lost confederate gold in alabama

One night two braves took the trapper, tied his hands and feet, and blindfolded him. You must log in or register to reply here. The first submarine to engage and sink a warship, the Hunley didn't . From 1861 to 1862, it was a Confederate troop training base. She would then sail the goods back to France. pistelero, everyone knows that confedereate gold was made and distributed throughout the south, and some stories about hidden treasure are real. His wife sold the ferry and went to live with relatives in Georgia. "If gold was . Will the FBI abscond with it? In Washington, Georgia, Jefferson Davis and his cabinet met for the final time, where Davis signed his last official order, making Micajah Clark the acting Treasurer of the Confederacy. Hansen then used the horses to trample the boxes deeper into the mud. Ill Trade You a Fredericksburg for a Winchester and a Pea Ridge. I grew up in Prattville, Alabama. Rocky Springs, MS 39086, USA. According to local lore, the gold was lost or stolen during the1863 Battle of Gettysburg. William Pettits Buried Gold Coins: $80,000 worth of gold coins: A few miles from Lexington, Kentucky. Some of the most valuable placers in Alabama are found in Cleburne County. He was then valued at $300,000 which made him a wealthy man, to say the least! Many attempts at recovering her gold and silver cache have come up empty. / CBS/AP. The Outlaw PresidentJefferson Davis was an unlikely traitor to the United States. But the runway incident is a real one. Visit here for more information on State laws regarding relic hunting, treasure hunting, and artifacts. rjcox / flickr. Near Demopolis is an area named White Bluff. Sharps had a nephew named Grady Sharps who witnessed his uncle go into his 100 acres of forest that he owned south of Whites Mill. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! Portions of it are believed to be in Greene & Morgan Counties of Georgia. Lt. General Richard Taylor would surrender the Department of Alabama . Paul Seaburn is the editor at Mysterious Universe and its most prolific writer. Initially, with one-third of her estate, the will established the Sylvester Mumford Memorial Endowment at the Thornwell Orphanage in Clinton, South Carolina, which was founded in 1875 and is now known as the Thornwell Home and School for Children. Also called hard currency. The Confederacys Ferrous Stonewall in a Far East Civil War. The FBI claimed their 2018 dig came up empty, but treasure hunters Dennis and Kem Parada aren't so sure. John Willismith was a rich businessman who lived in Fort Payne, Alabama. Those two boxes of gold could still be buried deep in that bog near Athens, Alabama. He and his friend decided to head out to recover the treasure. I have talked to the guy who wrote what you found on #2. The legend states that DeSoto and his men cant to the Bay of Espiritu Santa which is now Tampa Bay Florida. The area was founded by exiled followers of Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 1800's. The port of Mobile and Mobile Bay were blockaded by Union naval forces early in the Civil War. He waited there until spring and set off to sail back to France at the beginning of April 1725. Henry refused to tell the soldiers where the treasure was and was beaten again. The entrance of the town has a historical marker at the entrance that explains the towns history. Alabama, The Heart of Dixie as its nicknamed was the 22nd state to be admitted to the Union on December 14, 1819. As heir to the Mumford estate, Miss Gertrude allegedly made provisions to return the balance of the Confederate treasure to Southern hands after her death. All the Confederate officials would board the first train, while the second train would hold special cargo. Most of the tales revolve around the . It also carried bullion, donated jewelry, and 7Isaac W. Avery, The History of the State of Georgia From 1850 to 1881 (NewYork . The Nunez Ferry ran for 47 years from 1815-1919. Thats where the bad news begins. Egill Skallagrmsson 's silver. Here's how this gold war began, according to a Pittsburg Post-Gazette article about a 1983 story in Lost Treasure magazine. Perhaps the best-known tale of lost treasure in Virginia is the legend of Beale's Treasure. Two more Union soldiers were killed along with the two rebels that had been with Hansen. Pistolero, In the book,"Buried Treasure You Can Find by Robert F. Mark, theres a little four line treasure tale. . AFFILIATE DISCLOSUREI am an affiliate marketer. Lost Treasure Near Clear Fork Creek. The FBI has long insisted the March 2018 dig came up empty, but the agency has consistently stymied the Paradas' efforts to obtain information. your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. In the Civil War-era movie, Gone With the Wind (1939), Rhett Butler, played by Clark Gable, is rumored to have stolen the treasure. Maybe you could be the one who prospers from finding one of these lost treasure gems in Alabama! This spot was used during the Civil War as you guessed a popular camping area for southern refugees and Confederate soldiers. Mr. Willismith owned most of the town. Sharps bought a mill there called Whites Mill in 1897. It would be a great place to find all kinds of history and relics that might still be strewn about by all those army camps. I have not heard of both of these stories. One of the eight treasures of the Sasanian king Khosrow II. Image from Life and Confession of the Noted Outlaw James Copeland, University of Mississippi Press. There are rumors that caches of coins and silverware are buried on and around the plantation ruins. After a long day traveling Hansen ended up at a friends home. Appreciative of the home the Mumfords provided and his opportunity for a college education, he set out to discover the facts behind the Confederate gold. Postal Service in 2000 and still has family and friends in Brantley County. From lost confederate Civil War gold to lost Indian gold to plantation owners and their lost treasure we have a little bit of everything in these stories. Unfortunately for them, their booty leaked and made it easy for a posse to follow. JavaScript is disabled. Henry refused and was subsequently strung up to a tree and whipped. Legend of the Lost Confederate Gold Posted on December 5, 2020 December 31, 2020 by Terry W. Platt Confederate gold refers to hidden caches of gold lost after the American Civil War. So with no luck finding the treasure he packed up and moved to California. The Beckham Plantation Treasure. So if you are ever in that area you might want to have your metal detector and shovel ready because there might be something worth finding buried in the ground there. Alabama lost treasure sites are listed on this page. He also contracted pneumonia and had an infection that contributed to his death. Juan Monroy. Unfortunately, Parker found the U.S. cavalry already in the immediate area and made alternate arrangements. This small island holds many lost treasure stories. It was abandoned . One day a rebel soldier came by and Hansen decided to lead him to the lost treasure so they could possibly retrieve it. She made her money by running a trading post and she was one of the only Indian women to have owned slaves. Mr. Sharps became rich after owning the mill. Moreover, he was unable to find any mention of the name Mumford in any record of the period. You must log in or register to reply here. Apparently in 1865, $100,000 of gold and silver was put into two large metal boxes by . Louinas gold and silver could still be buried under the ground in that old ghost town! The trapper returned to the Chickasaw camp and married the daughter of the chief but her father had disappeared and no one in the village seemed to know where the cave was that held the treasure. You are using an out of date browser. Many posses were formed looking for Railroad Bill. This was not actually supposed to be an article. As soon as they spent all the gold and silver they came back for more. Since the gold standard was abolished in the 1930s, gold coins, aside from their higher intrinsic value and demand as collectibles, no longer have any special worth as a standard of value in world trade. Sep 27, 2005. Due to the moral and legal concerns about restricting the fund to white orphan girls, the church then petitioned the court to open the scholarship to all ethnic groups. January 6, 2022 / 11:11 AM Humankind: Amazing moments that give . The story has it that Mr. Clemens buried $100,000 worth of gold on his property because he was worried about losing it. The two trains left Richmond at midnight and when the tracks ended at Danville, Davis and his staff began to travel south on horseback. The lost gold also played a key role in the legendary 1966 Western film, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. However, although the banks and the Confederacy had shipped their gold on the same train, each had its own security forces and the gold was never commingled. The first was given to the Presbyterian Church, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, in trust for the maintenance and education of white orphan girls of Brantley County. I live n the the ala state line and have pulse and gpr if anyone is interested in searching, Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. The FBI has since dragged its feet on the treasure hunters' Freedom of Information Act request for records, their lawyer said Wednesday. Somewhere near Primm Springs, Tennessee. What Confederate Money (paper notes) that they had was burned at Washington, Ga. in the middle of town by Brig. The chief had a daughter that he wanted to be married off so that he could have a male offspring to carry on as chief when he died. Plus, as others have pointed out, gold weighs alot. Standing a discrete distance away and watching were Dennis and Kem Parada, owners of Finders Keepers, who still believe well, you known their name. Hansen and some other Alabama citizens raised quite a bit of capital in the form of gold and silver bullion and coins. The FBI says it came up empty at the rural Pennsylvania site where Civil War gold is rumored to be buried. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. So get your picks, shovels, and metal detector ready as we go through the 15 lost treasures of Alabama. The story goes that when she was forced to leave she had so much gold and silver her horses couldnt carry the load so she was forced to bury the gold and silver where she stood. He was a war hero, fighting in the Mexican-American War of the 1840s, and looked set for a long, happy career as a statesman. Treasure hunters who believe they found a huge cache of fabled Civil War-era gold in Pennsylvania are now on the prowl for something as elusive as the buried booty itself: government records of the FBI's excavation. In fact, when she died in 1946 at age 99 in Washington, D.C., she bequeathed almost $600,000 to the children of Brantley County through an endowment and two scholarship funds. These legends are fueled by the fact that the state was a hub . You are using an out of date browser. Worth roughly $100,000 in 1865, when it disappeared, it would be a small fortune in today's dollars--around one million dollars. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. In 2012, Finders Keepers members said they'd found the location of . google037df74da6aab727.html His wife gave in again and told the soldiers where another cask was buried. De Soto ended up dying of fever. After some minor resistance from roving Confederate bands, on April 11, 1862, his Union troops marched into Huntsville and occupied the city. FBI spokeswoman Carrie Adamowski told CNN that the FBI personnel were "carrying out court-authorized law enforcement activity in Elk County." Have fun in your search for Alabama treasure. 28. Then, after the Justice Department ordered a more thorough review, the FBI said its records were exempt from public disclosure. 5. The combined hoard is believed to be between $500,000 and $600,000 in gold, the combined values of the Richmond Bank & Confederate . The attack happened in March of 1865. The town of Louina grew to 2,500 residents with 30 homes, two churches, two schools, eight stores, and even a Masonic Lodge. One version had all but Connor getting killed by robbers. Supposedly, Nunez buried a treasure of approximately $200,000 somewhere near a point where route 90 crosses the river. In late May 1861, Jefferson Davis, the former Mississippi Senator and the reluctant president of the seceding Confederate States of America, moved the capital of the CSA from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virginia to boost the morale of the Confederate troops and weld Virginia to the Confederacy. By the early 1800s, the gang set up a hideout in Rocky Springs and, supposedly, buried tens of thousands of dollars in stolen gold and silver between the church and cemetery at Little Sand Creek near Rocky Springs. The story of this lost treasure dates back to 1540 when the Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto was in this part of the New World. Rumor has it that with Lafitte spending so much time at Fort Morgan he could have buried a worth of $10,000,000 there. Lewis concluded that the Brantley County Confederate gold legend was probably fabricated from a combination of the legend told in Snow White Sands and the actual gold shipments after the war. In November 2004, they claim to have found a fire pit in Dents Run where human skeletons were allegedly discovered in 1876. The treasure was secured in the false bottom of a carriage. Imperial Seal of China created by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, lost after the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period in the 10th century. One time in Montgomery, in the late '80s, or early '90s, I was finishing some sheetrock in a small business, in sort of a row of businesses in the same long building. After all, the mysterious doesn't always have to be serious. So Hardy decided to bury the treasure late at night when everyone was asleep. His nephew Grady tried to find the gold caches that his uncle had presumably buried in the woods. He immigrated here from Scotland. President Davis pleaded with Lee to form defense lines for just one more day and informed his cabinet that Richmond was to be evacuated and that they would take the Confederate treasury with them. Morris was formerly a skilled circus performer and had an athletic build which made getting on off trains a breeze. An unknown amount of gold. Moving to the southwest, Parker and the wagons zigzagged across the South Carolina-Georgia state line several times to evade capture. From there, I am assuming the Bellview back then is Belleville today, just with a name change. Which leads us to today. The Ghost Town of Old Cahaba located on route 22 approximately 14 miles southwest of Selma, was used as a Confederate Fort during the Civil War. With slightly less than a thousand men in his command, Duke transferred all the treasure into six wagons and began his journey south with eight of his veterans on each wagon as guards and the rest of his command, along with the midshipmen, as escorts. Some say he buried his gold on his pig farm. Its still hidden in a limestone cave called Red Bone. The mountain I saw that looked like an overturned boat is just to the east of Belleville, off US 231. The question that I pose. May 17, 2014 at 12:00 am. The contractor detected an underground mass that weighed up to nine tons and had the density of gold, according to an FBI affidavit unsealed last year at the request of news organizations, including The Associated Press. but where did the money come from? It was the summer of 1863, and Union Lieutenant Castleton and his men were lost. Another had the group split up because of Castletons fever, with the lieutenants group taking the gold and disappearing. In Washington, Georgia, a small town untouched by the war, he was entrusted with $86,000 in gold coin and bullion (about $1 million in today's money) and disappeared into the night. You see people didnt trust the banks back then because they were often robbed and the insurance programs of the Federal Government were not that good. Nikki Haley slams potential GOP contenders, and Trump and George W. Bush. In June 1863, President Lincoln ordered two wagons with false bottoms to carry anywhere from 26 to 52 gold bars weighing 50 pounds each from Wheeling, West Virginia, 400 miles north to Pennsylvania to pay the Union troops . De Soto and his men fled and left the treasure they had stolen from the Cherokees behind. Bushes envelop the pig farm, and the cemetery is wooded over. The area itself was founded followers of Napoleon Bonaparte who . But, the first story sounds very familiar with a post I put on Treasure Legends-"swamp gold." That's what an FBI agent was seeking to find out in 2018 when he applied for a search warrant to dig at the site in Elk County, northeast of Pittsburgh, according to a court filing unsealed on . Lachlan McGillivray was a wealthy fur trader back in the mid to late 1700s. Her book alleged that New York native and Confederate sympathizer Sylvester Mumford was present at the Confederacys final cabinet meeting in Washington, Georgia, and claimed that Jefferson Davis divided the gold among those present and instructed them to use the money as they felt best. So the gold could have been buried anywhere, or perhaps in different locations. Buried Train Robbery Loot: $30,000: On a farm in the Osage Hills close to the small town of Okesa, Ok. He went to Fort Rosalie and told a friend about the treasure. Captain Kelly's Buried Gold. I was born and raised in the area. The crew members that survived and made it to shore said there was a million dollars worth of gold and silver aboard. Dennis Parada, founder of Finders Keepers, claims he used a metal detector to determine there was a large amount of metal about eight feet down at the site. Today the town has only two homes standing that are in use. This little island has been cut off from the outside world until just recently when a bridge was built that goes from the mainland of Alabama across the Mississippi Sound to Dauphin Island. Supposedly, Nunez buried a treasure of approximately $200,000 somewhere He told his friend all about the story of the two wagons, treasure, and the fight with the Union soldiers. A town was named after her that once was one of the largest towns in Randolph County Alabama. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It is said that John Buried $100,000 worth of gold there. Mar 7, 2019. This video is two stories passed down over the decades . Do the Finders Keepers have a right to it, even though they didnt do the final digging? Heirloom Seal of the Realm. CSS Texas was the third and last Columbia-class (or Tennessee-class according to some sources) casemate ironclad built for the Confederate Navy during the American Civil War.Not begun until 1864 and intended to become part of the James River Squadron, she saw no action before being captured by Union forces while still fitting out.CSS Texas was reputed to have been one of the very best . was the operator of a ferry during the Civil War, on the Perdido River. The Missing Confederate Gold, Raid at Chennault, Georgia, May 24, 1865. The Indians thought this request to be outrageous and attacked De Sotos camp. near a point where route 90 crosses the river. Catahoula Creek is a thin and meandering waterway that . So many of them buried their gold and silver for safekeeping. It was then settled by wealthy plantation owners and then vacated around 1860. buried treasures may be here. Named after one president, Thomas Jefferson, he went on to marry the daughter of another, Zachary Taylor. (Bibb Co.) buried a bag of gold to hide it from the invading Yankees. There were , also, over 2000 Tallassee Carbines hidden and never recovered. He landed in a swamp and drowned because he couldnt swim. Well, there you have it the 15 lost treasures of Alabama. Confederate Gold - New Georgia Encyclopedia. Hardy grew his small acres of land into whopping 9000 acres by 1850. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. According to the legend, none of Castletons group of eight cavalrymen and one guide named Connors knew about the gold. His anger turned to crime and robbing the L&N trains was the outcome. Explore Alabama - ALABAMA TREASURE LEGENDS Table of Contents: Alabama Treasure Legends, Legend of the Lost Confederate Gold, Old Flint River Settlement Gold, $30000 in Gold Coin Buried in Bridgeport Alabama, Loot Buried by Levi Colbert in Buzzard Roost Alabama , Rumors of Buried Treasure in Demopolis Alabama (White Bluff), C. Boaz Whitfield . It was said that many riders were so overloaded that they later discarded or hid large quantities of the coins all over Wilkes County. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, According to most news accounts and his website, hes been fighting for the right to dig there ever since. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. In April 1953, he and his three brothers were the first children from Brantley County to derive benefit from the Mumford funds at the Thornwell Orphanage in Clinton, South Carolina, after their father died from a heart attack in 1951 at age 47. In 1810, King Kamehameha was the first king to bring all the islands of Hawaii under his control. De Soto demanded that the Chicksaw Chief who had a camp nearby furnish him with squaws for his trip into Mississippi. I live in Athens, Alabama. "From the outset, it seems as if the FBI is doing everything it can to avoid answering the question of whether they actually found gold," Weismann said. The belief that Confederate gold is buried in Wilkes County has persisted since the end of the war. He ended up in prison until the end of the war. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Queen's Ghost, Small Lake Monster, Space Caterpillar and More Mysterious News Briefly, A Haunted Book and the Most Haunted Bookshop There Is. The area was then abandoned around 1830. The abandoned town of Demopolis can be found near the Tombigbee River, close to the intersection of routes 80 and 43. Visit here for more information on State laws regarding relic hunting, treasure hunting, and artifacts. The wreck is still there and its treasure is waiting to be recovered! He came to Alabama in 1815 and set up a ferry for crossing the Perdido River that has banks of the Alabama and Florida side. They fought with the Indians and ended up taking their gold and jewels and then going onto Alabama. While they fought the commander detailed a couple of men to hide the gold. Knowing that he was wealthy and owned half of the town the legend has it that the gold could be buried anywhere in Fort Payne. After a rest stop in St. Marys PA, they headed towards Driftwood. Henrys wife gave in and told the soldiers where one of the wine casks was buried. In this Sept. 20, 2018 photo, Dennis Parada, right, and his son Kem Parada stand at the site of the FBI's dig for Civil War-era gold in Dents Run, Pennsylvania. He practically owned half of the town of Fort Payne. Both were published by The Surrat Courier, a . With Union troops closing in on the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, in early April 1865, President Jefferson Davis and the rest of his . Sorry, I don't know anything about these. There are many lost treasures and legends of Alabama and I encourage you to visit this state and enjoy the rich history that Alabama presents. Mr. Sharps would take a shovel and sack with him on these treks into the woods. The duo heard about the legend from Kevin and decided to help him in his adventure. Buried treasure in Alabama may be located in ghost towns. He also owned two plantations outside of what was called Savannah now central Alabama. The treasurer of the Confederacy was on board and made numerous and well-documented disbursements along the way to meet military payrolls. Camp Beauregard once stood just southwest of Mayfield. Railroad Bill finally met his doom when a $500 reward was issued for him dead or alive. Hansen and the two soldiers went on their way dressed as farmers. Levi Colbert who lived from 1759 to1834 was the bench chief of the Chickasaw Nation. Expand. Newton Alabama in Dale County came under attack by the 1st Florida Calvary that was led by former Confederate captain Joseph Sanders who lived in Dale County. La Bellone was a French merchant ship that was in the area of Dauphin Island to pick up merchandise from the French Colonials in Louisiana. Dictionary of Banking Terms.). Dr. Clive Cussler a historian attempted to find the wreck of La Bellone in September 1989. The ferry was used by Confederate and Union troops during the Civil War. In conclusion, historical research has determined only $70,000 of the gold belonging to the banks in Richmond is missing, but not lost, as it was accounted for in the robbery during its shipment back to Richmond. If you ever dreamed of finding a treasure hidden by an outlaw, gangster, or a wealthy person, but was not sure where to start. General Dukes Brigade. Approximately Four miles north of Athens, Limestone County, and about half a mile from a prominent stream crossing, two huge metal box's, containing $100,000 in gold and silver were dumped into a bog by Confederate soldiers to prevent their seizure by the Union Soldiers in 1865. Near Athens there may be a Confederate treasure. In 1865, $100,000 of silver and gold was placed in two metal boxes by troops and tossed into the swamp in an attempt to keep Confederate money out of Union hands. Dauphin Island held many camps over the centuries including a British army camp, a Spanish army camp, a Federal army camp, and a French army camp. By admin | September 15, 2022 | 42. Jean Lafitte the French Privateer and Pirate is said to have spent a considerable amount of time visiting Fort Morgan, Alabama. The bushwhackers were stragglers from both the Federal and Confederate armies who had heard of the treasure and the handouts being given to soldiers. Bruce Wetterau is the author of Lost Treasure, A Clay Cantrell Mystery Adventure, a novel about the hunt for a horde of Confederate gold and the story of how it came to be lost in a cavern in the Allegheny Mountains. Captian Seigneur de Beauchamp was able to get her anchored in the harbor without any damage.

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lost confederate gold in alabama

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