marvel mystery oil as lead substitute

The octane is in how the fuel is refined and what "CUT" it is is. According to their claims, it leaves no carbon deposits (they claim it reduces/removes them). What does Marvel mystery oil do? - YouTube The engine ran smoother and quieter, almost silent at idle. It is great for old,abused and sludged up engines. lead build up and fouling of spark plugs, along with valve The pickup is driven sparingly, just a few hundred miles per year, if that. per 10 gallons of fuel). This additive also enhances the vehicles fuel economy and minimizes the noise produced by the fuel injectors. However, Kano Kroil Oil performs faster than PB Blaster by providing better lubrication. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > lucky6600, Dec 1, 2010 #1. lucky6600 Long timer. Avgas contains lead, probably have enough lead without adding more. ", "Long life exhaust valves. This was a hot topic in the late 80s and early 90s. Just like the topic of using non-detergent oil. Ninety-five percent of customers gave it a four-star rating or above.This MMO received a lot of good comments from users. Finally I took off the spark plug and sprayed MMO into the hole at what appeared to be the exhaust valve. Marvel Mystery Oil Vs. Seafoam: The Detailed Comparison - CAR FROM JAPAN Drive it as it is, put regular gas in it and stop worrying. a prop? The extra few bucks may not really be necessary, but is not hurting anything and to my mind is worth theprecaution. AMC switched to induction hardened valve seats a little later then the other manufacturers. I installed new pistons (and liners) and had that one seat cut and lapped in the valve. So either don't worry about it or fit a tin canister just to be sure And for those about to post that I don't know what I'm talking about, that it is 'snake oil', save your breath. Marvel Mystery oil is one of the most widely used fuel and oil additives today. It's illegal to use on a public road for the second time! Anyone who has never tried them will decry them and put forward all sorts of 'proof' that they cannot work. nauseous each time he gave a lesson. Back then the thing from GMto watch for was "not available with C60 " that meant it was something special (not always in a good way but.) andoften with a grand or more option price (remember pricing a '69 Camaro when overseas. I make no claims about their octane-improving qualities, but for valve seat recession they are a quick bolt on that can be moved from car to car and definitely work. fuel to form lead phosphate, which comes out of the exhaust stack as a grey Oct 11, 2006 . Its formula contains an oil-thinning ability that solves this problem. Most gas has about 10 to 15% these days.E-85 has as much as 85 % ethanol, but out west here it's more like e-40 or 50 . thanksStan. Powered by Invision Community, Lead additive in low-mile, original SBC engine from 1966, TEL is a fuel additive, first being mixed with gasoline, in the 1920s ( NOT 1950's) as a patented octane rating. It can scare you, though. Marvel Mystery Oil is top end lubricant , not an octane booster. I'm not sure there are any Lead additives anymore, anyway it is illegal to use leaded fuel on any vehicle driven on a public road, street, HWY, Motorway, or FWY. Then, in the new oil, AMC generally did not have head problems other then those 73/74 heads, which most people learn to stay away from. combustion, there is a chemical reaction between TCP and the lead in the | Reading Proust. Robert Parker uses Marvel Mystery Oil to reduce the buildup of lead from 100LL. I presume this was about the most de-tuned version of the 327 (just my guess). Carburetor1; Feb 14, 2022; OTC and Third Party Oil . airframe. Just finished my third overhaul, this time I had to replace the guides for the first time and fix 15 cracks in the block. '04Ram,'99Plym.Van,"96Exploder,'79Dodge pickup, '71Jav. What power steering fluid is compatible with 89021184? I forget the MIL spec number. We had charts that told us how many gallons of MMO to put in per Will Marvel Mystery Oil Damage the Catalytic Converter? | Sail Alaska's coast So, when it is about Marvel Mystery oil vs. Seafoam, the Marvel Mystery for around $4, Seafoam charges you double of it for the same quantity. Or is it not really noticeable? If it's near spec, I recommend you just go drive the thing, enjoy it,and pretend you never heard the word "additive". It's primary purpose is to cool the cutters. In all parts of the world many high-spirited revolts from rascally despotisms had of late been knocked on the head; many dreadful casualties, by locomotive and steamer, had likewise knocked hundreds of high-spirited travelers on the head (I lost a dear friend in one of them); my own private affairs were also full of despotisms . Marvel Mystery Oil | Page 2 | V-Twin Forum This temperature can only be achieved in our small engines at Both are high in detergents The nonsense about "cushioning valves" and "preventing valve seat recession" was contrived by the oil companies in the face of the changeover to unleaded fuel. Well, substitutes for leaded fuel, here's something I've researched, as I own an older car. the formula for TCP and used it for years in car gas, which was also powder. If the gas has Ethanol, I also add appropriate portions of Star-Tron. Low HP cars are doing these grades in low gears barely making 40MPH. Whether that's due to using additives or not using additives is for the anecdotal evidence pile. WHEN I DID THIS I ALSO CLEANED OUT THE PUSH RODS AND POURED MMO IN THEM. container says not to do it. Marvel Mystery Oil :: Directions for Me Gunk lead substitute, yes or no? | Adventure Rider However, I wonder what adding oils to the fuel may do if the engine is prone to detonation or ping, as if your engine "uses oil", that oil introduced into the combustion process usually actually increases detonation and/or ping. It's amazing how tertra ethyl lead was used to reduce emmissions way back at the turn of the century? MMO is basically mineral oil, thinner, and a dash of a chemical soap. Welcome to America, 2019, where everything is true and not true at the same time depending on what you already want to believe. Both types of fuel are effective for carburetors, but they are not effective for engines. The metal parts of your engine rust over time and eventually fail. But I had to drive 1500kms with a trailer before the tin canister would arrive. Obviously, I don't want to remove the heads if at all possible to retain the original paint. sodly engines would lead foul, creating lots of engine problems. I have also seen boaters with oil injected outboards run MMO in the fuel as an upper cylinder lubricant. Won't hurt but you don't need it. recommend the procedure. and on the spark plug. the carburetor as a droplet, broken up Don't think adding a top oil in the right ratio can do anything to hurt an engine/fuel system. Marvel Mystery Oil | Pilots of America Marvel Mystery Oil was formulated shortly after World War I by an automotive engineer named Burt Pierce. You don't need it, but if you trust your mechanic then there's no harm. I have never had issues with even square port heads with valve recession and I rag the heck out of my cars and used to cruise around the desert at 120 M.P.H. TCP to treat 10 gallons of gas. [2] It is used as a fuel additive, oil additive, corrosion inhibitor, penetrating oil, and transmission leak stopper and seal relubricator. that mechanic also told me that if I poured diesel fuel in the crankcase while the engine slowly idled, it would clean out the varnish and free up the oil passages. This can help him share his expertise and experience with others and learn more from them. I can build an engine, but, I can't drain oil without a mess. You probably wont be able to tell any difference, but I do this on occasion and it makes me feel better. 5 Best Penetrating Oil For Seized Engine Review in 2023 - Car Fluid Pro Our editors pick the products & services we write about. Marvel Mystery Oil and Lead substitute. With Marvel Mystery oil, you dont have to worry about your oil thickening at low temperatures. Sitting around is no good for old cars or the fuel in them. The '30 Packard and '15 Hudson don't get pushed as hard as the others, but are typically treated to additives, as well - maybe a waste of time and $$, but I feel better about it. If not removed, these carbons might cause engine damage. and that was far too often for my taste. GAS OIL, marvel mystery oil : TR6 Tech Forum : The Triumph Experience You can look up the MSDS sheet for what it's made of. And guess what? This also will help your vehicle easily start from sub-zero temperatures. OTOH many years ago racers agreed that STP might save the engine if starved for a few seconds under high load. How many of us taxi at this RPM? It was thought that since the automakers were induction hardening valve seats in the unleaded era that it must be necessary. But, it will reduce friction making your engine easier to start and run smoother and may even pick up a little extra gas mileage. Once we started using top oil, fuel pumps lasted all season.Can't say what Marvel will do for seats but we saw less guide wear with top oil. Sale. I have a 2010 2500 with a 5.7 Hemi with 200k and no oil leaks and does not burn oil, (knock on wood). I use Shaler Rislone oil treatment, which is green and therefore politically correct. was going to eliminate lead completely. Marvel Mystery oil - Vintage Mooneys (pre-J models) - Marvel Mystery Oil Reviews and Buying Guide 2022 Para Dichlorobenzene, a precursor used in the production of chemically and thermally resistant polymers, <0.1%[2]. I have been running unleaded in the Ambassador for 230,000 miles and never had valve seat issues. Carbon deposits will cause motor oil to burn more than usual. Thank you. I've got a 1970 IHC Scout, and we used to clean up old Scout engines (there's nothing dirtier) by slowly pouring ATF into the carb while racing the engine a bit. Are cars nowadays wanting for top cyl lubrication with unleaded gas? LOL. -- 10 Reasons Why Car Enthusiasts Should Use Marvel Mystery Oil - HotCars Using a top oil like Marvel is fine for keeping carbon buildup on the stems. It not only removes carbon deposits and sludge, but also improves cold start lubrication and film strength. For a 400 Pontiac I like the 6X heads - hardened seats and more manifold bolts. I think he was right thoughthe internal explosion of the diesel fuel as it gets compressed between the main bearings would probably clean it up pretty good, it would disassemble it for me, then if I didn't die, I could rebuild it in the parking lot over the next few days (if I didn't get arrested) and it would no longer use any oil. Just a little correction here. To mix with fuel, you put six ounces of additive for every 15 gallons of fuel. Marvel Mystery Oil as a Lead Substitute? - The AMC Forum It was a big problem! Started it up and of course it smoked for a little while, but I couldn't believe how much better the thing ran. Required fields are marked *. Okay, thats not a trick subject line. A quart of MMO in the oil will help clean up a sludged up engine and free up piston rings that are stuck in the piston grooves due to gum and varnish. I found that the airplane motor crowd uses it for top cyl lubrication, but i don't know if there's necessarily much correlation between airplane and car engines in this area. The good of E-85 is it's 105 octane, the bad is the ethanol you have the lower your gas mileage gets. The thing is, most old engines have been rebuilt with hardened valve seats. After a while, your vehicles engine may begin to malfunction. This is right. Re: Marvel Mystery Oil and E10 in our small engines. Now driving a Peugeot 504 and frequently towing a trailer I had no problems, but I avoided unleaded. The 327 engine has valves faced with cobalt-based alloy for long valve life. Moving on ten or fifteen years, we were using 'lead replacement petrol', which had varying degrees of usefulness I'm told. Unleaded fuel was a very hot topic in the mid 70's along with the unleaded only 1975 cars with catalytic converters. Couldn't keep it running. ADDED TO ENGINE OIL:Use Marvel Mystery Oil or Marvel Ultimate Oil in the crankcase to enhance oil lubrication and sludge control. They said that it caused oil leak in his Chevy Silverado 2004. Marvel Mystery Oil can be used as a break-in oil rebuilt engines when recommended to use a very light weight oil for the first 500 miles. MY 86 CJ-7 NEEDED THE HEAD GASKET REPLACED. Your donations help keep this valuable resource free and growing. 8 3. avoided in the smaller and older engines. Let's end this nonsense before the cloudy waters become opaque, eh? Definitely not a Corvette motor. Right. Newsletter? off season, so there was never any problem with the carb gumming up. Marvel Mystery Oil and Avgas.. | Southern Airboat Forum Think about the whole scenerio . This consisted of a quart bottle to mount in the engine comp., and a vacuum line to the carb. padgett, this is a stock "hi-torque" 327 truck engine. creates great clouds of smoke, and extends engine a life for a few more Yours will never break its valve seats due to anything that might be related to lead in the gas. I use MMO instead of Ed's Red for use inside the house (still have part of a gallon can). Simple. THIS WAS AT 95K. Interesting discussion, back in the 30's salesmen would dip there ties in tetraethyl and wave over a knocking engine which would clear up. I don't think I've seen so many responses so quickly to a post before. Benzene is an interesting little hydrocarbon. When Marvel Mystery oil is applied, it can dramatically slow down this process. So, whats the truth? So it seems that the residual lead on the seats from beforehand had continued to provide protection, but once cleaned off by cutting the seats valve seat recession commenced. I don't think there Copyright 2023, Antique Automobile Club of America. Are unneeded now but have not seen any more efficient valve shapes, rather 4 valve cyls are now common (except for hemis which cannot without very expensive valvetrains). However, the carrier is toluene, and Colder than that, and we couldn't fly, Marvel Mystery oil and Seafoam are equally excellent products. Is Marvel Mystery oil good or bad? and hardened valve seats became common after 72. Could you share with us your experience of using this MMO in the comment box below? formula was purchased by ALCOR. What's Customers Say About Marvel Mystery Oil. Instead of a 'lead substitute', try Marvel mystery oil. Marvel Mystery Oil is an automotive product of the American Marvel Oil Company, [1] founded by Burt Pierce in 1923. Now you know how it works, I will neither recommend or not I have driven my Pontiac daily for 59 years, putting 400,000+ miles on a 99,000 mile vehicle. All the other valves and seats were untouched. Use additives if you want, it won't hurt the engine. Free shipping for many products! It is possible that the people who have the most problems with gas are the ones who are also great price shoppers, the ones who will stick any nozzle in their filler to save 3 cents. Some say its a miracle oil, while others suppose that its not worth the money. Burns Hotter of course, so what Plum says is true for both Marvel, or crankcase oil getting burned in a wore-out cylinder. Marvels popularity soared as word spread of its effectiveness in treating all types of . or intake manifold. I would also change to synthetic motor oil although, I would like to hear some experienced opinions on this. That said, additives probably can't hurt and if they make you feel better/safer when driving the truck, then you should use them. A 2 cycle oil is designed to burn. I have wondered what adding MMO does to your 5w-20 as well. Main Menu. It was soon discovered that it resisted detonation also and was intsrumental in the developement of more powerefull aviation engines during WW1. I know this has been talked about before but I didn't see any information specifically about original, un-modified engines-- ones that haven't had hardened valve seats put in like mine. It is not their machine and they are not going to be paying for your repairs. fouling syndrome. Oil does a better job of preventing galling on the lands, and chip rewelding, which I doubt you're getting into. So I guess the question comes down like this: It was used to scavenge trace and unburned particles out of the fuel after combustion. EAA has an answer, after 5 different people and Regular use can improve fuel economy. Modern gas has lot more aromatic daisy chain hydrocarbons in it and a higher Reed vapor pressure. YMMV.foot note; I ran other cleaners on occasion but still developed a dirty injector. All kinds of power that I didn't have before. He explained why in a post on the Cub Builders mailing list, which I have adapted here with his permission. Fuel Additives at As usual, the AACA forum has irrelevant-facted the issue and over-analyzed it to the point of rendering any sort of conclusion impossible. I don't see any pickle. #64741-49-9, or may substitute "Stoddard Solvent", CAS #8052-41-3, or. Detroit substitute teacher who threw hockey stick at a child sentenced One website has listed Marvel Mystery oil, 3 in 1 oil, and mineral oil as good substitutes basically because they are cheaper than sewing machine oil. Then, wait for an hour or longer before attempting to remove it. I drive ithard, 50-55 mph on the highway, lots of days 500 or 600 miles in all types of weather, winter and summer. Used Marvel mystery oil on an oil change because lifters were sticking in my 94 trooper. Then I can tell you it definitely improves the fuel economy. This in turn caused increased vehicle performance and fuel economy. The quality of oils and the precise metering of fuel has nearly eliminated the varnish and gumming problems for cars driven under normal conditions. Added to fuel: At every fill-up add 4 ounces of Marvel Mystery Oil to every 10 gallons of gas or diesel. Short Stories by Herman Melville - Complete text online They have quarts of Marvel mystery oil for about $2.00 each. Your email address will not be published. that are most common use MMT and are more like an octane booster. But aviation fuel continued to contain lead, so the As it turns out, the valve seat recession occurred in engines that were run hard (such as towing and drag racing), and in ordinary street engines not so much. Benzene actually used to be in gas as an octane booster (it was also used as an aftershave for a while - which is scary considering how carcingenic it is). Suddenly the valve seats started to wear away again. Regarding the valves, the 1966 truck sales book says this: "Induction hardened exhaust valve seats. Bob's article is followed by an email I received from Terry Lutz, expanding on Marvel and the alternative TCP. Old standbys like Bardahl. Use one pint Marvel Mystery Oil about 5 hours before oil change. But they're better at protecting their manufacturers from bankruptcy than they are at doing anything significant for your engine's long-term health. Bible Doctrines - Foundation of the Church - Word Aflame Elective Tetra-Ethel Lead is not an octane booster either. An average passenger car tank is 15 gallons so you would add 6 ounces at every fill-up. The engine is very quiet and responsive. I first experienced this in the Toyota 12R engine (I think that's the right designation, 1600cc pushrod) in a Hi-Ace. This site sets no cookies, but the Mailchimp sign-up service It works, and has for a long time. Tricresyl phosphate, an antiwear and extreme pressure additive in lubricants 0.1-1.0%[2], According to the company's 2015 safety data sheet Marvel Mystery Oil is composed of:[2], Petroleum Distillates (Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic) also known as mineral oil, 60-100%[2] Websites 1997-2019 Daniel Ford; all rights The TCP/Marvel Mystery Oil option: These are most likely which again left me at the far end of the runway without power. Further proof came when I had my next experience. can put mo-gas in the tank 75% (TEL 0.002 ml) and 25% av-gas I just knew I had thrown a rod! It doesn't have lead, and I'd suppose it is not legal to add lead as it is an environmental toxin. Inquiring minds want to a considerable taxi to get there, and you are running straight Jul 14, 2017. For instance, if your engine requires 5 quarts of engine oil, use 4 quarts of oil and 1 quart of Mystery Oil. The customer rating for Marvel Mystery Oil (MMO) is 4.7 out of 5 stars. Sometime they do, and other times that's the last you hear.) So, whats the verdict? The trick on a 65 hp Continental is to take the primer everyone was looking for a lead substitute in forum. EXCLUSIVE: Why this pro-gun Colorado Democrat thinks he can beat Lauren Boebert in a rematch: Businessman Adam Frisch criticizes his own party for abandoning him and rural Americans - and says . Petersen's STC allows for mixing of av-gas and mo-gas. A reference in my 1994 Accord owner's manual to Marvel Mystery Oil; it was right after the "hosing out your gas tank" and "cinder block cruise control" chapter. Marvel Mystery Oil? Harmful? Snake oil? or legit? ", "Hydraulic valve lifters, both inlet and exhaust.". Gunk lead substitute, yes or no? on a high time engine; about half TBO or less should be the Period. Charles Kettering discovered that lead would boost octane in the 1930s, and it was cheap, plentiful, and easy to add to fuel so there it was. Some state that this additive can help reduce the chattering noise by 90%.Another user said that he added some MMO to the crankcase of his Avalanche 2002 a while back. There's plenty of anecdotal evidence for additives and mystery ingredients, but anecdotal evidence isn't evidence. That would most likely cause catastrophic engine failure. Marvel Mystery Oil can be used to keep the fuel system clean. Don't listen to them. Marvel mystery oil,the idea behind it was and still is,it is basically a cleaner,it removes sludge from lifters and helps to soften the carbon built up between the rings.We used to use a quart of. When valves are beginning to stick, it will had. Water does a better job of heat transfer, and it doesn't smoke. AFAIK GM never put better guides in the small block Chevy, they just kept drilling holes in the cast iron like they had been doing. See Also: Lucas Vs Seafoam: Head-To-Head Comparison. on unleaded and no additives. gallon of fuel (4 to 6 oz. I have been driving a 10.25 compression ratio 401 Buick for the last 15 years on regular pump gas. Marvel Mystery Oil Products | O'Reilly Auto Parts like the fuel. Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites. If you have not had your valve seats replaced with hard seats, a lead substitute is a must. Even when using more MMO breaking in a fresh rebuild and adding a quart of motor oil to a 20 gallon tank, it's tough to see much smoke in the exhaust.

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marvel mystery oil as lead substitute

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