most annoying college football fans

And while you'd think a group of people who are Gator fans on Saturday would be completely intolerable, Jags supporters get all of their annoyingness out during college games; by Sunday, they're content to just come out and enjoy the nice weather, regardless of which former Florida college star is throwing INTs that week. More like roll it back. 5 Most Celebrated/Annoying College Football Chants: Florida State's Tomahawk Chop. And, oh look, now hes vomiting on your shoe. And youre going to lose all your games for the rest of the season.. NHL trade deadline: Breaking down Friday's deals | The Sooners have won the conference every year since 2015. I have compiled a list of the 25 most annoying colleges in the nation today. Florida coming in at No.15 is actually kind of shocking, to be honest. From graveyards to cowbells to $2 bills, here's a look at eight of college football's strangest. Their fans are a byproduct. The Miami Hurricanes have fans. And because most of you also wear Creamsicle orange on Saturday, America kinda feels bad for you. Incredibly, there are fans, who are real, who pulled for these people. As many people know, with alcohol comes cockiness, and with cockiness comes arrogance. With Patrick Mahomes undoing Andy Reid's home playoff losing streak, you've got a lot of hype and a genuinely exciting young quarterback at the helm. However, there are some instances where fans wearing red and white took fandom to the next level. Former CU head coach Bill McCartney declared a rivalry back in the 1980s because he felt like it. There are many, many reasons why people hate Ohio State fans. Have you won one of those with a quarterback whose financing for his new Benz was, shall we say, murky? And despite a relatively futile past dotted with greatness (Steve Bartkowski. "Ohio State fans are absolutely annoying, but the fact that this list doesn't have Michigan and Tennessee is only 5 makes me think whoever made it is on drugs," one fan added. The Super Bowl quadfecta. And while it was annoying enough to watch Peyton and the Papa hug it out in a synergistic branded orgy, the fanbase is actually pretty solid. Unfortunately after joining the Big 12, they began their fall from greatness. It became the year 2000 and Andover and Wesleyan graduate Billy Belichick started coaching, Drew Bledsoe got hurt, handsome Tom Brady stepped in, and the hapless Patriots started winning Super Bowls. Wisconsinites are generally some pretty nice people who just go to their football games to "jump around," which I admit is totally worth going. The main reason Tennessee leads off the list is because of their scuffle with Lane Kiffin last year. The Aggies and Longhorns are still battling off the field after almost a decade later of not playing each other. The video above. Sure, your players can blow their hands off on Fourth of July or shoot themselves in the foot at a nightclub, but they do it the Giants way! Earlier this week, Alabama, Ohio State, Tennessee and Texas were voted as the four most annoying fanbases in college football. And the football team is pretty damn good, but let's ease up on the "Roll Tides" for the sake of humanity. Reports have come out of Madison that fans curse, throw things and show obscenities to opposing players and those who traveled to see them. A stroll through the concourses is about as close to spending a night in the Alameda County Jail as anyone should ever get, though at least in jail theres somebody making more than $12 an hour around to protect you. There is the media-sanctioned worship of Jim Tressel that ended under less than ideal circumstances in 2010. How do you know football is king in Florida? We could probably stop there, since those have even less to do with your politically incorrect mascot than spiked shoulder pads do with the Raiders. Who are the most annoying fan bases in college football? - Longhorns Wire The massive packs they travel in. 1 seeds were Tennessee and Florida State, but only one made it to the Final Four. And if that isn't rude, I don't know what is. The ones that make you reach for an extra pair of noise-cancelling headphones. So,., Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. bust their way into the top 20. They actually physically attacked some other fans. "It's the best time I've had since Week 1 . During the Red River Shootout, you can find them throwing the horns down, but not only during that game. So, who are the folks we might invite over to our tailgate, and who are the ones we pray dont sit next to us on an airplane? Are you aware that you come off as a massive douchebag when you make a big deal about a fucking article? players and those who traveled to see them, "a--hole" directed at opposing fans to obscenities, hurl trash and insults onto the field during close games, lifted a goal post off the turf and threw it into the clearing A&M section of the stadium, A SI fan survey had the Volunteers voted third worst in the SEC, Tuscaloosa police even watched out for certain Florida fans. The Most Annoying College Basketball Fanbase. The administration even had to issue a statement that asked students to behave better at the football games. Unless its a Saints fan. No one is clean. Some of the things people do to people they don't even know is insane, even if they are wearing the "wrong" color to your game. We all love our teams and will until the end of time. Not you, Redskins fans! Most of the fan base living off their glory years, but, hey, maybe they can get back one of these days. 4) Alabama Crimson Tide. The 10 Dumbest Fan Bases in America: #8 The Arkansas Razorbacks Are you an irredeemable braggart? They have the money, the facilities and top recruiting classes so what is the hold up? The Notre Dame Fighting Irish, a team that is always in the national spotlight. Remember? The way this broke down was through a series of head to head matchups, and the final four were all in one poll. It was also more than a quarter-century ago, and after years of Kirk Cousins malaise, your new quarterback suffered a Joe Theismann-esque injury that may have ended his career. As for Tebow Could you at least have saved the permanent plaques until after he graduated? Reggie Bush. The fan base can be unbearable at times, but they havent been in the national conversation since Larry Coker led them to a national championship in the early 2000s. 2 College Football Fan Bases Named "Most Annoying" Jealousy is a confusing, illogical thing.). And yet, youremain an industrially jovial, generally adorable bunch full of Labatt Blue and misbehavior, but never hate. Notice anything similar about those teams up there? Say what you will about the lack of a playoff, but with only two teams out of 120 getting a shot at . Congrats to the University of Alabama, you are once again No. Is this FINALLY the year Jason Garrett pulls a Bill Cowher and figures things out? All content herein is intended for audiences 21 years and older. At least they have won the conference, but that doesnt make them any less annoying. (And theyre now calling for his firing after a disappointing season.). And there are a lot of them. No matter what they do on the field, they inject themselves into every conversation about the Texas Longhorns. How is "most annoying" graded? Okay, here we go: Its important to kick things off with a school from the SEC, which easily could have taken 6 or 7 of the 10 spots on this list, if I didnt want to anger 90% of the people below the Mason-Dixon line. (And youre certainly not going to hear any tears for this ranking from within the state of Michigan.). However, Texas Tech is certainly the rudest. The success. Their last national title was in 1939 (! The school wins its conference each and every year, but finds a way to come up short in the playoffs. Who cares if its good for college football that Notre Dame is No. Dont quote me on this, but left guards were allowed to hold tridents during the 1889 bowl games. Until Calvin Johnson came along, the only player's jersey you saw Lions fans wear at homegames wasBarry Sanders (even on kids bornafterSanders retired). Wisconsin does rank up there with schools where parties take priority to studying, but being rude to other fans is classless. The ABSOLUTE FORWARD PASS in the playoffs in Tennessee in 2000. All betting content is intended for an audience ages 21+. Arthur Blank's mustache. The ones with fans that blab, blab, blab about. Some fans go from bad to worse, claiming that they deserve the No. If you want to spin it as a good thing, at least. . Spurrier was notorious for running up the scorethe 1995 Georiga game still holds a certain mythic quality in the SEC for poor sportsmanshipand even though he has found admiring fans during his semi-retirement at South Carolina, he was utterly loathed in the 1990s. One spent almost 30 years suffering with a team that rarely broke .500 (the Aints!) and was helmed by the likes of Aaron Brooks andBilly Joe Tolliver, while the other only knows the Super Bowl success of the Sean Paytonera. Since the inception of the conference, they have won the conference title more than anyone else by a wide margin. Its football season! Mostly due to their TV deal with NBC to have every game on national television. Now the Bulldogs. I had heard rumors that Tucson wasn't the nicest place in the nation, but I never imagined it to be so classless. And the response is generally the same: People just feel kind of bad for you and want to tell you that everythings going to be OK, even though they know they cant say thatwith any confidence. All that being said The unofficial motto, Win or lose, we still booze, is fantastic. All the while, they chant SEC, SEC. They get up in the faces of Kentucky and Ole Miss fans. Congrats, youre the Marlins of the NFL! Worst College Football Fans In The Universe (record, teams, NCAA The Wolverines are in the national discussion every year. Masons pregnant wife, Hannah, was also attacked. During winning periods, are you at a game wearing a shirt from your decade-old national championship run? Usually there is a group of awful ones that sully the name for the entire group. Except people actually show up to your games. It's a "you just have to be there to see it" kind of deal. Notre Dame gave the worst tickets and were entitled. Saturday. To do that, theyll have to beat an Alabama team thathaschoke-slammed them to the mat in the last two SEC Championships. Superiority is classless and as a football fan, any one of them should understand any team can beat any other team on any given Saturday. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of an annoying post and choose to hide all posts from that person or 'Snooze' them for 30 days. But let's face it, those memories are as fleeting as Mike Munchak's and Mike Mularkey's tenures as head coach -- it might be time to try someone with a name that doesn't scream "evil high school P.E. SEC football: Ranking the most loyal fan bases from worst to first Now, your lone claim to fame is selling out your stadium by dumping thousands of tickets on StubHub. At the A&M game in Luboock this season, there is evidence that Tech fans vandalized the buses with excrement, shoe polish, and paint. As you can see, both state-of-Michigan Power Five schools proudly(?) The Bear Bryant worship. This i However, the Tide faithful have gone to extreme lengths to show off how great their team is, with one poisoning the storied oak trees on the Auburn campus. Police have a vague description of the attackers and believe they may have driven off in a light colored SUV. Of course, they do have their much-maligned group of officials to be dealing with. Most Obnoxious College Basketball Fans, Ranked - Thrillist Just getting stories of college football teams/fans that have stayed at a Fiesta Bowl hotel. One of the biggest arguments that happen constantly over many fan bases is which team is the most hated? You just didn't have time to tell them. Which Green Bay now collectively pretends never happened. But, the fact they thought they could poach Mike Gundy from Oklahoma State or get Jon Gruden (dodged a bullet there in hindsight) was ludicrous. We should be #1," another Vols fan wrote. And since you're all just kind of Texans fans by default, nobody gets too worked up about things. Crimson Tide fans take the whole "championship or bust" motif and run with it like a four-year-old on a candy high. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, get Streamail for more entertainment, and subscribe here for our YouTube channel to get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. No one should expect to make money from the picks and predictions discussed on this website. Gerald Riggs. Georgia fans are in the heart of SEC country and thus are some of the most passionate fans in the nation. The Most Annoying Fan Bases in College Football - 247Sports Every college football season begins with commentators declaring this year to be the dawg's year. College football's most bizarre traditions | CNN As passionate as these fans are about their football, some things are taking it too far, and chanting obscenities and yelling in other fans faces is a bit over the line. MGM Riches Offers Same Online Slot Games At BetMGM Michigan And MGM Resorts, Red Wings Fall From Wild Card Spot To Playoff Longshot In A Week, Purchasing Mix Up Leads To Two Michigan Lottery Jackpots For Oakland County Man, Alice Cooper, ZZ Top Highlight Spring, Summer Concerts At Michigan Casinos, BetMGM Pledges To Step Up Responsible Gambling Promotion In Advertising, Interstate Poker Play Boosts PokerStars Revenue In Michigan And New Jersey. And couch-burning looks fun. We also ranked the top five most arrogant fan bases in the NCAA. "The final four is HERE. Stick around this guy for a while? The most annoying fanbases in college football - 247Sports The days of Johnny Manziel are long gone and that was the height of their success. These are the cream of the obnoxious crop, the Sweet 16 of obnoxious college basketball fans. JEFF ZELEVANSKY/BEST OF SPORT/GETTY IMAGES, slap-fighting in the most viciously friendly manner conceivable, launching yourselves onto tables from high places, using friendly fire to slam Pats fans through other ones, dizzy-batting your heads into the front of buses, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. By far the least fair-weather of Atlanta's pro sports fans (dont buy into the lazy generalization that alllll ATL fans are apathetic), the stadium gets packed, and it gets LOUD. Every team has their traditions, history and fanbases. I mean, the whole Greg Schiano ordeal was a disaster and I understand why they balked. The point of all that was to show that even though Arizona doesn't have a lot to be cocky about, they managed to draw national attention to themselves with their conduct at the Iowa game. They were winning or in the hunt for the title each and every year. Let's take a look at the candidates: Blue Bloods Region College basketball royalty. And, yes, youre the only fanbase in South Florida thats not one losing season away from complete apathy, but most of your old-school fans are middle-aged guys who moved up to Lighthouse Point and Jupiter sometime in the 1990s -- and they're not so obnoxious. Auburn fans aren't what you would expect them to be when it comes to their manners. It applies to USC. In fact, the team that makes its way into Columbus on 9/11 might appear quite high on the list. In fairness, there isn't much to do in Miami other than watch college football. Your beloved Steeler Nation is mostly made up of transplants living in the Sun Belt who are total die-hards but havent been to a Steeler game in Pittsburgh since Three Rivers. A SI fan survey had the Volunteers voted third worst in the SEC and now more than ever do they have the right to be frustrated. Maybe people from Colorado are just mean. Lane Kiffin abandoning them after dedicated himself to the Volunteers must have really pissed off a fan base that was ready to get back to business in the SEC East. I almost find it laughable that someone is that intense to poison some special trees by Toomer's Corner Store. I can bring the moonshine. Id like to rewind to the year 1993, when everyone was convinced the Pats would move to St. Louis and become the Stallions, and most Boston people COULDNT CARE LESS. They expect big things. Yeah, they all win. Those wins came when football was one step removed from gladiatorial combat. (Yes, I know that it actually came from a group of hard-fighting Civil War soldiers.)). So, how are these fans engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct? Eagles fans are the people who get into fights at an eight-year-old girls' T-ball game, possibly with an eight-year-old girl. Over the past few years, CU has never really been any kind of powerhouse in the Big 12 and as a rule, most arrogance and rudeness is based in success. Kansas Jayhawks One word: smug. We've all heard the classic story of fans throwing things at opposing teams, ranging from plastic cups to beer bottles. Hog fans retorted that they do the call at any long break in the action and that the injured player may not have been noticed, but if that's the case leaders of those types of cheers need to be more wary of what is going on down on the field. The urine-filled balloons tossedat the Ohio State band in 2005 (an incident that is, unfortunately, difficult to write about without chuckling, so Im a shithead too, I suppose). The last time they were relevant Rudy was stealing the nations hearts. Sure, they have a history better than most, but they aren't at that level. And you brag about it. See also: The 10 Most Hateable Fan Bases in College Basketball. 1 spot in the polls every year. Danielson actually went to Divine Child HS in Dearborn, Mich., which is just 8.7 miles from the city. If you're on the FSU side of things, you get chills every time . The 25-year-old gunslinger caught up with his dad after the game and enjoyed an emotional moment while celebrating this victory. Are you throwing those cups of piss? Survey Reveals the Worst Behaved NCAA Football Fans Notre Dame upholds its traditions like no other. According to the Morgantown Police Department, the fight began as the fans were trying to leave the parking lot at Milan Puskar Stadium. There was face paint. Possibly the most annoying thing about UGA fans though is their optimism. And out west, theyre just here to party. 5 on the worst-behaved list for their boozy antics. Back to top. . We rank which 25 college football fan clubs love to take passion to a whole new level, bringing it from rivalry to rudeness and spirit to arrogance with ease. Most Arrogant NCAA Football Fans We also ranked the top five most arrogant fan bases in the NCAA. Both, though, are among the most polarizing figures in college football history. Even SEC fans, some of the most passionate in the world, voted LSU the worst hosts for football games. Sitting at home behind your safe TV doesn't even begin to hide what goes on at some of these stadiums where football is literally the pulse of the student's worlds. There was even a recent Sprint commercial that poked fun at couch-burning riots. You couldn't say a bad thing about 'em, even in Atlanta! Well send you our daily roundup of all our favorite stories from across the site, from travel to food to shopping to entertainment. The rest of college football may as well be pig sniffing farmers from nowhere. THE BROWNS. Mute annoying friends If you don't want to delete or block someone on Facebook but you find their posts really annoying, you can try muting them. Ignore the hillbilly cracks, because theyre unoriginal and unfunny. The glory days are long gone. The 10 Most Hateable Fan Bases in College Football - BroBible Additionally, they are some of the most defensive people in the country. Since Stoops came to Norman, he has one national title and four appearance there, making him only 25 percent when it comes to the BCS National Championship Game. Clemson fans travel well and the whole $2 bill tip thing is "cute." The Phoenix New Times has named "Tribute to Troy" one of the "top 10 most annoying college football fight songs," while a columnist with The Seattle Times once referred to it as "almost as annoying as Nancy Grace ". They will do it at every turn. Telling someone youre a Lions fan is basically an extension of telling someone youre from Detroit. It's only made worse by the fact that the city now hosts two NFL teams. Most fans suffer from a superiority complex, while others drink too much, use foul language or trash their stadium. ), and they haven't won a conference title since '98. The Rebels haven't exactly been even close to good as of late, holding a spot at the bottom half of the SEC for years. Since moving to Austin, I've softened my view. I have trouble believing that there are fans out there that don't have the decency to show some respect to a player while hurt, no matter who they may be. Ranking the Top 25 fan bases in college football - Saturday Down South And that's what Bucs fans are: loyal. Claiming to be better than a team that just beat you badly is crossing the line in my opinion and arguing with them is impossible. 1 0. . No matter where you live, whether its the East or West Coast, above the Mason-Dixon line or below it, there are some schools whos fans you just dont like. Ever go to an LSU game? According to the latest voting results, Alabama, Ohio State, Tennessee and Texas are the four most. Wellexcept Tennessee. College fans have their own traditions and idiosyncrasies, I think you can often find annoying fans from different colleges. Kansas is as relevant as ever 7. Giants fans arent obnoxious at all! But you know who is? Sure, youre a city of transplants or locals (who grew up rooting for the Cowboys), but youve flocked to this perpetually mediocre franchise like its an AMC 24 in August. (Kidding, I think.). Arkansas has one of the dumbest cheers in the nation as the "call the hogs." Pac-12 fans get too drunk during games, per this survey. Death Valley is known for some of the craziest people every to walk this earth, and if you have ever had the unfortunate encounter to spend a game as the opposing team in Baton Rouge, I am truly sorry. But, hey, at least youve got great crab cakes. Oh, one more thing. The self-proclaimed national champs on social media. The success. Also, your fight song is by Styx. You did it. ), youre still savvy enough fans to recognize theres not a whole lot (thanks for nothing, Eugene Robinson) in your 50-year history to get up in peoples faces about. The song has inspired both derision and acclaim. The worst part is Buckeye fans know this. The Tuscaloosa police even watched out for certain Florida fans after posting a video online. Many Pac-12 fans report Duck fans as being vulgar, rude, crass, foul, and mean. From afar, Texas was my most hated college football program. For good reason. The Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, and all of the major college hockey teams in the Boston area all enjoyed more support than the Patriots. Everyone who has been near The Game is fully aware that the tailgate is the main attraction. According to respondents, Alabama fans might need to calm down because theyre the No. The only people who really believe we're letting Broncos fans off easy at 17 root for the Raiders and Chiefs.

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most annoying college football fans

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