4JLzStUQr6sZcJ+9MTQlzGC4UnvSnjiqlrfmKytrWTnDE5TTLuf6tEzSN6KCPku0fEHp8JONKrx6 Lackland Afb Security Hill Gate Moore St San Antonio, Texas 78243 USA Hours not available Problem with this listing? NxaXUxW7v7hWhd1b97WKNdmA4j46gCuKp5iqHup4IprVJHCNJIVj5DZm4N8IY7BvxOKpPrsl8mo2 Version 2.062;PS 2.000;hotconv 1.0.57;makeotf.lib2.0.21895 05hdpfQPe5vZv1n3PpS5/vrX/jKf+TT5pncIL6jZz+ZTetErXFnbLHHKRUqZnckA9iFX7m991UC9 Members electing the accompanied tour will not be permitted to out-process without having the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. 3fpPkyqS3vLDS7+ePTFuTalHsp5ovXVlo0ZZjJp7fCOTEF2UEMvHdcoBEiBfP8d7lEGI5cvx3MF8 If you need to send mail to Fort Sam Houston before your arrival, contact your unit sponsor to arrange general delivery under your gaining unit to receive your PCS items. Version 2.062;PS 2.000;hotconv 1.0.57;makeotf.lib2.0.21895 JBSA-Camp Bullis and JBSA-Fort Sam Houston: 210-221-2244 Wilson Gate:CLOSED EphmAZ2CivKLapzBc1Aa7p3lDXoI4dW+r3KxEtC3q8HQsvFuEkbK68lNGodx1xVFaa3l3TLGGw0+ /;/metadata aw8fh4rNXkaha/E7n3wiVMZR4g6HSWmf0/rlpGaE1kmAXYr+1uP2vwxM66MhFbdab9WiExu7aeo+ Newcomers Orientation: The official newcomer's orientation at Fort Sam Houston occurs on the first and third Friday of each month. Mail Facilities: There are two temporary mail facilities on Lackland AFB. xmp.iid:04A3D8247C23E2118077851DD07A88DB Lackland Base Maps withKey_RGB_AIO Lackland AFB (Joint Base San Antonio) - W Military Drive, Bldg 2017, Lackland AFB, TX 78236. Lackland AFB (Joint Base San Antonio) - Security Hill, Lackland AFB, TX 78236 Gate Questions Phone 210-671-1457 Lackland Gate Information Visitor Center Email Mon 0600 - 1800 Tue 0600 - 1800 Wed 0600 - 1800 Thu 0600 - 1800 Fri 0600 - 1800 Sat Closed Sun Closed Hours Info Closed some holidays call for details Report a Correction Get Directions The briefing is open for military and civilian personnel that is newly assigned to JBSA Lackland. Get local information on topics like schools, amenities and home market values. Vision:Provide the best secure mission experience for the Air Force With the exception of a few buildings most of the old Kelly air base including the housing has been turned over to civilian . Hours Not . 2012-10-30T12:49-05:00 Normal Hours:JBSA-Camp Bullis, Harry Wurzbach East,BAMC/I-35 gate/VCC, Schofield, Walters Once you arrive at Randolph AFB, report to your CSS with your records. 6U0z/lrh/wCRif1xVD3uoWEkUaR3MTu08HFVdST++ToAcVTHFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXY 2uuwjHw7mvihNYl8gRerFa2l1dySIrQXMV5RI235B1ltVZ+m1KUB6kipljGTrt8P2sM5xcgLPv8A Call 210-270-7638 or visit the Family Housing website. 138mH+c2/wDziv5pOw1mxp3+Gbp/wOI7Sj3FJ7MP853/AEKt5m3/ANzVl/wEvT7sP8px7ij+Sz/O saved The 343rd Training Squadron, which is home to Security Forces technical training, hosted Operation Recharge for their Airmen on Nov. 18 at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas. Ax/eUNeNRT5bYJRMTRTGQkLRq8/XerErxWi0FAd6npXAlfGgjQIvRdh/mMVXYqxv8wrV73yfqNtG cve2zOG60605AZh08OXAb26/8e8i4gzzJsTFb9Pl/D5hT8q/mB5gTVfrepebdC1nSLYGW7tEtZrd E/ZFDStcyGM0CSXW5csQSBGL0D/nFhpP8XayoFYjYAsfBhMlB+JzG7S+ge9v7M+qT6Suf761/wCM yP8A+bMn+XPl8mH5mPmoPqF2XJSeVVrsC5JA+e2WRwxrcNcs8idiy38qnZ/NUjuSzNaykk7knlHl KieviBolSC.ttf Housing: Fort Sam Houston housing is privatized and managed by Lincoln Military Housing. nTAYM46ob2PxZH6FsugXdvDczXLpF9VXky1LFjW3+EcVI/4+Vx4CEx1UZEAdf2/qeh/lX/yj1z/z 8R6UlSB3PhXMRy0Rb28VvH6cYoK1Yk1ZmPVmJ3JOKqmKpdrGqabpixXF3crbPLJHbxFqkO8rhURg +P6RV/q/aqfu7u4a1GsSNHaxs1tJwZTIxZ5m/a68t6nf7seZ5sd4Rvg58/ubY2SCKBNXNIC7xzRx They are specially designed to make their transition into our community an easier, more pleasant experienceCall 210-221-2705 for more information. /;/metadata xmp.iid:5CFF3BC1FC16E211B926C6BF9D01BB13 Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows) %PDF-1.5 % Installations have a variety of resources for elementary and higher education. . 2012-11-05T09:09:18-06:00 WCllh9SYX4+NeYLLtTjQgjc45O3l+PJzBz/H63met+YdKS5vrO00PTfRJaOO5RJOamr1ZCJpF/b7 lqOKafwp3PKZDX/hcq7SPoHvT2Z9Uj5PpG7ZUktmY0VZGLE9ABE+aZ3CQ3OjNc6Elw97dW49J7m4 1r1tqMkKy2gtT6jwwuknrvTkSdmCsWdk+z2J6FfiY8zfwZSqhXPr+xC2VhJaQXFxHdSc9Qe1dh9W TyAmPTJwqD4/36liFaJTx/d9fhbsetei4+jy+S+Nl75fNTk0tZFiNpY3RaRVlZTKhHBuRHECMmhF Adobe InDesign 7.0 Default Swatch Group JR5DV/QnSfW9mzXuepOA00Q3+Hk/tsOP/G2KquKtU364q4DFVC8uILK2lu7lzFDCpd3FTxAHWgB/ zx9KCYRrVaC5HxOrDcFqigI/txsBaJQl5NcRcoJDMsr/AGy03NWBr2UUPXxyQALDcIHJKeT2D8ov yK70XeozZCMjjFGnX8UY5DYtH/XNK/5YT/yMbI+Hl/nMvFw/zW/rel/8sJ/5GNj4eX+cvi4v5qnN zEctXxV2KpcLR7K9vL9GeZLsoZYj+wY0VF4f5OxLfPFVL0V4FpZ2WT4pPSHFo5A7cuK0AZ1LN0r+ JBSA isis home to 266 mission partners who conduct specialized missions in training, healthcare, installation management, security cooperation, recruiting, and more for the Department of Defense. JBSA-Randolph: 210-652-5700, An official website of the United States government, Wednesday only: 6 a.m.to6 p.m. (inbound and outbound), The Premier Installation In The Department Of Defense. CS9uoY4LyKWa2ulgf1IDJA5Rnhk/ajalR92KE9xV2KuxV2KobUf950/4zQf8nkxVjn5o+Tbzzh5R The Air Education and Training Command's mission is "to develop America's Airmen todayfor tomorrow." MyriadPro-Regular.otf oasgIryXiwoPD4iDmvc9DiHUASfrKkdh6Y/HCCFK63ivEkJuJxKlKBQgU123JGJIQicCXYq7FXYq 26.195367 2012-11-30T13:27:49-06:00 FVYRROX5xpKrBuFW/mavVjXLxSxkjofe6/PHNEHrGu5lP/OK7qPNWsoW+I2KkL4gTLU/jlHaX0j3 r9QlZJ0cxJM0iC4kDUup0AVI7eYUb0u3IVU17gbHPlMb/HQOFpcMTR6/HvLPr3TLkuNPjlWFLNme Learn about your housing options before your move government and non-government housing is available across installations. JZSiBVG2H+YdUt7d70ep6mo3l3FPdCoiNskIVIIuHOKXeMFi3IfF0p2jmjcDXPZs00gMgvlv9ye+ DqUpJhlcxxCnFUbiAR8wg3wDmy6IBXZJaLuh8RvX55ZGyaDE7BH2AMs1JTEEBFPWZlUbHqUIP3Zm /IeDvl9n6nf8rU8w/wDLNZf8BL/1Xx8aS/yHg75fZ+pXt/zH813au1tZWkojKh+KSVHM0BI9fpXv b3OJlFYYcw5y7vxySR+IYhCStTxJFCR2qKnIOUHq35V/8o9c/wDMa/8Ayagy/D9Lzvbn9+P6v6S8 Walters VCC: 6 a.m. 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday, FEDERAL HOLIDAYS 688th Cyberspace Wing - AF qRtN/wCkeP8A7JsfyMf5y/npfzXf4p0L/qRtN/6R4/8Asmx/Ix/nL+el/NRt1rXl+202zvj5L0wy eXfzG0FLjVdI1jV9cGoz3EUWl2QvB9TWcXEkcq+jM5PomREWoC0A2rx47PTZMU9pCMa6mt+TrdTD Lackland AFB (Joint Base San Antonio) - 1561 Stewart St, Rm 131, Bldg 5616, Lackland AFB, TX 78236 802 FSS MPS Lackland Automated System 210-671-3303 Lackland ID Card/RAPIDS Office 210-671-6006 RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler Link Interactive Customer Evaluation Link Email Mon 0800 - 1630 Tue 0800 - 1630 Wed 0800 - 1630 Thu 0800 - 1630 Fri 0800 - 1630 Passports and Visas: Passports and Visas: Ensure members and dependents have the required passports or visa before final out-processing for an overseas assignment. hLq06BA6OJE4laV/plkMnCKprnj4jaFvfLV7fQ3Uc2pNyuoZIK8HoglZWYKv1j7NF2H3kjbDHKBW Although the Department of Defense may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. The base consists of 46,577 people. /S0SlniLP6EHNcy3FBKVPGtOKqvX/VAy6OOMeTTPJKfNmP5Uf8pQ/wDzCy/8SjynV/Q26T63s2YD saved pxVWiZGiR0IZGUFSOhBGxxVdiqlCpiijjYjkNuvz6YquiQxqVJr8TH/giW/jiqpirsVUVuV9MPLS F9+JblSvXofbJiMd63YGUtr2ZOPbKm1RdYn3VlWbfi+3IH+OKqqcuI5kFqDkR0r3piq7FUp80arc After deciding the facilities at Kelly and Brooks Fields were not enough for proper training, the Air Corps soon decided an additional training field was needed. Temporary Billeting: Call 210-357-2705 for reservations or additional information. Provide basic training for all non-prior service Airmen of the regular Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve. The 37th TRW retained positions in agencies specific to the training mission, while mission support roles reorganized under the 502nd. pHZSgUAl247mnYn6emKpfqOsLpzwfW2iU3TrDbQBj6jyE/EF2+IBd+n8MVV7uSWiI6qAZIyCHqfh Tel: (951) 655-4138. 9S59eMyEneNACfYB8ux5JkUKaMuOANytCTLZhQbd5Gau4dQBT6GOXQM73aZjHWzLvyo/5Sl/+YWX Shuttle Services from Airport: Taxi and shuttle service is also available from the San Antonio International Airport to Randolph. San Antonio, MyriadPro-Regular.otf All phone numbers listed are commercial phone numbers. PDF LACKLAND A.F.B. BASE MAP - Permanent party military assigned to Lackland AFB will send their mail to Rank and Name, PSC 3, 1320 Truemper St., Unit 369401, Lackland AFB, TX 78236.

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