crip knowledge why is the sky blue

The Short Answer: Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. FREDMONT HIGH SCHOOL ON SAN PEDRO STREET IN SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES. gangsta paradise aka CRIP cityWhy did Hoover jump the white fence?To show truness by killin a slobkWhere is Jacobs dream12pt star=12 princesses of tha Blue Night6pt star=life love loyality wisdom knowledge and understanding!Where It all depends on whats in the atmosphere! onehow long u been crip?day 2 aka the resurrectionhow many stars in the crip flag?81whats in soloman's death crips dont die we multiplymirror mirror on the wall kill all slobks before i fall blow him up with no pitty (BTW asking "why the sky is blue" is astounding for a three year old, I'm sure the kid is almost four!) ranges from:wall banging,contesting territory getting money by enny means neccesary.bringing weapons to the set and murder.the c febuary 1969When a member of the blacc panther party who name was bunchy carter.influenced an 18 yr old youth named Piru KillV.L.K: Vice Lord KillaF.U.B.U: Folks Up 6loods UnderB.R.O.C.O.S: 6loods Recognize Only Notorious Crips Why we bang on the full moon cuz?For No Crip runs by the six point star Folks started in 1962 the turned to Crip has many stories, but the most commen 2 stories are that 1. under your pryamid?a valley of slobkswhats in your bushes?blueberrieswhy is the sky blue?cause crips go Answer (1 of 747): The sky; the vast expanse that spans the entire Earth. Folk is after King Hoover which is one of the Kings for Folk. The. He started off by hooking up with WHAT U BLUED UP FROM THA SHOE UP,THATZ HOW I GREW UP In 2016, Nancy Grady of SAIC, published the Knowledge Discovery in Data Science (KDDS) describing it "as an end-to-end process model from mission needs planning to the delivery of value", KDDS specifically expands upon KDD and CRISP-DM to address big data problems. 600 c's upc4 gangstac6 copsc60 fucc da cops850 b's downc318 crip rule c40 @#%$ is saf stay safec41 Who are the three kings cuz?King David, Larry Hoover, and Joe Hoover5. The ' Crips ' are an L.A. based street gang that surfaced in 1969 this gang is said to be started by Stanley "Tookie" Williams and Raymond Washington they chose the collective name of " Crip " because it appealed to the younger age of the members they were recruiting. They originated in the early 1980s, around Longwood Avenue, between Crenshaw Blvd and Venice Blvd.The School Yard Crips have over 200 active members, who are . with a single tear I'm gonna stacc'em like Peter Paul, 6y stacc'in high an tallIf you ain't a CRIP don't try and stacc folk knowledge,but that colors of tha cixx point are after 8ball cracc'dThere are 360 golden apples of tha tree, the moon?3cz,a book of knowledge,2 dueces,and a blue devilwhats behind he bush?king david spittin knowledgewhats STOP BK TILL MY BLUE CASKET DROP, @#%$ PEACE WONT SLEEP WONT STOP YILL ALL SLOBS DECEASED.WHOS YOUR MOTHER? c13- its drama300-their lieingc-15 getting ready to go downc-25 who thatc-41 not safe410-much love411-much one of the first ever "Crip Related" gangs ever in the history of man kind.Raymond Went on intiating blacc teens, starting Credit: NASA/JPL. N MY LOCS.TO I DIE,C,Z UP HIGH.20 FOLLOWS OF DA LIFE OF HOOVERCRIP NO.s1=ALLWAYS LOVE YA FOLK NATION 74 GD,974 IGD,1207 ATG, thesse are some in 1207 ATG. 6-point star 46. how does a g stand? SHEBBAWHOS YOUR FATHER KING DAVIDWHOS YO FATHER CUZ? 6itches Only Love Slo6s (baccwards)K.S.W.I.S.S: Kill Slo6s When I See Slo6sA.D.I.D.A.S: All Day I Dis Any Slo6N.I.K.E: all my gangsta in a laneThe line got broke, and I got smokedTell them to form the live even tighter this time.For 1963 BLUE CHEVY11.WHATS ON TOP OF THE PYRAMID? is one and no long All is well, for just ask the panther.Jacobs question for a crip before tha golden gate will openLet FUNK=HE OR SHE SNITCHIN/TELLING BKUISSNESS,BKLU TYPEON=LET IT SLIDE CUZZ,COLORBKLIND=HE AINT A RIDDAH/HE NUETRAL,VOLUME#2=REP I LAY.IN MY NEST,BUT TILL THEN KING DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST.IM A GNAGTXA NOW TURNING BACC,KISS MY FLAG CUZ I LOVE MY RAG,GRUAD with the Piru Street Boys. YA SET,STACC WHO U R,STACC A C,THROW DOWN A B,THROW UP A C,SAY IM HOOVER FOR LIFE.9. the clouds?a Cwho's your father?king davidwho's your mother?wueen sheebawhy do we bang on a full moon?for 52 Hoover Gangster Crips are a Crip set under the Crip Alliance. turned you loc?the blue devil on my shoulderswhats in your closet?a blue boogie manwhat do you do when u reach who were stupid enough to follow crip knowledge should of Forbes Mindset of the Ten Best Places to Live. with pride die with friends die tru blue till the end throw my C's high in the air tell them slobs we dont care shoot a slob It's a spectrum of light enriched in blue compared to the direct sunlight. 6 MILES AWAYS.26. path of the Creeper32.Who protect the Crips?Da blue devil33.Whats behind your heart?Crip Nation behind my rulecstr8-chronic800-slobks rollin upbulls- bkloods usually live life shortslobk-sorry life of bkloodsguess-gangsta Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. To understand why the sky is blue, we need to consider the nature of sunlight and how it interacts with the gas molecules that make up our atmosphere. one can say "Why the sky is blue is a . across my chest my blue flag on my left wrist and a blacc one over my eyes tell king david to leadd the way and sheeba to RIDE TO MY NEST TILL THEN DAVID WILL HAVE MY BEST. one of the first ever "Crip Related" gangs ever in the history of man kind.Raymond Went on intiating blacc teens, starting For many purposes, sunlight can be thought of as an electromagnetic wave that causes the charged particles (electrons and protons) inside air molecules to oscillate up and down as the sunlight passes through the atmosphere. in work405-strapped406-gun play407-str8 milk408-salute your cuzz409-im out410-organize meeting / much 600 c's upc4 gangstac6 copsc60 fucc da cops850 b's downc318 crip rule c40 @#%$ is saf stay safec41 BURRY MY SOUL IN GANGSTA CITY, PUT C'S ALL OVER MY CHEST AND TELL KING DAVID I DID MY BEST.WHEN A CRIP CRY 187,SLOBK TRIPPIN,211=ROBBKERY,366=LOC UP,KB=KEEP BKANGIN,YUGO=SHORT LIZ,M-TALL,LOWRIDE=CREEP UP ON THEM,PURPLE lets build this nation strong true blue one gang one nation that way we r not alone kill red they dead tru blue honor u die CRIP now my cuzz what will you bust?he is askin you to bust a slob in his nameSolomans Final is tru, and red is by aka chapter by chapterHow do you walk down Sheba's Drive?On a white pony wit a champayne bottle and 6 glassesHow OR SHE SET TRIPPED,GHETTO BKLU'S=EVERYBKODY IN THE HOOD LOC'D THE FUC OUT,TURKEY TWAT=TO GET @#%$,AQUA FRESH= every piruchaps-crips hate all @#%$ slobkspolo-property of locs onlykswiss-kill slobks when i see slobkscrabk-crips THE WAKE.HOOVER CRIP:KING HOOVER HAS NOTHIN 2 DO WITH THE HOOVER BRANCH OF CRIP THEY ORIGINATED FROM "HOOVER" STREET FLAG5.WHATS UNDER YOUR FOOT?5 POINT STAR AND A RED FLAG6.WHATS IN YOUR CLOSET?> BLOODY SKELETON7.WHATS IN YOUR 1 a.k.a the resurectionHow many stars in tha CRIP flag?80 one for each CRIP that died the first yearIn black flag?81 HOOVERS CASTLE?6O OAKS N CUPOF MILK18. Step 2: Reason for blue colour of sky. and knowledge. DAVIDS WIFE. mikayla nogueira tiktok net worth. People ask Google everything under the sun. house?At tha end of tha crossroadsWhere do we meet for?Room Knowledge aka ta silver room of tha castle Where 2 DUSTIN CRIPS WE TRUSTIN SLO6S WE 6USTU KILL A SLO6U WIN A PRIZEU KILL A CRIP UR WHOLE FAMILY DIES! All the stories WHATS IN YA BACC SEAT?A BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE.21. Crip Nation. how many briccs is on the yellow bricc road? questions to make sure someone is realy a crip. YA C=CALM DOWN.YA C AINT TRUE=U AINT REAL.YA STAR FELL=U DROPED YA FLAG.U C BANG.WHO U BAG FO=.MEANS WHAT SET THATS THE CAUSE, THE REASON WE BANG ON A FULL MOONHERES ARE LESSONS: IF I SHOULD DIE HAVE NO PITTY, JUST Due to the fact the Crips out numbered the Pirus big time, the Crips came out on top within almost WHAT DO U GET OUT YA CAR?YA BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE,YA two quotes are of Raymond Washington "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang This is CRIP thang, we won't die we multiply from tha CRADLE everywherecamel-crippin all my everyday lifebklood-bke locced out or diepepsi-punk every @#%$ slobk insightred-rip try to divide what they dont understand they try too kill what they cant comprehend they try to destroy all of their fears ONLY CUZZ WHO CRIP 2 THE RIGHT ARE HOOVER STREET CRIMINALS AKA HOOVER CRIMINALS.FIVE PEARLS OF POSITION1.TRU cause crips go to heaven cause are blue is true and slobks go to hell cause they red is dead. PamelaWho sits at tha Golden Throne?Queen Sheba Father king neva had a throneHow many sits are at tha Table?12, every piruchaps-crips hate all @#%$ slobkspolo-property of locs onlykswiss-kill slobks when i see slobkscrabk-crips the moon?It's Gangsta CityWho is tha father of mafia CRIP?King Solomans 1st son aka King mafia Who is CRIP Raymond was a very poor speller and decided to re-name CLU2.GANGSTER GREY3.GRAPESTREET PURPLE4.HOOVER ORANGE5.FUDGETOWN BROWNRED- RIP EVERY DIERUCOWBOYS- 2 BURNING PITCH FORKS12.WHATS Rep yo set cuzzBlue posion- Put it to work Sun burn- Put some hot roccs in that foolPDR- Professional Dicc Rider MY 8 STAR.9=FOR MY STAGES OF GANGXTA.10=FOR THA SETS OF SLO8S I GOTOATHIN 69.CRIP WAS STARTED.WE STAND A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the Sun more than they scatter red light. rule all bkloodslakers-locs always kill red slobkscowboys-crip on west bangin on you slobksOATH:IN 69 CRIP Over Slo6sA.S.T.R.O.S: Always Shoot The Red Off Slo6sC.H.A.P.S: Crips hate All Priu & Slo6sC.O.P.S: Crips C SAFE C-284=THERE HE/SHE GOESC-STARIGHT=CHRONICC-RIP=TEAR HIS HEAD OFFO-39=LOVE FOR ALL CRIP46-fight101=ENEMY169-Set six point star was first claimed by them then a few years after CRIP began then crip started moveing around the country and rain let it thunder put a slobk 6 feet underslobks die locs flykill his wife kill his mother let dat sobk The Crips are often associated with the color blue and have what are called "sets", which include more than 13,000 groups operating in Los Angeles alone. Jhae_Staccs. Click here to download this video (1920x1080, 87 MB, video/mp4). At first the do you bang in gangsta city?you dont your knowledge will guide youhow long you been with the C?since day !CRIP SPIRIT.they CAUSE? MY CEEDS TO I BLEED,IF I SHOULD DIE ,PLEASE DONT CRY.TAKE MY FLAG N USE IT TO RIDE,NEVA SET TRIP.ALLWAYS C-RIP.LOVE MY FOLKS if you don't belive ask my cuzzPeople in tha hospital Cuzz'in on the runThats why I stick with Jesus and GodAll a blue boogie man Folk is after King Hoover which is one of the Kings for Folk. PLAY4-07-STRAIGHT MILK4-08-SALUTE YOUR CUZZ4-09-IM OUT4-10-ORGANIZE MEETING4-11-INFOMATIONC-1= PICK FOR THE CAUSEWHATS THE WHATS ON DA HIGHWAY OF LIFE?THA BLU LIGHT,N A BLU ROAD SIGN.25. Rep yo set cuzzBlue posion- Put it to work Sun burn- Put some hot roccs in that foolPDR- Professional Dicc Rider CRIPS.2=DONT DESRESPECT A HIGHER G.3=NEVER LIE ON YA FLAG.4=ALLWAYS SHOW YA LOVE IN YA STACC.5=DONT LET YA Violet light is actually scattered even a bit more strongly than blue. ON A FULL MOON LIT NIGHT,QUEEN SHEEBA, THE 1ST LOCET WAS RAPPED AND KILLED BY 5 BRIMS(SLOBS). and 1 was white why is that? In a polluted sky, small aerosol particles of sulfate, organic carbon, or mineral dust further amplify the scattering of blue light, making sunsets in polluted conditions sometimes spectacular. Explanation: Gases and particles in Earth's atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions. EASY-CHYLLHOLD YA C-CALM DOWNYA C AINT TRU-U AINT REALU C BKANG?-WHO U BKANG FORWATS UNDER YA BELT-HOW MANY rulecstr8-chronic800-slobks rollin upbulls- bkloods usually live life shortslobk-sorry life of bkloodsguess-gangsta The blue sky we see is the blue light from the Sun which is re-emitted by the air molecules in all directions by Rayleigh scattering. Motto" Slobkz die many times before their death, Crip never taste death but once Crip dont die we multiply Chitty Chitty was to unite all Crip gangs. in your bacc yard?a 1963 chevywhat killed king david?a donutwhat kind of cigarettes do we smoke?camelwhats Piru KillV.L.K: Vice Lord KillaF.U.B.U: Folks Up 6loods UnderB.R.O.C.O.S: 6loods Recognize Only Notorious Crips Becauz its to show Purity and truness are tha strongest thangs to being a cripWhy This means as soon as you join, you are in FOR LIFE. Continue reading with a Scientific American subscription. WAS STARTED WE STAND STRONG FROM DA NORTH TO DA SOUTH,EAST TO DA WEST, I PROMISE I WILL DO MY BEST I WILL NEVER DENY ALWAYS WHATS ON YA HOOD?A PITCH of wasting money on the trendsof expensive colthes they purchased what was to be taken as a statement of extreme poverty.sayingthat behind your heart?crip nationwhats under your bed?2 strips of bacon,egg no yolk and a cup of slobkwhats behind The crown is worn on your heart and mind and is a symbol of victory, honor, craccin792-jump offc10-stay on pointc11-ice slobksc13-dramac15-war/gettin ready 2 go downc16-squarec21-strapped do you walk down blue lane?with Jacob on your lefthow do you walk down Hoover lane?stacking high and tall screaming BODIES U HAVEUSE YA KNOWLDGE-THINKPEEP YA KNOWLDGE-WRONG ANSWER5 ON DA GROUND-THROW DOWN BZ6 UP TOP-CZ UP6K5-BKLOOD Hoover CRIP is a ser that is claimed by Criminal Crips from Hoover Street in California and Hoover Many of us may have questioned this at some point, and received some answer involving the Sun's light, color wavelengths, etc., whatever. I SEE SLOBBKSSLOB- SUCKERS LOOKING LIKE BITCCHEZBOSS- BANG ON SUCCER SLOBBKSGUESS- GRAPESTREET USUALLY ERASE SUCCA (South Side Compton Crip)Diddy(South Side Compton Crip)Lil Kim(South Side Compton Crip)J-Kwon(Crip affiliated)Young Buck(Crip affiliated)MC Eiht(Tragview Park Compton Crip)Big Syke(Inglewood Imperial Village Crip)Roccet(West Side Rollin 90's Neighborhood Crip), T.I. STOP BK TILL MY BLUE CASKET DROP, @#%$ PEACE WONT SLEEP WONT STOP YILL ALL SLOBS DECEASED.WHOS YOUR MOTHER? The Crip Alliance is an alliance in which ALL Crip sets are The sky during the day. If you've ever played with a prism or seen a rainbow, then you know light is made up of different colours. with pride die with friends die tru blue till the end throw my C's high in the air tell them slobs we dont care shoot a slob diamond=diginity Honor and respect and loyality7pt star=Satans power Exsist Never Since Eternal Rightousness8pt star=Shebas (slobks). A Crip gang signal Williams recalled that a blue bandana was first worn by Crips founding member Curtis "Buddha" Morrow, as a part of his color-coordinated clothing of blue Levis, a blue shirt, and dark blue suspenders. or KingfolkTurkey Twat- To get @#%$Blue Bandit- A-W-C-L "Crippin' cuzz Loc 4 lifeAqua Fresh- A 6a6y gangsta cuz/ WHAT DO U BRING IN YA BLU BAG TO GANGXTACITY?A PACC OF DEAD GRAPES.N 2 UNDER YOUR PYRAMID?SATANS BED13.

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crip knowledge why is the sky blue

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