original japanese wwii type 89 knee mortar

[6], The Type 89 discharger saw service at the Battle of Khalkhin Gol in Manchuria during the Second Sino-Japanese War. This item is completely legal within the USA. However, since it used a spring-loaded, lanyard-operated firing pin mechanism, in an emergency it could fire grenades or shells at point targets while braced horizontally against a tree or building. The battalion was reactivated on 4 August 1950 at MCB Camp Pendleton and were assigned to the 1st Marine Division. $140 GG-2126 WW2 Japanese cotton trousers with flannel lining. The Type 89 discharger could also be used with a more powerful impact-detonated shell approaching the power of a light mortar. As part of this effort, the Japanese Army had adopted by 1932 a set of fragmentation grenades with almost universal adaptability. Gee Colin. The Japanese referred to the Type 89 as the Hachiky-shiki j-tekidant, or Year 89 Grenade Discharger. The Japanese Navy paratroopers carried special containers for the Type 89 clipped to their harnesses to provide fire support right on the landing zone. The Type 89 discharger first saw service in China and Manchuria. It retains 80-90% of its original finish but is missing the lanyard. It also saw service in Burma and the Pacific islands. Contains 30 rounds of ammo. The Imperial Japanese Army issued three Type 89s per platoon, making it their most widely used infantry fire support weapon. In June of that year they deployed to Wellington, New Zealand. Everything for sale on ima-usa.com is completely legal to own, trade, transport and sell within the United States of America. The Type 89 could fire two types of grenades or shells: the Type 91 Grenade, which was a normal infantry fragmentation grenade adapted to the Type 89 discharger, and the Type 89 50 mm shell, which was an impact-detonated shell with considerably more explosive power. The Type 89 could fire two types of grenades or shells: the Type 91 Grenade, which was a normal infantry fragmentation grenade adapted to the Type 89 discharger, and the Type 89 50 mm shell, which was an impact-detonated shell with considerably more explosive power. After the death of Emperor Taisho, the model numbers were calculated from the last two digits of the year since the date of the founding of the Japanese Empire. Every musket, rifle, display machine gun, machine gun parts set or gun sold by IMA, Inc is engineered to be inoperable according to guidelines provided by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF). Arrowood completely agreed: The Jap knee mortar gives us hell. Rick Harrison calls in weapons and military expert Craig Gottlieb to assess seller Mike's Model 89 knee mortar. The Type 89 entered service in 1929, and differs from the earlier Type 10 Grenade Discharger in that it has a rifled barrel. Be the first to know of our latest discoveries and exclusive offers. Following the surrender of Japan, the battalion was deployed to Tientsin, China as part of the occupation of northern China from October 1946 to January 1947. Although it could fire signal and smoke rounds, this discharger was primarily used with the infantrys standard 19-ounce Type 91 hand grenade, which could be lobbed to only about 75 yards maximum range. Inert of course. Please see our. A pull on the leather lanyard attached to the trigger then fired the weapon. IMA works diligently to be aware of these ever changing laws and obeys them accordingly. There's a lot of WWII collectors out there. Not Available For Export. It was often used in such a way to shoot through the firing slits of bunkers. WW2 JAPANESE ARMY TYPE 89 KNEE MORTAR LEATHER COVER CASE Used Jan 27, 2023 , 2:28AM Price: US $349.00 Shipping: $29.00 Located in: JP, Japan Seller: ) Sell one like this Sponsored items from this seller Feedback on our suggestions Excellent Condition! We assume no liability associated with misuse of our products. During World War II, the weapon was used effectively against the Allied defenders in the Battle of Corregidor in May 1942. Craig replies with an unequivocal "yes," to Rick's delight, and the pawnbroker tells viewers in his pre-negotiation interview, "Now that I know it's legal to own, I would love to buy this. It was in Japanese service from 1929 until 1945 and it was widely used by the Japanese Imperial Army. Totally non-functional and inert having been demilled according to specifications outlined by the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives). The inert ordnance measures 5 1/2 tall and has a type 88 brass fuze which is clearly marked and has the original rope and pin. Probably the main reason for the knee mortars reputation for deadly effectiveness among Allied soldiers resulted from the sheer numbers of the weapon employed in the field. This law exempts antique firearms from any form of gun control or special engineering. When I dress Western, nothing beats the classic good looks of my Smith & Wesson (S&W) 586 .357 revolver. [citation needed] Others were used by Communist forces during Chinese Civil War and Korean War. Part of the Pacific War. We assume no liability associated with misuse of our products. It was nicknamed "Knee Mortar" by Allied forces. As part of this effort, the Japanese Army had adopted by 1932 a set of fragmentation grenades with almost universal adaptability. Legal Notice - International Military Antiques, Inc observes all Federal, State and local laws. However, any soldier or marine who tried to fire a captured Type 89 in this fashion received a severe bruise (and sometimes a broken thigh bone) from the hefty recoil. Although the Type 89 could be fired by a single person, it was typically operated with a crew of 3, enabling it to reach a rate of fire of about 25 rounds per minute. The Japanese Army, noting that grenades were short-ranged weapons, began efforts to optimize these weapons for close-in infantry fighting. Serial "11127" on base and on barrel. It bears original Japanese markings and still has the arming pin present. Craig says that the four-digit serial number on this knee mortar indicates that it was an earlier model, making it more valuable. Remington's Nylon 66 semi-automatic .22 LR rifles have grown from 1950s bargain buys to 21st century collectors darlings. In good condition. (October 19, 2001 . Allied troops soon learned to hit the ground when they heard the telltale 'pop' of the weapon launching its grenades or shells, in some cases from more than 200 yards (183 m) away.Some Allied infantrymen mistakenly assumed that the launcher's curve plate was propped on the leg to fire and thereafter referred to it as a "knee mortar". This caused numerous broken legs due to the recoil of the weapon. All Images and Text Copyright 2003-2023 International Military Antiques Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Type 89 Grenade Discharger inaccurately and colloquially known as a knee mortar by Allied forces, is a Japanese grenade launcher or light mortar that was widely used in the Pacific Ocean theater of World War II. Using this system, the Type 91 grenades could be launched through jungle cover or through small openings without the danger of premature detonation in the event the grenade struck an object on its way to the target. The Type 89 Grenade Launcher, Hachijuku shiki tekidant, was a light, small Mortar. $200.00 001915 WW2 Japanese Type 92 Heavy Machinegun 7.7 cal. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921(a)(16) defines antique firearms as all guns manufactured prior to 1899. Their antitank capabilities were extremely limited; artillery was often lacking and sometimes restricted to small, outmoded pieces; and its armored forces included obsolescent tanks that were greatly inferior to their opponents armor. Hachiky-shiki j-tekidant "Type 89 Heavy Grenade Launcher") or more formally the Type 89 Grenade Discharger was a rifled infantry light mortar used by Japanese forces during World War II: though referred to as a grenade launcher by the Japanese, it does not really fit the modern definition of such. The weapon first developed was adopted in 1921, a 50mm grenade discharger, and it was an almost painfully simple smoothbore muzzleloader. With the legality of purchasing the Model 89 knee mortar cleared, the second most important question for Rick is this: How much is it worth? The book is sailor Ishmael's narrative of the obsessive quest of Ahab. International Military Antiques, Inc observes all Federal, State and Local laws. Everything for sale on ima-usa.com is completely legal to own, trade, transport and sell within the United States of America. This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! Overall, the Type 89 is in a class by itself. All orders are subject to acceptance by IMA Inc, which reserves the right to refuse any order. The Type 91 fragmentation grenade could be thrown by hand, fired from a spigot-type launcher, or used in a mortar-like grenade discharger, the Type 89. Craig says he would estimate the value of this Model 89 knee mortar to be $2,000, adding, "If I was selling it, I'd ask $1,995 and probably get it.". answers this question with a resounding "Yes!" This is a genuine Japanese World War II 50mm Mortar, Type 89 grenade with a Type 88 instantaneous fuze. IMA considers all antique guns offered on our website as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert. We have no way of confirming that he took part in all of these battles, only the New Britain campaign. The Nylon 66, a relatively inexpensive rimfire with faux woodgrain, was the first successful synthetic-stock firearm. Sell one like this Similar sponsored items Feedback on our suggestions WWII Japanese Ceramic Hand Grenade Shell $299.99 Free shipping 7 watchers WW2 Japanese Army Mortar Shooting Observation Textbook Manual Imperial Military $158.00 Lot number: 6365. Here, an American Marine demonstrates a preferred firing position for one of the weapons after its capture. Using this system, the Type 91 grenades could be launched through jungle cover or through small openings without the danger of premature detonation in the event the grenade struck an object on its way to the target. Get Guns.com offers and news!! The WWII Knee Mortar That Sold For A Surprising Amount On Pawn Stars. This marking is written right to left, and would be read: SHOWA (current reigning emperor) Juu-Hachi Nen (18th year of reign - 1943), probably the 8th month of August. To help compensate for the lack of heavy weapons, the Imperial Japanese Army worked hard to develop large numbers of what were probably the best light infantrymen in the world at the time. (1) WWII Japanese Type 97 fragmentation grenade. All orders are subject to acceptance by IMA Inc, which reserves the right to refuse any order. However, since it used a spring-loaded, lanyard-operated firing pin mechanism, in an emergency it could fire grenades or shells at point targets while braced horizontally against a tree or building. As part of this effort, the Japanese Army had adopted by 1932 a set of fragmentation grenades with almost universal adaptability. The Type 89 shell could be adjusted to ranges of 393 to 2,132 feet. Compare this to a high velocity rifle round that travels at some 2100-fps and you see just how slow these projectors are. 36), soldiers could adjust fire onto multiple targets at varying ranges while firing the contact-detonated 50mm shell through a single small clearing in the jungle canopy. | Condition: Very good. After studying employment of grenades and mortars on the battlefield, the Japanese Army developed hand grenades, rifle grenades, and grenade and mortar shell dischargers (small mortars) suited to warfare in typical short-range combat environments such as urban, trench, and jungle warfare. This made it possible for Type 89 operators to shoot, pack up, and relocate before their round even hit the target. This was brought home and converted by a US Marine after WWII. Everything for sale on ima-usa.com is completely legal to own, trade, transport and sell within the United States of America. The Type 10 has a range of 175 meters, greater than other grenade dischargers of that time. While conducting a museum tour for a Japanese-American family group, including their grandfather a former soldier we came to an example of the Type 89 50mm Knee Mortar. Clearly, he really wanted that weapon. This item is completely legal within the USA. By placing an order, the buyer represents that he/she is in compliance with the law and will utilize the items in a lawful manner. 2013 Japanese WWII Original 50mm Mortar Round Model 89 -1929 See Sold Price. This law exempts antique firearms from any form of gun control or special engineering. Auction Listings provided by AuctionZip.com.Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, AuctionZip.com expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Technically, Japanese light knee mortars at first merely bridged the gap between hand grenades and true mortars and were more properly referred to as grenade dischargers. During World War II, the weapon was used in Burma, China, and the Pacific islands. To the frontline Japanese infantryman, the Type 89 was most often referred to as the Juteki. However, he notes that although you can find Model 89s listed online for $5,000, they don't usually sell for that much. Gun magazine laws, concealed weapons laws, laws governing new made display guns, airsoft guns, blank fire guns, and other items vary greatly by nation, state and locality. And what about calling the gun a mortar? International Military Antiques, Inc observes all Federal, State and Local laws. WW2 Japanese Army Officer's Leather & Canvas Knapsack $199.99 + $29.00 shipping Although the Type 89 could be fired by a single person, it was typically operated with a crew of 3, enabling it to reach a rate of fire of about 25 rounds per minute. 6 x 10 feet. The Japanese Army, noting that grenades were short-ranged weapons, began efforts to optimize these weapons for close-in infantry fighting. This beautiful piece maintains most of its original paint and markings. IMA considers all antique guns offered on our website as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert. This is a genuine Japanese World War II 50mm Mortar, Type 89 grenade with a Type 88 instantaneous fuze. This discharger was known as the Model 10. The Type 89 discharger first saw service in China and Manchuria. One of these was the peculiar case of the Japanese Army Type 89 Knee Mortar, a weapon that, despite what its name suggests, didnt have anything to do with knees, and wasnt really a mortar. It did not explode upon contact, but was designed to ignite its fuse while in flight. The method worked equally well when firing from deep trenches or pits, or between various building obstructions when fighting inside a built-up town or city. All Images and Text Copyright 2003-2023 International Military Antiques Inc. All Rights Reserved. A weak creep spring inside the grenade firing mechanism allowed the firing pin to be thrown back upon launching, igniting a time fuse with a 7-8 second delay. There is an arsenal marking followed by 12 , for the 12th month of Showa 15, or December 1940. Think of it as kind of an M79 grenade launcher on steroids. While it could be fired by one man, a knee mortar with a three-man crew could maintain an effective rate of fire of 25 rounds per minute. Rick's first question for Craig reflects the complicated rules that the pawnbrokers must follow when buying weapons: Is it legal to own? All mechanics appear to be functional, but it has had a bore-width hole cut in the side of the barrel and a cross bar installed per BATF regulations to deactivate. The Mortar round is inert and can never be used as a weapon or for its original intended purpose, therefore complies with BATF guidelines regarding inert ordnance. We have only been able to locate muster rolls for him, but 5/11 for the majority of WWII. Every display machinegun and machine gun parts set and gun sold by IMA, Inc is engineered to be inoperable according to guidelines provided by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF). While the dictionary definition of a mortar, A portable, muzzle loading cannon used to fire shells at low velocities, short ranges, and high trajectory is a match, the Type 89 is more like a grenade-firing rifle. List of journal articles on the topic 'Highfield Hall Community Centre'. The Type 89 Grenade Discharger ( Hachiky-shiki j-tekidant), inaccurately and colloquially known as a knee mortar by Allied forces, is a Japanese grenade launcher or light mortar that was widely used in the Pacific Ocean theatre of World War II. However, since it used a spring-loaded, lanyard-operated firing pin mechanism, in an emergency it could fire grenades or shells at point targets while braced horizontally against a tree or building. It isn't functional, but it could still be valuable. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921(a)(16) defines antique firearms as all guns manufactured prior to 1899. The Type 89 entered service in 1929, and differs from the earlier Type 10 Grenade Discharger in that it has a rifled barrel. During the war they participated in the following campaigns: Battle of GuadalcanalEastern New GuineaNew BritainBattle of PeleliuBattle of Okinawa. They participated in the following campaigns: Inchon/Seoul CampaignBattle of Chosin ReservoirEast/Central FrontWestern Front, Following the war the battalion remained in Korea and participated in the occupation of the Korean Demilitarized Zone from August 1953 until March 1955 when they relocated to MCB Camp Pendleton. Features original paint with a yellow band on the body and a red band at the top. This is a genuine Japanese late World War II 50mm Mortar, Type 89 grenade with a Type 88 instantaneous fuze. The Japanese referred to the Type 89 as the Hachiky-shiki j-tekidant, or Year 89 Grenade Discharger. The Type 89 discharger and its ammunition was responsible for many Chinese and later, Allied casualties after the start of World War II, For questions or accessibility help - please call (908) 903-1200. Not eligible for payment with Paypal or Amazon. United States forces soldiered on with the little loved rifle grenade until the advent of the M79 40mm grenade launcher during the early stages of the Vietnam War. All orders are subject to acceptance by IMA Inc, which reserves the right to refuse any order. When fired from the Type 89 discharger, the Type 91 fragmentation grenade was fitted with a propellant base and time fuse. It has been de-milled with a bar welded inside and an oblong hole neatly cut in the side. A weak creep spring inside the grenade firing mechanism allowed the firing pin to be thrown back upon launching, igniting a time fuse with a 7-8 second delay. It got the nickname the "knee mortar" because of an erroneous Allied belief that these launchers could be fired by propping its plate against the leg. When it came to weapons production, the Imperial Japanese Armys requirements often came in second to the needs of the Imperial Japanese Navy. These letters are not necessarily in the original formatting. A single Japanese rifle company could field as many as 12 grenade dischargers. With its curved support plate, the Type 89 was designed to be placed on the ground or against a log or trunk at a fixed firing angle of 45 degrees. I have tried to pr . Gun magazine laws, concealed weapons laws, laws governing new made display guns, airsoft guns, blank fire guns, and other items vary greatly by nation, state and locality. It did not explode upon contact, but was designed to ignite its fuse while in flight. Features some original paint withtraces of a red band at the top,with much paint lost to oxidation. There are also a few arsenal markings on the body of the round, making it a very desirable excellent condition Japanese WW2 example. Measures 2 inches wide 5.75 inches in overall height, and the bottom propellant cup charge still unscrews. When fired from the Type 89 discharger, the Type 91 fragmentation grenade was fitted with a propellant base and time fuse. After studying employment of grenades and mortars on the battlefield, the Japanese Army developed hand grenades, rifle grenades, and grenade/mortar shell dischargers (small mortars) suited to warfare in typical short-range combat environments such as urban, trench, and jungle warfare. INERT WWII Japanese Type 89 "Knee" mortar round. Measures approx. Note that the sale is for a complete inert mortar round, a true There they learned the two lessons above and the problems realized demanded a grenade-type weapon small enough to accompany the infantry on the assault down to squad level. 3 Mike's dad had served in WWII and brought some stuff back from his tour, including this deadly weapon. They thought that the curve was placed around the leg at the knee and fired that way. IMA works diligently to be aware of these ever changing laws and obeys them accordingly. A Cold War era classic with smooth lines, a legendary back story, and an exotic-sounding name, Beretta's Model 71 was definitely a mouse that roared. This method of adjustment allowed the mortar man to change range while still holding the weapon in place to fire through small overhead holes in the jungle canopy. Gun magazine laws, concealed weapons laws, laws governing new made display guns, airsoft guns, blank fire guns, and other items vary greatly by nation, state and locality. "It's less about brick-and-mortar than the groupings of people and the tools you have." . arsenal markings on the body of the round. Japanese WWII "Knee" Mortar, non functioning scale model. 2016 WWII SIGNAL FLARES AND JAPANESE KNEE MORTAR SHELL See Sold Price. The Japanese Navy paratroopers carried special containers for the Type 89 clipped to their harnesses to provide fire support right on the landing zone. The Japanese Navy paratroopers carried special containers for the Type 89 clipped to their harnesses to provide fire support right on the landing zone. In the US, the ATF considers it a Destructive Device. Please see our. Stay in the know. The Type 89 could fire two types of grenades or shells: the Type 91 grenade, which was a normal infantry fragmentation grenade adapted to the Type 89 discharger, and the Type 89 50mm shell, which was an impact-detonated shell with considerably more explosive power. WW2 JAPANESE ARMY TYPE 89 GRENADE DISCHARGER (KNEE MORTAR) LEATHER COVER CASE See original listing Condition: Used "Used, leather soft, small tear at bottom edge, tear and loose stitching at end cap no carry straps" Ended: Jan 07, 2023 Winning bid: US $214.62 [ 13 bids ] Shipping: $12.50 Economy Shipping Located in: Designed in 1929, the Model 89 knee mortar was used to improve the accuracy of grenades and with around 120,000 used during World War II, it's safe to say it got the job done to the. Later that year they were again activated on 16 July only to be deactivated again on 30 September. The inert ordnance measures 5 1/2" tall and has a type 88 brass fuze which is clearly marked and has the original rope and pin. Displays well. 50% original paint remaining, bottom unscrews, Fuze has clear Kanji Markings. The Type 89 "Knee Mortar" was designed to give the Japanese soldier a more powerful weapon with longer range than a hand grenade or rifle fired grenade, but without the need to dedicate an entire squad to the carrying and operation of a larger, traditional mortar launcher. The Mortar round is inert and can never be used as a weapon or for its original intended purpose, therefore complies with BATF guidelines governing ordnance. Mar 22, 2023 LOT OF 55 ORIGINAL WWII GERMAN POSTCARDS $40. (2) WWII Imperial Japanese Type 89 (50mm) knee mortar round. Very nice condition with the original paint and string and all matching numbered parts. This gun would also have to be able to reach out and touch a machine gun nest at ranges impossible for hand-held grenades. For the other Japanese weapon also known as "knee mortar", see, Type 89 grenade discharger with various grenades, shells, and accessories, US Army field manual TM-E 30-480 at hyperwar, U.S. World War II Intel Report on Japanese Smoke Grenades, Lance-grenade individuel Mle F1 (LGI Mle F1), Nambu World: Type 89 Knee Mortar (Grenade Launcher), Colour pictures of the Type 89 and Type 10 at carbinesforcollectors.com, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Type_89_grenade_discharger&oldid=1135034784, Type 89 50mm HE (high explosive) mortar shell (fitted with impact detonator) [Weight: ~2.00 lb (0.91kg)], Type 91 fragmentation grenade (fitted with 7 second delay time fuse, ignited in flight), Smoke shell weight: 0.9kg containing 0.11kg of HC type smoke mixture, Incendiary shell weight: 0.57kg containing 0.32kg of incendiary material, This page was last edited on 22 January 2023, at 05:58. Related research topic ideas. 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original japanese wwii type 89 knee mortar

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