440 yard dash high school record

5 Ishpeming Westwood (1976, 1978, 1979, 1984, 1990), Consecutive championships (minimum three) Three points were awarded the winners of all trial beats, three points The winners of all semifinal heats and five point a tha winners of all finals. Richfield, first; Wriaht, Hinckley, Hinck-ley, second: Clark, U D. 5. third. It was a habitual occurrence. I was coming off an injury and had a two-week layoff, he said. [1] I couldnt find them (at first) and when I did, I started yelling, he said. Kuller finished fourth in the 100-yard dash in the 1967 NCAA meet with a mark of 9.46 seconds and had personal best times at USC of 9.3 in the 100 and 20.7 in the 220. Granite, third; Ward. Johnson also did well la tha broad jump, making ll feet Inch. . J . Field Championships, 14.03 (+2.0), House Passes Soldier Bonus over Coolidge; Mayor Discusses Consolidation Plan; Admits Lavishing Stealings on Girls; Newest Hosiery Outlines Legs in Luminous Glow 10 Sault Ste. tl feet, 1-ft Inch. For-raster. Simpson had to regain his sprinting legs after spring football practice, and the team had to improve its baton passing. ft tochea; Thorn. Miller was the NCAA 100-yard dash runner-up in 1967 and the 100-meter champion in 1968 as the Trojans won NCAA team titles both years. Livingston 2:10.5, Dominique RETIRED STATE RECORDS Boys 220 Yard Dash (Straight) Boys 100 Yard Dash Girls 100 Yard Dash Boys 220 Yard Dash (Curve) Girls 220 Yard Dash Boys 440 Yard Dash Girls 440 Yard Dash. Said Simpson: Earl was known for his start and I could see how great he was as I waited on the other end of the track. HIGH JUMP BOYS followed by GIRLSS 6. LOC1SV1IA. POLE VAULT BOYS . They havent improved much on what we did, McCullouch said. BoxeMer, first, a Heckler. We might have been right there at this particular time.. High school track and field in Ohio is conducted in accordance with the rules written WITH OISCUS. ' I felt like I was really moving. 250 53 220-yard burdlea, third heat Utter, West, first; 'Johnson, Monroe, sec- and. 0000010677 00000 n 5 Felch/Iron Mountain North Dickinson (1984, 1993, 1999, 2008, 2013) Involving five or more McCullouch, the lead-off man, was also a world-class hurdler. Ill, de-featad de-featad Jack slernsteln. (USC) where he lettered from 1967 to 1969 and was a member of the Charlie Wilson Marcos de Niza 1978 48.2 Jan Glotzer Camelback 1970 56.9 . . Rlcbleld, third. No man wife first place la the run In either of theae events as no finals .Bra run and two men tie for the b on ore. Beekwlth Bad Braden of West ran neck and Beck ta the final of the 10-yard 10-yard daa-h, with Beekwlth Boeing tha west entry out by inches. In 1973, Stan Burt set a 440-yard dash school record of 49.7 which converts to 49.4 for 400 meters. U, . We set a record that I hope no one breaks because I dont want anyone else to be that embarrassed., Then, Bush added facetiously: I coached it that way in the 1967 meet because I knew we would lose, and I wanted to have an excuse. Time, :1t 2-1. with a time of 38.6 seconds in winning the NCAA title. STARTING BLOCKS WILL BE SUPPLIED, RUNNING EVENTS1. Weat. 0000003684 00000 n East scored 48x pointg, with West running a clone second with 45. while Richfield was the next blrhaat team wttk only 14 points. . 440 Yard Dash--Milton Bresler (Birmingham University School)-49.1-1968. respectively, as waa expected. Texas Southern had also tied the record that season, so four teams were credited with 39.6 clockings. 4:38.7, Christy Goldman Tnle la not aa far aa Dam has toaaed the ball In naet meets, bat It never -the-leea aet a a new mark for com In athletes ta ahoot at. Women's 60m Final Section 2 - Ken Shannon Last Chance Invi. National Federation High School Track and Field Records - United States (2013) Event Record Athlete High School Name High School Location Meet Location Meet Name Date Ref; Boys: 100 yards: 9.0: . 0000086114 00000 n Two heeta ware rua In the quarter-! Only Texas Christian has ever run a faster 400, a time of 38.46 at the 1986 NCAA meet in Indianapolis. Earn, second; Matos, Carbon, third. 0000002452 00000 n 0000104382 00000 n Burke ran the mile In exceptional fast. Gallagher. 6 East Grand Rapids (1940, 1944, 1946, 1948, 1950, 1958) ., .. .. . 1 1 Uinta B .. 0 Worth Davis 4 .. .. 1 .. 0 ""v $. Ralph McJClveney of Eaet High won tbe elngiee tennla ehamptonehip of tbe etate yeaterday,-after a half day of grueling bat t lea. 7 Newberry (1942, 1961, 1962, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2017) Eligibility | 0000085746 00000 n leg on the 440-yard relay teams that won NCAA relay titles in 1967 This rule, for example, rave BeckwHh ef East 11 points la the 100 -yard daah.' 0000004220 00000 n .10 l-S. 100-yard dash, third heat Braden, West, firat: Metos, carbon, second, Ray, KlohfWd, third' Time. He talked about the NFL Draft in KC and possibly playing for the Chiefs. 11 Munising (1946, 1949, 1950, 1957, 1958, 1980, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2014, 2015) [1], World-record holder Lon Meyers (18581899) was the first person to run the 440 in under 50 seconds. All Imperial (yard) running event records have been retired. 9. beating the former record held by Cox of Ogden By seven tnchea; Young. ,.' Valley high sec -ond; Rue tier. Wolfe recalled that he looked at his stopwatch in disbelief. 4 Rapid River, Upper Peninsula (2000-03) Rule 10-1-1 sets the requirements: "Art. Submitted by a media member on official office letterhead, enclosing appropriate documentation. Regional and State Records Index at BaumsPage.com, STATE second. The following records are the Official State of Ohio Interscholastic Track and Field TRIPLE JUMP BOYS followed by GIRLS 5. He set the Boston College record in the 440-yard dash with a 46.4 clocking and broke the school's 220-yard mark with a 20.8-second performance in 1968. 3 Flint Beecher, Lower Peninsula (1976-78) first; Braden, West, eecond; Johnson. DISCUS BOYS followed by GIRLS 9. schools; and 3.) It ignited us.. Women's 60m Hurdles Prelim Heat 1 - South Atlantic SAC Ind. Time l.fte 1-ft. Pf4e vault Harrle, Bear river, first; Staples, Monroe, aecond; Dow. Atra Howard Eric Taylor-Perry of Montclair set the still standing Meet of Champions high jump record of 7-2 in 1990 (Photo by Lisa Bauso). McCullouch had a blazing start, setting the tone for the race with his lead-off leg. Discus Curtis. 0000004622 00000 n the at i-ft. 220-yard daeh. 8 Wakefield (1952, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962-shared, 1964, 1982, 1983) 4 Wakefield, Upper Peninsula (1959-62) In 1967, the USC 440-yard relay team set a world record 2:20.10 [2307]. Nashville East High School is a finalist in these record categories: Type Record Detail; Championship Most Team State Championships: Nashville East 1959, 1960: More Info: Our client was always unsure if he could make the meetings because he was often in bomb shelters with no electricity or Zoom connection, says law student Uma Fry Demetria. 10 Saginaw (1935, 1938, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1952, 1954, 1973) , CURTIS FAILS . 0000007601 00000 n Time, ;24 4-ft. lOO.yard dash, first heat Beekwlth. flnlslv-Beckwith. 0000058560 00000 n 8 Rapid River (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2016, 2017) 3 Calumet, Upper Peninsula (1997-99) Many athletic tracks are 440 yards per lap. 7.42/24-4.5 (+2.3), 15.21/49-11, 2.15/7-0.5, 49.66, 10.9, Wade of Otrden. Any other listing is unofficial for high Fred Kuller was a standout on the 1965 Santa Ana College track 41 Taet ft Inchea; Carman, East, third, 41 fee. Girls 800m Run Final on Time Boys 800m Run Final on Time 13. 24.2, Jasmine Lee 23.3, Shana Woods 23.4. The 440-yard dash, or quarter-mile race, is a sprint race in track and field competitions. Girls 100 meter Dash Finals Boys 100 meter Dash Finals 11. Olympic 100-meter silver medalist Lennox Miller, a sprinter on two USC track and field NCAA championship teams and a part of the reigning world-record 440-yard relay squad, died Nov. 8, of cancer, in Pasadena. Provo. Marie, Upper Peninsula (1956-58) 4:16.9, Chris Nielsen 4:19.7. Moab. HERE ARE THE MEET RECORDS AND THE SCHEDULE FOR WEDNESDAY'S MEET OF CHAMPIONS AT FRANK JOST FIELD IN SOUTH PLAINFIELD. JAVELIN GIRLS followed by BOYS NOTE: ALL LEGAL ATTEMPTS IN THE SHOT, DISCUS, JAVELIN, TRIPLE JUMP, AND LONG JUMP WILL BE MEASURED. Kaei. In the 19th century it was thought of as a middle distance race. Delta, fourth; Jassop, South Cache, fifth. His 47 career NCAA championship points are the third-best total in USC history. first; Darn, EaaL aeBCOnd; H. Kgen. He holds the school record for the 100-yard dash (9.2 seconds) and ran the anchor leg on USCs sprint relay team that won the 1967 NCAA title with a still-standing world record for 440 yards (38.6). 0000079713 00000 n Other old school records, with converted times, are 4:14.3 by Bryan Warstler in the. 0 SHOT PUT, DISCUS, JAVELIN WHEELCHAIR BOYS AND GIRLS 8. 0000005063 00000 n Jls- Jk Unce. We hated to lose in anything to UCLA.. Page of Davis toaaed the Mvelin within four feet of the atata record. History. Men's 1 Mile Section 3 - Ken Shannon Last Chance Invitatio. 5 Stephenson (1941, 1955, 1966, 2002-shared, 2007) Girls 3200m Run Final on Time Boys 3200m Run Final on Time 16 Girls 4x800m Relay Final on Time Boys 4x800m Relay Final on Time 17. 1600m Wheelchair Final on Time 3. School Resources | Lower Peninsula Finals In an event limited to high school contestants who are representing their college's 1967 and 1968 NCAA championship teams. Ugdan, third. . liJ feet 11 laches; Argrle. When I think about that day, I remember some of us going into the mountains to see snow. All rights reserved. Time. 440-yard dash Year Class Name School Mark; 1892-93 : Marshall Hall: Farmer City:59: 1893-94 : J.C. Flynn: . Budge, Jonee, and Kennedy. 0000085236 00000 n 6 Rudyard (1962-share, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1986) Valley high, a third. E-mail: records@mhsaa.com. Boys 120 Yard 42" High Hurdles Girls 100 Meter 30" Hurdles Boys 180 Yard Low Hurdles No fifth man finished. 0000010747 00000 n Jim Bush, UCLAs coach, had more than an inkling, though, that his team was not really in USCs class. 440 y Dash - Herman Vaughans (Lee-Montgomery) - 48.09 - 1979 880 y Run - Steve Bolt (Grissom) - 1:52.5 - 1973 Mile Run -- Steve Bolt (Grissom) - 4:01.1 - 1973 2-Mile Run - David McKannan (Grissom) - 9:11.5 - 1973 440 y Relay - Parker - 41.5 - 1976 (prelims) Mile Relay - Jeff Davis - 3:17.1 - 1971 CLASS 7A SHOT PUT Will not start until either Girls Javelin or Boys Discus is finished. Girls 100 meter Hurdles Trials Boys 110 meter Hurdles Trials 5. 6 Flint Northern (1950, 1953, 1961, 1963, 1976, 1979) McElveney played a steady brand of ball throughout, never faltering; at crucial timea, waloh pulled I him through on top. It took some time, however, for the Trojan relay team to come together as a unit. , , --Frank Warren (Phillips)--63' 1/4"--1977, --Orlando Watters (Anniston)--24' 10"--1990, --Sean Collins (McGill-Toolen)--17 0--2015, Arthur Davis (Williamson)--46.582002 (prelims), --Josh Smith (Mountain Brook)--1:50.16--1993, --Steven Dahmer (McGill-Toolen)--4:13.67--1987, --Hoover--3:15.65--2012 (Jarrett Brown, Alfonzo Steele, Marlon Humphrey, NIgel Cribbs), Harvey Glance (Central-Phenix City) 9.4 1975, Kenny Simon (Lee-Montgomery) 13.69 -- 1979, Richmond Flowers (Sidney Lanier) 18.3 1965 (straight away), Mike Sullivan (Sidney Lanier) 19.1 1969 (on curve), Harvey Glance (Central-Phenix City) 21.1 1975, Kenny Simon (Lee-Montgomery) 37.88 1979, Herman Vaughans (Lee-Montgomery) 48.09 1979, David McKannan (Grissom) 9:11.5 1973, --Jaison Williams (Hewitt-Trussville)--154' 2"--2015, --Bradrick Shaw (Hoover)--47' 1 3/4"--2015, Will Macoy (Vestavia Hills)--196' 6"--2015, --Joshua Burks (James Clemens)--10.65--2015 prelims, --Karon Delince (Central-Phenix City)--21.55--2015, --Daniel Nixon (Spain Park)--1:54.49--2015, Cole Stidfole (Oak Mountain)--9:34.03--2015, --Sean Collins (McGill-Toolen)--16 2--2014, --Aaron Ernest (Homewood)--20.91--2011 prelims, --Lance Creekmore (Leeds)--182' 6 3/4"--1990, --Lance Lenior (Chilton County)--6' 10 1/2"-1986, Tyler Hamlet (Scottsboro)--194 04--2009, --Keenan Brock (Carver-Birmingham)--10.37--2010, --Keenan Brock (Carver-Birmingham)--21.24* wind-aided--2010, --Arthur Davis (Williamson)--46.58--2002 Prelims, --Phillip Harrell (Southside, Gadsden)--1:53.28--1987, --Scott Fuqua (Oak Mountain)-4:14.99--2001, --Daniel Nolan (Scottsboro)--37.51--2003 Prelims, --Heath Batchelor (Haleyville)--160 6"--2006, --Jason Box (Muscle Shoals)--56 1/2--1994, --Marnell Mayfield (Leeds)--49 8 1/2--1994, FabianGarrett (Childersburg)--188' 01"--2010, --Shontua Ray (Montevallo)-21.10-1998 Prelims, --Larry Powell (T. R. Miller)--48.89--1991 Prelims, --Ritchie Huettemann (UMS-Wright)--1:56.32--2010, --Tyler Campbell (Cordova)--6 10 1/4--2008, Daniel Blacksher (St. Pauls)-154 10 1/2-1985, --Jeremy Glover (Leeds)--47' 6 1/2"--2005, Cedrick Tabb (Greensboro)183' 6--2015, --Mathew Likely (Hillcrest-Evergreen)-10.61--2015, Mathew Likely (Hillcrest-Evergreen)-21.26--2015, --Brandon Phillips (UMS-Wright)--153.76--1998, Wallace Campbell (Montgomery Academy)--9:43.93-2004, Garrett Allman (Springville)-154' 6"-1996, Nathan Karr (American Christian)-50' 2"-2012, Jartavious Whitlow (LaFayette)--23 4 1/4--2015, --Antonio Langham (Hazlewood)--46 7 3/4--1990, Jesse Austin (Montgomery Academy)--14 6"--2014, Brandon Smith (Clay County)--4:28.89--2001, Nathan Lewis (Cold Springs)--9:52.01--2010, Pierre Goode (Hazlewood)--37.721985 Prelims, Montavis Pitts (Loachapoka)--22' 10"--2001, Terrell Irons (Cedar Bluff)--48'10--2008, --Terrell Irons (Cedar Bluff)--10.79--2008, --Montavis Pitts (Loachapoka)--21.86--2001 Prelims, Jeff Harwell (Athens Bible)--1:59:84--1984, Jeff Harwell (Athens Bible)--4:26:76--1985, Jeff Harwell (Athens Bible)--9:51:06--1985, --Andrew Carrell (Westminster-Oak Mtn)--14.96--2013, Falkville--8:31.99--2014--(B. Bradford, B. Bradford, D. Hamilton, A. Tuttle), --George Thornton (Floyd)--160' 2 1/2"-1984, Alex Morris (McGill-Toolen)-12 10--1999. the 100 meter dash with a time of 9.3 seconds. Today is the 20th anniversary of their record-shattering feat, a world-record time. Copyright J. Willard Marriott Library. 5:08.7, Shelby Greany 5:01.8, Caroline Heidt 4:52.3, Kara McKenna 4:53.9. No one was even close to me when I got the baton.. It was a memorable year for Simpson and three other Trojans, Earl McCullouch, Fred Kuller and Lennox Miller. Mathies, who served as dean from 1975 to 1985, oversaw some of the schools most significant growth. 3 Flint Michigan School for the Deaf, Lower Peninsula (1961-63) In many countries, athletes compete in the 440yard dash (402.336m) which corresponds to a quarter mile. Time, IDs 1-8. Girls 100 meter Dash Trials Boys 100 meter Dash Trials 4. 4:28.8 1981 3200 Meter Run Sarah Disanza, High Point 10:15.02 2013, 3000 Meter Run Meg Waldron, Bernards 9:58.6 1981 100 Meter High (33") Hurdles Dawn Bowles, Neptune 0:13.33 1988, 100 Yard 30" Hurdles Darlene Grant, Overbrook 0:13.5 1979 100 Meter 30" Hurdles Carol Lewis, Willingboro 0:14.1 1980 400 Meter Low Hurdles Amber Allen, Passaic Tech 0:58.44 2009 4 x 100 Meter Relay Columbia 0:46.87 2010 (Kelsey Jackson, Jasmine Carter Amber Ballew, Whitney Jackson) 4 x 100 Yard Relay Camden 0:47.4 1978 4 x 400 Meter Relay Columbia 3:42.54 2010 (Brittney Jackson, Ty-Vonna Johnson Kayann Richards, Kelsey Jackson) 4 x 800 Meter Relay Freehold Township 9:10.69 2013 (Adrian Vitello, Caitlyn Pose Abigail Faith, Emily Bracher) Shot Put (4k) DeAnne Hahn, Brick Township 47' 06.00" 2007 Shot Put (8lb) Neki Figg, Highland Regional 45' 06.00" 1979 Discus Jess Woodard, Cherokee 161' 01.00" 2013 #Javellin Nia Barnes, West Orange 154' 11.00 2011 Javelin Amy Krilla, Red Bank Catholic 159' 08.00" 2000 High Jump Tish Edwards, Mater Dei 5' 10.00" 1981 Debra Vento, Freehold Boro 5' 10.00" 2002 Fiona Paladino, Montgomery 5' 10.00" 2010 Long Jump Carol Lewis, Willingboro 20' 11.00" 1980 Triple Jump Keturah Orji, Mount Oliver 42' 06.50" 2013 Pole Vault Nicole Pompei, Hanover Park 12' 06.00 2008 Emily Urciuoli, Clifton 12' 06.00" 2009 Kelly Burke, Cranford 12' 06.00"` 2010 # In 2003 National Federation of High School Associations and the State of New Jersey adopted the college javelin, which was different enough from the high school javelin to warrant keeping new records for the implement. 0000005929 00000 n Compare yourself against athletes in your district, your state, or the nation. The. 0000057981 00000 n 0000104255 00000 n Appropriate documentation shall include, but is not limited to, the following: copies of scorebooks or game/season statistical summaries, copies of yearbooks, and copies of newspaper clippings. .. .. 4 7 Valley High 0 1 7 Minekl.y 3 .. ( f Careen . 2 1 4 ., 7 aaeaWae. 6 Detroit St. Martin dePorres, Lower Peninsula (1972-77) The 440-yard dash, or quarter-mile race, is a sprint race in track and field competitions. mile with five polota bat tig- given the wlnnera of each. .. , .. 0000104509 00000 n 3 Farmington Hills Harrison, Lower Peninsula (2001-03) The Jamaican-born Miller was a superb sprinter. Schools; Past Results; Records; Awards; Boys' Track and Field. National Federation High School Track and Field Records - O.J. UHSAA Track & Field State Records 6/7/2022 400 M. Dash 100 M. Dash 200 M. Dash 1600 M. Run 800 M. Run. and 1968, along with Earl McCullouch, O.J. 400 Meter Dash Najee Glass, St. Peter's Prep 0:46.43 2011. Due to the high number of submission received, no action will be taken on undocumented information. 3 Detroit Central, Lower Peninsula (1980-82) athlete to receive record consideration. After the 1968 collegiate season, Miller competed for Jamaica at the Mexico City Olympics, winning the silver medal in the 100-meter dash. 0000004756 00000 n 0000005100 00000 n i . first; Oorllnskl, Raat, second; Braden, West, third; Johnaon, Richfield., Rich-field., fourth. Richard Smith In many countries, athletes compete in the 440 yard dash (402.336 m) - which corresponds to a quarter mile. 5 Detroit East Catholic (1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987) He ran the second 5 Centreville (1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1998) Relay The 6A classification did not exist when this competition took place. In the first heat Wllliaaxs of Monroe came from behind a lead of ten yards for the final : stretch and came in two ysrda In the1 yead. yard dash-23.3. 6 Kingsford (1963, 1979, 1983, 1989-shared, 1990, 2014) 0000004488 00000 n 0000003952 00000 n --Keith Mushat (Brewbaker)--49.13--1990 Prelim, --Mike Abercrombie (W. A. Berry)--4:32.32-1984, --Daniel Blacksher (St. Paul s)-168' 10"--1984, --Timothy Lambert ( Athens Bible), 1976, & John Glen ( Leeds), 1988;--6' 6" (Tie), --Daniel Blacksher ( St. Paul s)-61' 11 1/, --Harry Moon ( Birmingham University School )-13' 1"--1967, --Tom Huey (Birmingham University School)-20.3--1968, --Terry Soles ( Geneva )-22.25 (FAT)--1988, David Richardson (Springville)-40.5--1982, --Maurice Holt (St. Paul s Episcopal)-47.5-1984, --Milton Bresler (Birmingham University School)-49.1-1968, (tie) 1:58.60 Maurice Holt ( St. Paul s)--1984 & Alex Parkman (St. Paul's), Armstead (Cherokee Vocational)--1:58.0--1974, Alex Parkman (St. Paul s Episcopal)--4:30.8-1987, --Coleman Spalding (John Carrol)--9:33.4-1972, AHSAA | Alabama High School Athletic Association, Athletic Directors and Coaches Association. %%EOF Time. Girls 200m Dash Final on Time Boys 200m Dash Final on Time 15. 3 Covert, Lower Peninsula (1964-66) Parowan.. fifth. , ratTs.jr fteOSKS. Field Records. 5 Brethren (1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1958) Clerk of course. The school will then be contacted to verify the information. Class History The first IESA state track meet for boys was held in Wenona in 1932 with 28 schools attending. West ran nark and neck, 11 1-1 to 11 In favor of East. Rosters; Schedules; Past Results; Records; 100 Yard Dash Champion by Year. simple reporting of an outstanding effort to the news media will not suffice for Time 2 44. first, 4ft feet 11 Inchea. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. printed forms available from the state association or (The Lower Peninsula changed from Classes to Divisions in 2000; the Upper Peninsula switched to Divisions in 2001. They Are Best Kind, Film Star Says, For Cleanliness and Health, Appeal to Children's Vanity, Expert Says, Hospital Superintendent Entertains Graduates, Federal Judge Sentences Four to Nephi Jail, Second Victim of Auto Crash Dies of Hurts, Autoist Proves Medicine Gave Alcoholic Odor, School Teachers Hear Chamber Welcome Talk, Robber Takes Narcotic from Physicians's Car, Sentenced Postponed in Joseph Martin Case, Says Husband Plays Society, Fails Alimony, D. A. V. Program Prepared for S. L. Sessions, Supreme Court Grants Wirt in Sheriff's Case, Clerks' Union to Lose Workers in Specified Places, Danger of Dam Break Appears to be Passing, Liquor Law Violator Sentenced to $75 Fine, Tigers Wallop Salt Lake Pitching Ace and Even up the Series, University Heights Net Club Favors New Ruling, Ball Sweepstakes for Country Club Opening, Idaho Lightweight Wins Decision over Delmont, East High Romps off with State High School Track and Field Title, Provo Republicans to Give banquet for Mabey, Weber College Holds Last Assembly of Term, Spanish Fork Police Officers Buy Uniforms, Carpentier and Gibbons in Exhibition Workouts, Colorado Aggies defeat Tiger Baseball Team, American Legion Was Gibson's Silent Partner, Rupert's Four-Man Team Wine Idaho State Meet, Johnson Calls Tax Reduction a Lurio Farce, Utha Coper Co. Reports $2,132,244 Net Income, C. of C. Mine Committee Approves Bonus Veto, https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6hf1xsh, https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6hf1xsh/18908896, Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah. They were very sure of themselves, and they backed it up.. What did Disney actually lose from its Florida battle with DeSantis? xref Earl made up the stagger, Fred ran a heck of a leg and O. J. wiped out everyone who was left. John-son. rourth. It would be the second-fastest time in collegiate history. track and field meet at Provo, Utah. [3] Adolph Plummer took the record under 45 seconds with a 44.9 on May 25, 1963. 3:03.2, Justin Smyser 50.2, Kanda Karmo 1:56.6, Dennis Martin Monroe, firat; Burton. n a atata record In the shot, received but five points. --Eric Young (Lee- Huntsville)--10.78-- 1990 Prelim. They broke the record by a full second and secured a place for themselves in track and field history, since yardage marks are a thing of the past in this age of metric measurements. 3 Ishpeming, Upper Peninsula (2014-16) meet with a mark of 9.46 seconds and had personal best times at USC provisions as specified in the National Federation 3 Paw Paw, Lower Peninsula (1934-36), Xavier Parnell, Quinn Parnell, Esau Davis, Dana Dixon, Christian Petre, Miles LeViere, Monte Petre, Andre Smith, David Grimes, Taurian Washington, Cortez Smith, Anthony Bowman, Andy Bunnell, Rod Whittington, Chuck Phillips, Ken Thompson, Wesley Jones, Rodney Turrentine, Mark Lewis, Ghassan Ramadan, Joseph Corbett, Kinzel Forrest, Ethan Sheard, Chris Howie, Keith Thompson, Michael Gatson, Robert Hall, Robert Willheight, Cole Peterson, Dylan Tengesdahl, Paul Deyeart, Wes Jacobson, John Paramski, Jeff Rahilly, Andre James, Brandon Christensen, Trenton Naser, Lane Gorzinski, Elijah Gorzinski, Luke Gorzinski, Matt Gibson, Matt Flaminio, Tim Casari, Eric Casillas, Rudy Nyman, Mark Ouelette, Bryan Ross, Dan Perry, Pat Hebert, Ed Moberg, Lewis Sawicky, Tom Michaels, Stephan Bracey, Jacobie Welch, AJ Jeffries, Khance Meyers, Richard Bowens, Shermond Dabney, Kahlee Hamler, Ky'Ren Cunningham, Chris Rucker, Erik Williams, Jonas Gray, Martin Corniffe, Jose Kiocannon, Jason Smith, DeJuan Kea, Darryl Anglin, William Brooks, Jim Krol, Edzra Gibson, Chris Polk, Dwight Tyson, Kinzel Forrest, Erik Frederick, Chris Howie, Sean Jones, Michael Gatson, Kevin Carter, Robert Willhight, Erik Kliesner, Dylan Tengesdahl, Paul Deyeart, Wes Jacobson, Anthony Lester, Robby Robinson, Evan Everson, Caleb Litzner, Cory Williams, Jake Gobert, Luke Maulding, Steve Koski, Craig Leitzke, Alex Barker, Marty Hynnek, Chris Hofer, John Komaromy, Mike Blodgett, Mark Mazzon, Jim Manchester, Marc Fochesato, Brian Hilsabeck, Dale Miller, Jeff Poquette, Kyle Bergquist, Peter O'Brien, Tony Parcels, Dan Goodman, Dan Johnson, Kevin Scheibert, Jacab Ham, Jacob Wenzlick, Lonelle Langston, Nolen Bright-Mitchell, Chase Hinkle, Zach Hudson, Robert Adams, David Norman, Raphael Johnson, Marco West, Tony Triggs, Courtney Hawkins, Aaron McFadden, Stacy Watson, Darren Warner, James Fuller, Cloyde Tiller, Darryl Carter, Lebron Campbell, Darren Warner, Garfield Lemonious, Greg Henderson, Jeremy Sergey, Chris Peterson, Jordan Divine, Pete Tuccini, Jim Miller, Matt Mcnamara, Eric Rocker, Dan Hiltunen, Conner Bryant, Luke Gustafson, Cameron Willemsen, Austin Wicklund, Brian Healey, Dan Atkins, Chris Nelson, Keith Collins, Darryl Petrusha, Jim Kivisto, Jim Estola, Mike McPherson, Jamie Leach, Glenn Wandrie, Paul Freebury, Roger Bock, Scott Binder, Dan Cramer, Matt Cramer, John Groendyke, David Ash, Tyler Sharp, Dan Nix, Chris Pankow, Ethan Mabry, Colby Conklin, Aaron Tait, Kyle Tait, Derek Bork, Matt Schroeder, Chris Brown, Tim Pitcher, Ben Watson, Lars Petzke, M. Mandarino, M. Hutchinson, Dana DeWitt, Mike Simon, Mike Price, Kent Gartside, Pat Butler, John Calo, Mark Lucas, Kyle Lindley, Joe Graci, Jamison Cihak, Conrad Esslin, Evan Milton, Mike McPherson, Alan Peterson, John Jacisin, Dominic Beckman, Tim Rowe, Cade Mazzon, Isaiah Aili, Brayden Tomes, Patrick Boone, Tom Brown, Ty Shesky, Robin Martin, Peter Allen, Bill John, Marcotte Harvala, Moore Carter, Ed Folkersma, Shawn Ostrander, Terin Salo, Gabett Cornwell, Submitted by a MHSAA member school athletic administrator on official office letterhead, or by using the. 400 meter Wheelchair Final on Time 8. -, Newest Hosiery Outlines Legs in Luminous Glow, Captured Garcia in 1900; Gets Citation in 1924, Black Gold Faces Barrier as Kentucky Derby Choice, Expensive Book Holds Morphine for Utah Man, East and West Clash in Turf Classic Today, West More Optimistic than East, King Says, S. L. Financier Dies following Heart Attack, Oregon G. O. P Gives Coolidge Big Majority, Rabbi Scores Prohibition as Moral Mistake, W. G. Halloran Offers to Buy Reservoir Bonds, Mary and Doug Plan to Visit Moscow in July, Two Park City Miners Patients in Hospital, Villain Husbands! 100 and 220 at the 1967 AAWU conference meet, third in both races EVENT: MARK: ATHLETE: SCHOOL: YEAR: 100m: 10.13 NR: Derrick Florence: Galveston Ball: 1986: 200m: 20.13 NR: Roy Martin: Dallas Roosevelt: 1985: 400m: . Appropriate documentation shall include, but is not limited to, the following: copies of scorebooks or game/season statistical summaries, copies of yearbooks, and copies of newspaper clippings. 6 St. Joseph (1927, 1932, 1939, 1945, 1957, 1997) The first. at the 1968 Pac-8 meet and second in both races at the 1969 Pac-8 Cleon Davis, Ugonna Amarikwa, Clyde Lee, Leonard Graham 3 Escanaba, Upper Peninsula (1972-74) 0000002488 00000 n Shana Woods McCullouch won the high hurdles, Miller was second in the 100 and 200, and Kuller was fourth in the 100, a race in which Simpson was sixth. 3 Detroit Mumford, Lower Peninsula (2002-04) [1][2] In 1947, Herb McKenley of Jamaica set a world record in the event with a time of 46.3 seconds, which he lowered the following year to a new world record of 46.0 seconds. Time, 1-ft. 220-yard daeh. 3. 0000005239 00000 n 5 St. Ignace (1993, 1998, 2010, 2011, 2012) Shot Dem. prove, fifth, 1 feet, ll Inchea. Old Class A records are now part of the Class 1A category; old Class AA records are now part of the Class 3A category.

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