hoi4 road to 56 equipment names

These sub-units are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/*.txt files. This mod can trace its origin back to Hearts of Iron II. This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 12:42. The Road to 56 (HOI4) DShakey 39K subscribers 37K views 9 months ago #hoi4 #rt56 Today begin our journey to 1956 playing as India in the newly updated Road to 56 mod for Hearts of Iron. This mod does a number of things, but most especially it address what i believed was a lacking of features and events for ending the conflict on the Eastern Front. These are the best Hearts of Iron 4 mods in 2023: Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided (Total Conversion) End of a New Beginning (Total Conversion) BlackICE Historical Immersion Mod (Total Conversion/Immersion) The Great War (Total Conversion/Immersion) The Road to 56 (Total Conversion/Immersion) However, they are mostly similar in definition. with 'by blood alone' you just use the NSB tank format. I've revamped my mod Scenario: Overlord and lifted it from Beta status. In either case, countries can further modify several types of equipment by spending the respective kind of experience. For example, enable_equipments = { my_equipment_1 my_equipment_2 } will set my_equipment_1 and my_equipment_2 to only be enabled after the technology was researched. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Furthermore, were worried its commitment to extending the timeline from 1857 through to 2050 is a bit ambitious, given the vastly different worlds represented in that start and end date. For this reason, it's better to avoid unresearching technologies such as this and treat these database objects as being granted for forever without being possible to take away. 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In particular, this is an example of a regular small item: In here, "Icon" represents the technology-specific icon. This container contains information on what's within the folder itself: the background image used, anything else in the background such as the start years of technologies or textboxes telling the branches, as well where each individual technology branch is located. 1 / 2. A XOR should be in every mutually-exclusive technology, specifying the others, having it in just one of technologies isn't enough. This mod is compatible with Version 1.10 Collie & all DLC. Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics. Equipment types are assigned with enable_equipments = { }, with each equipment type within listed separated with any non-zero amount of whitespace characters. With the mission briefing done, lets ride this tiger, and focus on four salient categories to encircle some of the bestHOI4modsout there. The format = "LEFT" argument is used to tell into which direction to aim x and y. When I try to make another country annex it it makes my game crash. In order to have a technology as a dependency without having to draw a path, dependencies can be used as such: Since this doesn't draw a path, this does not assign the currently-defined technology to the gridbox of either of two technologies. tiermaker.com. The obvious drawback is that this is not at all historically accurate but it does offer the player the choice to roleplay their way into a more reasonable peace table if they so desire, or just greedily skew everything intheirfavour. Do ccs not work with mods? At the same time, it guarantees you wont be stuck on a tiny island with only a single division all game. This also leads to adding that technology to this technology's tree branch gridbox in every mutual folder. allow_branch = { } is a trigger block that, instead, needs to be met in order for the technology to be visible. The mod will be automatically downloaded and will populate the mods section inHOI4s launcher. This mod is compatibleup to Husky 1.9.2., but it doesnt work with other non-graphics mods. There are several modifiers additionally, in order to make the AI take the cost, bonuses, and ahead-of-time into considerations. 44. The official subreddit for the Hearts of Iron 4 Mod Road to 56. Focus on taking back the east ASAP then move to the west, as some more states in the Midwest will secede too but they're not worth much. 429. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Equipment is the military hardware needed by units to operate and largely determines their stats. This mod features between 10-20 years worth of content for all the major powers, including some minors. An example is: /ae 1000 artillery_equipment_1 - using this command would add 1000 Towed Artillery. As of Man the Guns, USA uses the base game trees, and you need that DLC to unlock non-democratic branches. Road to 56 is all about alternate history and . The technologies within are separated with any whitespace characters, such as XOR = { my_technology_1 my_technology_2 }. Its also not recommended you use this mod while playing minor nations. If youre achievement hunting, youll need to find those mods that will tell you in their descriptions that theyre Ironman compatible. The gridbox is used in order to assign the information used by the folder = { } block later on: centre of coordinates, the size that one unit of x and y represent, and in which direction they aim (necessary for drawing the path). This also modifies how the paths are drawn between technologies. The parent of an equipment type is the type unlocked by the previous technology in the chain belonging to the same archetype. There are two types of trigger blocks used in blocks.allow = { } is a trigger block checked continuosly throughout the game. They form the basis of equipment variant stats, which in turn influence the combat abilities of units using them. All rights reserved. This can be useful for technologies which use an icon that's not the same as the equipment that it unlocks, such as the landing craft or rocket engine technologies in base game. A pathing automatically makes the latter technology require the former. If desiring to make multiple buildings be unlocked by the same technology, another enable_building = { } block can be set in the technology.The level within the technology cannot be higher than the building's max level set within the building definition itself. The wide world of HOI4 mods isa smorgasbord of mechanical tweaks and fiddles to choose from, adding new systems for AI, textures, music and more. Have you ever thought: Gee, HOI4 goes way too fast for me! We immediately sent our resident HoI 4 mod guru, Timothy, to check it out and answer one simple question: Is End of a New Beginningthe Victoria 3 weve been looking for? This is how to use the add_equipment console command (v1.11). Ahead-of-time/technology boost icons the position on the box, the used font, the used GFX. Youll end up switching sides several times, which can be great fun after all, when youre a master of the game, the only way to have a worthy opponent is to play against yourself. This is what the game does for showing the start years of technologies, for example: each one is a separate instantTextBoxType within the folder's container window. Each technology is a separate block within technologies = { }, where the name of the block is used as a technology ID. The table below excludes armor designed by the No Step Back DLC tank designer. The two most commonly-used positions in here are "LEFT", for making x point up-to-down and y point left-to-right, and "UP", for making x point left-to-right and y up-to-down. We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended the timeline to 1956, and developed some truly awesome alternate-history paths for nearly every country. Do read our fullreviewfor the whole story on this mod. For example a country may create a variant of their light fighter 2 base variant, increasing its range, by spending air experience. All rights reserved. doctrine_name = my_doctrine_name is also defined within the first doctrine of the branch in order to let the player know the name of the doctrine branch when hovering over the icon (e.g. Technologies can make the bonus apply to either the sub-unit types themselves, or the categories they fall in, defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_tags/*.txt and specified in the sub-unit definitions. on Paradox technology, Legal For example. Questions, Paradox Technology-specific icons don't exist for sub-technologies, instead using a set of indices. The key for the name is the same as the folder's name, while the description is the name with _desc appended. This is a community maintained wiki. But you have to go down the Confederate path. In the game Hearts of Iron 4 there is an opportunity to receive various military supplies. After this, there are two types of experience costs that can be used: xp_boost_cost = 40 and xp_research_bonus = 1.5 can be used to make the technology be boosted by experience. The folder selection is done within the folder_tabs containerWindowType. Featuring three starting scenarios in 1910, 1914 and 1919 respectively, the mod lets you control both the European powers at the center of the conflict but also take part in events like the Mexican or . More than just extending the timeline to 1956, this mod peppers the entire world with greater detail and complexity. In particular, the level will not unlock this many levels of the building, but unlock the building to be built up to that level. In addition, it's also possible to make a technology apply a bonus for specific sub-units making up land templates, ships, and the airforce. This is because porting Rt56 USA proved to be too much work. Additionally, technologies can unlock equipment, enable buildings to be built up to a specified level, as well as modifying the stats of the units of the country. This is a one stop shop for a total enhancement of the game. The technology tree branch follows the name formatting of the first technology's name with _tree appended in the end. It is only visible to you. This assigns a particular experience type to the technology. You need a thousand of such equipment, and you have the technology of light tanks at the initial level. This will look as such: This particular technology will grant +10% Political Power gain and +20% resource extraction efficiency when researched. Equipment is the military hardware needed by units to operate and largely determines their stats. When changing the define files, make sure to use an override file rather than copying over the entire base game files, as copying over the entire thing will cause crashes even on otherwise minor game updates, which commonly add new defines. A small change, but an incredibly rewarding one when such battles as Stalingrad and Moscow are finally more representative of their real history counterparts. Keep in mind that not all mods might be found on the Steam Workshop, even if the vast majority are. It gets unlocked by researching technologies and is produced by production lines. If you run into any brick walls while trying em out, you may find our guides toHOI4 console commandsand HOI4 country tags helpful. With the addition of the new in-game radio, now is a better time than ever to try this mod out! In order to select a technology folder, it should appear in the top selection. Each terrain is defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/terrain/*.txt. unbrauchbar,da der mod nicht aktualisiert wird.. Mod is broken. These days it receives rare updates as most work now goes into R56. Sometimes totally overhauling the game requires a subtle touch. A technology can have specified technologies assigned as sub-technologies by using sub_technologies = { }, where every listed technology is a sub-technology. "bonus_icon" represents the icon that's used for the one-time technology research bonus and "bonus" represents the text for the bonus saying how much it actually boosts the research. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Or do. In order to connect a technology to a different one within the tree, path is used as such in the technology from which the branch originates: In here, the technology where the path leads is specified with leads_to_tech. This is a submod for the extensive and popular "Road to 56" you can find on the workshop. This does allow making the names be country-specific by prepending it to the beginning, separated with an underscore. Statistics, stats, or equipment values are values that equipment types can carry. The distinction between small items and regular items is in equipment. The orientation to use for drawing paths as to make it look like it's going down, right, or a different direction. This mod does a number of things, but most especially it address what i believed was a lacking of features and events for ending the conflict on the Eastern Front. Cities are now expanded into several provinces ramping up the siege drama of urban warfare. which get used in determining which container exactly to use. it must have a separate gridboxType definition within the folder's container window. However, the formatting in this case is different: the building is specified with building = my_building and the level with level = 3. Here's an example of a technology-sharing group defined using all of these: Every single one of the above references is specified within defines and can be changed within a mod. There are some recycled items from Victoria II, but this mod goes a ways towards breaking up the monotony of the early game slog where all you can do is wait for foci to finish and factories to be built. This command will add 100 of 'super_heavy_tank_equipment_1', which is the name for the Super Heavy Tank. This command is the exact same as the above command, but 'ae' (a shortened alias) is used, instead of the longer 'add_equipment'. World News brings back the newspaper feature of Victoria II, giving a glimpse into the life of the average person during wartime. Additionally, ai_research_weights = { offensive = -1.0 } can be used to make the AI prioritise this technology less or more if it has the specified focus. This can be used if multiple technologies path to the same technology to make it faster to research if a more 'advanced' technology was researched. For technologies, this is stored inside of the countrytechtreeview container window, while for doctrines, it's inside of the countrydoctrineview container window. This comes in handy when you're just learning the mechanics of the game and want to have fun. This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 20:36. Does not require any DLC at the moment, and users are reporting that it seems to work fine with 1.10 Collie anyway. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). We include affiliate links in articles. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Hearts of Iron IV. Additionally, incredibly important are the gridboxes representing technology tree branches. These tags are most commonly used to spawn equipment into the game. No the game will uninstall itself and the devs will come over, kick the shit out of you and steal your money. The Ultimate HOI4 Scenario Mod Tierlist. For large items, usually the name of the technology is also shown on the tree without needing to see the description. For instance, if the building was already unlocked to level 2 from a technology researched beforehand, researching a technology with level = 5 will result in it being possible to construct up to 5 of the building in the state/province rather than 7. Much of this will be familiar to players of New Vegas, but there is plenty grabbed from the lore of the first and second Fallout games as well. Unique to equipment, this will also make the equipment icon be a copy from the technology icon, unless an equipment-specific icon was created in the GFX__medium format. Many of the factions will have their own unique decisions and focus trees. Doesn't seem to crash when I play normally. Hi, is there a way to see the equipment names added by a Mod? We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended the timeline to 1956, and developed some truly awesome alternate-history paths for nearly every country. By contrast, equipment of different archetypes, such as light and medium tanks, are never interchangeable. Well, there is always the option to encircle half of Poland and Belarus with light tanks, or as I like to call it, the Minsk Pocket. Press J to jump to the feed. The way that the value is evaluated for AI picking the technology is that, every 7 days[3], it generates a random decimal value between 0 and the ai_will_do value for each of the technologies. Complete with a much improved AI, playing HOI4 no longer feels like a solved game as most playthroughs canbut rather becomes a dynamic and challenging foray into the dangers of global total war. The error message complains about something with map error. One of the best things about this mod is that it does not sacrifice performance, allowing the player to enjoy a greater expanse of visual goodies without any added lag. This in particular is done in the. For comparison, a value of 1 is equal to 100 days worth of research assuming fully default research speed with no modifiers[1]. This item requires all of the following other items. As for the war itself, New England will secede first, then the states on the west coast and then New York and Pennsylvania. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The visual appeal is impressive, as the custom models and graphics add true immersion to this other world. They might as well just ask Paradox to make a new game. Several database objects can be set to be unlocked by a technology, including equipment types, equipment modules, sub-units, and buildings.

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hoi4 road to 56 equipment names

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