colt police positive grip adapter

$3.81. Today, weve still got Tyler Manufacturing making grip adapters (after some interruptions, as the family business changed hands) and theyre joined by a new kid on the block, BK Grips. The tiny handles of wood or hard rubber used by Colts and Smith & Wesson on these early Hand Ejectors left a large part of the upper frame and recoil shoulder area completely exposed. No purchase necessary. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When tactical lights first came out, we all thought the 50 lumens they offered was astounding and could never get better. Plus, theres something about a grip adapter that makes it look right on an older gun. However, every hand is unique, and for a lot of RevolverGuys out there, a grip adapter is the perfect solution. My favorite original-equipment grips are the old GP100 rubbernwood design. The OP shown here is a 1958-vintage 5 model, not quite as minty as the Smith. I will do some detective work on this and let you know what works. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. Two vintage solutions for increasing the effectiveness of the .38 Special were Big fan of Tyler T-Grips. Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, State Agency: My specimen is a 10-5, made in 1972 by the numbers. These skinny grip frames didnt give much purchase to control the gun during recoil, and they also didnt work very well for shooters with normal-to-large sized hands, who quickly ran out of space to put all their digits. Orange ($25.00) (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (if required) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! The adapters for S&W models work equally well on round and square butt frames. These are the standard grips with the stylized "C" around the screw hole. PLEASE NOTE THAT SALES ARE LIMITED TO USA ADDRESSES ONLY. But it is not as wide as the larger Tyler model which is made for these larger frames, and so the top of the adapter does not overhang the sides of the frame the way a larger adapter would. The influence of Walter Ropers target stock design was strong, and it wasnt long before Colts and Smith & Wesson were making their own target-style handles, circa 1950s. Close. I feel like Bogart when I fire it. C $73.55 + C $84.11 shipping. Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, State Agency: My carry load in a steel frame snub is the .38 Buffalo Bore 110 gr Barnes all copper HP. Colt Python,Official Police,Officer's Grips, ZIB GRIPS Colt, New, Police, Cobra Grips Handmade From Wood Grips Ars.02, New, Wood Diamond grips for COLT 1911 Compact, Officer, New reproductive Grips For Colt D frame Short butt DIAMOND BACK Police positive, COLT PYTHON GRIPS FIT OFFICIAL POLICE, I E FRAME REVOLVER ROSEWOOD NICE GIFT #10, Colt 1911 Grips Full Size Government & Clones Turkish Walnut Wood Target Grips, NEW WOOD GRIPS FOR COLT PYTHON, OFFICIAL POLICE, I E FRAME ROSEWOOD NICE GIFT# 4, COLT GRIPS FOR PYTHON I, E FRAME OFFICIAL POLICE FAUX IVORY # SILVER MED, 1911 Grips Green/Red/Blue G10, Rosewood, Blonde Wood, and African Ebony. Also, be aware that there were early, smaller Police Positive and Bankers Special frames which are sometimes referred to as D frames but which are NOT the same size as the later, larger Police Positive Special/Detective Special frame, and the D adapters do NOT fit properly on these earlier, smaller frames. Thanks for the tip-off on BK adapters! I try to keep all 6 flavors in stock, but sometimes the customers get ahead of me and buy out one or more. New Hampshire Fish & Game Department, State Agency: Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) . Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. It has a slightly longer cylinder than the Police Positive and uses more powerful ammunition. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. New Wood Grips For Colt D frame Short butt grips police positive Handmade Grips. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks, State Agency: Royal Blue ($25.00) No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. They are made for guns after 1941. And there is a post on a Taurus forum reporting that the K adapter fits fine on a Taurus 80. Both would continue to do so now. Colt 1911 grips Proffessional Target made of walnut wood. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. The adapters help to fill the hand a little more, but theres a lot more material in a good set of stocks, and I find that I get a more comfortable and efficient fit with them. Were talking four experienced revolver guys. The Model 10 was the culmination of S&Ws original M&P series. Tan ($25.00) The Police Positive was very popular, and it and a short-barreled version called the Detective Special remained in production until the 1980s. On other revolvers, youre right Mike, factory target or custom Roper style handles are fantastic. The Smith and the Colt, in terms of operation loading, unloading, etc. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. If penetration is your priority, youll probably need to favor the heavier projectiles, unless youre willing to put up with extremely high pressures (and attendant recoil). If you do not have a PayPal account and dont want to set one up, all I can suggest is that you find a friend who has an account and ask them to order for you. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. Skinny pencil barrel. Official Police: Naked ejector rod, pull to open cylinder release latch, left to right rotation. The rate is for as many adapters as will fit in a single box (which is at least 10 but may be as many as 12). While the era of the service revolver has (sadly) passed, the shelf life of a good medium-frame wheelgun is a long one. C $69.88. Chipped Grip . Grips #3549G ($41.50), Screw Kit #7190 ($16.00), Triple K Manufacturing Co. Colt Police Positive 38 Special Parts Kit Missing One Grip Panel The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. So what was the reason for Smith M10s (and the related medium-framed M15 and M19) eventual primacy in the LE market? Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. They wont expand much, but theyll go the distance. Deep Red ($25.00) No grip screws or escutcheons included. Lavender ($25.00) Good, low recoil option. Sign-up now to get more revolver content every Wednesday! The Smith lived up to its reputation for a shorter, more manageable double-action trigger pull at 10 lbs., while the Colt, although measurably lighter at 9 lbs., was significantly longer and stagier. Both single-action pulls were dreamy, with the Smith at 2.5 lbs. Im with ya, Ace. Since Dfariswheel said your gun was made in 1922, it will not work. Red ($25.00) Indiana Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: So, beginning 5/17/21, payments will only be accepted through PayPal. This was the fastest rig ever made. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. Colt Woodsman 3rd Series English Walnut Chk w/o Thumbrest Pistol Grips w/Logo. It was a break-front holster. Service-grade accuracy from the S&W Model 10 with Black Hills 158-grain LRN Cowboy Loads. Hot Pink ($25.00) Presentation grips; just right on the Security Six and Speed Six for my stubby little digits. California Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: The back of the frame came down farther almost It was introduced in 1907 and was produced until 1973. Add to My Saved Parts. Contest void where prohibited by law. Larger grips for Colt Police Positive Special Handguns: The Revolver Forum The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's Alley > . Aside from these reasons, Im pretty certain Smith just did a better job of marketing their revolvers to the LE community. Both feature the distinctive pull-to-open cylinder release latch. Product #: 175700 Part Key: 53. These adapters were used in conjunction with the existing stocks to change the feel of the gun, and the idea was popular enough that they were made by many companies. I have no Ruger double actions and so cannot guarantee these fits, but the photos provided by the customers look pretty normal. Be aware that a Ruger double action grip frame is wider than Colt and S&W frames, so the copper clips on the adapter have to be spread a bit to fit over it. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. No purchase necessary. North Dakota Game & Fish Department, State Agency: RevolverGuy American Warrior Show Appearance, Across the Peak Podcast with Rich & Justin, target stocks popularized by Roper in the 1930s, I get a copy of the confirmation, along with another email advising me of the order itself, and a third advising of payment. Smith & Wesson developed their own copy of this design in the 1950s, and the collection of companies did a good business selling the adapters even after the improved (but still not great) S&W Magna-style stocks were introduced right before WWII. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. White ($25.00) Their DA revolvers, prestigious as they may have been, were simply sucking up too much money. Postage is in addition to the cost of the adapter(s). The first was from a cherished box of the original Super-Vel Police 110-grain JHP we decided to sacrifice in the interests of ballistic curiosity. Three of them went with the Smith M10. (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (if required) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. Medallions are not included or installed unless ordered. Deployed military should use stateside address. However, in terms of differences, there are several. I have actually carried with wadcutters in my gun and the Critical Defense standard pressure loads in my speed loaders. I do use Tyler grip adaptors on a couple of revolvers and have always considered them to be a good option for some applications. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. Made in various calibers and variations 1927 - 1969. Some calibers can expand well and still penetrate deeply, but the .38 Special is not one of them, and if it was, you wouldnt want to shoot it in a snubby anyhow. Dont forget the 148 grain WCs. (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (when required) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. New Mexico Department of Game & Fish, State Agency: When they first came out, I didnt care for the looks, but after several decades of manufacturers putting nothing but black rubber on their guns, I think theyre downright handsome. Then there are the older Crimson Trace models; dont care for the laser, but do like the design of the grips. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. They have also been checked and fit properly on a Detective Special with the short grip frame the lower clip engages the frame, and does not interfere with the segments of the grip panels that wrap under the bottom of the frame. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. It only became the Model 10 in 1957 when Smith went to numbers. Make deliberate, informed choices regarding the loads you stake your life on (and thats by no means limited to the .38 cartridge).. Notifications . New York Department of Environmental Conservation, State Agency: Skeeter Skelton proposed his dream revolver.. Alaska Department of Fish & Game, State Agency: You Save: $75.00 (14 %) Colt Police Positive Siberian Mammoth Ivory Grips, .32 or .38, Does Not Fit Police Positive Special (Special is Larger). No purchase necessary. Customers have reported that the J adapter fits properly on Taurus models 605 and 85. Particularly when it comes to the .38 snub, you cant just grab any random hollow point load off the shelf at the store and assume its going to do what its supposed to. One of the most popular revolvers in history. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Photos are available of a D adapter on these guns for those concerned about the exact fit. What are you trying to be, some kind of gunslinger? Nossir, just want a better chance of hitting what I shoot at. He didnt like them, but didnt make me take them off. Gold Dot SB and the 130 gr. 226 Williams Ln. This is one of those things that youll either love or hate, depending on how the adapter fits your hand. You can check this thread for for the discussion that accompanied the initial testing of the K frame adapters on various guns, and for photos of the fit on various K and N frame guns: I will give the wad cutters a try. Colt Python Walnut Wood Grips One in The World ! Sell now Shop with confidence eBay Money Back Guarantee Position the T-Grip in the proper place and tighten the screw (DO NOT BEND THE COPPER CLIP). Yellow ($25.00) Join Date: December 20, 2008 . One customer reports the K adapter can be made to fit a USFA Bisley and a Beretta Bisley, but ti takes some filing to get everything snugged up well to the frame and grip surfaces. It printed low at 25 yards and results while certainly service-gun adequate was not match-grade from either gun. Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, State Agency: In 1908 Colt introduced the Police Positive revolver chambered for the ".38 Colt Special," which was nothing more than the .38 S&W Special cartridge with a different headstamp. Colt Police Positive 38 Special Revolver Parts Kit . Colt 1911 grips Proffessional Target made of Handcrafted walnut wood, Colt 1911 Professional Target Grip Made of Walnut Wood & Silver Custom Initials, NEW GRIPS Colt 1911 Pistol Grip, Full Size Walnut WOOD BUY 5 GRIPS GET 1 FREE, NEW GRIPS Colt 1911 Pistol Grip Full Size Turkis Walnut WOOD Hand Made NICE SET, NEW GRIPS FOR COLT D FRAME SHORT SQUARE BUTT REVOLVER, CLASSIC PANEL HARD WOOD, ZIB GRIPS Colt, New, Police, Cobra Grips Handmade From Wood Grips Ars.01, Colt 1911 Grips Full Size Turkish Walnut Wood Hand Pistol Set Nice Metal Logo, WOOD GRIPS FOR COLT 1917 1909 US ARMY NEW SERVICE AFTERMARKET VINTAGE STYLE, Colt Python,Official Police,Officer's & Trooper Grip, New, wood Diamond grips for Colt 1911 Compact, Officer, RED WOOD GRIPS FOR COLT 1917 & 1909 US ARMY NEW SERVICE AFTERMARKET # RANDOM 2, WOOD GRIPS FOR COLT 1917 & 1909 US ARMY NEW SERVICE AFTERMARKET NICE ** RANDOM 1, Wood Grips for Colt Detective D Frame Square Butt, NEW, New Colt 1911 Grips, Full Size Walnut Wood Gungrip Cross Logo Handcrafted RARE, Colt 1911 Full Size Grip Government S&W Ruger Taurus Kimber Genuine White Pearl, New Colt 1911 Grips, Full Size Walnut Wood Grips, New Colt 1911 Grips Full Size Springfield_Government Turkish Walnut Wood handset, Colt 1911 Grips, Full Size Walnut Wood Grips Special Snake Embroidered, 1911 Grips Full Size Colt S&W Ruger Taurus Mother Pearl Black Scorpion Machine, New, wood checkered grips for Colt PYTHON, Square/Round butt, New Grip For Colt Python grips (I, E fr ame), Checkered Hard wood gold medallion, Colt 1911 Grips Full Size Government & Clones Walnut Wood Target Grips USA FLAG, NEW GRIPS Colt 1911 Pistol Grip, Full Size 1911 Walnut WOOD Pistol Grip Handmade, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. 2222 Commercial Street San Diego,CA 92113 Magnums were not universally adopted but if they were, many agencies required them to be loaded with .38 Specials as controllability, overpenetration and a shortened service life were all factors to be considered not to mention the PR controversies associated with magnum loadings. Missing One Grip Panel. My ideal now are small grips that do not compromise shooting .38 +p hollowpoints from a heavy snubbie (probably the Critical Defense Lites we keep in the 85, not +p, from a SS 649). The Police Positive Special Is Approximately 1 13/16" Wide At The Bottom. two preeminent .38 Special platforms through most of the double-action revolver era. Grip Screw Nut Enlarge Image. New wood Grips For Colt D frame Short butt DIAMOND BACK Police positive, Praduak wood Grips For Colt D frame Short butt DIAMOND BACK Police positive, Colt Factory early Police Positive (Special) Medallion Wood Grips US Sales Only, New Wood Grips For Colt D frame Short butt grips police positive Handmade Grips, New Hardwood Grips For Colt D frame Short butt DIAMOND BACK Police positive, New Hardwood Grips For Colt D frame Short butt Police positive Checker Engraved, CUSTOM MAKE YOUR OWN WALNUT TARGET GRIPS FOR COLT POLICE POSITIVE, Antique Colt D Frame Short - Detective Smooth Wood Grips - w/ Screw OEM Vintage. About the only choice is to find a custom maker who will make you a true custom grip, or use a grip adapter like rodfac shows above. The K-Frame models coming along (and in some cases, gone) in the last 50 years Models 15, 19, 13, 14, 66, 65 to name a few are all essentially Model 10s at their core. $3.22. Grips for Colt Peacemaker, 1873, SAA, and New Frontier Single Action Revolvers. These grips also fit the Colt Commando. I have more faith in them than some of the light JHPs. Product Details Description Show Details Black plastic grip adaptor with retaining clip. Glad you gave them a try, and I really appreciate the valuable feedback on them! Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. Contest open to U.S. residents only. A bullet that expands probably wont go very deep, because it runs out of steam so fast. White ($25.00) The grip frames on these guns were universally small, and the grips (or stocks, in S&W parlance) almost looked like they were afterthoughts. The hotter loads can be a handful in these guns. On the plus side, when I found a better set of grips than what came on the gun, found out the T-Grip also fit the Ruger Security Six just as well, and vastly improved those tiny little slivers of wood they used. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. But if the Official Police is ever resurrected, its unlikely to be in its classic format. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. No purchase necessary. On thing about it, with all the different models, makes, styles out there, its like going to a buffeteverybody gets to choose what they want. HST were designed to fix this problem with the more traditional offerings. It remained in production until 1943, with total sales surpassing 406,000. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, State Agency: Charcoal Grey ($25.00) Or maybe Peter Lorre. Army Green ($25.00). But as they say; Your Mileage May Vary , Well, Im glad you shared your thoughts re: ammunition in the SuperVel post, Jim! Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. Contest open to U.S. residents only. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. (b) a Kenworth tractor pulling a 64,000 pound load going 35 mph, In a snub gun, nothing says I love you quite like throwing a 158 LSWC-HP out the muzzle ( especially the softer alloyed Winchester version ), Uh-oh! Voice: 619.232.2066 | Fax: 619.232.7675 The Colt Official Police was a bit pricier circa 1968 $110 blued and slightly heavier because it was built on Colts .41 caliber frame (35 oz. Army Green ($25.00), Dimensions / Sizes Better have a good grip, because it was going to move forward and out. (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. Customers have reported (with photos) that they also fit properly on the Cobra (alloy frame Detective Special) and Agent (Cobra with a shortened grip frame.) Im a little leery of the 90 grain Critical Defense load and would actually prefer to run 148 grain wadcutters instead, for a light load. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. This Colt Pocket Positive was Director Hoover's personal handgun. The hammer just kisses the web of my hand when it comes back and I can actuate the trigger with only the last joint of my finger moving. I amazes me how much grips/stocks can change a handguns character. Indeed, Mike. #CPPD1 DISPLAY SAMPLES, Vintage Colt Police Positive revolver factory right grip black COLT marked, Vintage Colt Police Positive .38 Special Target Thumb Rest Target Grips & Screw, Factory Colt Original Caliber 32 S&W Police Positive Grips W/ Screw H85B AS IS, COLT GRIPS FOR PYTHON REVOLVER, OFFICIAL POLICE, I E FRAME WOOD NICE GIFT # 5, Colt "Police Positive" 32 Colt Revolver Parts: Grips (cracked). Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, State Agency: All entries must be received by giveaway end date. Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. The single-piece adapters had little metal tabs that extended on the backside of the adapter. The weight, in 4 trim was 30.5 oz. . pressure XTP, and some Buffalo Bore short-barrel, standard pressure .38s with the LSWC-HC bullet. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM Old West 2023, PO Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. Im afraid its not worth the hassle of dealing with the PayPal/USPS/Customs Forms interaction for the one or two orders a year that would come from outside the US. For the best fit, as you tighten the grip screw, be sure to hold the adapter tightly against the wood grips and against the curve of the frame above and behind the trigger guard. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, State Agency: Note bobbed hammer spur. RELATED STORY Barrel Length: 2"-2.99" Caliber/Gauge: 38 Special: Finish: For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, Old Pachmayr Grip Adapter Colt Police Positive Courier Cobra Agent Pistol Gun. Two customers have fitted the K adapter to a Model 12, the lightweight K frame model whose frontstrap is 2mm narrower than regular K frames. Thus, youre stuck with the default wood magna grips, since none of the aftermarket K-Frame grips will fit. For a steeper price tag, of course, either could be had in nickel. I dont like their politics any more than the next guy, but they are the only game in town for very small businesses to take credit cards. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: He also advised that the Beretta grips fit nearly perfectly on a Colt Bisley, so presumably a K adapter could be made to fit a Colt as well. The prototypers found that it also fit round butt K frames, and both square and round butt N frames. One benefit I have to concede is that the grip adapters allow better access for a speedloader than the vast majority of replacement stocks out there. Smith & Wesson introduced their first grip adapter for the N-Frame guns around 1932, with a K-Frame version that followed around 1934. When the double action, swing-out cylinder revolver began to take shape in the late 1800s, it seemed like the designers had already used up all their energy by the time they got to the back end. Pennsylvania Game Commission, State Agency: The J adapter is supposed to fit properly on many Charter revolvers, and customers have reported success with the Undercover, Off Duty and Bulldog models. Purchase A PDF Download Of The GUNS Magazine March 2021 Issue Now! Charcoal Grey ($25.00) The Colt Police Positive is a small-frame, double-action revolver features a six-round cylinder. Ive recently found myself in need of pocket-carry once/week when I visit a friend in a rough neighborhood. COLT ARMY SPECIAL, OFFICER'S MODEL, & OFFICIAL POLICE GRIPS Brand New $45.00 rogers-guns-grips (20,780) 99.8% Buy It Now +$5.00 shipping 40 watchers Sponsored Colt police positive special pistol grips graphite black plastic with screw New (Other) $35.00 Save up to 20% when you buy more or Best Offer get_a_grip_on_it (17,766) 96.5% Free shipping Nevada Department of Wildlife, State Agency: Colt Police Positive 38 4" SN:5391 MFG:1906 Factory Skeleton Cut-Away Colt Factory warranties may apply in some cases. More Information; Manufacturer: Colt: Model: Police Positive. One Silver Medallion Installed #3251 ($12.00) Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, State Agency: That doesnt mean theyre better than splinter grips with an adapter, it just means they work better for me. Smith or Colt? Providing Colt revolver parts since 1950. It was produced in various forms from 1907 to 1947. I have 1 Pachmayr adaptor for Colt Cobra/Detective Special (new model), Police Positive (new model $20 shipped SPF Ok, the next are all Colts,and there are alot of them. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. The Colt Police Positive was an improved version of the New Police adding Colt's "Positive Safety" feature. Instructions for Attachment: For the proper fit of the T-Grip, loosen the screw on your grips until the copper clip attached to the T-Grip will slide in between the grips and the frame of the gun. WOuld be great for my police positive. Great penetration. The OP shown here is a 1958-vintage 5 model, not quite as minty as the Smith. These parts are associated to the following schematics: Have a question? About 25 years before Colt brought the curtain down on the Police Positive Special 1969 to be exact it was listed at $93.50 (blued). Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, State Agency: Vintage Plastic Colt D-Frame Grips For Police Positive Special With Screw Pre-Owned $48.00 Seller: nhbglb (2,022) 100% or Best Offer +$5.50 shipping Sponsored Colt Police Positive .38 Special Thumb Hold Target Grips & Screw RH-H85a Pre-Owned $54.95 Top Rated Plus Buy It Now Seller: gobangpistolparts (54) 100% +$6.10 shipping Free returns Sponsored Deployed military should use stateside address. He also wrote the "Tactical Analysis" column at for 8 years. Orangish Brown ($25.00) In the meantime, thanks in advance for your patience. SO IF YOU DONT get that confirmation within 24 hours, please send an email directly to, advising that you havent received the confirmation. Senior Member . Designed by RaC Agencia. Grips #3553G ($41.50), Screw Kit #7194 ($16.00), Colt Authentic Hardware Kit #7811 ($16.00), Triple K Manufacturing Co. (I) Giveaway ends September 30, 2021. This adapter filled the area where the frame rests on the middle finger, in a similar manner to the Roper-style target stocks that were starting to become popular in this era. Iridescent Ivory ($25.00) For the best fit, as you tighten the grip screw, be sure to hold the adapter tightly against the wood grips and against the curve of the frame above and behind the trigger guard. Deployed military should use stateside address. The Pre-1940 Colt version is what you see illustrated in this article. Its rated at 1100 fps out of a 2 barrel. Welcome to Hogue, Inc., home to a proud family tradition of American quality and innovation since 1968. Every Hogue product from handgun grips to long gun stocks to specialty knives to gear and accessories is built in the spirit of fine craftsmanship, attention to detail and complete dedication to the legacy of founder Guy Hogue, carried into the next generation by his sons Aaron and . Light Grey ($25.00) (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. As a result, your grasp on the gun is shifted downwards on the frame. This dramatically reduces the wobbling that goes on through the trigger stroke. Sorry, not aware of anyone making an adapter for that make and model. Your 649 could really benefit from an adapter, or a set of boot grips, for your CCW pocket carry mission. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. When the grips are tightened down on all of the clips, this will insure that the adapter is locked solidly in place against the metal and wood, where it's supposed to be. You should be able to find a pair that fits your needs. Tyler still makes their T-grip to fit the pre-1940 Colt frames, which is just the thing in case you inherited Grandpas Banker Special or Grandmas Pocket Positive. The Tyler units are made from either aluminum or bronze, and the BK Grips units are made from molded polymer, but they all perform the same function. Lifes too short to shoot an ugly or goofy lookingrevolver, so thats not an inconsiderable benefit of the grip adapter.

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colt police positive grip adapter

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