lori comforts lincoln fanfiction

strict. Whenever Ronnie Anne feels down, I would take her to the places she enjoys. I just feel a little tired right now. I mean, Mom and Dad hasn't gone out yet since, but i'm hoping that Lori sticks to her promise and doesn't always say no to us. This time, Lincoln is joined by Lori, Lana, Lisa and Lily.] Bobby: "Wow. LINCOLN: I'm quite comfortable with who I am. No sisters, no loudness, just peace and quiet. ", Lori: "No need to thank me. Every time there was a thunderstorm, I could count on you clinging to me like a security blanket. And besides, maybe spiders aren't so bad after all. My dad and I made the toilet uncloggable. Mythird fanfiction. Title and idea suggested by Aartistboy714, so credits go to him. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. It was a stupid plan, considering that we were trying to get back to you from something that happened a month ago! She then gestured for him to come closer. Lay down your head and sleep. We don't want to get sunburned, do we?". We should have known better than to call you bad luck. Lisa: I shouldn't have ventured off into believing in superstitions. Lincoln: "Oh check it out. Duncan and Drake lets Lincoln go runs towards her in an attempt to attack her, but Lori quickly grabs the two and makes them headbutt each other, hurting them a lot. After a few minutes, the two get out of the water and sit on their spot. Lincoln's voice trailed off as another thought crossed his mind. Lori: "Leni went over to a friend's house for a sleepover. ", Lincoln: *sighs* "It's fine. When boys get to Lincoln's age it's important for them to be taught boundaries and what's appropriate in regards to touching others. Lincoln smiles back at her with a couple tears falling down his face. Lincoln grunts in pain. Lincoln: (irritated) You know you guys would've got in trouble too, right? ", Lori: Well, can you at least put some on my back? I know I'm a month late for this, but I'm really sorry, Lincoln. "But I havesomuch faith in you. Before she could get into the kitchen, she sees Lola with a glass of milk in her hands. I'm not bad luck. Just then, he hears a knock on his door. You don't have to hide it anymore. I was here first! As always, Lori's in charge and you must listen to her. Young Lincoln: "Thanks, Lori. Nothing reallyworth talking about. I miss Bobby, too. If you don't want to though, that's fine. After they finished eating the two get inside Vanzillaand head to the cinema to watch a movie. ", Bobby: "It always works for Ronnie Anne. I said that? The sisters stand in silence for a few seconds with worried looks on their faces. Now we won't be able to see each other for a long time.". Lincoln: (angry) So, they made you become a slave, dumped flour on you and made you sprain your ankle?! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. ", Lori: "It's okay. ", Lori: (smugly) "Yeah? What happens next shows a full montage of Lori doing her best at doing the chores, but the other sister interfering and making a bigger mess. This causes her to get blind and starts to stumble. Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been very strict. I hope you guy have better lives without a brother. All of the sisters start to laugh at Lincoln. "You were about two years old - maybe two and a half," said Lori. ", Lucy: "If I had to guess, he probably doesn't want us to worry. Take him to some fun places. Carlota is still having me try on new clothes, but no problems here. Lincoln and Lori walk downstairs. This eased Lincoln's feelings of unease, to the point that he was able to return to a normal breathing pattern. Lana: Again! We see a 10-year-old Lori sleeping in her bed. I haven't thought of that. Now the two are going to have Lunch. Let's put some sunscreen on. Why can'tyou just get over it already?". We all do our individual jobs! Great, he thought. Right as she was exiting the room, she heard Lincoln whisper back a response - one that would stay etched into her mind for years to come. Lincoln: (angry) I'm not in the mood right now! This backfired when Lori greeted him with a rather annoyed glare, as Lincoln chuckled nervously. Lincoln: Well, do you even see how my days turn out? Lori takes Lincoln to Vanzilla and drives home. Now beat it, twerp, before I literally turn you into a human pretzel! I want to thank Harvey Beaks Number 1 Fan for this title. Lori: (sadly) "Oh, Lincoln." It cuts to Lori in her room. I want to thank Harvey Beaks Number 1 Fan for this title. Lori: "Now you listen here, punks! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. LENI: Hey, Linky, you want to go to the mall with me? Leni (angry): I hope you are happy now! This was almost too good to be true. He took a breath, before pulling the doll into a small hug. Lori starts the van and drives off. Understand? Lori: "Well, at least you try and make up for your mistakes. He squeezed her just as tightly before releasing her only to take her hand in his as they started for the house. And you'll never be bad luck ever again. The two splash each other and then begin to playfully wrestle. We had a lot of fun. Lincoln: "I think you're an awesome big sister. "No, it's okay, it's okay!" Right now, Lynn is talking about soccer pactice. ", Lori: "Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and their mother are happy where they are. He tries to throw a punch at her, but Lori garbs his wrist and squeezes it. LUCY: I just miss him. Lincoln starts shaking in fear. "You know, being the one you always depended on. Lori is nearly done with the hallway, but feels her foot step on something. I was the one who started it, anyway, and now, I regret this. Lori: You want me to change my statement? She didn't want her phone taken away. ", Leni: "Funk? Lincoln: (angry) Wow! Lincoln: (furious) SAYS THE ONE WHO MADE LORI FLY DOWN THE STAIRS!!! They insert a few coins and the game starts. Lincoln looks up and puts on a small fake smile, Lincoln: "Oh, uh. Mike walks over toward Lori. I guess it wouldn't hurt if we hung out today. ", Staff Member #3: "We are so sorry for this, ma'am.". (Luna and Leni then hugged Lincoln, they then kissed him), (The three hugged each other; Lincoln think of something and run to his room to get something), (Lincoln run back downstairs with 3 tickets). LINCOLN: THANKS FOR MAKING MY FIRST CONCERT UNFORGETTABLE, LUNA! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story and i'll see you guys next time, A few days have past since the whole bet incident happened, and everything seems to be going normal since. Only because I don't want my phone taken away! The two make it to the beachwhere there isa lot of people. Lori lead him into her room and promptly locked the door behind them. Lori: It's alright Lincoln. Get in my bed.". "you'llalwaysbe my baby brother. "Yes, ma'am!" Lola: (sarcastic) Wow, Lori being nice, it must be a blue moon tonight! Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away, Leni and I fought over a stupid dress and then we all started arguing, made you guys do chores and other favors so I could give you rides, I took charge instead of you when mom and dad were out, acted like I was better than you because of a limo, pretend to be you and win a bunch of football games. Lincoln: Please don't hate me. ", Rita: "You came to Lincoln when he needed you and youprotected him from those trouble makers. And never come back! Bobby: "Wow. ", Lincoln: "Yeah, I wish you guys could've seen it. Leni, you can do fashion, but you can't be tearing the walls down to get the materials. Well, I got an older sister to help now because she is completely immobile now because of you! Can't a girl just want to spendsome time with her little brother?". LUNA: (heartbroken) Dudes, we found this letter saying Lincoln ran away! ", Her smile widened as she gazed down at her little brother, and she began to run her fingers through his hair again. I'm here. He then sighs. I've been through middle school, and trust me when I say that it's nothing that you can't handle. Lincoln: Look, if you're all angry about how Lori acts towards us, then go bother her, not me! As he walked behind her, he tried to get a glimpse of her face, just to reassure himself that she wasn't mad at him. Lori noticesa couple of teenagers playing Volley Ball. He shakes Lori. Lincoln: "Why are you doing this?! Watching them suffer?! A month has passed since Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away. Lori let out an annoyed groan as Lincoln took notice of this and tried to look on the brighter side of it. Lori: Alright, you girls and guy can do some activities, but it's not gonna be the extreme way that you do it. LENI: You can't beat him up because of that! After taking a seat next to Lincoln, she scooped up a pocket, broke it in half and passed him a piece. Lincoln drew back a little and locked eyes with Lori once again, his curiosity piqued. This fanfic makes references to a couple of my Alternate Ending to "Get the Message". Lori: "What about you? I'm putting sunscreen on you.". I swear, when I find those punks, I'll, I'll-", Lincoln: "Lynn! Next morning, we see Lincoln in his bed, reading a comic book. Lori wakes up with an annoyed look on her face. I won't! (Everyone leaves to their rooms except for Lori, Leni, and Luna who are sleeping in Lincoln's bed to keep him company). Lori then remembers the golf club and gets angrier. He understood that Lori wanted to make sure that the others were fast asleep before taking him downstairs, but that didn't make the wait any less agonizing. Lynn punches Lincoln in the arm, causing him to hold it in pain. That's why I never tried to stop it when they went against you. Lori remembers a night from when they were younger. ", Lincoln: "Like I said, I'm really tired. They were surprised to see Lincoln smiling at them, especially since he lashed out at them moments ago, They walk in slowly to only find Lori on her bed, smiling at them as well. Lola: We hope so too! (It starts the living room where Lincoln, holding a bowl of popcorn, is watching ARGGH!) The part where the possessed tree smashed through the window and snatched Robbie out of his bed was what did it for Lincoln. with him! "There will be no loud music and no playing ball in the house. Lori (laughing): I know right? Lisa: I may be smart, but i'm not smart enough to answer that! ", Lori: "Don't worry, mom. It's not my fault you guys decided to wager money!".

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lori comforts lincoln fanfiction

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