katie duke nurse practitioner

I do find the comment very insensitive. When Duke took the stage, she explained that shed initially balked at the idea of stand-up. But they emphasize, among other guidelines, the need for workers to establish a clear line between their personal and Hospital-related activities, with violations potentially leading to suspension or termination. You have every right to express your opinion, as do the others who have blogged or posted about this situation. Duke graduates play integral roles in advancing health care and health policy transformation, promoting nurse-led models of care, increasing racial and social equity, and mitigating the negative impacts of social determinants of health. But many dont get more granular than thatstopping short of addressing potential conflicts of interest or competitive issues; best practices for those partnering with brands or monetizing their posts; or how social media policies should be enforced. How TikTok Live Became 'A Strip Club Filled With 15-Year-Olds', Creators Are Rallying For The Midterms - But Getting Political Isn't On The Agenda, From Camping To Cheese Pizza, 'Algospeak' Is Taking Over Social Media, How Breastfeeding Mothers Are Being Sexualized On Social Media. Our Providers Adult and Pediatric Dermatology - Dr David Kaplan A spokesman for AMN said company policy prohibits the discussion of specific contractual arrangements and interactions between the nurses the company places and its clients. According to Duke, the recruiter from her staffing agency called the very next day. The pediatric nurse practitioner-acute care major is designed to prepare students to meet the needs of infants and children with complex and rapidly changing clinical conditions across acute care settings. A year later, she spent a couple of nights in central booking for fighting with a woman who she says was sleeping with her boyfriend. During the pandemic, Duke applied for a position at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, where shed worked before the pandemic. My response to that is that last time I looked, the media was in a different business. Im not a HIPAA expert by any means, but I thought it was more than insensitive IMO it was a HIPAA violation. Instead, her supervisor fired her for being insensitive, Duke said. It involves a nurse, Katie Duke, first seen in the 2012 season. They shared their experiences during covid, underscored by dramatic statistics on the nurse exodus, and made sure to emphasize their social media reach. The most frequent question is, Katie, I have to get out of the hospital, but I dont know what else to do. Her advice: You have to create your own definition of what being a nursing professional means to you. She has a ready list of alternative jobs, including med spa owner, educational consultant and YouTuber. Once a lone voice, Duke is now a representative one. Katie Duke is an American attendant specialist, webcast have, TV character, and proprietor of the clinical clothing line. I also chose them because of their specialty education. Tuition: $ 1286. Here are the Best Family Nurse Practitioner Programs. Kathleen R. Delaney, PhD, APRN, PMH-NP, FAAN - Rush University But those of us who do have an audience have obligation to lead by example. In January 2022, 150 health-care workers piled into a Manhattan comedy club. Durham, NC 27710 (Duke West Campus area) Erwin Rd & Fulton St. Viewers of ABC's hospital show "New York Med" were shocked two weeks ago when popular nurse Katie Duke, 33, suddenly got canned. As a graduate of the PNP-AC major, you are prepared to work with patients . *This plan is only accepted at Duke University Hospital, Duke Regional Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital, and Duke HomeCare & Hospice. We are an academic center of excellence that advances nursing science and the education of clinical leaders, advanced practitioners, and researchers. Located at 11010 Pines Blvd., Pembroke . MyChart account. Nurse Katie Duke, Of TV Show 'NY MED,' Fired For Instagram Post; Shows Curious to see where she takes it? Ooooh I saw this episode! Your insurance company will also be able to inform you of any co-payments, coinsurances, or deductibles that will be your responsibility. I cant be certain that this is the case, but it should be considered when looking at the big picture here. Just remember that your journey is never truly done until you say it is. Katie Duke - Nurse Practitioner - United Nations | LinkedIn I cannot claim to know what was going on in her head when she posted that photo, I can only express my opinion. Katie L. Sagester, RN, MSN, ACNP-C | Nurse Practitioner - Duke Health No one cares about you using your voice on social media. ), Groups like the American Medical Association and American Nurses Association, as well as medical schools and publications like HIPAA Journal, offer broad social media guidelines that emphasize the importance of upholding patient privacy and maintaining professional boundaries with those receiving care. Is self-promotion the real reason for Duke's dismissal from the hospital? All rights reserved. A man had just been treated there after being hit by a subway train. Were not as willing to be silent anymore.. How to Become a Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) | Salary & Programs Update: After this story was published, a spokeswoman for NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital provided the following statement: NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital does not discuss individual employee matters. The shoe incident, in particular, was something of a Jean Valjean moment the scrappy underdog taking the necessary steps to survive. Katie pushes boundaries to explore the life decisions that dont always turn out like you expect. Katie Duke is Board Certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Host of the Top Rated Philosophy Podcast "Bad Decisions", Keynote and Motivational Speaker, Lifestyle Influencer, and Mentor. Or are you just trying to get me canceled and DNRd from every f---ing employer in the country?. She and her colleague Doyle Groves, a data scientist, oversee the Social Network Health Research Lab at IU. Man vs 6train gave identifying information to the public about a patient (she said it was the man who was hit by the 6 train; she didnt need to post his name as the media will have already taken care of that); her account identified where she works (thereby identifying that the person is being treated in her hospital cant release that info to anyone unless the patient or family consents doubt she got a release) and the actual picture showed the type of treatment the patient received (its a stretch but any person with reasonable medical knowledge can figure out what kind of tx the pt received). Its sad. Visit facebook.com Visit Twitter.com Visit linkedin.com Visit youtube.com Visit flickr.com Visit instagram.com Duke insisted she did nothing wrong, but understands how people outside an ER could believe her humor is morbid. When she reposted a photo of the messy aftermath of a miraculous case that a chief resident had already shared on his own Instagram, she ran into trouble with higher-ups who viewed it as insensitive. It came when emergency room nurse Katie Duke was fired for posting a photo to Instagram. Related Posts - Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report My take on her social media post was not that she was being insensitive but that it was a warning to anyone thinking they could take on or out run a train. Anyone who has been in a hospital probably understands good nurses must be an unusual combination of saint and scientist. It was the lowest point of my life, but from that low point came the best decision ever.Never underestimate the power of trials, failures, and bad situations. Duke requires faculty members to report certain relationships outside of their employment in order to ensure potential conflicts can be addressed. Her employer viewed the course and consultations as a way of competing with and harming the practiceand hurting the field more broadly by sidestepping having to refer to dermatologists altogether. CRNAs are advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who administer anesthesia and other medications. Though its difficult to quantify the volume of medical staffers that have been fired for social media missteps, people from a range of specialties at all stages of their careers have been affected. The School of Nursing Celebrates Two Sigma Award Winners | Duke Am I going too low? she asked. This archaic mentality of healthcare workers not being able to express themselves or live their lives outside of their role as healthcare workers can sometimes feel a little bit dehumanizing and also just not very empoweringespecially when our jobs are so stressful and hard as it is, he said. Duke is a nurse practitioner (NP), content creator and health-care advocate who hosts a society and culture podcast titled Bad Decisions. Shes also an Instagram influencer who promotes lifestyle brands to her 143,000 followers. The corner of the internet known as NurseTok is full of truth-telling: about the experience of working with incredibly sick and sometimes dying patients day after day. Katie Duke, a nurse propelled to fame by popular reality show NY Med, was fired for social media. I really didnt have much direction in any direction. I make it my priority to work together with each individual to meet their needs and determine the best plan of care for their specific diagnosis. She doesnt try to rationalize these missteps, but shes not exactly remorseful. We will contact you regarding your coverage and patient liability. Katie Duke Content Creator, Board-Certified Nurse Practitioner, Keynote Speaker and Podcast Host These trips are changing my life. I just wished she used this opportunity to talk about how to use social media appropriately. She hated how nurses were generally depicted in popular culture. See ourprivacy policyfor more information. She expected to begin a 15-city tour in September 2022. And its really frustrating., The American Medical Association told Forbes it would not comment on disciplinary actions taken by health employers. Duke University. ", Duke said she realized in retrospect how the post could be upsetting to the patient (who was not pictured) or family members. Id never heard of Katie Duke, until this string of blogs. The Sigma Theta Tau International Beta Epsilon Chapter recently awarded two Duke School of Nursing (DUSON) . Padilla, a mother of two, said she began posting skincare and beauty content on social media three years ago to reach more people and bring in extra incomeoffering acne and anti-aging tips, recommendations for over-the-counter drugstore products, and makeup tutorials. The reason for her dismissal? Meanwhile, she was taking short-term contract gigs as a travel nurse and nurse practitioner. American girls agree. It bothered me that she was fired for re-tweeting the image that was originally posted by a doctor a doctor who works for the same hospital. It's incredibly important to me to make sure that I am caring for the whole person whenever I meet with a patient. Nurse Katie Duke has been featured on two seasons of the reality medical drama, "New York Med. But her 90-minute show Bad Decisions: A Night of Healthcare, Comedy and Catharsis was her first experience with stand-up. That I am not sure of. And even if they were, are Katies posts protected by the waivers the producers of NY Med no doubt have patients sign? How to Become a Nurse Practitioner - NurseJournal But it seemed shed been taking some of Glicksteins lessons to heart. She said she enjoyed the return to clinical work but sorely missed the camaraderie and teaching opportunities offered by her hospital career. Because nurses are often on the frontline of medical care, they need to be extra careful with what they post on social media, said Nancy Spector, director of regulatory innovations for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Thats her personality., NY Med was well received when it premiered in July 2012. *Duke Primary Care, Duke University Hospital, Duke Regional Hospital, and Duke Raleigh Hospital are not participating with this plan. According to Duke, he acknowledged that she hadnt violated HIPAA or any hospital policies but said shed been insensitive and unprofessional. Mary Krusi Dyke DRozario I think that many nurses (and other employees) are getting by with a lot more on social media than they would be able to if their employers monitored their activity more often. It is highly likely that a strong case had already been mounted against Katie for her to be fired. Katie Duke | Nurse Practitioner & Creator on Instagram: "Boxing: good Jun 2001 - Present21 years 10 months. Despite the challenges of navigating social media in medicine, businesses from small upstarts to corporate giants like YouTube are pushing the envelope for healthcare creators. It is near impossible to fire a nurse from a unionized hospital in New York. We talk and think by mechanism of injury., But this is at odds with the romanticized image of the nurturing nurse which hospitals often want to project. And over the past year, shes hosted wellness and networking retreats for health-care workers in exotic foreign destinations, including the Galpagos Islands, Bali and Egypt. I am not sure what hospital administrator would say this wasnt a HIPAA violation. It allows an opportunity for people to get access to information that they may not have had before., Medical professionals have been moonlighting as social media stars for years, and still more got into it during the pandemic to reach wider audiences with health information, debunk myths about Covid-19 and illuminate what was happening on the frontlines. Further complicating matters are platforms varied, ever-changing rules for health content, including rampant mis- and disinformation. More information about how social media got Katie Duke NY Med fired: Unless youve been living under a rock, or perhaps are active on social media, you likely know that Katie Duke has skyrocketed her social media presence and various nursing business ventures. Clinical practice sites are located in the Chicago area, therefore all students must live in Chicago area. In order for [doctors and nurses] to take care of their patients, they need to take care of themselves. However, Katie is resilient. How do I move forward as an honest resident?. Doctors get into this field to have impact, and beyond the one-to-one patient relationship, many physicians now want to reach more people at scale, Graham said. The recruiter apologized to Duke and said shed never heard of such a thing happening before, but Duke found the situation all too familiar. 145k Followers, 2,422 Following, 3,282 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Katie Duke | Nurse Practitioner & Creator (@thekatieduke) Paying for the Duke University Online NP Programs. But a different opportunity soon arrived. It wasnt even her image. Katie Duke NY Med - Nurse Fired for Social Media - The Nerdy Nurse Content on this site is for entertainment purposes and does not constitute medical advice. I do want to thank you for attempting to bring some balance to the discussion without using it as an opportunity to belittle another nurse. And Google-owned YouTube, the most lucrative social platform for creators, is actively encouraging licensed doctors and nurses to share their expertise online, launching a program recently to label and boost medical creators videos in search and discovery. I reached out to Katie in a very desperate way, Evans said. Being disposable and disposed of is really uncomfortable. She was also angry. Public Figure Katie Duke, Nurse Practitioner and Collaborator of Katie Duke + Cherokee Uniforms Collection, to Attend June 14 2021 - Stylish and professional medical scrubs are coming to Pembroke Pines! Public Figure Katie Duke, Nurse Practitioner and Collaborator of Katie Duke + Cherokee Uniforms Collection, to Attend Stylish and professional medical scrubs are coming to Pembroke Pines! 16 of Katie Duke Podcasts Interviews | Updated Daily - OwlTail Columbia (where Katie was fired from) is a unionized hospital. Because none of us are perfect. Duke claims she was told by her supervisor that she had not breached hospital policy or violated the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a law known as HIPAA that protects patient privacy. Katie A. Macdonald is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Leesburg, VA. Find Macdonald's phone number, address, hospital affiliations and more. When she arrived, she was greeted with enthusiasm by the staff. NYMed provides snapshots of experiences at NYP. Hospitals and healthcare employers arent exactly using these as opportunities to grow and learn together; they're just saying you posted this on social media, it went viral, cancel culture, people are calling for your heads, were just going to fire you, said Duke, now a board certified acute care nurse practitioner. We advance nursing science in issues of global importance and foster the scholarly practice of nursing. Duke University 4.0. She said she couldnt afford to pass up the paycheck. Youre trying to do too much. NewYork-Presbyterian did not respond to a request for comment about Dukes termination and the hospitals approach to workers use of social media. She advocates for nurses and hopes to change the typical view of nurses long portrayed, in her words, "as docile, unintelligent, unprofessional, sexual objects often trailing behind physicians.". One in 5 Americans seeking help with a health issue now turn to TikTok for advice before approaching their doctor, a recent CharityRx survey of 2,000 U.S. adults found, and nearly the same number trust health influencers more than medical professionals in their community. The nonprofit Association for Healthcare Social Media was formed in 2019 to help the medical community responsibly use these platforms as educational tools. Have you ever seen [the news media] reach out to a nurse or an NP to deliver public health news? she said. Nurses make up the nations largest body of health-care workers, with three times as many RNs as physicians. Scrubs & Beyond, a national retailer known for its fashion forward scrubs and outstanding customer service, is opening a store in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Duke is certainly not the first medical professional to get herself into trouble on social media. A competent, leading, compassionate nurse, with so many years of experience who was loved and respected by people on the unit?. I dont like to focus on the negative aspects of social media for nurses, but this Katie Duke is one example is being highly publicized and merits a response. Somebody in the power structure didnt like Katies very public platforms and her speaking and [her] feeling free about what she says, and that ruled out Katie for that job, Glickstein said. And yet, as caretakers, nobody expects them to put their physical and emotional well-being first. Join to view profile United Nations. They had come to see Katie Duke: a 40-year-old, 5-foot-tall troublemaker in black and mocha suede Jordans who emerged from the pandemic as a nursing celebrity. Duke also claims that the photo was not even hers, but rather reposted from a doctors Instagram page. The doctor who also works for the hospital was not reprimanded, she said. She has such a huge audience and so many nurses that look up to her. Medical professionals should be able to be unapologetically themselves in order to provide the best patient care, said Cloves chief brand officer, Jordyn Amoroso. These are real people with real emotions and real passions, and in order for them to take care of their patients, they need to take care of themselves, she told Forbes. I felt so bad for her, but she should have known better.. ! Its why she has such a big, loving following, said Amanda Guarniere, a nurse practitioner and career mentor, whom Duke has advised. Brittney is the author of, Interviews and Press, Awards and Mentions. Katie Duke Chief Operating Officer at Acorn: The Influence Company Bentonville, AR. Meanwhile the CEOs of those health systems took home millions in bonuses.. More recently, theyd come off long, understaffed shifts in ERs and ICUs across the city. Feb 3, 2019 I just graduated from Duke in 12/2018. I had no money, surrounded myself with a bad crew, was living in a basically condemned apartment with no self esteem and absolutely nothing going for myself. Social media will get you nowhere. This story has been shared 140,209 times. Emmys 2020: Who was the New York nurse presenting supporting - MEAWW And a student who was admitted to an Illinois hospital for extreme intoxication claimed a doctor posted photos of her to various social media sites -- with commentary. Because she shows nurses what else is possible., Guarniere left nursing during the pandemic because she was burned out and unable to balance work and child care. She did something insensitive and potentially damaging to a patient and her hospital. (Peters told Forbes that any funds he generates online are put into a research foundation supporting transgender health and LGBTQ mentorship.) Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) Programs - Online & Campus TrovaTrip | Italy with Katie Duke It was the caption, which was very insensitive. University of California--San Francisco. Your first year as a nurse is daunting. Her caption for this photo: #Man vs 6 train. "I love the ER. Anyone hiring? She did get a new job at another local ER. I actually went into nursing because I was fascinated with [what] the human body can and cannot handle. In turn, this has opened up a fascination with the human spirit as well, she continues, and that is something that has made me the nurse I am today., Whether Duke is a good nurse or not (only her patients can say), she clearly does not see herself entirely as a nurse. Audacious public figure and sought after motivational speaker, Katie Duke, hosts a show that shares stories of both struggle and success. Since the start of the pandemic, nurses have taken to social media in large numbers to share their experiences and vent. ABCs medical documentary series, NY Med, follows staff and patients at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York, N.Y., and Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, N.Y. Last year, a St. Louis doctors Facebook complaints about a chronically late patient drew hundreds of outraged comments from Internet posters. NewYork-Presbyterian respects the right of its staff to use social media as a medium of self expression and does not discriminate against employees who use these media for personal interests, according to policies from one network hospital. Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP) Program - Rush University I do not know. Emphasis on chronic disease management and women's health. New York-Presbyterian Hospital pulled the plug on a reality-TV nurse after she posted an emergency-room snapshot, the caregiver said Tuesday. And theyre establishing new careers, not just in health care but as creatives and entrepreneurs. Back Submit. Not being in there creates a void.". The Nerdy Nurse is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking toAmazon.com. If social media is an outlet in which they are able to do so, that should absolutely be supported.. She still talks with disbelief about that time how the staffing agency that handled her assignment assembled scores of nurses for an orientation. She moved to New York and made something of herself. She was caught, the police were called, and Duke spent the weekend in jail. Duke Health providers are part of Dukes physician network, which comprises doctors and providers at primary and specialty clinics throughout North Carolina and Virginia. Social media can do many wonderful things for nurses, Reality Show Nurse Fired For Instagram Post, Nurse Firing Highlights Hazards of Social Media in Hospitals, NY Med star Katie Duke speaks out on getting fired from NYC hospital for posting Instagram photo of trauma room, Take the Nurse Blogging 101 online course, Nurse Leader vs. Nurse Manager (Whats The Difference?). Sounds like a huge setup to me. Providing health care to general population. She was, at the time, on the ABC docuseries NY Med, which showed what goes on behind hospital doors. Pediatric Acute Care NP MSN | Duke University School of Nursing Refer a Patient Where I See Patients Concept To Creation: Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Workshop - Eventzilla It highlights just how easy for nurses to make an error that could cause them to lose their job. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Married career women are duking it out in 'Mrs.' And then if you are thinking about individual practices they don't really have the bandwidth to be updating a policy and procedure manual.. (Medical professionals including Joseph Mercola and other osteopathic physicians have been among the most powerful spreaders of Covid vaccine disinformation, according to the Center for Countering Digital Hate. Successful influencers such as Duke are leading the way, providing empathy, mentorship and a license to speak out. The photo itself tells a story. I got a call at the end of my shift telling me I was being let go after seven years in the ER, Duke told ABC News. Clinical rotations are selected appropriately, considering concentrations. Wendy Miller, associate dean of the Indiana University School of Nursing at Bloomington, told me high stress and anxiety are the antecedents to burnout. She was fired shortly after by her then-manager who she said told her: Youll never be famous like Dr. Oz; you're just a nurse. Maybe not even posted the photo at all. Padilla claims she kept her boss apprised of her plans in advance. All and all, Id say Katie Duke used her social media mistake to make lemonades out of some very sour lemons. Dr. Blair Peters, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Oregon and transgender advocate who goes by @queersurgeon on Instagram, has helped his 36,000 followers around the world understand options for gender-affirming care. She was also earning money by promoting various brands previous clients included Warby Parker, Moen, Betterment and Neutrogena, along with a variety of health-care-related companies. 114 followers 103 connections. Im not saying that nurses should be monitored any more closely that anyone else, but unfortunately its an option for any employer these days so everyone should be on their toes about it. Why shouldnt the public see nursing culture for what it really is? (Instagram) "It was a complete shock when they told me we're firing you .

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katie duke nurse practitioner

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