bannerlord can't recruit lords

It will help for sure but they need to be poor, scared and preferably mad at king too! That way, if the conversation doesnt end well, you can just reload the game and start over. Keeping an extra save isnt just to ensure that you can reload when you fail the dialogue checks. I swear that mod Is so good I wont ever play the game vanilla anymore what a goddam headache this process would be without diplomancy its already a headache with the mod. Just to be clear, you cannot compensate for them having a fief or you faction being much weaker then theirs's just by having high relations. Capturing them will forever remove the option to recruit them. 12524. Yup, that was it. However, there is one downside. #1. Ralf's Recruiter - Nexus Mods :: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Concerning upgrades, you'll be able to do this once your units have leveled up. Yeah I was able to before this last patch :/. I don't understand why javelins cost so much, and why arrows cost thousands too. (as you can see in the image below.). I think he was joking (at least I hope so). If you are already on good terms with a certain lord, then it will be much easier to recruit them. All rights reserved. I am near broke constantly even with my shops maxed out, because I am chasing random conspiracy quests across the world map all the time, and I lose any walled towns I own or castles while doing so. What requirements do I need to meet? 2: Power situation of thier faction versus yours. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord prisoners | Rock Paper Shotgun , defeat them and release after battle for +relations, hire some merc clans and you'll be getting vassals in not time (maybe)! A lot of people assume so, but it isn't so. Does anyone know how to get lords to join your faction??? I can get any landless lord to negotiate regardless of relation. I went to multiple lords and got to the barter screen and offered up to 800k and still no lord will accept. How to Recruit Enemy Lords in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord The goal is to focus on imprisoning higher-tier units so you can recruit them down the line. The cost of recruiting larger clans is always greater that recruiting smaller clans. So, should you recruit enemy lords in Bannerlord? 10. Happens with every culture as well. Recruiting Lords to your kingdom? It will ask you if you want to relinquish your fiefs and your going to say no. Vlandia. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All you have to do is reach out to a clan leader and tell them that their faction's ruler is not worthy of their loyalty and attention. Truth be told, most of these actions especially those that increase your renown and influence will lead you to unending war. You will immediately go to war with your old faction. Anybody who knows better, feel free to correct me or add stuff I missed. This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before. The power is the field parties + garrisons (not militia), the more fiefs and clans (parties) your faction has the more attractive you are! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Before you can even think about recruiting lords into youre kingdom youre going to have to be apart of one first!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'setreadygame_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-setreadygame_com-medrectangle-4-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'setreadygame_com-leader-2','ezslot_5',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-setreadygame_com-leader-2-0');Essentially there are two ways that you can be apart of a kingdom; joining an existing faction as a vassal or creating your own kingdom. If the faction is lower it will cost more. A subreddit and community for the Mount & Blade series, created by TaleWorlds Entertainment. This is with lords of high relation, I have plenty of renown, what else am I supposed to do to lower the bartering cost. You can level their skills, gear them up with the finest armor - or silk dresses, your choice - and ask them to join you in battle. Getting the best soldiers in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord won't immediately make you the ruler of all kingdoms, but it will certainly get you a little closer to that goal. Winning battles means increasing Influence and Renown. The chance you can successfully recruit a lord will depend on a few factors. If they like thier king they are hard (expensive) to get and more likely to flip flop back to that faction later, but if they don't like them but have a good relation to you, they are easier and will stay. Happens with every culture as well. For now, weve found out that you can also run into endless loop bugs while trying to recruit an enemy lord. How to Recruit CLANS in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - Quick Guide to It's a video game, it doesn't need fan fiction to explain why you never run out of arrows. I can teach you, just watch this video ;)Link to Previous Guide below!Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe! Once you have found that lord an he is not in a castle or in an army, go to your Clan screen and click leave Kingdom. do what everyone else docraft javelins and talk to lord outside towns/castle and use javelins as payment hehework everytime. For best results, look for nobles who already own settlements. but still, recruiting can be expensive. Will it improve or decrease your relationship with the enemy kingdom? In this Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord quick guide, we'll show you how to Recruit CLANS, and boost your Kingdom with more Lords! How to Unlock Smithing Parts Quickly in Mount and Blade Bannerlord, Find the leader of the clan you want to recruit, Speak with this leader and tell them there is something you wish to discuss, Go through the charisma checks and try to convince them your kingdom is worth joining, Barter with the lord and bribe them to have them join. If you recently captured an enemy lord's army and want some of their higher-level units . Recruiting lords to your kingdom. | TaleWorlds Forums Recruiting Lords to your kingdom? : r/Bannerlord - reddit If you werent able to convince a lord, it may take a while until the dialogue option is made available again; the cooldown seems to be variable. some can even ask for 1 million or more if they have a fief. The same process also applies once you form your own kingdom. Instead, if you let them go, their relationship with you will increase a lot. Bannerlord troops: Which are the best Bannerlord factions and units My character is charming enough and can easily persuade other lords to his cause, but then they want payment, and the payment is insanely high, I estimate that they want well over 200,000 gold maybe even 300,000 or 400,000. You can talk to them, but there isn't a lot you can say. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Recruiting enemy lords. The best way for your to conquer the map of Calradia is with manpower! Mistake? It's not an infinite quiver of arrows, the implication is that the player picks up arrows from the battlefield after the battle. You can open the topic of discussion by speaking to a head of a clan, telling them that their factions ruler is not worthy of their loyalty. Look for lowly lords, ones with no property/fiefs, they normally run cheaper as well. Once you are apart of a kingdom, you can start recruiting lords to join you! Marriage and children - is it worth it? | Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord You wont start with any vassals, and youll have to recruit characters from other kingdoms. The lord will offer to join your kingdom and youll need to trade gold or other items to make them accept. For more information, check out our guides and features hub. So then I had the idea to break off a start a new kingdom in Vlandia's place with their old lords. Also the AI is constantly ant swarming me with little groups of soldiers to burn my villages reducing all income. This means that when you manage to convince someone to join every lord in their clan will join you too. My character is charming enough and can easily persuade other lords to his cause, but then they want payment, and the payment is insanely high, I estimate that they want well over 200,000 gold maybe even 300,000 or 400,000. You can find out how to raise your charm skill by following this guide. For the ones playing the realistic version like me, you wont get to do that, so RIP. Now, its time to learn how to recruit enemy lords on Bannerlord. If youre at war with a kingdom and you manage to recruit one of their vassals, their entire clan will bring all their holdings to help your expansion significantly. Donations. If you are reporting a bug, please head over to our. The first companion you'll have in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is none other than your sibling. Note 2: Assuming you dont want to recruit nobles, you can ransom them instead in any settlements tavern. You can also ransom some nobles if youre not looking forward to recruiting them. Just kidding. It might still work if youre at war but you avoided grabbing their territories prior to recruiting them. Taking a castle or Town also depletes my army so that I need to recruit more troops, while doing so another conspiracy quest will inevitably pop up ad nauseum. Bannerlord enable cheat mode - Version 1.0.1. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It started by executing a few nobles, but the relation spike snowballed across every. The main goal of your campaigns in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord is going to be to conqueror the entire map of Calradia. After concurring all their holdings the lords are very interested in defecting again. You can find out how to raise your charm skill by following this guide. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The recent e1.0.5 patch made it considerably harder to recruit enemy lords for the players whove previously captured settlements from the enemys territory. The intricacies of all the Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord factions aren't immediately obvious to those without a strong knowledge . These include how much the lord likes you, their traits and your charm level. Recruit. Sturgia. Simply put, if you want to recruit lords, do so before conquering their kingdoms land. You increase your influence, territory, and allies, whilst not fighting at all. Hey also, i think that only the leader of a clan will provide the option to recruit them, all other members of that clan will just give the response about them being happy with their current liege. The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. Note 1: Enemy lords captured in battle cannot be recruited, but you may (a) keep them as prisoners in your party, (b) imprison them in a dungeon, or (c) execute them. All this in mind, when I go to recruit a clan, I breeze through the persuasion with over 100 charm . Since creating your own kingdom from scratch is quite difficult and not really the point of this guide I will keep it brief. I guess Vyldur just really wanted to show off his new, recolored cloak. Recruit Everyone - Fixed and Updated at Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

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bannerlord can't recruit lords

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