biggest buck killed in arkansas

Arnold, an environmental engineer for Tyson Foods, is an expert bowhunter who hunts in some of America's most . Copyright 1998 - 2023 Mississippi Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. "I remember the exact time because I got a text from a friend saying that he had killed a buck." Ryan didn't bother taking his bow that day, as he'd been hunting for seven straight days and hadn't seen the big deer once. Shortly after the hunt kicked off, a doe popped out of the timber several hundred yards away. Hooper realizes his good fortune, even if the story belies just how good a shot he usually is. He still has a deep bone bruise on his left heel and a fractured fibula in his right leg. I was overcome with emotion when we recovered the big eight. Since then, I've only killed deer with my bow. Bobby Cleveland has covered sports in Mississippi for over 40 years. It rained all day but stopped just before the afternoon hunt. BIG BUCK CLASSIC: Pair of champions earn their crowns "The buck I missed was the sixth one to run through there that morning," said Hooper, a former Jackson resident now living in Benton, Ark. From there it was probably a five-minute ordeal, and he worked every scrape that young 8-pointer had worked, Watson said. He waited until the deer got behind a tree and started to move, but Lefty heard him, and stopped cold in his tracks. To his right and rear were stands of thick timber that opened in several spots, and to the left was more meadow with intermittent timber. I do know it was not the deer I killed. No more long nights checking every single cellular picture coming through. The doe he was following came right beneath my platform.. The first time, the buck was chasing does and didnt come close enough for a shot. A friend killed a big buck that he entered in the Big Buck Classic, and Watts said the bigger buck was running with it. I've got to be in the stand.'". There were bucks going everywhere at one time, and I actually shot at another deer and missed. I killed him in the mock scrape I created., The deer ran 30 yards and tipped over. . The next morning, he greeted sunrise from his tree stand. As part of the BuckVentures field staff, they understand whitetails, and it came as no surprise when this 5-year-old deer fell to a Reed. Lance Hill brought down this 4 -year-old whitetail much earlier than most hunters have a chance to go hunting. 3 Men Cited for Poaching 34-Point Buck. But, I will keep shooting the 125s and 130s because around here, those are what you expect and they are trophies.. Ground Zero: Arkansas Record Bucks - Game & Fish It was taken on a morning hunt during the modern gun Christmas season. Fortunately, when Hooper reached the spot where the deer had been standing, he spotted the body in nearby brush. This time everything came pouring out.. 'I still can't believe it': Oklahoma State student bags giant buck less I followed it up with a few grunts and grabbed my rifle. I would hunt this deer in the afternoon and the wind would be blowing 1-2 miles per hour and swirl, Latimer said. Yes, the two most giant bucks ever didn't fall to the bullet or arrow of a hunter. Lance Hill's South Carolina Stud. Put everything together and you have a gross 9-point frame score of 193 6/8. Amazingly, the doe blew past and hurriedly got on the upwind side of Ryan and stopped. About 45 minutes later, he heard a leaf crunch to his right. In this edition of "Big Buck Profile," Gordon Whittington talks with young whitetail hunter Reid Crawford about his trophy buck taken in 2017. I absolutely worked my tail off to get an opportunity at this buck. Virginia Not only that, but he also got the biggest buck killed in Arkansas during the 2008-09 deer season. Thats when the strap on the stick broke.. Bobby Cleveland has covered sports in Mississippi for over 40 years. Unfortunately, the spike spotted Latimer move, and started to ease off. "I had class on Tuesday and Thursday, so I hunted Friday through Monday. . The campus is only about an hour away from where he hunts. Morelands brother, Josh, had been headed to hunt himself when he heard Johnathan hollering in celebration, and went to investigate. It ran 177 yardsan incredible distance for a deer with a 190-grain broadhead inside of him. We called the buck Spider Man because we had hundreds of velvet pictures of him with a spider web in front of the camera.. "I hunted every weekend in 2013," Ryan recalls. He was a good-looking, 150-class 10-pointer. The larger buck snort-wheezed twice. No more high anxiety walks up to a world-class deers bedroom. My dad started taking me when I was three years old. I shot a giant, not only with the body size, but the headgear to boot. "There was no way he could get any bigger. This time he got a gross non-typical score of 261 3/8, with a net of 230 7/8. It was heaven-sent to our family. Wisconsin: 33 deer per square mile. Sept. 25, 2021, brought warm temperatures in the 80s and clear skies. He watched the buck working a licking branch from his tree, but again, didnt have a shot. Last year, we thought he was a really great deer, but this year, hes a world-class 8-pointer. As I walked up to him, it started dawning on me how big the left horn was. The buck was as massive as hed looked on camera, and the biggest Moreland had ever killed. I was just hoping he would survive in 2013 and not lose too much . Is This the Largest Buck of the 2019 Deer Season. It wouldn't be until spring 2013 that the bowhunter would find the matching sheds and see how big the rack really was. Around 2:30, Hall heard some deer and spotted two does walking through the water. Id have him on camera morning and evening. Many mallards were saved during his absence from the flooded timber. To their surprise, he wasnt there. "I didn't see him fall or hear him crash, but I could see the blood trail from the stand. Your rifle is your most important hunting tool, and knowing how to properly clean and store it when hunting season comes to a close is critical in keeping it in tip-top shape. He was quartering to my right and I let him put another 100 yards between us so I could get turned. "But he evaded me. For more information, call the St. Francis National Forest at (870) 295-5278. Hall hunts some swampy ground, and some of it is navigable by water. I had just built a rifle but hadnt set the scope. The Boyett buck sits at . Mississippi Sportsman Frequently Asked Questions. The buck was as massive as he'd looked on camera, and the biggest Moreland had ever killed. Lance Hills South Carolina StudScore: 155 inchesDate of Kill: Aug. 22, 2021Location: Calhoun County, S.C.Weapon: 7mm-08 Weatherby. In July, Lee found a track that looked like Leftys. Indiana: 28 deer per square mile. A native of Hattiesburg and graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, Cleveland lives on Ross Barnett Reservoir near Jackson with his wife Pam. "He stopped at 40 yards, standing behind some trees. This deer means so much, Reed said. Here are all of the results: 1. In no specific order at this time. It was so thick that he couldnt see what made the sound, though. Eric Mullina thought it would be a good decision to hunt whitetails with Indian Hill Outfitters last season, and he was right. After a while, he looked for the deer and recovered his buck. Moreland, who always brings his camera along to film hunts, talked to the rolling camera for about 20 minutes before settling into his climber to wait. His stand location was in a draw between two ridges that led to a destination ag field. I had this weird feeling. They hoped itd survive another season or two. He was about 50 yards and I was going to have to shoot left-handed, which I didnt want to do.. What do you think Jimmy would do? Lance asked. Hunting public land, he killed a buck in the Natural State that would make a Midwesterner swoon. Throughout the day, we saw a few bucks that I rattled in, one being a nice 4-year-old, Kamps said. The limited gun hunting and rich Delta soil combine to make this a hotspot for big deer. Ive been hunting all my life, Murdaugh said. In fact, he wouldnt be able to see the slain 163-inch buck until the following afternoon when his friend brought the deer to the hospital parking lot. Part of the beauty (and difficulty) of hunting with traditional equipment, is that you have to hunt close. Right before Halloween, his trail cams captured good photos of the deer during daylight. My thermals would be rising. With such success behind him, Jon felt all of his hunting dreams already had come true. Again, Moreland tried to call his buddy with the tracking dog again, but couldnt reach him. But Ryan isn't just any hunter. He never looked back; he just kept walking. We all shared an emotional moment. It is also the new state record for the biggest buck killed with archery equipment. All of the efforts Hall invested in hunting this buck including boat rides and many dawn-to-dusk hunts culminated in shooting a buck that he might never best, and almost certainly not in Arkansas. And I knew I would get to do some duck hunting, now that the buck was dead. On Nov. 24, Hall launched his boat around 9:30 a.m. and reached his stand half an hour later. Field Dressed Weight: 431-Lbs. This, however, wasn't the last of the action. This great non-typical also is the latest member of Kentucky's all-time Top 30 list. Hunter convicted of poaching largest black bear ever seen in Pa. county Lefty was gone., Then, our family received news that rocked me to my core, Lee said. It scored 164 6/8 and ranked 9th overall. Skis are easily the most efficient way to cover snowy ground on foot in winter. We couldnt believe what we were looking at. Location: Calhoun County, S.C. Then, the buck disappeared again for more than a week.. From the Los Angeles Blade, December 12, 2022: Meet the Bisexual Wife of Pennsylvania's New US Senator. Wilson sat back down in his tripod stand, realizing how he stuck out in the huge cutover. I unhooked from the rope attaching me to the safety harness, and I made it two steps down. Lee Dixon and his father have been hunting together for 28 years. Did I hit him in the leg? Arkansas deer usually score around 120 to 130 inches, Moreland says. However, this 4-year quest came to fruition on the most stereotypical whitetail rut day on the calendar for most of North America: Nov. 15. Oklahoma hunter kills possible state record deer in Logan County I turned in his direction and prepared to shoot. The giant non-typical sported a typical 1211 frame, but was scored as a non-typical because of an abundance of small kicker points. Like many of his fellow Arkansans, Ryan is a deer and duck fanatic. World Record Whitetail: The Top 5 Typical Archery Bucks I saw a big-bodied deer with extremely wide antlers that day, too, but I thought it was just a 6-point. MILWAUKEE (AP) Cleveland Browns owners Jimmy and Dee Haslam have agreed to purchase Marc Lasry's 25% stake of the Milwaukee Bucks in a deal that puts the value of the NBA franchise at $3.5 billion, two people with knowledge of the negotiations said Monday. This was a resident buck., Thinking the deer would remain on the property, they decided to not hunt the farm that year. I knew he was a shooter, but I didnt really see all that he had. 186'' GIANT BOW BUCK!!! | The Tale of Road Runner - ARKANSAS - YouTube Late November through December is usually the prime time for breeding, as that results in higher fawn survival. Im a pretty good rifle shot; for some reason it comes naturally to me, and I dont typically miss. However, the 10-pointer he got was the biggest buck hes ever seen on the property. Eastern Arkansas farm country is home to a growing number of record-book deer. Despite having broken off a 9-inch tine on his left side when he crashed, there was no ground shrinkage. I had a shooting lane through the pine trees. The spread was 16 5/8 inches, and the longest tines were the two G2s at 8 1/8 and 7 7/8 inches. At just about any time I could have gone and seen him a mile away in a bean field. I purchased a lifetime license before leaving there.. Ryan's buck had the genetics and nutrition to continue to skyrocket. An hour or so later, at 7:30 a.m. on Dec. 22, Hooper would realize his good fortune when a bigger buck, not showing the rutting behavior of the many that had passed that morning, suddenly appeared. Clickhereto read about other big bucks killed this season. It was another doe, and the big buck was right behind her. Knowing it wasnt a great shot, Johnathan called a buddy who had a tracking dog. I was in the wide open, but it worked out. Everytime we go out, we can get our hopes up that the deer crunching the leaves behind the stand we're in is one we have only seen in our dreams until now. So, Lance went with that. "About 50 yards behind the doe, there he was. He had cameras at the private hunting lease he hunts with his brother, Josh. []. West Virginia hunters killed a total of 118,606 deer . Of course, a multi-year quest for any buck is emotionally taxing. Watson has been bowhunting on his familys 450-acre farm since he was 10. To our surprise, nothing. I leaned Dads .25-06 against the tree and tried to collect myself, he said. The brother came to join Luke for the search, and the two found the buck dead in that last treetop. Alabama: 25 deer per square mile. Although leery of making any predictions on the buck's score, the bowhunter knew the rack was considerably larger than the 193-inch sheds. The rack's 21 6/8-inch inside spread certainly helps to show off its unique character. . And he was this time., My emotions were not what I had thought they would be in this moment, Lee continued. The buck turned broadside, and Hall grunted to stop the buck for a top-pin shot. "My dad started taking me as soon as I could climb a deer stand. Contributor Brad Fenson takes to the grill, to cook up some delicious venison burgers. Justin Kamps first learned of this deer in 2019, but it wasnt on their radar. It was overcast with temperatures in the 30s and 40s. We werent cutting tracks from Lefty like we had in the past, Lee said. And wouldn't you know it not long after the cousins had sat down, the 9-pointer appeared, walking directly behind a good 7-pointer. Still, he was able to get to full draw, settled the pin on the giant buck and took the 20-yard shot. When the Washington Blade caught up with Gisele Barreto . It made for a wonderful holiday trip to his old home. In fact, going into 2013 he'd shot two net Boone & Crocketts: one a non-typical scoring over 200, the other a typical from public land. Fast forwarding to Sept. 7, 2021, the day brought hot temperatures. He was directly downwind of me and lifted his head and sniffed," Ryan recalls. Countrywide, it isnt often you get to hunt in August, let alone with a rifle. Deer was killed in Clarion County, Pa. , weighed 412 lbs. The buck ran about 35 yards, and Lucas watched him fall. I hunted him pretty hard, but never encountered him.. The hunt unfolded on Nov. 28. Ryan hunted the buck all season but saw him just one time from the tree stand. County: Hunter: Date : 221 1/8: non: Washington: Richard Little: He'd lost a split G-2, but he'd grown a drop tine and matching split brow tines.". Jason Lucas didnt have any history with this buck from prior seasons, but he knew this was a surefire target when he first saw it in 2021. He grew up around hunting and intuitively knew how to put the pieces together on this home-turf trophy. After several minutes of waiting for a shot opportunity, the deer finally turned broadside. Jacob Latimer first learned of this buck during the 2020 deer season. Then there were the two drop tines, with the longest being 7 inches off the left beam. So was Lefty. Only 22, Wilson knows matching this kill will not be easy, not in Pike County. Blocker Outdoors Finisher gloves, headcovers and other accessories are available in Mossy Oak Bottomland and Mossy Oak Obsession NWTF camouflage patterns to match various turkey hunting terrain. The firearms seasons are only five days collectively. I took one last look at his antlers, couldnt believe what I was looking at, and then took aim. During the summer of 2019, the big buck appeared regularly in a few fields close to where Hall hunts. Trust me: I thanked the good Lord numerous times for this buck and for letting me miss that first buck, he said. Is This Gagger Monster Buck the New State Record? Whitney Reeds Oklahoma HammerScore: 166 inchesDate of Kill: Nov. 23, 2021Location: Garvin County, Okla.Weapon: CVA Cascade in .308 Winchester. The John and Gisele Fetterman Romance: A Ken Burns Documentary He was hunting near a pond and a small field. Subscriber Services. In 2012, Ryan hunted this deer exclusively. At this point hes probably 30 yards, and this one doe starts stomping, so he turns and starts walking toward them.. This season, Murdaugh had the opportunity to cash in some of that knowledge on a huge whitetail. From his stand, he was able to see the buck go down. The Land of Giants: Where the Biggest Bucks Were Killed in the Last He was hunting hill country in a 65-acre hay meadow, which was part of the larger 160-acre cattle operation. I knew about this buck in 2018, he says. The state archery record is a 188 5/8 buck from Pawnee County which was killed by Gunner Womack of Morrison two years ago. Bucks like this in New Hampshire on public land are far and few, Martinson said. I killed a lot of deer with a gun before I started bowhunting about six years ago. Four hours later, Latimer returned, and followed the trail 140 yards to where the buck had fallen. SEO - Arkansas Biggest Deer Arkansas Bowhunter Falls From Treestand After Arrowing the Biggest Buck Then I raised his head to see the right side and almost passed out. In addition to being the top non-typical bow buck in Arkansas history, this giant was the state's biggest killed by any hunter, gun or bow, in 2013. It looked like they were going to get into it, but when the big one got a visual on the doe, he changed moods instantly. One day, while Lee was with him at his house, his father confirmed his fears. Then, later in the season, he finally crossed paths with the deer one last time. Every deer I harvest means something. Ryan hunted this buck for four years on family property. They ran off when a small 4- and 8-pointer walked into the field. All North American Whitetail subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Non-Typical: 312 inches. He passed away the week before, and this was the first time I went hunting after his passing., Jake Murdaughs Oklahoma MonsterScore: 194 inchesDate of Kill: Nov. 28, 2021Location: Pittsburg County, Okla.Weapon: .308 Winchester.

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biggest buck killed in arkansas

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