column 7 of the hazardous materials table

W8 Vessel stowage category for pyrophoric thorium metal or pyrophoric uranium metal is D as defined in 172.101(k)(4). 49 Mixtures of solids that are not subject to this subchapter and corrosive liquids may be transported under this entry without first applying the classification criteria of Class 8, provided there is no free liquid visible at the time the material is loaded or at the time the packaging or transport unit is closed. here. TP24 The portable tank may be fitted with a device to prevent the build up of excess pressure due to the slow decomposition of the hazardous material being transported. When there is an entry in this column, refer to Section 172.102 of the federal regulations for specific information. This is in response to your November 18, 2015 e-mail and subsequent conversations with members of my staff requesting clarification of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171-180) applicable to the selection of a . This entry does not apply to life saving appliances described in 173.219 (UN2990 and UN3072). However, sediments remaining in the tank that meet the definition for a hazardous material are subject to the applicable regulations of this subchapter. 74 During transport, this material must be protected from direct sunshine and stored or kept in a cool and well-ventilated place, away from all sources of heat. Tank car tanks must have a test pressure rating of 1,379 kPa (200 psig). b. Each transport unit must be leakproof when used as bulk packaging. [Amdt. Thickness of stainless steel for tank shell and heads for cargo tanks and portable tanks must be the greater of 7.62 mm (0.300 inch) or the thickness required for a tank with a design pressure at least equal to 1.5 times the vapor pressure of the lading at 46 C (115 F). Table I - Maximum Ambient Temperature - Gasoline. If the material has a flash point of less than 38 C (100 F), then the bulk packaging requirements of 173.242 of this subchapter are applicable. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. Lead compounds that have a solubility of 5% or less in accordance with this special provision are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter that pertain to Marine Pollutants. 169 This entry applies to lighter refills (see 171.8 of this subchapter) that contain a Division 2.1 (flammable) gas but do not contain an ignition device. For Federal Register citations affecting 172.102, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. 35 Antimony sulphides and oxides which do not contain more than 0.5 percent of arsenic calculated on the total mass do not meet the definition of Division 6.1. For the purpose of this special provision, vehicles are self-propelled apparatus designed to carry one or more persons or goods. 55 This device must be approved in accordance with 173.56 of this subchapter by the Associate Administrator. For a battery whose voltage (electrical potential) exceeds 9 volts -, (1) When contained in a device, the device must be packaged in a manner that prevents unintentional activation or must have an independent means of preventing unintentional activation (e.g., packaging restricts access to activation switch, switch caps or locks, recessed switches, trigger locks, temperature sensitive circuit breakers, etc. The first label code represents the primary hazard of the material. 164 Substances must not be transported under this entry unless approved by the Associate Administrator on the basis of the results of appropriate tests according to Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). Individual Name: Mr. David Comen. Lading must be blanketed at all times with a dry inert gas at a pressure not to exceed 103 kPa (15 psig). Each inner packaging is contained in a sealed leak-proof intermediate packaging with sufficient absorbent material capable of containing the contents of the inner packaging; c. Intermediate packagings are securely packed in an outer packaging of a type permitted by 173.158(g) of this subchapter which meet the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter at the Packing Group I performance level; d. The maximum quantity of nitric acid in the package does not exceed 300 mL; and. DOT Specification 57 port-able tanks used for the transport by vessel of Class 3, Packaging Group II materials must conform to the fol-lowing: (1) Minimum design pressure. 384 For green graphite electrodes and shapes that are large single component solid objects not subject to shifting, transport in open rail flat cars, open bed motor vehicles, and intermodal containers is also authorized. They must be classified in accordance with the procedure as set out in the Manual of Tests and Criteria, part III, section 39 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). Kits that are carried on board transport vehicles for first aid or operating purposes are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. Portable tank special provisions are assigned to certain hazardous materials to specify requirements that are in addition to those provided by the portable tank instructions or the requirements in part 178 of this subchapter. (1) Numeric provisions. Interpretation Response | PHMSA - Pipeline and Hazardous Materials When the word Normal is indicated, 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter does not apply. 117 If shipment of the explosive substance is to take place at a time that freezing weather is anticipated, the water contained in the explosive substance must be mixed with denatured alcohol so that freezing will not occur. B136 Non-specification closed bulk bins are authorized. US DOT's Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) list more than 3,000 shipping names for regulated materialsfrom acetal to zirconium tetrachloride. f. The properties of mechanical strength mentioned in this special provision shall be tested using a prototype of a receptacle and/or dispenser filled to nominal capacity, by increasing the temperature until the specified pressures are reached. A combination packaging consisting of a 4G fiberboard box with inner receptacles of glass or earthenware; b. The inlet to the venting device must be located in the vapor space of the IBC under maximum filling conditions. TP12 This material is considered highly corrosive to steel. Any glass inner packaging showing evidence of leakage, distortion or other defect under this test must not be transported under the terms of this special provision; b. site when drafting amendatory language for Federal regulations: (5) N codes. N20 A 5M1 multi-wall paper bag is authorized if transported in a closed transport vehicle. Based on the volatility class determined by using ASTM D 439 and the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) of the particular gasoline, the maximum lading pressure and maximum ambient temperature permitted during the loading of gasoline may not exceed that listed in Table I. 441 For marine pollutants transported under UN3077, Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s. or UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. and for purposes of shipping paper and package marking requirements, the technical name used in association with the basic description may be a proper shipping name listed in the 172.101 Hazardous Material Table; provided that the name chosen is not also an entry that includes n.o.s. as a part of the name or one that has a G in column (1) of the table. c. Packagings are excepted from the design stress limits at elevated temperatures, as described in Section VIII of the ASME Code (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). 347 Effective July 1, 2011, for transportation by aircraft, this entry may only be used if the results of Test series 6(d) of Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) have demonstrated that any hazardous effects from accidental functioning are confined to within the package. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. Refrigerated liquefied gases that are authorized to be transported in portable tanks are specified in tank instruction T75. It may not be used to describe articles, machinery, or apparatus for which a proper shipping name exists in the 172.101 Table. A separate drafting site 346 Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid), UN1977 transported in accordance with the requirements for open cryogenic receptacles in 173.320 and this special provision are not subject to any other requirements of this subchapter. 172-29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. TP18 The temperature of this material must be maintained between 18 C (64.4 F) and 40 C (104 F) while in transportation. Single unit tank car tanks must have a reclosing pressure relief device having a start-to-discharge pressure set at no more than 1551 kPa (225 psig). When column 7 of the 172.101 table refers to a special provision for a hazardous material, the meaning and requirements of that provision are as set forth in this section. Cargo heaters must be reverse refrigeration (heat pump) units. The table below gives the various types of Lead alloy solders. 149 When transported as a limited quantity or a consumer commodity, the maximum net capacity specified in 173.150(b)(2) of this subchapter for inner packagings may be increased to 5 L (1.3 gallons). The cargo transport unit shall display the UN number in a manner in accordance with 172.332 of this subchapter and be placarded on two opposing sides. the hierarchy of the document. 136 This entry applies only to articles, machinery, and apparatus containing hazardous materials as an integral element of the article, machinery, or apparatus. B35 Tank cars containing hydrogen cyanide may be alternatively marked Hydrocyanic acid, liquefied if otherwise conforming to marking requirements in subpart D of this part. b. These provisions apply only to transportation by water: W1 This substance in a non friable prill or granule form is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when tested in accordance with the UN Manual of Test and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) and is found to not meet the definition or criteria for inclusion in Division 5.1. 49 U.S.C. TP38 Each portable tank must be insulated with an insulating material so that the overall thermal conductance at 15.5 C (60 F) is no more than 1.5333 kilojoules per hour per square meter per degree Celsius (0.075 Btu per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit) temperature differential. Primary receptacles must conform to the general packaging requirements of subpart B of part 173 of this subchapter and may not leak. (ii) The following table specifies the portable tank requirements applicable to T Codes T1 through T22. We recommend you directly contact the agency responsible for the content in question. Note also that this exception does not apply to batteries that have been reconditioned for reuse. 13 The words Inhalation Hazard shall be entered on each shipping paper in association with the shipping description, shall be marked on each non-bulk package in association with the proper shipping name and identification number, and shall be marked on two opposing sides of each bulk package. W10 When offered for transportation by vessel, the use of Large Packagings (see 171.8 of this subchapter) is prohibited. 123 Any explosives, blasting, type C containing chlorates must be segregated from explosives containing ammonium nitrate or other ammonium salts. TP16 The portable tank must be protected against over and under pressurization which may be experienced during transportation. A Shipper of a hazardous material is responsible for its classification and packaging prior to offering it for shipment to a Carrier. - Other Regulations Relating to Transportation, - Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, - Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency Response Information, Training Requirements, and Security Plans, - Table of Hazardous Materials and Special Provisions, N41 Metal construction materials are not authorized for any part of a packaging which is normally in contact with the hazardous material. These special provisions are in addition to the standard packaging requirements. not more than 0.1 mL/hour per 30 mL inner packaging at 20 C (68 F) produced from gradual decomposition. 125 Lactose or glucose or similar materials may be used as a phlegmatizer provided that the substance contains not less than 90%, by mass, of phlegmatizer. The requirements of 173.24(g)(1) and 173.27(c) do not apply. IBCs are authorized subject to the conditions and limitations of this section provided the IBC type is authorized according to the IBC packaging code specified for the specific hazardous material in Column (7) of the 172.101 Table of this subchapter and the IBC conforms to the requirements in subpart O of part 178 of this subchapter at the . B61 Written procedures covering details of tank car appurtenances, dome fittings, safety devices, and marking, loading, handling, inspection, and testing practices must be approved by the Associate Administrator before any single unit tank car tank is offered for transportation. A20 Plastic bags as inner receptacles of combination packagings are not authorized for transportation by aircraft. 57 Maneb or Maneb preparations stabilized against self-heating need not be classified in Division 4.2 when it can be demonstrated by testing that a volume of 1 m3 of substance does not self-ignite and that the temperature at the center of the sample does not exceed 200 C, when the sample is maintained at a temperature of not less than 75 C 2 C for a period of 24 hours, in accordance with procedures set forth for testing self-heating materials in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). B81 Venting and pressure relief devices for tank car tanks and cargo tanks must be approved by the Associate Administrator. A metal hydride storage system installed in or intended to be installed in a vehicle or equipment or in vehicle or equipment components must be approved for transport by the Associate Administrator. 30 Sulfur is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter if transported in a non-bulk packaging or if formed to a specific shape (for example, prills, granules, pellets, pastilles, or flakes). c. The completed package must meet the Packing Group II performance level, as applicable for combination packagings with a plastic box outer packaging, in accordance with subpart M of part 178 of this subchapter. (8) A code containing the letters TP refers to a portable tank special provision for UN or IM Specification portable tanks that is in addition to those provided by the portable tank instructions or the requirements in part 178 of this subchapter. Capacitors with an energy storage capacity of 0.3 Wh or less are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. 50 Cases, cartridge, empty with primer which are made of metallic or plastic casings and meeting the classification criteria of Division 1.4 are not regulated for domestic transportation. 15, 1976, unless otherwise noted. For continued use of approvals dated prior to January 1, 2012, see 173.308(b)(5). For the regulatory description of the codes for special provisions, please refer to 49 CFR 172.102. Column 7 specifies codes for special provisions applicable to hazardous materials. 21 This material must be stabilized by appropriate means (e.g., addition of chemical inhibitor, purging to remove oxygen) to prevent dangerous polymerization (see 173.21(f) of this subchapter). will bring you directly to the content. Wall thickness must be verified ultrasonically at intervals midway between periodic hydraulic tests (every 2.5 years). If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting N5 Glass materials of construction are not authorized for any part of a packaging which is normally in contact with the hazardous material. TP47 The 2.5 year internal examination may be waived or substituted by other test methods or inspection procedures specified by the competent authority or its authorized body, provided that the portable tank is dedicated to the transport of the organometallic substances to which this tank special provision is assigned. W100 Non-bulk flexible, fibreboard or wooden packagings must be sift-proof and water-resistant or must be fitted with a sift-proof and water-resistant liner. Note that batteries utilizing different chemistries (i.e., those battery chemistries specifically covered by another entry in the 172.101 Table) as well as dry batteries with a marked rating greater than 9-volt may not be combined with used or spent batteries in the same package. Outage must be sufficient to prevent tanks from becoming liquid full at 55 C (130 F). When a special provision specifies packaging or packaging requirements -, (1) The special provision is in addition to the standard requirements for all packagings prescribed in 173.24 of this subchapter and any other applicable packaging requirements in subparts A and B of part 173 of this subchapter; and. (a) General. 349 Mixtures of hypochlorite with an ammonium salt are forbidden for transport. For UN2031 with more than 55% nitric acid, rigid plastic IBCs and composite IBCs with a rigid plastic inner receptacle are authorized for two years from the date of IBC manufacture. Packagings must be sift-proof, prevent liquid water from reaching the hazardous material, and be provided with sufficient venting to preclude dangerous accumulation of flammable, corrosive, or toxic gaseous emissions such as methane, hydrogen, and ammonia. will bring you to those results. N85 Packagings certified at the Packing Group I performance level may not be used. Prohibited means bottom openings are prohibited, and Prohibited for liquids means bottom openings are authorized for solid material only. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The mixture for suspensions and gels typically has the following composition: 60-85% ammonium nitrate; 0-5% sodium or potassium perchlorate; 0-17% hexamine nitrate or monomethylamine nitrate; 5-30% water; 2-15% fuel; 0.5-4% thickening agent; 0-10% soluble flame suppressants; and trace additives. IBCs are only authorized if approved by the Associate Administrator. A series of notes is used throughout TABLE 1 and TABLE 2 to provide additional information concerning certain hazardous substances. 370 This entry also applies to ammonium nitrate with not more than 0.2% combustible substances, including any organic substance calculated as carbon, to the exclusion of any added substance, that gives a positive result when tested in accordance with Test Series 2 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I (IBR; see 171.7 of this subchapter). The packing group assignment and packaging must be approved by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety on the basis of the criteria in 173.21 of this subchapter and the package type used for the Series 6(c) test. b. The material must be packaged so that the percentage of diluent does not fall below that stated in the approval at any time during transportation. Get the latest updates, news, and regulations for HazMat Transport and Waste Management. FAQ: What are Special Provisions in the USDOT/PHMSA Hazardous Materials The letter codes are placed in front of the number codes (for example, "A29"). TP36 For material assigned this portable tank special provision, portable tanks used to transport such material may be equipped with fusible elements in the vapor space of the portable tank. Transport vehicles must be vented to prevent accumulation of vapors at a poisonous or flammable concentration. Air must be eliminated from the vapor space by nitrogen or other means. Only Specifications MC 304, MC 307 or DOT 407 cargo tank motor vehicles are authorized for transportation by vessel. A53 Refrigerating machines and refrigerating machine components are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter when containing less than 12 kg (26.4 pounds) of a non-flammable gas or when containing 12 L (3 gallons) or less of ammonia solution (UN2672) (see 173.307 of this subchapter). TP13 Self-contained breathing apparatus must be provided when this hazardous material is transported by sea. If a package contains both lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries packed with and contained in equipment, the package must be marked as required for both battery types. d. Except for transportation by aircraft, neutron radiation detectors and radiation detection systems containing such detectors transported in accordance with paragraph a of this special provision are not subject to the labeling and placarding requirements of part 172 of this subchapter. 34 The commercial grade of calcium nitrate fertilizer, when consisting mainly of a double salt (calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate) containing not more than 10 percent ammonium nitrate and at least 12 percent water of crystallization, is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. subject to the Hazardous Materials Regulations must comply with all applicable requirements of Subpart F [172.500]. A3 For combination packagings, if glass inner packagings (including ampoules) are used, they must be packed with absorbent material in tightly closed rigid and leakproof receptacles before packing in outer packagings. 5. The pressure relief device must be preceded by a frangible disk in accordance with the requirements in 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter to prevent crystallization of the product in the pressure relief device. Column 5 references applicable requirements for bottom openings in part 178 of this subchapter. 56 A means to interrupt and prevent detonation of the detonator from initiating the detonating cord must be installed between each electric detonator and the detonating cord ends of the jet perforating guns before the charged jet perforating guns are offered for transportation. If the SADT of the technically pure substance is higher than 75 C, the technically pure substance and formulations derived from it are not self-reactive materials and, if not meeting any other hazard class, are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. For transportation by passenger-carrying aircraft, the net mass of lighter refills may not exceed 1 kg per package, and, for cargo-only aircraft, the net mass of lighter refills may not exceed 15 kg per package. W7 Vessel stowage category for uranyl nitrate hexahydrate solution is D as defined in 172.101(k)(4). (3) When no bottom openings are authorized, the alternative portable tank must not have bottom openings. Nickel-carbon asymmetric capacitors containing Class 8 alkaline electrolytes must be transported as UN2795, Batteries, wet, filled with alkali, electric storage. A9 For combination packagings, if plastic bags are used, they must be packed in tightly closed metal receptacles before packing in outer packagings. The table follows: [Portable tank codes T1-T22 apply to liquid and solid hazardous materials of Classes 3 through 9 which are transported in portable tanks.]. (2) They must be packed in strong outer packagings and the completed package must be capable of withstanding a 1.8 meter (5.9 feet) drop without leakage of gas contents from detectors. Hazardous materials not necessary for the safe and proper operation of the cargo transport unit must not be transported within the cargo transport unit. b. Lithium batteries conforming to paragraph a. of this special provision must be assigned to UN Nos. Orientation markings as described in 172.312(a)(2) are required when liquid hazardous materials may escape due to incorrect orientation. What is Column 7 of the hazardous materials Table? 380 For transportation by private carrier in a motor carrier only, this material is not subject to the segregation requirements of 177.848(d) of this subchapter under the following conditions: a. B78 Tank cars must have a test pressure of 4.14 Bar (60 psig) or greater and conform to Class 103, 104, 105, 109, 111, 112, 114 or 120. The lithium batteries must meet the requirements of 173.185(a) and contain the necessary systems to prevent overcharge and over discharge between the batteries. B54 Open-top, sift-proof rail cars are also authorized. N36 Aluminum or aluminum alloy construction materials are permitted only for halogenated hydrocarbons that will not react with aluminum. If you have questions for the Agency that issued the current document please contact the agency directly. 196 The nitrocellulose must meet the criteria of the Bergmann-Junk test or methyl violet paper test in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Appendix 10 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). When column 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table (49 CFR 172.101) includes a special provision code for an entry in the table, the requirement of that code or codes, there may be several of them is in addition to the generalpackaging requirements of173.24and any other applicable packaging requirements in Part 173. (3) The total amount of gas from all detectors per outer packaging must not exceed 52 grams (1.83 ounces). Filling limits must be in accordance with portable tank special provision TP3. This training must be documented in training records required by 172.704(d). Solid substances transported or offered for transport above their melting point are authorized for transportation in portable tanks conforming to the provisions of portable tank instruction T4 for solid substances of packing group III or T7 for solid substances of packing group II, unless a tank with more stringent requirements for minimum shell thickness, maximum allowable working pressure, pressure-relief devices or bottom outlets are assigned in which case the more stringent tank instruction and special provisions shall apply. meet the venting requirements in 173.24(g) or (2.) Specification 110A500W tanks must be stainless steel. A rocket motor to be considered nonpropulsive must be capable of unrestrained burning and must not appreciably move in any direction when ignited by any means. See 173.306(h) of this subchapter. Except when approved by the Associate Administrator, these items may only contain hazardous materials for which exceptions are referenced in Column (8) of the 172.101 Table and are provided in part 173, subparts D and G, of this subchapter. B44 All parts of valves and safety relief devices in contact with lading must be of a material which will not cause formation of acetylides. 101 The name of the particular substance or article must be specified. Packaging must be UN standard metal drums attached with heavy duty steel strapping to a pallet; and. A56 Radioactive material with a subsidiary hazard of Division 4.2, Packing Group I, must be transported in Type B packages when offered for transportation by aircraft. The Table: provides the proper shipping name or directs the user to the preferred proper shipping name; 49 CFR -172.101 Hazardous Materials Table info - MaselliWeb (4) Each detector must be tested to a 1 1010 cm3/s leaktightness standard before filling. (c)Column 2: Hazardous materials descriptions and proper shipping names. A13 Bulk packagings are not authorized for transportation by aircraft. (v) The box must be constructed from high-density polyethylene in the density range 0.950-0.962, and be capable of holding liquid when in the upright position. 11 The hazardous material must be packaged as either a liquid or a solid, as appropriate, depending on its physical form at 55 C (131 F) at atmospheric pressure.

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column 7 of the hazardous materials table

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